1930 British Industries Fair: Company U
'Note: This is a sub-section of the 1930 British Industries Fair
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UNION JACK PASTE CO. (W. S. Galloway), Hughenden, Seaford, Sussex.—Manufacturers of Ointment for hard skin on the feet; also Ointment for broken and unbroken chilblains, etc., called Forget-me-not." Stand No. B.24.
UNITED CHEMICAL ENGRAVING CO., Ltd., 12, Higham Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Teleph. : Central 1938. Cables: “ Chemigrave, Newcastle.—Manufacturers of Protractors on Celluloid for Educational and Drawing Office use. Mathematical, Scientific Instrument and Wireless Scales, Dials, Diagram and Nameplates Chemically Engraved on Celluloid, Ebonite and Metal. Stand No. A.195.
UNITED KINGDOM OPTICAL CO., Ltd., Mill Hill, London, N.W.7. Teleph. : Finchley 0538. Cables : Ukoptik, London."— Manufacturers of all kinds of Ophthalmic Lenses, Univis ", Akro-Univis ", “ Twofo ", and Akro " Fused Bifocals), ‘"Pervextor" Toric Lenses. Photographic Lenses; Readers, Condensers; Lenses and Prisms for Binoculars and for Instruments of Precision. Laboratory Lenses and Mirrors ; Galvonometer Mirrors. Stand No. A.176a.
UNIVERSAL POSTAL FRANKERS, Ltd., Victory House, 99/101, Regent Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Gerrard 8563 Cables : “ Francopost.”—Manufacturers of Universal ” and Midget ** Postal Franking and Recording Machines, Insurance Card Franking Machines, Post Office Cancelling Machines, Check Crossing Machines. Are sanctioned and in use in 34 different countries and colonies. See Advt. page 123.
UNIVERSAL SEAMLESS CONTAINERS, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Cables : Uniseamcon, London.”—Manufacturers of ail types of Wood Pulp Containers, for dry and liquid foods, tea, coffee, cocoa, powders, tobacco, milk, cream, novelty sweet containers, flower pots, fruit baskets, bowls, battery cases, etc. stand No. A.216.
UNO PRODUCTS, Beulah Works, Ladbrook Road, South Norwood, London, S.E.25. Teleph. : Thornton Heath 2186. Cables : “ Unoprodux, Southnor, London.’*—Manufacturers of Fibre Barrels, Cases, Cylinders, etc., to Railway Classification for Foodstuffs; Dry Chemicals; Powders; Greases, etc. The Uno Tinplate Container. Soiled Linen Hampers, Bath Stools, etc., in enamel and cellulose finish. Stand No. D.16S. UPCHURCH POTTERY, Rainham, Kent. Teleph.: Rainham Kent 81164.. Cables: Upchurch Pottery. Rainham, Kent.”—Manufacturers of Upchurch Pottery. Revival of old Roman works. All hand made. Shapes include Roman, Grecian and Chinese designs. The Matt surface and soft colourings of this pottery make it eminently suitable for flowers. Stand No. C.78.
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