Richard James Mecredy

Richard James Mecredy (1861-1924) or 'Arjay' was a pioneer of cycling in Ireland at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries.
A competitive cyclist and tricyclist in his early days who won many races at home and in Britain.
In 1890 he won all four English cycling championships.
He became a successful publisher of the Irish Cyclist Magazine as well as a number of cycletouring guides.
1904 'MECREDY, R. J., B.A., 2, Dame Court, Dublin. Car: Siddeley Is the editor of Motor News, and an enthusiastic touring motorist. Is Hon. Sec. of the Irish Automobile Club. Hobby: Fishing.'[1]
1924 Obituary [2]. Died aged 63 years and leaves wife and five children.