Charles Finch
of Market Hill Foundry, Cambridge
1834 'NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, Charles Finch, the elder and Charles Finch the younger, of the Town of Cambridge, in the County of Cambridge) Ironmongers and Ironfounders, and carried on at Cambridge aforesaid, under the
firm of Charles Finch and Son, was dissolved this day by mutual consent; and the said-Charles Finch the younger will receive all debts due to and pay all debts due from the said Partnership.— Witness our hands this 24th day of July 1834. Charles Finch, sen. Charles Finch, jun.'[1]
'Swann Hurrell was an iron founder in Cambridge, who succeeded his uncle Charles Finch in the business. He was mayor of Cambridge in 1857-58 and then 1864-66; the name 'Hurrell' appears on the cast iron footbridges crossing Hobson's Brook between Bateman Street and Lensfield Road.'[2]