1905 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1905 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 2
- Report of Council . 6
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 16
- Votes of thanks . 18
- Presentation of Bessemer medal . 24
- "Presidential Address." By R. A. Hadfield 27
- Votes of thanks . 107
- "The continuous steel process in fixed furnaces." By S. Surzycki . 112
- "Recent developments of the Bertrand-Thiel process in the manufacture of steel." By J. H. Darby and G. Hatton . 122
- Discussion on the papers by Mr. Surzycki and Messrs. Darby and Hatton . 130
- Correspondence on the papers by Mr. Surzycki and Messrs. Darby and Hatton 144
- "Experiments relating to the effect on mechanical and other properties of iron and its alloys produced by liquid air temperatures." By R. A. Hadfield 147
- Discussion on Mr. Hadfield's paper . 220
- Correspondence on Mr. Hadfield's paper . 231
- "The application of dry-air blast " (Supplementary paper). By James Gayley 256
- Discussion on Mr. Gayley's paper . 266
- Correspondence on Mr. Gayley's paper . 280
- "The cleaning of blast-furnace gas." By Axel Sahlin . 321
- Discussion on Mr. Sahlin's paper ^ 334
- Correspondence on Mr. Sahlin's paper . 336
- Votes of thanks . 337
- "Experiments on the fusibility of blast-furnace slags." By O. Boudouard . 339
- Correspondence on Dr. Boudouard's paper . 379
- "Note on the failure of an iron plate through fatigue.'" By S. A. Houghton 383
- Correspondence on Mr. Houghton's paper . 390
- "Accidents due to the asphyxiation of blast-furnace workmen." By B. H. Thwaite . 395
- Correspondence on Mr. Thwaite's paper . 405
- "Sulphur in coke, and its behaviour in the blast-furnace." By F. Wuest and P. Wolff . 406
- Correspondence on Messrs. Wuest and Wolff's paper . 432
- "The types of structure and the critical ranges on heating and cooling of high-speed tool steels under varying thermal treatment." By H. C. H. Carpenter 433
- "Magnetic and electric properties of various kinds of sheet steel and steel castings." By Gunnar Dillner and A. F. Enstrom. (Abstract) . 474
- "Effects caused by the reversal of stresses in steel." By J. C. Gardner. (Abstract) . 481
- "Troostite." By F. Rogers. (Abstract) . 484
- "Heat treatment and fatigue of steel." By F. Rogers. (Abstract) . 486
- Annual Dinner . 495
- Presentation of Carnegie medals . 497
- Dinner to retiring President . 503
- Obituary . 594
- Additions to the Library . 517
- Sheffield Meeting .
- Reception of the Institute . 1
- Election of Members . 8
- "The department of iron and steel metallurgy at the University of Sheffield." By J. O. Arnold . 13
- Discussion on Professor Arnold's paper . 24
- "The thermal transformations of carbon steels." By J. O. Arnold and A. McWilliam . 27
- Discussion on Professor Arnold and Mr. McWilliam's paper . 56
- Correspondence on Professor Arnold and Mr. McWilliam's paper . 67
- "Overheated steel." By A. W. Richards and J. E. Stead . 84
- Discussion on Messrs. Richards and Stead's paper . 102
- Correspondence on Messrs. Richards and Stead's paper . 106
- "The use of vanadium in metallurgy." By L. Guillet . 118
- " Steel used for motor-car construction in France." By L. Guillet . 166
- Discussion on Dr. Guillet's papers . 190
- Correspondence on Dr. Guillet's papers . 200
- "Segregation in steel ingots." By B. Talbot . 204
- Discussion on Mr. Talbot's paper . 224
- Correspondence on Mr. Talbot's paper . 240
- "A manipulator for steel bars." By D. Upton . 248
- Discussion on Mr. Upton's paper . 251
- "Reversible and irreversible transformations of nickel steel." By L. Dumas . 255
- Discussion on Mr. Dumas' paper . 290
- Correspondence on Mr. Dumas' paper . 290
- "The presence of greenish-coloured markings in the fractured surfaces of test-pieces." By [H. G. Howorth|Captain H. G. Howorth]] . 301
- Discussion on Captain Howorth's paper 315
- Correspondence on Captain Howorth's paper . '32107
- "Wear of steel rails on bridges." By T. Andrews
- Correspondence on Mr. Andrews' paper . 340
- "The nature of troostite." By Dr. C. Benedicks . 352
- Correspondence on Dr. Benedicks' paper 364
- "Note on the occurrence of copper, cobalt, and nickel in American pig irons." By E. D. Campbell . 371
- "The influence of nickel and carbon on iron." By G. B. Waterhouse . 376
- Correspondence on Mr. Waterhouse's paper . 402
- Researches on the magnetic and electric properties of various kinds of sheet steel and steel castings." By Gunnar Dillner and A. F. Enstrom . 408
- Visits and excursions at the Sheffield Meeting . 447
- Visits to works . 460
- Metallurgical Department of the University of Sheffield . 460
- Visit to the Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company's Works . 461
- Visit to the Britannia Works, Huddersfield . 463
- Visit to Hadfield's Steel Foundry . 465
- Visit to the works of Messrs. William Cooke & Co., Limited, Tinsley . 473
- Visit to the Norfolk and Atlas Works . 475
- Visit to the Grimesthorpe Works of Messrs. Cammell, Laird & Co., Limited . 479
- Visit to the Parkgate Iron and Steel Works . 482
- Visit to the works of Messrs. Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Limited . 487
- Visit to the works of Messrs. Steel, Peech & Tozer, Limited . 489
- Other works visited . 491
- The Liege Mining and Metallurgical Congress . 505
- Obituary . 510
- Additions to the Library . 518
See Also
Sources of Information