1896 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1896 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 2
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Account . 12
- Votes of thanks . 14
- Presentation of the Bessemer Gold Medal . 15
- "On the Ford and Moncur hot-blast stove." By B. J. Hall 20
- Discussion on Mr. Hall's paper . 34
- Correspondence on Mr. Hall's paper . 52
- "The production of metallic bars of any section by extrusion at high temperatures." By Perry F. Nursey . 53
- Discussion on Mr. Nursey's paper . 62
- "On the treatment of New Zealand magnetic iron-sands." By E. Metcalf Smith 65
- Discussion on Mr. Smith's paper . 70
- Correspondence on Mr. Smith's paper . 71
- "On the making of the middle lias ironstone of the Midlands." By Edwin A. Walford .
- Discussion on Mr. Walford's paper .
- "The introduction of standard methods of analysis." By the Baron Hanns Juptner von Jonstorff
- Discussion on Baron Juptner's paper .
- Correspondence on Baron Juptner's paper .
- "On the rate of diffusion in iron." By Professor W. C. Roberts-Austen, C.B.,
- Discussion on Professor Roberts-Austen's paper .
- "Mond producer-gas applied to the manufacture of steel." By John H. Darby
- Discussion on Mr. Darby's paper .
- Correspondence on Mr. Darby's paper .
- "Further notes on the hardening of steel." By H. M. Howe and Albert Sauveur .
- "Note on Mr. Howe's researches on the hardening of steel." By F. Osmond
- Discussion on Mr. Howe's paper . •
- Correspondence on Mr. Howe's paper . 208
- Votes of thanks . 220
- "A study of some alloys with iron carbides, mainly manganese and tungsten." By James S. de Bonneville . 222
- Correspondence on M. de Benneville's paper . 277
- Obituary . 283
- Additions to the Library . 290
- Spanish Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 3
- "On the iron and steel industry of Spain." By Don Pablo de Alzola . 5
- Discussion on Don Pablo de Alzola's paper. 33
- Correspondence on Don Pablo de Alzola's paper . 34
- "On the present position of the iron ore industries of Biscay and Santander. By W. Gill . 36
- Discussion on Mr. Gill's paper . 101
- "On further experience with the Walrand-Legenisel process." By G. J. Snelus 104
- Discussion on Mr. Snelus's paper . 110
- "On the roasting of iron ores, with the view to their magnetic concentration." By H. Wedding . 116
- Discussion on Professor Wedding's paper . 134
- "On the manganese ore deposits of Northern Spain." By J. Head . 139
- Discussion on Mr. Head's paper . 155
- Correspondence on Mr. Head's paper . 155
- "On the presence of fixed nitrogen in steel." By F. W. Harbord and T. Twynam .
- Discussion on Messrs. Harbord and Twynam's paper .
- Correspondence on Messrs. Harbord and Twynam's paper . 167
- "On sand on pig iron and its avoidance." By H. D. Hibbard . 168
- Discussion on Mr. Hibbard's paper . 176
- Correspondence on Mr. Hibbard's paper . 177
- "On the missing carbon." By T. W. Hogg . 179
- Discussion on Mr. Hogg's paper . 185
- Correspondence on Mr. Hogg's paper . 186
- "On a new water-cooled hot-blast valve." By W. Colquhoun . 203
- Discussion on Mr. Colquhoun's paper.
- Correspondence on Mr. Colquhoun's paper . 206
- "On the estimation of sulphur in iron ores." By R. W. Atkinson and A. J. Atkinson .
- Correspondence on Messrs. Atkinson's paper
- Votes of thanks.
- Visits and Excursions at the Spanish Meeting .
- Obituary . 255
- Additions to the Library . 262
See Also
Sources of Information