Pfeil and Co

of 145 St. John Street, Clerkenwell
1882 Partnership change. '...the Partnership which has for some years past subsisted between us the undersigned, Frederick John Pfeil, Robert Stedall, and Henry Stedall, carrying on business as Iron and Hardware Merchants, at Nos. 3, 4. 5, and C, Broad-street, Bloomsbury, Staffordshire-buildings, Macklin-street, and Dunn's passage, Holborn, all in the county of Middlesex, under the style or firm of Pfeil, Stedall, and Son, and at 145, 147, and 149, Saint John's-street, Clerkenwell, also in the county of Middlesex, under the style or firm of Pfeil and Co., was, on the 30th day of June, 1882, dissolved, by mutual consent, as regards the said Frederick John Pfeil...'[1]
1907 Mentioned. '...Henry Stedall, Horace Stedall, Bertram Pemberton Stedall, and Cecil Pemberton Stedall, carrying on business under the style of Pfeil and Co., of Nos. 145 to 157, St. John-street, Clerkenwell, in the city of London, Iron Merchants...'[2]
1909 Agents for J. E. Reinecker