The Engineer 1857/02/27
Main Subjects
- Abstract of Paper on the Factory System of Education - Alexander Redgrave, p164.
- Air Exhauster - Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Preserver, p062 (Illustrated).
- Appropriation Claws, p161.
- Bill to Amend the Several Acts Now in Force in Relation to the Patent Office, p173.
- Chenot's Improvements in the Reduction of Metallic Oxides, p169 (Illustrated).
- Conversazione, p164.
- Editorial, p171.
- Water Gouges
- Factory System of Education
- What Shall We Do With Our Criminals
- Our Colonial Labour Market.
- Freight Engines - Ross Winans, p161.
- Hardacre's Improvements in Preparing Materials for Spinning, p163 (Illustrated).
- Heppell's Improvements for Ventilating Mines, p166 (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p167.
- Martineau and Smiths Taps for Drawing off Liquids, p166 (Illustrated).
- Napoleon III. Eye Glass, p162 (Illustrated).
- Railways of the United States, p173.
- Rectification on the Circle, p161.
- Reviews, p172.
- Society of Arts, p164.
- W. B. Adams's Improvements in Permanent Way, p166 (Illustrated).
- Westwood's Hand, Roof and Other Railways Lamps, p163 (Illustrated).
- Wornum's Improvements in Grand Pianofortes, p167 (Illustrated).