Sidney George Morgan
Sidney George Morgan (1883- )
1922 M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Civil Engr. and Borough Surveyor, Rochdale; b. 1883. Ed. The Leys School, Cambridge, and the Birmingham University. Articled to John Ward, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engr., Derby. 19o2-3--Asst. to Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engr., Derby. 19o3-6—Asst. to Borough Surveyor, Middlesbrough. 1906-21—Engr. and Surveyor to Prestwich U.D.C.; Borough Surveyor, Rochdale, 1921. Chief Works: Prestwich Sewerage Works; George Street Outfall Sewer; Deyne Valley Intercepting Sewer; Prestwich Town Planning Scheme. War Services:—Commissioned, June, 1915; Captain, R.E., March 1, 1916; Adjutant, R. E., March 2I, 1916; Major, R.E., November 6, 1917; M.C., January 1, 1918; twice Mentioned in Dispatches. Address: Glen Lea, Prestwich, Manchester.