1891 Cotton Mills in Oldham
- Chadwick J. & Co., Limited (and printers), Spring Brook Works, Middleton road; Manchester office -36, Kennedy street. Telegrams, " Nordens, Oldham."
Marked thus ~ are Doublers only. Marked thus ^ are Manufacturers only.
- Albert Mill Co., Oldham, Limited, Albert Mill, Acre; 24,000 spindles, 41/24, twist. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, “Albert, Old-ham." Telephone No., 92. Edwin Nield, manager; John Armstrong, secretary and salesman
- Alliance Spinning Co., Limited, Scottfield Mill, Ash-ton road;21,024 spindles, 308/36, twist, 46,/501weft.Pay day third Wednesday,10to12.Henry Leech, manager, salesman and secretary
- Anchor Spinning Co., Limited, Anchor Mill, Westwood;53,136spindles,201/50, twist,308/701weft.Pay day third Wednesday, 10to12.George Mitton, manager and salesman; George H. Wrigley, secretary
- ~Andrew Will, Victoria Mill, Waterhead; 1,000 spindles, one, two and three fold, coarse counts
- Bagley & Wright (and manufacturers of sewing, crochet and knitting cottons, and fishing net yarns of all kinds), Belgrave Mill, Honeywell lane; Crabtree Mill, Bridgewater street; Wellington Mill, Wellington St.; and Industry Mill, Rochdale road; 130,000 spindles; Manchester office-12, Cannon street. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12, at Belgrave Mill. Telegrams, " Parrott, Oldham."
- BANKSIDE SPINNING CO., LIMITED, Bankside street;10,296 spindles,12,/241twist.Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to12. Adam Bradley, manager, secretary and salesman
- ~Barker & Ashworth, Horton Mill, Greengate street; and Victoria Mill, Bleasby street; 7,800 spindles, 201/1201 Booth James T., Victoria Mills, Hollinwood; 40,000 spindles, 601/701 weft. Pay day third Wednesday. Telegrams, " Booth, Hollinwood."
- Borough Spinning Co., Limited, Ashton road; 64,872 spindles,16,/421twist. Pay day fourth Wed-nesday,10 to 12. Miles Crompton, manager; S. Potter, secretary
- BOUNDARY SPINNING CO., LIMITED, Ashton road; 64,752 spindles, 268/368 twist, 361/541 weft. Pay day third Thursday, 10 to 12. Tele-grams, " Boundary Spinning Co., Oldham." George H. Domakin, manager; Samuel Broome, secretary and salesman
- Bowker & Ball, Victoria Mill, Bank Top; 10,000 spindles, 101/241. Pay day third Wednesday, 2 to 5. Telegrams, "Victoria, Oldham."
- Bowker Joseph & Co, Limited, Park Mill, Hollinwood; 20,000spindles. Pay day second Wednesday,2 to 5. Telegrams, "Bowker, Oldham." Charles Butterworth, manager; James Batchelor, see.
- Brelsford James & Co., Castle Mills, Bottom-o'th'-Moor;2,000 spindles, 48/149.Pay day every Wednesday, 10 to 2
- Broadbent M. & Son, Hopwood Mills, Lees road;44,500spindles,308/508. Pay day last Wednes-day,10-30to12-30. Telegrams, " Hopwood,Oldham."
- Broadway Spinning Co., Limited, Goddard street, Ashton road;77,828spindles,268/428twist,468/568 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12.William Heath, manager; Frank Hardern, secretary and salesman
- Brocklehurst Joseph & Son(cotton banding), Victoria Mill, Neild Street, Ashton road;1,000spindles. Pay day second Wednesday
- Buckley & Broadbent (and doublers), Britannia Mill, Bellfield;18,000spindles,288/348twist; and Clarksfield Mill, Lees;20,000spindles,48/608twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12, at Clarksfield Mill
- Buckley George, Norman Mill, Rochdale road;25,200spindles,208/508twist and weft. Payday last Wednesday, 10 to12-30. Telegrams," Buckley, Oldham."
- ~Buckley S. & Sons (doublers-paper merchants and reelers' tie yarn manufacturers), Regent Street. Pay day third Wednesday
- Butler Green Cotton Spinning Co., Limited (and doublers), Butler Green Mills, Hollinwood; 91,020 spindles, 308/608 twist and weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. James Shepherd, manager; James Benson, secretary and cashier Butterworth Alfred & Son, Glebe
- Mills, Hollinwood; 146,500 spindles, 208/608 twist and weft; 1,456 looms, printers, shirtings and brilliants; Manchester office-25, Hopwood avenue. Pay day every Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, " Butterworths, Hollinwood." Telephone No., 461
- Butterworth William & Sons, Croft Bank Mill, Cross Street; 4,000 mule spindles, 48/148. Pay day every Wednesday, 9 to 12
- Cambridge Mill Co., Limited, Cambridge Mill, North Moor; 16,632 mule spindles, 288/408 twist, 5,328 ring spindles, 208/328 ball warps. Pay day last Wednesday,10to12. J. C. Bottomley, manager; John S. Fitton, secretary
- Central Mill Co., Limited, Woodstock street;59,808spindles, 308/548 weft. Pay day third Wednesday,10 to 12. Telegrams, " Central Mill, Oldham. "Joseph Domakin, manager; J. H. Wallwork, see.
- Chadderton Mill Co., Limited;82,230 spindles,3081408twist,308/548weft.Pay day third Thursday. Telegrams, "Chadderton Mill, Old-ham." John Platt, manager; W. F. Heywood, secretary and salesman
- Clegg Brothers, Limited, Mumps Mills, Roscoe street and Coronation street; 56,000 spindles, mule and water twist; Manchester office-6, Brown street. Pay day first Wednesday after first Tuesday, 9 to 12-30. Telegrams, " Cleggs, Oldham."
- Coldhurst Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Coldhurst. Mill, Rochdale road;61,308 spindles, 508 twist,701 weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to12. Francis Hamer, manager; George H. Clegg, sec.
- Collinge James & Sons, Commercial Mills, Glodwick road;100,000spindles;2,079looms, velvets, velveteens, royal ribs, satteens and fancys; and. Medlock Mill, Lees Brook; Manchester ware-house-15, Newmarket lane, Brown street. Monthly accounts, second Wednesday, 10 to 12-30; quarterly, Wednesday after last Friday, 10 to 12-30. Telegrams, "Collinges, Oldham." Telephone Nos.-Oldham, 19; Manchester, 932
- Commercial Mills Spinning Co., Limited, Commercial Mills, Falcon street, Ashton road; 23,550 twist spindles,39,248weft spindles,248/368twist,328/508 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Commercial, Oldham." Robert Harrop, manager; James Cheetham, secretary
- Croft Bank Spinning Co., Limited, Croft Bank Mills, Cross Street; 15,260 spindles, 48/248 single and double. Pay day second Thursday, 10 to 12. Joseph Buckley, manager; J. K. Taylor, secretary; Joseph Dockray, salesman
- Crown Spinning Co., Limited, Crown Mill, Ashton road;28,420 spindles, 428/508 twist, 468/628 weft. Pay day third Thursday,10to12.JosephCheetham, manager; Walter Armitage, secretary Dame Mills Co., Ellen street; 17,000 spindles, 301/401 twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Dowry Spinning Co., Limited, Dowry Mill, Water-head; 66,760 spindles, 308/408 twist, 401/508 weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. Charles W. Rye, manager and secretary
- Dronsfield Daniel, Werneth Mills, Manchester road; 44,000spindles,108/608twist and weft;840looms, fustians, velvets, &c. Manchester ware. house-6, Bull's Head yard. Pay day Wednesday after first Tuesday, 9-30 to 12. Telegrams, " Dronsfield, Oldham."
- Earl Spinning Co., Limited, Ashton road (in course of erection)
- Emmott Thomas & Sons, Limited, Albion, Vale, Clegg Street, Greaves Street and Diamond Mills, Oldham; and Vale Mill, Blackley; 84,700 spindles, 118/708 weft, 401/921 twist-carded and combed, 208/401 water twist, 501/921 combed Egyptian; 1,260 looms, velvets and sheetings. Manchester warehouse-88, George Street. Pay day Wednesday after first Tuesday, at Clegg Street, 10 to 12-45
- Empire Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Heyside; 110,400 spindles, 401 twist, 501/608 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telephone No., 312. James Sparks, manager; Albert Wild, secretary Equitable Spinning Co., Limited, Huddersfield road; 78,780 spindles, 201/401 twist, 301/528 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. John Cheetham, manager; James Edward Barratt, secretary and salesman
- Fenton Henry (and doubler), Mount Pleasant Mill, Lees road; and Crabtree Mill, Bridgewater street; 8,000 spindles, 101208. Pay day every Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Fitton Richard, Watersheddings Mills;95,000spindles;966 looms, fancys, jeanettes, &c.; and Shaw Side Mill, Shaw; Manchester office-Crown Buildings, 18, Booth street. Pay day second Wednesday, at Shaw Side Mill. Telephone Nos.-Manchester, 1062, Oldham, 301
- Glodwick Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Glodwick Mills;79,968spindles, 3411twist,368 weft,328ring. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. John Illingworth, manager; John G. Marcroft, see.
- Gordon Spinning Co., Ltd., Coalshaw Green road, Hollinwood; 66,000 spindles, 4011/5011 twist, 508/8011 weft. Pay day third Wednesday. Charles H. Pickford, manager; Wallace Thompson, secretary and salesman
- Granville Mill Co., Limited, Derker; 95,220 spindles, 308/448 twist,308/548 weft. Pay day third Wed-nesday,10 to 12. Robert Bradbury, manager; C. H. Barlow, secretary
- Greaves James(and velvet manufacturer), Derker Mills, Derker street;107,000 spindles, medium counts;1,590looms. Manchester office-13,Palace Street. Pay day first Wednesday, 10-30 to 12-30. Telephone No., 38 Green Lane Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Middleton Junction; 63,036 spindles, 508/608weft. Payday third Wednesday, 10 to 12. James Dewhirst, secretary, &c.
- Greenacres Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd., Huddersfield road; 114,034spindles, 248/448twist,308/508weft; ring yarn, warp, beams and bundles. Pay day third Wednesday, 10to12. Telegrams,"Acres, Oldham." Telephone No., 4. Joseph Clough, manager; Thomas Holden, -secretary and salesman
- Grimshaw Lane Spinning Co., Limited, Grimshaw lane; Chadderton; 48,700 spindles, 288/368 twist, 488/54 weft. Pay day third Wed., 10 to 12. J. Hyde, manager; J. T. Wilde, secretary
- Grosvenor Spinning Co., Limited, North Street Mill, Rochdale road;11,118spindles,168/308weft.Pay day second Wed., 10 to 12. George Stott, manager, secretary and salesman
- Hague Samuel & Co., Hawthorn and Newland Mills; 69,032 spindles, 168/508 twist, 168/608 weft. Pay day third Monday, 10 to 12, at Newland Mill. Telegrams, " Hawthorn, Oldham."
- Hanson W. & G., Spring Vale Mill, Middleton road;13,000spindles,208/348 twist. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Hardman Joseph (and doubler), Bangor Mill, Water-head; about 9,500 spindles, 411/1611, and 88 three. fold cotton yarn for carpets. Pay day fourth Wednesday, at 63, Bell street, 11-30 to 1
- Hargreaves Spinning Co., Hargreaves Street; 13,090 spindles, 108/248. Pay day second Thursday, 2 to 4. Telephone No., 6611
- ~Harrop William (and tape warp maker), Acorn Mill, Verneth; 10,000spindles, 208/408. Pay day first Wednesday after 25th, 10 to 12
- Hathershaw Spinning Co., Limited, Hollins road; 77,424 spindles, 2411/36, twist, 3011/52, weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telephone No., 28.
- J. J. Cheetham, manager; Thomas Burton, sales. man; John G. Taylor, secretary
- Henshaw Street Spinning Co., Ltd., Henshaw Street Mill;60,576 spindles, 24,1365 twist, 3411/50, weft. Pay day third Wednesday,10 to 12. Robert Waterhouse, manager; W. H. Seaton, secretary and salesman Higginshaw Mills & Spinning Co.,Ltd., Windsor Mills, Shaw road; about 120,000 spindles, 201/568 weft, 201/368 twist, 241/54, bundles. Pay day third Wed., 10 to 12. Joseph Robinson, manager; John F. Wood, secretary
- ~Hindle James (reed and heald yarns), Roscoe Street. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to'12-30 Holden Simeon, Lower Hill Mill, Bentley street, Huddersfield road; 7,212 spindles, 41/24, twist. Pay day last Wednesday
- Hollins Mill Co., Ltd., Hathershaw; 68,472 spindles counts 2011/44,. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12-30. Telegrams, " Hollins, Oldham." Edward Sewell, manager; Joseph Chadwick, secretary and salesman
- Hollinwood Spinning Co., Limited, Hollinwood; 75,024 spindles, 8411/46, twist, 508/64, weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to12.John Ogden, manager; John J. Mills, secretary
- Honeywell Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Honeywell Mill, Ashton road; 75,618 spindles, 2611/421 twist, 441/60, weft. Pay day third Thursday. Samuel Clough, manager; Joseph Nield, secretary and salesman
- Howarth Edward, Gravel Gate Mill, Hollinwood; 145 looms, checks, &c.; Manchester warehouse-4A, Palace square. Pay day last Friday
- Hoyle & Jackson (and doublers), Chamber Mill, Heron street; and Duke Street Mills, Manchester street; 30,000 spindles, 41/16, twist and weft; knitting, carpet and rug yarns. Pay day second Wed., 2-30 to 4, at Chamber Mill. Telegrams, " Hoyle, Hollinwood." Telephone No., 73A
- ~JACKSON EDWARD, Phoenix Mill, Longley Street; 5,000 spindles, 301/100,. Pay day first Wednesday
- Jackson Stanley & Sons (and doublers), Melrose Mill, Butler Green;86,000spindles,411/32, double. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, " Eagle, Hollinwood."
- Junction Spinning Co., Limited, Junction Mill, Chadderton;73,476spindles,301/341twist,46,/520 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Peter Rostron, manager; John R. Marland, secretary Kershaw & Bamford, Willow Bank Mill, Featherstall road; 47,900 spindles; 221 looms, velveteens and velvets; Manchester office-8, Market place. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12 Kirkham & Mannock (and doublers), Marsland Mills, Green street; 80,000 spindles, 61/32,. Pay day last Wed., 9 to 12. Telegrams, "Lion, Oldham," Knott James & Co.,(cotton banding), Chadderton Ropery, Middleton road. Accounts paid daily{ after 2 p.m.-See advertisement Knott James Edward, Daisy Hill Mills, Waterhead; 10,000 spindles, 108/508 twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Lansdowne Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Lansdowne Mill, Middleton road;51,360spindles,208/368twist, 248/408 weft. Pay day second Wed., 9 to 12. Alfred Lees, secretary
- Lees & Leach, Spring Hill Mill, Waterhead; 14,600 spindles
- Lees & Wrigley(and doublers), Greenbank Mills, Greengate street;140,186 spindles, combed and carded water twist, and double twist, in bundle, warp, chain and beam; double spun and gassed and prepared yarns. Pay day third Wednesday, 11 to 12-30. Telegrams, "Greenbank, Oldham." Telephone No., 40 Lees Benjamin & Co., Ashley Mill, Main road; 220 looms, velvets, twills, jeanettes, wigans, mediums, mexicans and T cloths. Pay day third Wed,
- Lees Brothers, Limited, Albert Mills, Hollinwood; 100,000 spindles, 208/508 twist and weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Albert, Hollinwood." John Wilde, manager and see.
- Lees Eli & Co., Limited (and velvet manufacturers), Hope Mills, Wrigley street; and Bedford Mill, Holt street; 82,488spindles, 1,315looms; Manchester office-37, Spring gardens. Pay day second Wednesday,10 to 12-30, at Hope Mills. Thomas Potter, secretary
- Lees Henry & John William (and velvet and fustian manufacturers), New Roy Mill, Waterhead; 28,000 spindles, 310 looms. Manchester office-11, Hopwood Avenue, Market place. Pay day second Wednesday,10 to12-30.Telegrams,Newton Brothers, Waterhead."
- Lees Herbert, Horsedge Mills, Rock Street; 24,000 mule and 8,000 ring spindles. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 1
- Lees John, Spring Hill Mill, Waterhead;19,300spindles,808/1208combed; and Albion Mill, Uppermill. Pay day second Wednesday. Telegrams, " Newton Brothers, Waterhead."
- Lees, Travis & Lees, Firwood Mills, Middleton Junction; 48,000 spindles, 308/708; 595 looms, velvets and velveteens, satteens, twills, angolas, water twist and double warp sheetings and shirtings; Manchester warehouse-10, Norfolk street. Pay day second Wednesday, 9 to 11-30
- Lees William & John (and doublers and warp makers), Primrose Mills, Chamber road; 75,000 spindles, 308/808 twist, single and twofold, and water twist. Pay day second Wed., 10 to 12
- Letham Ritchie (cotton and hair beltings, and tubular cotton spindle banding), Waterloo Mill -See advertisement
- Lime Mill Co., Ltd., Lime Mill, Victor street, Hollinwood; 56,000 spindles, 828/408 twist, 508/608 weft. Pay day last Wednesday, 9-30 to 12. George Lees, manager; Joseph Shaw, secretary
- Long field Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Watershed-dings;20,760 spindles,261/361. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. John Whitehead, manager and salesman; Joseph Greenwood, secretary
- Longfield Reeling Co., Bryan Street, Ripponden road, Watersheddings
- Lower Moor Spinning Co., Limited, Royal Albert Mill, Derker Street; 9,300 spindles, 2'/24'. Pay day last Wednesday, 10 to 12. Henry H. Suthers, manager and secretary
- Lyon Mill Co. (reelers), Lyon Mill, Werneth. Tele-phone No., 55 3farsland Daniel, Summervale New Mill, Bankside street; 12,000 spindles, 201/401 twist. Manchester office--17, St. Ann's square. Pay day third Wednesday,10to12.Telegrams-" Mars, Oldham,~" "Counts, Manchester."
- Mayall Edward, & Massey, Longrange Mills, Water-head; 40,500 spindles, 501/801 spun and doubled; Manchester office-85, Royal Exchange. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12-30. Telegrams, " Massey, Waterhead, Oldham."
- Mellodew Thomas & Co., Moorside and Parkfield Mills, Ripponden road;80,000 spindles, 501/701weft and twist;1,400 looms, velvets; Manchesteroffice-18, Hopwood avenue, on Tuesdays and Fridays, 11 to 1-30. Pay day second Wed., 9-30 to 12-30. Telegrams, "Velvet, Oldham." Tele-phone Nos.-Parkfield Mill, 98; Moorside Mill, 98A
- Mellor A. (reeler), North Street Mill
- Moorhey Mill Co. (and doublers, and manufacturers of sponge cloths, and - greenhouse and horticultural shadings), Moorhey Mills; 19,184 spindles, 41/141. Pay day third Thursday, 2 to 4. James E. Wood, manager. Telegrams, "Moorhey Mill, Oldham." Telephone No., 66
- Moss Lane Spinning Co., Limited, Springfield Mills, Heyside;71,300spindles,40, twist,601weft.Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12. Edwin Pomfret, manager; W. H. Deane, secretary
- Moss Mills Co., Moss Mills, Higginshaw; 25,074 spindles, 241/401 twist; Manchester office-" D," Royal Exchange. Pay day first Monday, 10 to 12. Telephone Nos.-Oldham, 53; Manchester, 705. Alfred Ogden, manager and secretary
- Murgatroyd & Stansfield, Richmond Mill, Hollinwood;' 66,300 spindles, 401/801. Pay day last Thursday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Richmond, Hollinwood."
- Neville Mill Co., Limited, Neville street, Middleton road;75,000 spindles,601/801weft, American. Pay day third Wednesday. Telegrams, " Neville Mill, Oldham." Thomas Goodwin, manager and salesman; Abram Brierley, secretary ~Newton John E. & Brothers, Austerlands Mill, Austerlands; 9,800 spindles, 241/701. Pay day second Wed., at Spring Hill Mill, Waterhead. Telegrams, "Newton Brothers, Waterhead."
- New Earth Mills Co., Ltd., Lees rd.; 44,448 spindles, 311/341 twist, 421/541 weft. Pay day third Wed., 9 to 12. 'Thomas Heywood, see. and salesman
- North Moor Spinning Co:, Limited, Featherstall road North;76,596spindles,401/601twist,701/721 weft. Telegrams, " Normoor, Oldham." Benjamin Moores, manager; A. M. Robinson, see.
- Oak Spinning Co., Limited, Oak Mills, Hollinwood; 109,362spindles,208/50" twist,3011/708weft.Pay day last Thursday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, " Oak, Hollinwood." John Needham, manager; James 0. Griffiths, secretary and salesman
- Ogden Frank L., Bell Mill, Castle Mill street; 15,312 spindles, 248/408 twist. Pay day last Monday, 10 to 12. Telephone No., 51
- Ogden Samuel, North Moor New Mills, Chadwick street, off Featherstall road North;54,000 spin-dles,208/4011twist.Pay day last Wednesday,10 to 12. Telephone No., 3
- Oldham & Lees Spinning Co., Limited, Waterheasl; 71,000 spindles, 308408 twist, 408/608 weft. Pay day third Wed. by cheque, per post. Telegrams, "Robertson,Waterhead Mill." Thos.Prov9st, see.
- Oldham Albion Spinning Co., Limited (and warpers), Hollinwood; 86,184 spindles, 408/5011 twist, 5081808 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Henry Stansfield, managing director; James Cocker, secretary and salesman
- Oldham Cotton Spinning Co, Limited, Melbourne Mills, Middleton road; 63,500 spindles, 288/348 twist, 468/52" weft. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12. A. Rawstorne, manager; John Davis, secretary and salesman
- Oldham Twist Co., Limited (and doublers), Brook Mills, Hollinwood;133,318spindles,208/508twist, 208/70$ weft. Pay day second Wednesday, 9-30 to 11-30. Telegrams, " Twist, Hollinwood." Edward Kershaw, manager; James Fletcher, salesman; Aaron Crossley, secretary
- Oldham Velvet Manufacturing Co., Limited, Falcon Mill, Victoria street, Middleton road; 504 looms,, velvets,- velveteens, fustians, cords, &c. Manchester office-33, Princess street. Pay day third Wed., 10-30 to 12. Telegrams, "Velvet Co, Oldham." T. H. Chadwick, manager and see.
- Olive Spinning Co., Limited, Olive Mill, North Moor; 80,000 spindles, 2611/50" twist, 408/708 weft. Pay day third Wed., 10 to 12. Telegrams, " Olive Spinning, Oldham." John Cottam, manager and salesman; Richard Moores, secretary
- Osborne Mill Co., Limited, Cowhill; 45,320 spindles, 408/508 twist, 508/708 weft. Pay day third Wed., 10to12.Telegrams, " Osborne Spinning, Oldham." Joseph Mills, manager and salesman; W. W. Mills, secretary
- OXFORD MILL CO. (and doublers), Oxford Mill, Featherstall road South, Werneth; 36,000 spindles, 408/90". Pay day second Wed.2 to 4. Tele-grams, "Orange, Oldham." John Allen, cashier
- PALM MILL Co., LIMITED (ring spinning), Palm Mill, Stockbrook; 70,000 spindles, 1211/40' twist. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Palm Mill, Oldham." Telephone No., 30. Alfred Barlow manager; Thomas M. Sutcliffe, salesman; Charles F. Brierley, secretary
- Pearl Mill Co., Limited, Glodwick; 116,352 spindles, 168/608-In course of erection Pine Mill Co., Limited, Pine Mill, North moor; about 100,000 spindles. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Miles Taylor, secretary
- Prestwich James (and doubler), Diamond Mill, West End street; 10,000 spindles, 168/348; and Busk Mill, Busk;3,400ring spindles,7,800mulespindles, and4,200 doubling spindles, 308/408.Pay day third Wednesday
- Prince of Wales Spinning Co., Limited, Ripponden road;68,466spindles,168/428 twist. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, " Pow, Oldham." Richard Greenhalgh, manager; John Wilkinson, secretary and salesman
- Prockter & Co., Vale Mill, Chamber road, Hollinwood; 78,000 spindles, 328/508 twist, 408/508 weft. Pay day second Wed., 10.30 to 12-30. Telegrams, " Prockter's, Hollinwood."
- Radcliffe William, Wharf Mills, Hollinwood; about 200 looms, coutils, satteens, nankeens, velvets, &c. Pay days Tuesday and Friday. Telegrams, " Radcliffe, Hollinwood."
- Richardson & Wynne, Featherstall and North Moor Mills; 32,000 spindles, 48/308 cop, bundle, warp, beam and spool, English and French reeling. Pay day second Wednesday,3to5p.m., at North Moor Mill. Telegrams, "Featherstall, Oldham." Telephone No., 50.-See advt.
- Roebuck Livesey (doubler and reeler), Priory Mill, Union Street; 48 upwards
- Rose Mill Spinning Co., Limited, Coalshaw green, Hollinwood; 36,000 spindles, 248/368 twist, 408/568 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. John Stansfield, manager, secretary and salesman
- Rowland John, Gresham Mill, Main road; 57,000 spindles,368/448 twist,328/508weft.. Pay day second Monday, 10 to 1
- Rowland Joseph & Sons, Park Mill, Chadderton road. Pay day first Wednesday, 10 to 12-30
- Royal Mills Co., Limited, Featherstall road North; 23,760 spindles, 20'/40' twist, 308/368 weft. Pay day last Thursday,10-30to12. Telegrams,
- Royal Mills, Oldham." James W. T., Cocker, managing director; John Hepworth, secretary Ruby Mill Co., Limited, Watersheddings; about 80,000 spindles, 308/708 weft and twist. Pay day fourth Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Ruby, Oldham." James C. Toole, manager and sales-man; John E. Smith, secretary
- Schofield & Broome (and doublers and warp makers), Hathershaw Mill, Ashton road; 49,600 spindles, 48/308 single and double, for home trade and ex-port. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12. Waste accounts every Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Schofield and Johnson, Longfield Mill, Water-sheddings;16,700 spindles,26' f 368 twist. Payday first Wednesday, 10 to 5
- Schofield Peter, Alma Mills, Ashton road;64,000spindles,328/368 twist,508/548weft. Pay day last Thursday, 10 to 12
- Scott Edward D., Victoria Mill, Bleasby st.;6,000spindles,128/248cop, bundle and beam. Payday second Wednesday, 10 to 4
- ~Seville Isaac & Sons, Coppice Mill, _ Waterhead; 3,200 spindles, 828 twist
- Shaw Brothers, Spring Mills, Waterhead; 7,000 spindles. Pay day second Wednesday, 9 to 12
- SHAW JOHN, Springfield Mills, Lansdowne road; and Glenby Mill, Cowhill; 150,000 spindles, 368/448twist,508/808weft.Pay day second Wednesday, 10-30 to 12-30. Telegrams, "Shawl, Glenby, Oldham."
- ~Shaw Joseph, Spring Mill, Butler green, Hollinwood;10,000 spindles,408/1208twofold; also gassed and prepared yarns,, Pay day second Wednesday
- Shiers John J. (and doubler and manufacturer of velvets, satteens, cords, Turkish towels, &c.), Albany Mills, Ripponden road;10,000 twinerspindles;1,200 velvet looms,80 towel looms; Manchester office-12, Hopwood avenue. Pay day third Wednesday
- Shiers Richard & Brother (and velvet manufacturers), Medlock and Fountain Mills, Lower moor; and New Breck Mill, Huddersfield road; about 60,000 spindles;1,400looms, velvets.Manchesteroffice-5, York street. Pay day third Wednesday, 11 to 12-30. Telegrams, "Shiers Bros., Oldham." Telephone No., 44. Letters to be addressed to Medlock Mills
- Sinkinson John & Robinson, King Street Mill; 30,000 spindles, 368/448 weft. Pay day third Wed., 3 to 5. Telegrams, " Sinkinson, Oldham."
- ~Slack Henry & Son, Commercial Mill, Falcon Street; 3,800 spindles. Pay daily, 10 to 12-30 Smith John & Son, Holyrood Mill, Royton Junction; 59,000spindles, 128/408. Pay day fourth Wed-nesday,10to12-30.Telegrams, "Holyrood Mill, Oldham."
- ~Smith William H., Austerlands Mill; 2,400 spindles, 808/808 twofold. Pay day Tuesday Stivey J. & Co. (doublers of sewing, crochet, grandrelle and other yarns-and dyers, polishers, and spoolers of sewing cotton), O.S.C. Mills, Lee street
- Stock Lane Spinning Co., Limited, Stock Lane Mill, Chadderton; 39,420 spindles, 408 twist and weft. Pay day second Wednesday, 10-15 to 12. Benj. Norcross, manager; George Kempsey, secretary
- Stott Abraham & Sons, Osborne Mills, Busk; 62,412spindles,208/468twist, 128/708weft. Pay day Monday before second Wednesday, by post
- Stott James (and doubler-and manufacturer of cotton ducks), Coldhurst Hall Mill, Rochdale road; 25,000 spindles, 48/248 knittings, sewings, mendings and sail cloth yarns; Manchester ware-house-46, Spring gardens. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to12. Telegrams, "Doubler, Oldham."
- Stott Robert (and doubler), Alexandra, Acre, Paradise and Crabtree Mills;160,000spindles,48/408single, twofold and threefold. Pay day third Wednesday, 2-30 to3-30. Telegrams, "Alexandra, Oldham." Telephone No., 22
- Summervale Mill Co., Limited, Summervale Mill, Manchester street; about100,000spindles,408/508twist,508/808weft.Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. James Smith, manager; Albert Smith salesman; William Standring, see,
- SUN MILL CO., LIMITED(and makers of bundles, warps and beams), Middleton road; about 150,000 spindles, 3211/601 pin cops, 268/508 twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Sun Mill, Oldham." G. Etchells, manager; David Wilkinson, secretary
- ~Sutcliffe John, Jubilee Mill, Waterhead;10,000spindles,508/808single and twofold yarn. Payday second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Suthers & Saville (and doublers), Clarence Mill, Middleton road; 78,590 spindles, 168/2411, 288/328and 381/428 mule twist for export,208/508coptwist,28/301,28/508in cop, bundle and warp. Pay day third Monday,3to5.Telegrams," Saville, Oldham."
- Swan Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Swan Mill, Chadderton;71,700spindles,301/428twist,401/608 weft. Pay day third Wednesday,10-30to12-30.Telegrams, " Swan, Chadderton." James Smethurst, manager; Robinson Tither, secretary and salesman
- Taylor & Buckley(and doublers), Phoenix StreetMill;10,000 spindles, 61/301twofold. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Taylor George B. & Co. (and doublers), Coppice Mill, Waterhead;18,100spindles,3211/421pin cop,101/321three or four folds. Pay day secondWednesday,10to12.Telegrams, " Taylor, Waterhead." Telephone No., 25
- Taylor John & Samuel, Ltd., Primrose Bank Mills, off Ashton road; 28,600 spindles. Pay day last Thurs. Telephone No., 11, Oldham Exchange
- Taylor William, Vale Mill, Stock lane; and Stockfield Mill, Middleton road;75,000spindles,301/441twist, 308/528 weft. Payday second Wed.,10 to 12
- Tetlow John T. & Co. (and doublers), North Street Mill; 10,000 spindles, 168170, from twofold; and Newlands Mill, Rochdale road; 6,000 spindles, 161/308 twist
- TEXTILE MILL CO., LIMITED, Middleton road, Chadderton; 95,520 spindles, 321/401 twist, 461/608 weft, 201/40, ring warps, beams and bundles. Pay day last Wed. Telegrams, `I Textile Mill, Oldham." John Bradbury, manager; Albert Taylor, secretary
- Thatcher Robert, Brook Mills, Glodwick brook; 11,000 spindles; waste and bump yarns, candle-wick, fishing net twines, &c.; Manchester office-5, Elbow street, High street. All accounts paid at the office-Victoria street, Oldham; waste accounts every Wednesday, 2 to 3; mill accounts second Wednesday, 11 to 12-30 and 2 to 3
- Thompson Brothers, Cromford Mill, Acre; 11,000 spindles, 241/328. Pay day third Wed., 9 to 1'2
- Thorburn & Co., Limited, Boundary Mill, Chadderton; 20,000spindles,48/148; and Brookside Mill, Middleton. Pay day second Tuesday. John Robertson, manager and secretary
- Travis & Wright(and doublers), Wellington Mill, Wellington street;7,360 spindles,101/161weft.Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12
- United Spinning Co., Limited, United Mill, Block lane, Chadderton; 91,548 spindles, 32'/508 twist, 50'170' weft. Pay day first Thursday, 10 to 12. John Wilde, manager; Samuel Wolfenden, secretary and salesman
- Ure & Norcliffe, Phenix Mills, Longley Street; 31,668 spindles, 14'/20' rove, 24'/40' twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Wainwright & Riley (and doublers), Britannia Mills, Busk;88,000 spindles,368/608. Pay day first Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Walker John, Limited, Westhulme Mills, Feather-stall road;150 looms, Turkish, honeycomb and fancy towels
- Walker Samuel, Grange Vale Mill, West End i3treet,Middleton road;34,000 spindles,408/508 twist. Pay day third Thurs.,10 to 11-30, Telegrams," Samuel Walker, Oldham."
- Wallshaw Mills Co. (velvet manufacturers), Wallshaw Mills, Mumps; 500 looms; and cotton spinners at German Mill, Lower Moor. Pay day third Wednesday, 10-30 to 12-30
- Walton Brothers, Summervale New Mill;11,952spindles, 328/36' twist. Pay day first Wednesday,10 to12; and at Windlehurst Mill, High lane, near Stockport
- Warrenner H. (reeler), Frankfort Mill, Phoenix Street. Pay day first Wednesday
- Waverley Mill Co., Waverley Mill, Middleton road; 17,130 twist spindles,288/361.Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Werneth Spinning Co., Limited, Henley street, Featherstall road North; 99,992 spindles, 308/448 twist, 408/628 weft. Pay day third Thurs., 10 to 12. William Taylor, secretary and manager; G, H. Ashton, salesman
- WEST END MILLS CO., LIMITED, Chadwick street, Chadderton road;118,540spindles,208/348 twist, 328/508weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 9 to 12. Telegrams, "Texas, Oldham." Telephone No., 21. Samuel E. Marsh, manager; Joseph E. Kelsall, secretary and salesman ~Westwood & Dearden, Victoria Mill, Bleasby street; 3,030spindles,301/608twofold Egyptian and velvet yarns. Pay day second Wednesday
- Westwood Spinning Co., Limited, Westwood Mill, Featherstall road North; 49,404 spindles, 228/508 twist, 308/608 weft. Pay day third Wednesday, 10 to 12. Thomas Cheetham, manager; Frank Whitehead, secretary
- Whalley J. & T. (and doublers), Rhodes Bank Mill, Union street;4,000 spindles,18/201. Pay day every Saturday
- Whitehead Joseph, North Moor New Mill;20,000spindles, 201/508 twist. Pay day third Monday,10 to 12
- Whittaker Edmund (and doubler), Rush Bank Mills, Middleton road;39,545 spindles,321/408twist,161/408twofold, bundles and warps. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12
- Whittaker Edwin & Co., Scottfield Mill, Scotl street, Ashton rd.;15,000 spindles, 508, 528 and 548 weft~Wild James, Phoenix Mill, Brunswick street; 1,664spindles,808/100'
- Wild John & Co. (and doublers), Castle Mill, Bottom-o'-th'-Moor; and Wrigley Street Mills; 30,000 spindles, 48/24' two or more fold. Pay day third Wed., 9 to 11. Postal address, " Castle Mills."
- Wild John & Sons, Brighton Mills, Spencer street; 80,220 spindles, 268/368 twist. Pay day third Monday, 10 to 12
- Wilde T. & Co., Caledonian Mill, Daniel street, Huddersfield road;7,000 mule spindles, 48/248twist; Manchester office-2, Bow lane, Crossstreet. Pay day third Wednesday
- Windsor Mill Co., Hollinwood;42,000 spindles,308/508twist,20'J408weft. Pay day first Wednesday, 10 to 12. W. H. Kershaw, manager.
- Winterbottom Robert (reeler), Priory Mill, Union Street.
- Woodstock Mill Spinning Co., Limited, Royton Junction;73,308spindles,208/368twist and weft. Pay day second Wednesday, by cheque. Telegrams, " Woodstock, Oldham." Telephone No., 95. Hamlet Cocker, manager and salesman; Granville Tither, secretary