The Engineer 1857/10/09
Main Subjects
- Brown's Improvements in Capstans, p268 (Illustrated).
- Captain Tyler's Permanent Way of Railways, p268.
- Comparison of the American and Indian Railway Systems, p262.
- Cort Testimonial, p271.
- Cunningham's Improvements in Sails, p264 (Illustrated).
- Davies Carriages Steps, p261.
- Davies Self Inking Stamp, p261 (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p269.
- Shipwrecks
- Conservancy of the Thames
- Cotton Supply Fallacies
- Art Treasures Exhibition
- Art Instruction and the Working Classes.
- Engineers and the Army, p261.
- English Railways: What they Have Cost and What They May Earn and How, p263.
- James Fenton's Mode of Connecting the Feed Pipes of Locomotives, p264.
- J. E. M'Connell's Railway Brakes, p268 (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p266.
- Maissiat's Dibbling Apparatus, p265 (Illustrated).
- Mitchell's Harpoon Guns, p265.
- Oakes Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron, p268 (Illustrated).
- Philosophy of the Waves Line System of Ship Building - Thomas Moy, p266.
- Table of the Safe Load for Cast Iron Beams, p272 (Table).
- Whether is High or Low Pressure Steam Preferable in Point of Economy, p271.
- Zipser and Klein's Machinery for Manufacturing Woollen Cloth, p261 (Illustrated).