Arthur Drew Thomas
Arthur Drew Thomas (1863- )
1922 Captain R.E. (retired), M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 74, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, London, S.E.19; b. 1863. Ed. Malvern College, 1876-81. Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, and Assistant Engineer with Galbraith and Church (Consulting Engineers to the London and South Western Railway). 1881-88— Assistant Engineer on Railways and Surveys for Port of Santa Fe, Argentine Republic. 1888-90—District Engineer, Carenero Railway, Venezuela. 1891-92— Chief Engineer and Agent to the Concessionaire of the Dorada Railway, Republic of Colombia. 1892-96—During revolution, 1895, held position of General Manager, Dorada Railway. 1896-8—Superintending personal interests and those of his partners in a mining enterprise in Spain. 1898.-1905—General Manager and Resident Engineer, Bolivar Railway, Venezuela. 1905-8—General Manager and Resident Engineer, Dorada Extension Railway, Colombia. 1908-14— Reports and negotiations in connection with (1) Port. of Rivadesella (north coast of Spain); (2) Drainage Works (Madrid); (3) Mexican Union Railway (Sonora, Mexico); (4) The Hechichera Irrigation Scheme (Imperial Valley, California). Also Consulting Engineer and Representative in Spain of the Anglo-Spanish Construction Co. in connection with various projects for strategic and secondary railways. British Vice-Consul at Honda, Republic of Colombia, 1895-6. War Services.—Assistant Inspector of Munitions. Areas (Leeds) under Ministry of Munitions, and Captain, Royal Engineers (Inland Waterways and Docks ), Richborough.