1930 British Industries Fair: Company Z
'Note: This is a sub-section of the 1930 British Industries Fair
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ZEPHYR RACQUET PRESS, Ltd., 6, Duke Street, St. James, London, S.W.L Teleph. : Gerrard 0983 (3 lines). Cables : “ Zephpress, Piccy, London."—Patentees and manufacturers of the ‘‘ Zephyr " Tennis, Badminton and Squash Racket Presses. Macle of Die-cast Aluminium Alloy, combining strength with lightness. Pressure obtained by one adjustment. Stand No. E.70«
ZIMBO PRODUCTS (1929), Ltd., 130, Regent Street, London, W.L Teleph.: Regent 7946. Caloles: " Zimbrail, London." —Manufacturers of " Lecco " Stimulator (Health Motor), electrically operated Exerciser and Reducer, affording pleasant passive exercise and manipulative massage without effort. " Seats.
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