1910 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1910 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 4
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 15
- Sir Hugh Bell made Honorary Member of German Society of Ironmasters . 20
- Votes of Thanks . 21
- Presentation of the Bessemer Gold Medal . 24
- Presidential Address . 27
- Carnegie Research Scholarships . 46
- Votes of Thanks . 49
- "Economy and design of modern reversing rolling-mill steam-engines." By E. G. Sehmer and R. Drawe . 51
- "Development in the production of electric power." By D. Selby Bigge . 60
- Discussion on papers by Messrs. Sehmer and Drawe and by Mr. Bigge . 103
- Correspondence on papers by Messrs. Sehmer and Drawe and by Mr. Bigge . 120
- "The Girod furnace." By W. Borchers . 141
- Discussion on Dr. Borchers' paper . 161
- The chemical and mechanical relations of iron, manganese, and carbon." By J. O. Arnold and A. A. Read . 169
- Discussion on paper by Professors Arnold and Read . 182
- "Uniform nomenclature of iron and steel." By J. O. Arnold . 185
- Correspondence on Professor Arnold's paper . 200
- "The cutting properties of tool steel." By E. G. Herbert 206
- Discussion on Mr. Herbert's paper . 243
- "Some physical properties of 2 per cent. chromium steels." By A. McWilliam and E. J. Barnes . 246
- "The A2 point in chromium steels." By H. Moore . 268
- Discussion on papers by Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes and by Mr. Moore . 278
- Correspondence on papers by Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes and by Mr. Moore 276
- "Some recent investigations on case-hardening." By S. A. Grayson . 287
- Correspondence on Mr. Grayson's paper . 303
- "The crystallography of the iron-carbon system." By Adolphe Kroll, jun. 304
- Correspondence on Mr. Kroll's paper . 386
- "The constitution of cast irons and carbon steels from the practical standpoint." By Donald M. Levy . 403
- Correspondence on Mr. Levy's paper . 424
- "The elastic breakdown of certain steels." By C. A. M. Smith . 431
- "The homogeneity of metals." By Gregory Tagueeff . 467
- Correspondence on Mr. Tagueeff's paper . 486
- Report on the Fifth International Congress of Mining, Metallurgy, Applied Mechanics, and Practical Geology at Dusseldorf . 490
- The Annual Dinner . 500
- Obituary . 513
- Additions to the Library . 526
- Buxton Meeting . 1
- Reception of the Institute 1
- Election of Members . 4
- Invitation to Italy . 7
- Votes of Thanks . 7
- "The briquetting of iron ores." By C. de Schwarz . 9
- Discussion on Mr. Schwarz's paper . 23
- Correspondence on Mr. Schwarz's paper . 26
- "The manufacture of rolled `H'-beams." By G. E. Moore 30
- Discussion on Mr. Moore's paper . 52
- "Sulphurous acid as a metallographic etching medium." By S. Hilpert and E. Colver-Glauert . 54
- Discussion on Messrs. Hilpert and Colver-Glauert's paper . 61
- Correspondence on Messrs. Hilpert and Culver-Glauert's paper . 62
- "The preparation of magnetic oxides of iron from aqueous solutions." By S. Hilpert . 65
- Correspondence on Mr. Hilpert's paper . 69
- "The influence of silicon on pure cast iron." By A. Hague and T. Turner 72
- Discussion on Messrs. Hague and Turner's paper. 94
- Correspondence on Messrs. Hague and Turner's paper . 101
- "Manganese in cast iron and the volume changes during cooling." By H. L Coe . 105
- Discussion on Mr. Coe's paper . 144
- Correspondence on Mr. Coe's paper . 145
- "Theory of hardening carbon steels." By C. A. Edwards 147
- Discussion on Mr. Edwards' paper . 166
- Correspondence on Mr. Edwards' paper 177
- "Electric steel refining." By D. F. Campbell . 197
- Discussion on Mr. Campbell's paper . 205
- Correspondence on Mr. Campbell's paper . 211
- "The utilisation of electric power in the iron and steel industry." By J. J. Elink Schuurman . 217
- Discussion on Mr. Schuurman's paper 239
- "Some experiments on fatigue of metals." By J. H. Smith . 246
- Discussion on Professor Smith's paper . 315
- "The Hanyang iron and steel works." By G. Chamier . 319
- Dr. J. 0. Arnold's reply to the correspondence on his paper on "The uniform nomenclature of iron and steel" (read before the Institute, May 1910) . 324
- Visits and Excursions at the Buxton Meeting
- Visit to Manchester . 378
- Obituary . 368
- Additions to the Library . 375
See Also
Sources of Information