1895 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1895 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting: Election of Members
- Report of the Council for 1894 . 5
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 10
- Presentation of Bessemer Gold Medal . 13
- Presidential Address. By David Dale . 17
- Votes of thanks . 62
- "On metal mixers, as used at the works of the North-Eastern Steel Company, Limited." By A. Cooper . 66
- Discussion on Mr. Cooper's paper . 71
- Correspondence on Mr. Cooper's paper . 76
- "On the effect of arsenic on steel." By J. E. Stead . 77
- Discussion on Mr. Stead's paper . 117
- Correspondence on Mr. Stead's paper . 138
- "On the mines of Elba." By H. Scott . 141
- Correspondence on Mr. Scott's paper
- Votes of thanks .
- "On the manufacture of steel projectiles in Russia." By S. Kern . 194
- Correspondence on Mr. Kern's paper . 196
- "On ternary alloys of iron." By J. S. de Benneville . 202
- Correspondence on Mr. de Benneville's paper . 249
- Annual Dinner . 254
- Obituary . 259
- Additions to the Library . 265
- Birmingham Meeting Reception . 1
- Election of Members . 6
- "On the iron industry of South Staffordshire." By D. Jones . 8
- Correspondence on Mr. Jones' paper . 20
- On the mineral resources of South Staffordshire." By H. W. Hughes . 22
- Correspondence on Mr. Hughes' paper . 39
- "On the direct puddling of iron." By R. Bonehill . 43
- Discussion on Mr. Bonehill's paper . 49
- Correspondence on Mr. Bonehill's paper . 58
- "On the ironworks of the South of Russia." By G. Kamensky . 70
- Correspondence on Mr. Kamensky's paper . 92
- On the thermo-chemistry of the Bessemer process." By W. N. Hartley . 95
- Discussion on Professor Hartley's paper . 122
- Correspondence on Professor Hartley's paper . 126
- Postponement of discussion on Mr. Howe's paper . 137
- "On the production of iron by a new process." By R. A. Hadfield . 139
- Discussion on Mr. Hadfield's paper . 145
- Correspondence on Mr. Hadfield's paper . 151
- "On a new method for the analysis of chrome ore and ferro-chromium." By [Ernest Henry Saniter|E. H. Saniter]] . 153
- Discussion on Mr. Saniter's paper . 156
- Correspondence on Mr. Saniter's paper . 157
- "On nickel steel and its advantages over ordinary steel." By H. A. Wiggin . 164
- Discussion on Mr. Wiggin's paper 172
- Correspondence on Mr. Wiggin's paper . 191
- " On small cast steel ingots." By R. Smith-Casson 210
- Discussion on Major Smith-Casson's paper . 215
- Votes of thanks . 222
- "On cooling curves and tests for cast iron." By W. J. Keep . 227
- Correspondence on Mr. Keep's paper . 241
- "On tests of the physical properties of cast iron." By T. D. West
- "On the hardening of steel." By H. M. Howe . 258
- "Report on the International Congress for the unification of methods of testing." By G. Lunge . 310
- Visits and excursions . 318
- The works of the Electric Construction Co., 320 ; South Staffordshire Tramways, 320 ; the works of Thomas Parker, Limited, 321; Hamstead Colliery, 322 ; Tangyes, Limited, 323 ; the works of Elkington & Co., Limited, 324 ; the works of Joseph Gillott & Sons, 325 ; City of Birmingham Gasworks, 325 ; the works of James Cartland & Son, 327 ; Osier's Glassworks, 327 ; the works of John Hardman & Co., 328 ; the Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester, 328 ; the Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works, 330 ; Thomas Webb & Sons Glassworks, 330 ; the Birmingham Small Arms Factory, 331 ; the Government Small Arms Factory, 331 ; Sandwell Park Colliery, 331 ; the works of Brown, Marshalls & Co., Limited, 332 ; the works of Taylor & Challen, Limited, 332 ; the works of P. Webley & Son, 333 ; the works of the Staffordshire Steel and Ingot Iron Company, 333.
- Report of an exhibition illustrative of the Industries of Birmingham. By W. G. McMillan . 335
- Obituary 350
See Also
Sources of Information