1919 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1919 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Election of Associates 6
- Statement of Accounts . 7
- Presentation of Bessemer Medal . 8
- Freedom of Blacksmiths Company . 10
- Letters of Congratulation . 11
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards . 11
- Joint Session with the Institution of Electrical Engineers . 12, 663, 665
- Report of Council . 14
- "The Belgian iron and steel industry during the German Occupation in the Great War." By Leon Greiner . 33
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Leon Greiner . 44
- "Use of pulverised coal, with special reference to its application in metallurgy." By L. C. Harvey . 47
- Discussion on Mr. Harvey's paper . 120
- Correspondence on Mr. Harvey's paper . 128
- "The work of the Engineering Division of the National Research Council, Washington, U.S.A." By Dr. H. M. Howe . 133
- Discussion on Dr. Howe's paper . 137
- "Modern steel metallurgy, calculation and comparison of processes." By Chas. H. F. Bagley . 143
- Discussion on Mr. Bagley's paper . 192
- Correspondence on Mr. Bagley's paper . 195
- "The acid hearth and slag." By J. H. Whiteley and A. F. Hallimond . 199
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Whiteley and Mr. Hallimond . 243
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Whiteley and Mr. Hallimond . 246
- "Deoxidation, and the influence of lime on equilibrium in the acid open- hearth furnace." By B. Yaneske . 255
- Correspondence on Mr. Yaneske's paper . 271
- "Macro-etching and macro-printing." By J. C. W. Humfrey 273
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Humfrey . 287
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Humfrey . - 294
- "The manufacture and working of high-speed steel." By J. H. Andrew and G. W. Green . 305
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Andrew and Mr. Green 337
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Andrew and Mr. Green . 342
- "Some points in the manufacture of files." By Geo. Taylor 345
- Discussion on Mr. Taylor's paper . 379
- "Improvements in the case-hardening process• ." By D. Hanson and J. E. Hurst . 383
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Hanson and Mr. Hurst 402
- "The molecular constitutions of high-speed tool steels and their correlations with lathe efficiencies." By Dr. J. O. Arnold and Mr. F. Ibbotson . 407
- Note on above by Mr. F. C. Thompson . 429
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Arnold and Mr. Ibbotson 431
- "The carburisation of iron at low temperatures." By A. McCance . 437
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. McCance . 442
- "Note on the liquids in the iron-carbon diagram."^ By G. Cesaro . 447
- Correspondence on paper by Professor G. Cesaro. 456
- "On the non-allotropic nature of the A2 transformation in iron." By K. Honda . 457
- Correspondence on paper by K. Honda . 465
- "The experimental investigation of the influence of the rate of cooling on the hardening of carbon steels." By A. M. Portevin and M. Garvin . 469
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Portevin and Mr. Garvin . 560
- "Graphitisation in iron-carbon alloys." By K. Tawara and G. Asahara . 565
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Tawara and Mr. Ashara . 581
- "The estimation of phosphorus in the presence of tungsten." By G. Watson Gray and James Smith . 585
- The Annual Dinner . 589
- Autumn Meeting, 1919 . 1
- Appointment of Scrutineers of the Ballot . 1
- Election of Members . 2
- Election of Associates . 5
- H.R.H. The Prince of Wales elected an Honorary Member of the Institute 5
- Presentation of Bessemer Gold Medal . 6
- Gold Medal of the Blacksmiths' Company . 7
- "Report on fuel economy and consumptions in the manufacture of iron and steel." By [[W. A. Bone|Prof. W. A. Bone[[, Sir Robert Hadfield, Bart., and Alfred Hutchinson . 11
- "Fuel economy in cupola practice." By H. J. Yates . 53
- "Fuel control in metallurgical furnaces." By Sir Robert Hadfield, Bart., and R. J. Sarjant . 61
- "Report on experimental use of powdered fuel for puddling furnaces." By W. Simons . 75
- "A report on the present status of fuel economy in the German iron and steel industry of the occupied territory on the left bank of the Rhine." By Cosmo Johns and L. Ennis . 77
- Discussion on Fuel Economy papers . 97
- Correspondence on Fuel Economy papers . 125
- "Synthetic cast iron." By Charles Albert Keller . 139
- Discussion on Mr. Keller's paper . 158
- "The action of iron oxides upon the acid furnace structure." By J. H. Whiteley and A. F. Hallimond . 159
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Whiteley and Mr. Hallimond . 180
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Whiteley and Mr. Hallimond . 183
- "On the woody structures of fractures of transverse test-pieces taken from certain special steels." By J. J. Cohade . 187
- " Notes on defective fractures in tensile test-pieces during the inspection of gun parts." By A. M. Portevin . 203
- Discussion on papers by Mr. Cohade and Mr. Portevin . 211
- Correspondence on papers by Mr. Cohade and Mr. Portevin . 223
- "Nickel chrome forgings." By Dr. J. H. Andrew, J. N. Greenwood, and G. W. Green . 231
- "Brittleness in nickel-chrome and other steels." By Dr. F. Rogers . 325
- "Temper-brittleness of nickel-chrome steel." By R. H. Groomes. 329
- "Further communication on temper-brittleness of nickel-chrome steel." By R. H. Greaves, Miss M. Fell, and Sir Robert Hadfield, Bart. 340
- "Some experiments on nickel steel." By Major Noel Hudson . 349
- "On the cause of the irreversibility of nickel steels." By K. Honda and H. Takagi . 353
- Discussion on Nickel Chrome papers . 377
- Correspondence on Nickel Chrome papers . 392
- "On the decarburisation of steel with hydrogen." By E. D. Campbell . 407
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Campbell . 415
- "On the nature of the Al transformation and a theory of quenching." By K. Honda . 417
- Correspondence on paper by Prof. Honda . 439
- "Note on the structure of iron-carbon-chromium alloys." By T. Murakami . 415
- Correspondence on paper by Prof. Murakami . 449
- Obituary . 451
See Also
Sources of Information