Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Radfords and Waddington

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1828 advertisement showing, at the top, a box mangle.

of Manchester

Ironmongers and makers of steam engines, gas apparatus, weighing machines. Located at Hanging Ditch.

1808 Advertisement: 'Radfords and Waddington, Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, Nail Manufacturers, Iron and Brass Founders, &c., Hanging Ditch and Scotland Bridge, Manchester, VERY gratefully acknowledge the many favours conferred upon them, more especially since their commencing the Foundery Business; and beg leave most respectfully to acquaint their Friends and the Public, that, in addition to their Models for Mill Work, &c. they have purchased ail the very valuable Wheel Patterns, which have been on the best principle, lately belonging to the Soho Foundery Company in this town ; forming together a most useful and extensive variety of Bevel, Spur, and Mitre Geer, which they do not hesitate to assert, are equal in point of Workmanship and Correctness any in the kingdom, printed lists of which are now ready for delivery.
R. & W. further beg leave to make this assurance, that no care or attention will ever be wanting in punctually and expeditiously executing whatever commissions may be entrusted to them.
Constantly ready for Sales, at their Warehouse, in Hanging Ditch, an elegant assortment of Register Grates, with Fire Irons and Fenders to suit; also Bath Stove, Forest, and Rumford Grates, Kitchen Ranges, Ovens, Boilers, &c. Money Chests and Bookcases, Stoves of a much-improved construction, Patent Mangles, Patent Smoke Dispersers, for the prevention of that great evil : Smoky Chimnies, &c. &c.'[1]

1812 Sale Notice: 'SALE BY AUCTION. By order of the assignees of William Wardle, a bankrupt, on Monday the ninth day of March, next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the house of William Sumner, the Dog Tavern, Manchester, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced; Lot 1 The Life Estate of the said bankrupt of and in all that IRON FOUNDRY, with the Messuage or Dwelling-house, outbuildings and gardens thereto belonging, situate and being in Foundry-street, near Scotland Bridge, Manchester aforesaid, formerly in the possession Mrs. Phoebe Fletcher, but now of Messrs. Radford and Waddington. This Lotis subject to Chief Rent of £49 8 9.
Lot 2. The Life Estate of the said bankrupt of and in all that Messuage or Dwelling-liouse and Shop, situate in Market-street-lane, in Manchester, aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. Lane, ironmonger. For further particulars apply at the office of Mess. Halstead and Ainsworth, Solicitors, Manchester.'[2]

1817 Advert: 'IRON FOUNDERY, &c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. Goodier, On Thursday the 20th day of March, 1817, at the White Bear Inn, in Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, precisely at 6 o'clock in the evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced;
Lot 1. All that moiety or equal half-part or Share of and in all that large MESSUAGE DWELLING-HOUSE, situate near Scotland Bridge, in Manchester aforesaid, called Horrocks-croft. Together also with part of the Garden to the front of the said Messuage. And of and in all that other Messuage or Dwelling-house, now used as a Store-house, adjoining the Messuage or Dwelling-house, herein beore described.
And of and in all those several Sheds, with the yard thereunto adjoining. And and in all that Iron Foundery, situate, standing and being at or near Scotland Bridge aforesaid, and commonly called or known by the name of The Manchester Old Iron Foundery ; with the Work Shops, Smithy, Air Furnaces, Stoves, Cupola, and other Chimnies, &c. and Stable thereunto belonging.
And of and in all the vacant Land lying on the westerly side of the said Foundery, used as Yard and usually occupied and enjoyed therewith. And and in all that piece or parcel of vacant Land, situate, lying and being, on the northerly side of the last mentioned Hereditaments, and usod and occupied a Yard along with the said Iron Foundery. And of and in all that other vacant plot of Land, situate, lying and being on the northerly side of the said last mentioned plot of Land, now or lately used a garden. All which said premises are now the occupation of Messrs Radford and Waddington as tenants therereof, of their undertenants.
Lot 2. All that Moiety, or equal half part share and all or Dwelling-house, Drying-house Stove, and Dye-house, situate near to or adjoining the said Iron Foundery, now in the occupation of Mr. John Frith, as tenant thereunto, or his undertenants. The whole of the above Premises is Freehold, subject to the payment of two Rents of and £30 and £9 9 7, a part of which will be apportioned at the time of Sale of each Lot. Further particulars may be had,....'[3]

Supplied a steam engine to William Cooke's calico printing mill at Micklehurst Vale, Cheshire [4]

In the 1828 - 1829 Pigot Directory Radfords & Waddington are listed as Engine Makers (steam), of Waterloo Foundry, David Street, Manchester. The 1849 OS map [5] shows the foundry entrance to be at the end of Waterloo Street, off David Street (which led from Portland Street to the Rochdale Canal). The foundry backed on to a branch of the Rochdale Canal, this branch also serving the Globe Iron Works, Dickinson Street Mill, and David Street Mill. The site of the foundry was later occupied by Bloom Street Power Station.

1828 See advert illustration. Addresses: Hanging Ditch and David Street (foundry).

1830 FIRE at WATERLOO FOUNDRY. MESSRS. RAFFORDS and WADDINGTON beg to return their best thanks to those of their Friends and Neighbours who exerted themselves so promptly and strenuously in arresting the progress of the FIRE on their Premises, on Wednesday evening last; and also to Mr. Lavender, Mr. Rose, and their Assistants, for the ready attention and active services which they afforded on the same occasion Waterloo Foundry, 15th January, 1830.' [6]

The 1841 directory shows that the Waterloo Foundry's owners were Radford & Co. The directory included a Joseph Radford, Iron Founder, whose home was at 15 Great John Street.

1838 Radfords and Co made cast iron beams for Ancoats Street Bridge over the Rochdale Canal. [7]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Manchester Mercury, 24th May 1808
  2. Manchester Mercury - Tuesday 25 February 1812
  3. Manchester Mercury - Tuesday 25 February 1817
  4. Advertisment for sale of mill, in the Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 10th May 1828
  5. The Godfrey Edition Old Ordnance Survey Town Plans: Manchester Sheet 33: ‘Manchester (Oxford Street & Gaythorn) 1849‘: [1]
  6. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, Saturday 16 January 1830
  7. Photo of name on Ancoats Street Bridge casting [2]