1916 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1916 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . . 2
- Report of Council, . 5
- Statement of Accounts . 13
- Amendment of Bye-Laws . 17
- Bessemer Gold Medal . 20
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards . 28
- Presidential Address . 30
- "The influence of carbon and manganese upon the corrosion of iron and steel." By Sir Robert A. Hadfield and J. N. Friend . 48
- Discussion on paper by Sir Robert Hadfield and Dr. Friend . 71
- Correspondence on paper by Sir Robert Hadfield and Dr. Friend . 75
- "The theory of the corrosion of steel." By L. Aitchison 77
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Aitchison . 92
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Aitchison . 97
- " Note on the relations between the cutting efficiencies of tool steels and their Brinell or seleroscope hardness." By J. O. Arnold . 102
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Arnold . 105
- "Initial temperature and critical cooling velocities of a chromium steel." By C. A. Edwards, assisted by J. N. Greenwood and F. Kikkawa . 114
- Discussion on paper by Professor Edwards . 141
- Correspondence on paper by Professor Edwards . 148
- " Surface tension effects in the intercrystalline cement in metals and the elastic limit." By F. C. Thompson . 155
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Thompson . 194
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Thompson . 204
- "A new thermoelectric method of studying allotropic changes in iron or other metals." By C. Benedicks . 211
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Benedicks . 221
- "The transformations of special steels at high temperatures." By K. Honda, K. Tawara, and H. Takagi . 224
- "A few experiments on the hardness testing of mild steel." By W. N. Thomas . 255
- Obituary . 270
- Additions to Library . 277
- Autumn Meeting
- Election of Members .1
- Formation of Scientific and Technical Committees . 2
- Alteration of Bye-laws . 3
- "Influence of some elements on the mechanical properties of steel." By J. E. Stead . 5
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Stead . 100
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Stead . 114
- "Some properties of ingots." By A. W. and H. Brearley 137
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. Brearley . 171
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Brearley 178
- "Steel ingot defects." By J. N. Kilby . 193
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Kilby . 205
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Kilby . 207
- "Notes on pearlite." By H. M. Howe and A. G. Levy . 210
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. Howe and Levy . 233
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Howe and Levy . 239
- "Notes on nickel steel scale and on the reduction of solid nickel and copper oxides by solid iron." By J. E. Stead . 243
- "Notes on the effect of blast-furnace gases on wrought iron." By J. E. Stead . 249
- Discussion on papers by Dr. Stead . 256
- "Thermo-electric measurement of the critical ranges of pure iron." By G. K. Burgess and H. Scott . 258
- "The influence of heat-treatment on the thermo-electric properties and specific resistance of carbon steels." By E. D. Campbell . 268
- Correspondence on paper by Professor Campbell . 286
- "Manganese ores of the Bukowina." By H. K. Scott . 288
- "Use of meteoric iron by primitive man." By G. F. Zimmer . 306
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Zimmer . 350
- Correspondence on Dr. Stead's paper, "Influence of some elements on the mechanical properties of steel " (continued) . 357
- Obituary . 361
- Additions to Library . 366
See Also
Sources of Information