Asphalt Roads Association
Objectives: - The Association, which has offices at 40, Broadway, London S.W.I. has as its primary function the development along scientific lines of the use of bitumen as a matrix in road construction. Its research and technical work will be directed towards (a) the evolution of new and improved methods of asphalt construction of various forms, and the solution of practical problems that may arise; (b) the more effective regulation of bituminous road work by the formulation of improved standard and special specifications and the simplification and co-ordination of sampling and testing methods; (c) the study of foundations and sub-bases, and of aggregates for use in asphalt; and (d) the comparative costs and values of different types of construction in relation to the conditions encountered on roads of all classes. The results of this work will be made freely available to highway engineers and others in any way interested in road construction, to all of whom the Association will accord technical information, advice and facilities in connection with construction work of any description.