1899 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1899 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting .
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Account . 12
- Votes of thanks . 14
- "Presidential Address." By Sir William Roberts-Austen 17
- Votes of thanks . • 50
- "On the Gellivare iron ore mines." By H. Bauerman . 55
- Discussion on Mr. Bauerman's paper . 64
- "On tilting open-hearth furnaces." By A. P. Head . 69
- Discussion on Mr. Head's paper . 76
- "On an improved dipping-needle." By Henry Louis . 80
- Discussion on Professor Louis' paper . 84
- "On the diffusion of elements in iron." By J. O. Arnold and A. M`William . 85
- Discussion on Professor Arnold's and Mr. M`William's paper . 107
- Correspondence on Professor Arnold's and Mr. M‘William's paper . 125
- "On the use of blast-furnace and coke-oven gases." By E. Disdier . 130
- Discussion on Mr. Disdier's paper . 143
- Correspondence on Mr. Disdier's paper . 151
- "On theories and facts relating to cast iron and steel." By B. S. Summers . 162
- Discussion on Mr. Summers' paper . 183
- Correspondence on Mr. Summers' paper . 185
- "On the manufacture of steel direct from the ore in the blast-furnace." By Dimitris Tschernoff . 191
- Correspondence on Mr. Tschernoff's paper . 194
- "On the use of hot-blast in the Bessemer process." By J. Wiborgh . 197
- "On the solution theory of iron and steel." By [Hanns Juptner von Jonstorff|Baron Juptner von Jonstorff]] . 204
- Correspondence on Baron Juptner's paper . 237
- Votes of thanks . 238
- The annual dinner . 240
- "Report on the Jubilee of the Austrian Society of Civil Engineer," By B. H. Brough . 253
- Obituary . 261
- Additions to the Library . 269
- Manchester Meeting .
- Election of Members . 5
- "On the use of finely divided iron ore obtained by concentrating processes" By J. Wiborgh . 8
- "On some forms of magnetic separators and their application to different ores." By H. C. McNeill . 1
- Discussion of Professor Wiborgh's and Mr. McNeill's papers . ^ 45
- Correspondence on Professor Wiborgh's and Mr. McNeill's papers . 50
- "On a new casting-machine for blast-furnaces." By R. H. Wainford ^ 53
- Discussion on Mr. Wainford's paper . 58
- "On the iron industry in the territory of His Highness the Nixam of Hyderabad Deccan." By S. A. Bilgrami . 65
- "On India as a centre for steel manufacture." By R. H. Mahon . 83
- Discussion on Mr. Bilgrami's and Major Mahon's papers . 88
- Correspondence on Mr. Bilgrami's and Major Mahon's papers . 89
- "On practical microscopic analysis for use in the steel industries." By C. H. Ridsdale . 102
- Discussion on Mr. Ridsdale's paper . 148
- Correspondence on Mr. Ridsdale's paper . 157
- "On pig iron fractures and their value in foundry practice." By J. W. Miller 160
- "On the present position of the solution theory of carburised iron." By A. Stansfield . 169
- Discussion on Dr. Stansfield's paper .180
- Correspondence on Dr. Stansfield's paper . 185
- On the relation between the structure of steel and its thermal and mechanical treatment." By [Albert Sauveur|A. Sauveur]] . 195
- Discussion on Mr. Sauveur's paper . 208
- Correspondence on Mr. Sauveur's pager . 215
- "On the constitution of steel." By E. D. Campbell 223
- Correspondence on Mr. Campbell's paper . 234
- Votes of thanks 236
- "On theories and facts relating to cast iron and steel." By B. S. Summers 240
- Visits and excursions at the Manchester Meeting . 243
- Obituary . 292
- Additions to the Library . 237
See Also
Sources of Information