Cyclecar: Index v02: (1913/05/28 to 1913/11/17)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX: Volume 02. - Issues 28th May 1913 to 17th Nov 1913.
- A.A. and M.U. Signposting Scheme, 557, 619
- Accessories: At the Olympia Car Show, 654. How They Should be Cared for, 75. Interesting, 241 New, 174. 233, 588; Ideas in, 114; Notes on, 525. Novel. 553
- Accessories, Tormo, 546
- A.-O.U.: " Get-You-Home" Badge—Privilege Refused, 169. Steeplechase—Mr. Lousrhborough Explains, 387
- Adamson Brothers: Can You Tell One from the Other, 631
- Advertising, An Amateur on, 44, 95
- " Albert Brown " Trophy Winner, 169
- Alexandra Day Celebrations, Cyclecars and, 37, 60
- Alpine Tours, Cyclecars in, 534
- Amateur Camping Club invite Cyclecar Club to Camp, 394, 411, 426, 439
- America: First Cyclecar , Journal in, 618. Flag-carrying in, 328. How They Do Things in, 432. What It isi Doing, 470
- American: Cyclecar: A Tandem, fO: A £100, 103; Company formed to Produce 10.000 Cycleears in a Year, 396; Engine, An, 33, 537; Trial, The First, 370. Cyclecars: Are British Manufacturers Prepared to Fight an Invaeion of, 425; New, 470, 497, 529, 640, Two, 33. Opinion, An, 189
- " American Cyclecar, The," 618
- Amiens, Nearly a Smash near, 223
- Anjou, Circuit de I1, 510
- April Showers on an Autolette, Through, 10
- Ardennes, Touring in the, 211
- Association of Cyclecarists. 25. Work for the, 53; Opinions on, 93, 95, 122, 149, 176
- Austria, Interest Increases in, 630
- Austrian: Cyclecar Contest, A Great, 452. Motor and Cycleear Meet. 472
- Autobiography of a Cyclecar, 311
- Auto-Wheeling: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Experiences, 644
- Baker, Ltd., F. E., Works, Extension of, 126
- B.A.R.C.—(See " Brooklands ")
- Bedelia's Progress, The. 3%
- Belgium, Touring in. 185
- Belts: After being Used for 5000 Miles, Still Good for 5000 Miles, 128. Adjustment of, 292
- BELTS: Graham (Elastic). 588. Morris (American— Chain Leather), 112. Pedley, 128
- Benzole: And Senspray Carburetter, Astounding Results with, 335. An Important Announcement Regarding, 295. Every Cyclecarist Should Try. 370. Proved, The Superiority of, 268. Suitable and Unsuitable, 58. Tested, 534. " The Motor" Tests of, 58, 268, 295. Try, 341
- Biter Bit, The. Ill
- Blow Torch, The Imp (Brown Bros.), 241
- B.M.C R.C.—(See " Brooklands ")
- Bolt Valve, Dunlop, 233
- Brakes Worn in Holes1! 128
- Breakfast, 110 Miles Before, 299
- Brighton. Speed Trials at, 449
- British Manufacturers: Are They Prepared to Fight an Invasion of American Cyclecars ? 425
- Brittany, Touring in, 186
- BROOKLANDS: Meetings: B.A.R.C.: (4th August) 182. 253. 270, 271, 272, (27th September), 3fi9; B.M.C.R.C. (14th June). 88, (16th July—Six Hours Race), 189, 222. (9th August). 297, (13th September), 430, (18th October), 555; Essex M.C. (24th May), 14; M.O.C. (5th July), 169; R.A.C. Associated Clubs Gala Day (31st May), 6, 36. Records at: (Calthorpe). 555, 577; (Sineer), 430, 471, 480, 510; (Violet-Bogey). 353, 369. Regulations, New, at, 18» "The Motor" Benzole Tests, 58, 268, 295
- Buildwas, Round and About, 90
- Bumble. TJncle, Robert (the Devil) and, with Side Lights on. 366
- Bureau, Practical Experiences, 8 455 461
- Calamai, M. A., Interesting Chat with, 3%
- CALL OF THE ROAD.—Belts, Tvres and Mileage 442 Benzole, and Sensprav Carburetter, Asto'nish-UJS Results with a. 335. Oherchez la Femme 106 County Council Wants Speed Limit. The', 1. Oyeleoarring, The Real Cost of. 82. Cvcle-™r- Simple Type of: Why I Think It is w»nt2d. ,49. Cyclemrs that are Not Failures T U T? Run—280 Miles Just a, 419: Trip WanrJrl rttIT- 218' " ^Ur>~ Houses," On-Wanted a Joseph Lyons, 29. Lubrication. Some Remarks on, 522. Lyons, Joseph, Wanted a: On "Eating Houses," 29. Magneto Tip, A, 464. Mileage, Tyres, Belt.- and, 442. Rain and Mountains, 390. Running. Economical, 2. Senspiay Carburetter ami Benzole, Astonishing Results with a, 335. Speed Limit, The County Council WanUs 1. State of Things, A Scandalous, 123. Town Day, To, 463. Travelling Expensed, A Comparison of, 464. Tuning and Touring, 218. Tyn-s. Belts and Mileage, 442. Wit-in a Week. 361, 390, 419
- Camp: Amateur Camping Club's—(See " Amateur "I, First Experiences of a Real. 439
- Camping: Cyelecar, How to Cany Out, 388. Weekend, '411
- Canvas Oyclecariste Under, 296
- Carburation Conditions, Testing, 183
- CARBURETTERS: Buckingham, 696b. Claudel-Hob-son, 342. Cox, 274b. Senspray, 335. Solex, 330. S.U., 552
- Carburetter that Halves the Petrol Bill, 253
- Car, Miniature, v. Motorcar, 482
- Car Polish, Chemico, 114
- Cars, Ford, 344
- Cars: Light—(See "Light Carfl"). Miniature, from £125 to £185, 385, 446—(See " Miniature Cars ")
- Catalogue, Swift Cycle Co., 691
- Chains: Adjustment of, 292. Fitting, 359
- Chassis: For the Critic, 648. That Caused a Sensation, 670
- Chucking, The Art of, 266
- Circuit: De 1'Anjou. 510. Du Mans, 301
- Civilized Savages, 388
- Cleansing Preparation, " Flash" (Brown Bros.), 488
- Clutch, Poured Oil on the, 375
- Cockermouth, Interesting Models at, 317
- Colonial Requirements, 144
- " Comet, The." The Fate of the, 400, 451
- Comfort and Economy, Greater, 668
- Competitions: How They are Won, 510—(See " Trials ")
- Oonan Doyle's, Sir Arthur, Auto-Wheeling Experiences, 644
- Continental Tours, Suggested. 185, 211
- Cornering at Speed in the Grand Prix, 216
- Cornwall. Taxation of Three-wheelers in, 399
- Coupes for the Connoisseur, 648
- Cover, Our Front. 6. 34, 59, 107, 127, 169, 189, 221, 274, 293, 325, 339, 376, 394, 423, 448, 469, 510, 524. 642, 678
- Critics, The: A Discussion on Cyclecars at Wisley Hut, 636
- Cross-Channel Comments, 213
- CROSS-COUNTRY COMMENTS.—Adventure, An Amusing, 104. Back-wheel Slip and Gear Ratios, Tests of, 520. Copper Pipes, Bending, 457. Cycleoars. Curious, and Their Effect on the Public. 415. Cyclecar T.T., The, 305. Differential-less Machine, Experiences with a, 305. Dorset and Wilts., Through, 415. Engine: The Two-stroke, 305; Vibration Problems. 305. Fallacies. Popular. Exploded, 104. Forecast, A Revival, 305. Gear Ratios and Back-wheel Slip, Tests of, 520. Grand Prix: Racer, First Impressions of a, 104. Sidelights on the. 213. Highlands, Western, Glories of the, 457. Horseman, The Nervous, 415. " Jabberwock," The, Crosses the Channel, and Has Exciting Adventures, 73. Mirrors at Dangerous Road Crossings, 520. Plug, Back. Sooted-up the, 415. Public. Curious-looking Oyclecars and The'r Effect on the, 415. Road Crossings. Mirrors at Dangerous. 520. Scotland, Selection of Routes to, 457. Six Days Trials, Some Thoughts of. 364. T.T., The Oclecar. 315. Wilt*, and Dorset. Through, 415. Yankee-made Cycle-car, The, 457
- Cudham: Amateur Camping Club's Camp at. 394, 411, 426, 439. Church Hill, 636
- Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund: A Scheme to Enlist Subscribers, 376
- Cyclecar: Ablaze at Kingston. 400. 451. AnA Light Cars in India, 355. Association. The Need for a New: Suggestion to the R.A.C., 25. A Trenchant Replv to the Contemptuous Critic of the, 696a. Belt-driven. Strenuous Test of a, 10. Camping: How to Carry Out, 388: Weekend, 111. Can I Afford to Keen a? 285. Day at Hendon Aerodrome. 329. Definition. International, Important. Alteration in. 584. Deliveries, More, 128. First South African, 397. France and the, 494b. Holiday: in Scotland, A. 465: Reproduced from tbe Daily Mail," 290. Honeymoon. A. 327. How the Advent of, Has Changed Our Lives, 665. How to Drive a, 84. Jaunts at the Week-end and How They May be Enioved 309. Lighting, 489. Movement, A Notable Development of the. 385, 446. Movement. The Control of the, 566, 696a. Owner The Enthusiasm of the, 521. Possibilities of the, in England and France, 396. Simple: Interest Increases for the, in Austria, 630; What the Larger Manufacturer Thinks of the, 543. Test, The Severest, 243. The Autobiography of a, 311. The Electric, 228 The Type of, to Purchase, 235. To Obtain Reliability in the. 75. Why It Hdlds. the Road, 28. With Interesting Underslung Frame, 689. World, 9, 31, 59, 83, 107, 127, 161 189, 521, 251. 269, 293, 322, 339, 372. 394, 423, 448, 469, 524. You Should Own a: Some Reasons Why, 235
- Cyclecar Celebrities: Lambert, Mr. A. W., 434. Martin, Mr. L., 434. Nash, Mr. A. G. F., 435. Phillips, Mr. A. B., 433
- Cyclecar Club: August Bank Holiday Tour, 128. Badges, 223. Deputation to Meet R.A.C., 128. Dinner to Grand Prix Winners, 223, 253, 273. Fixtures, 302: Two Important, 431. Hill-eliinbs: South Harting, 14, 64, 78. 108, 109, 136, Dr. Low-'s Formula for, 134, Notes, 140, Results, 64, 138. 169, 18!), 228: Vigo Hill, 450, Unofficial, 480; Woodcock Hill, 508, 523, 534, 556. Invited to Camp with the Amateur Camping Club, 394, 411, 426, 439. Picnic in Marlow Woods, 58, 86. Rally: at Brighton, 11; Buxton, Another View of the, 3. Runs and Tours, 128. Runs: Aston Rowant, 374; Brighton, 424, 450; Chiddingstone, 324; Hastings, 224; Horley, 618: Ivinghoe, 40; Kop Hill, 165; Selsey Bill, and Lobster Supper, 139; Sussex (August Bank Holiday), 271. Trial, Flexibility, 64, 138, 169, 189, 228
- Cyclecarist: At What Cost Can I Become a, 262. Every, Should Try Benzole. 370
- Cyclecarists: Association of, 25. Work for the, 53; Opinions on, 93-95, 122, 149, 176. At the ?Varsity, 27. Some, 483. Under Canvas, 296. Workshop, The, 4, 57, 143, 265, 359
- " Cyclecar Manual, The," 84, 92, 118
- Cycleoarring Possible for One-legged Man, 60
- CYCLECARS— (See also "Light Cars"): A.-C, 386, ?' 611, 675; Four-cylinder, 497; Four-wheeler, 43, I 99. Ill; Sociable, 230. Adamson, 547, 675. V Ajax, 500, 560. Alldays Midget, 168, 446. Alldays and Onions, 675. Armstrong, 33. Athmac. 340. Automobile Cvclecar Co., Detroit, 470. Automobilette, 132, 530, 559, 585; Grand Prix. 65 Baby (C.I.D.), 530. Baby Peugeot, 303, 386. 508, 562. Bantam. 688. Beacon, 101, 529. Bedelia, 560; Grand Prix, 65, 129; Chat -with M. A. Calamai Concerning. 396. Bolton-Precision, Grand Prix, 65, 254a. Buckingham—(See " Chota "), 376, 435, 456. 565, 675 Calthorpe. 446. Campion, 341. Carden, 188, 644, 675. Carnation (American). 162. C.F.L., 323.
- Chater Lea, 67, 446, 675. Chota—(See " Buckingham "), 10, 103, 145, 376. Crescent, 612, 676. Crouch, 205, 446. Cumbria, 317
- Day-Leeds. 676. De Cross Cvcar Co. (American), 528. De P. Duo, 527, 676. D.E.W., 498, 576, 676; Grand Prix. 65, 116. D.M.C., 340. Dou«-
- las, 134, 446, 507. Downing-Detroit (American), 60. 640.- Du Guesolin. Grand Prix, 65. Duo, 676; Grand Prix. 65. 116, 130 Economycar (American), 33, 145. Elswick-Hopper, 112. Emeraude, 561. Enfleld Autolette, 19, 534. Eric, 676 Falcon (American), 470 497. French (American), 103 Gibson and Co.. 226. Globe, 156. G.N., 133. 676, 690; Grand Prix, 65. Gordon, 609. G.W.K., 239, 386, 545. 676 H.M.C.. 318. Hubert's Mr. T. A., 146. Humberette, 386. 428. 676. Hurlin, 689 Imp (American). 264, 470 , James, 548. J.B.S., 187, 386. Jennings, 58L,
- Jouvie, 560 L.A.D., 613. 645 La Gazelle, 961. Lagonda, 294, ' 375, 446. Lambert and West, 368. Los
- Angeles, 431? Marlborough Grand Prix. 65. 162. Marshall-Arter. 676. Mathis. 446; Grand Prix, 65. 162.
- Mathis Babylctte. 559. Medinger, 497. Melen, 676. Metzgar. 267. Mobilette (American), 529. Morgan. 34. 173. 287, 313, 659. 676; Grand
- Prix, 65, 117. 173. 252. Morris-Oxford, 278, 386. Motorette, 677
- New Imperial, 677. Noel, Grand Prix, 65. Norton, 188
- Paragon, 274b. Pearson and Cox, 680. Perrv, 395, 446, 677. Premier, 677. Pyramid, 15, 432, 677
- Ranger, 686. Roc Triearriage, 690. Ronteix, 578; Grand Prix, 65. Roulette, Grand Prix, 65. Ryley. 580
- Sabella. 16. Singer, 162, 344, 385. 471. 510. Sphinx-Globe, 561; Grand Prix, 65. Snroston and Grace, 475. Standard. 145. Stellite, G77. Streeter and Smith (South African). 397 Super- 562: Grand Prix, 65 116. Swift, 79, 268, 501, 677, 691
- Tiny, 677. Tweenie, 315, 403, 562, 677. Twombley (American), 33, 264, 317 V.A.L., 610, 677. Violet-Bogey, 353, 510, 559;
- Grand Prix, 65, 117, 131
- Warne, 343, 590, 677. Welsh Motor Co. (Detroit), 497. Wilton, 188, 446, 677. Winter and Co., 32, 227. Woodrow, 227, 268. W.W., 32, 227 Zebra, 319, 578. Zendik, 102
- Cyclecars: A Discussion, on, at Wisley Hut, 636. American: Are British Manufacturers Prepared to Fight an Invasion of, 425; New, 33, 470, 497, 529, 640. And Alexandra Day, 37, 60. An Improbable and: Theoretical Opinion About, 189. Faster Than Oars, 61. From £60 to £80, 470. In Ireland, 400. New: Notes on, 546; 1914, 580. Not to be Described as Light Oars, 112. Overloaded, 154. Railway Rates and, 338, 341. Second-hand, The Prices of, 262. The Trend of: A Significant Editorial in "The Automobile" of New York, 268. Typical Examples of, 683. Where to See, 126. 10,000 Per Annum to be Produced, 396
- CYCLECAR, THE: A Position on the Staff of, 376. Authoritative Grand Prix Report, 222. Camp at Boves, 159. Warning to Advertisers of Second-hand Goods, 369
- Cylinder Cooling by Water Injection, 417
- "Daily Mail," Article by the Editor of THE CYCLECAR. on " The Very Newest Touring " from, 290
- Darkness, The Dread of, 673 Day, Topics of the—(See "Topics") Definition: International Cyolecar, Important
- Alteration in, 584. What Is the Effect of the
- Present, 97 Depford Co., Messrs. I>e Peyrecave and Burford
- Commence Business as the, 456 Devon, Novth: As a Testing Ground, 272. A Week in, 28?, 313
- Differential, Trouble with a, 162 Dinners; Calthorpe Motor Co. (Christening Calthorpe Minor), 695. Cyclecar Club, to the
- Winners of the Grand" Prix, 223, 253, 273.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
- (Olympia Show), 646 Discussing, What We are All, 55
- Driving: A Cyclecar, 84. Inconsiderate, 475
- Dutch Roads, Touring on, 212
- Dynamo, Magnetolite, 52
- Economy and Comfort, Greater, 668
- Edinburgh to London Without an Engine Stop, 409
- Electric Lighting, Inexpensive, 52
- End-to-Ehd Record, Mr. Hart-Davies'e, 125, 162
- Engine: A Revolutionary, 58. Stop, Edinburgh to London Without an, 409. Water-cooled, How to Tune a, 445. Why Is One Type Better Than Another, 77
- ENGINES: Alpha, 329. Baker, 126. Btanfield, 476. Coventry-Simplex, 681. Dickins and Co., 268, 370. Dorman, 81. Engines, Ltd., 684. Illston, 33. J.A.P., 424, 551. Johnson, and Smith, 477. Lloyd and Plaister. 268. Mendip, 551. Sarolea, 640. Stag, 233. T.A.B., 679. Wizard (American), 33, 537
- Engines,: Three Two-stroke, 268. Twin-cylinder, The Peculiar Problem of, 77
- Enthusiasm, 353
- Ermyn Street, Restoration of, by Lord Rosebery, 60
- Essex M.C.—(See " Brooklands " and "Trials")
- " Evans, P. J.," Trophy, 508
- Events, Forthcoming, 17, 42, 66, 89, 113, 142, 170, 190, 229, 250, 276, 286, 321, 354, 370, 393, 421, 447, 481, 495, 535, 553, 575, 620, 641, 674
- Exhaust, Inlet and, Piping, 491
- Flag-carrying: In France, 223. Popular in France and America, 328
- Formula: Dr. Low's, for Cyclecar Club Hill-climb, 134. For Counting Revolutions per Minute, A New, 283 ?..-.'
- France: And the Oyclecar, 494b. Flag-carrying in, 223, 328. Grand Prix in-(See " Grand Prix "). Michelm Guide to, 108. Paying Car Taxes in Kind in, 692; Tandem Seating Popular in, 223. To-and-Fro Race in, 693
- French: Oyclecars, Two, 1914, 530. Races, The Great, 151. Voiturette, "The Trend of the, 558
- Friction Drive, The Application of 442
- Front Cover, Our—(See " Cover ") '
- Garden City, Warne Works at the, 343
- (lay City, The, 622. Views Opposed to Those TON
- pressed in. This Article, 657. Gear Changing, The Art of, 494 Germany, Popular Motoring in, 629 G.N. New Works at Hendon, 353 Goggles, Selfridge, 114
- GRAND PEIX, 191-202. A Peep into the Future Regarding, 144. Before the Race, 192. Comparative Speeds of tile Most Likely Winners, 151. Cornering at Speed in, 216. Course: Danger Spots of the, 159; On the, 164. 114
- CYCLE-CAR'S, THE, Authoritative Report of the, 222. Driver (Mr. Messervy), Accident to, 169. Entries, 37; and Specifications, 162; and
- Starting Positions, 115. Hotel Keepers Want
- Big Prices at, 58. How It was Won and
- Lost, 194. How to See, 141, 160. Lessons of, 191, 302. Machines in: France Fears England Will Win, 65. Mr. Bolton's Bolton-
- Precision Scratched for, 134. Notes, 220.
- Practising for, 111, 126. Racer, How We
- Nearly Caught a, 165. Racers, 65, 116, 129, 162. Winner: Cyclecar Club Dinner to the, 223, 253, 273; Gives Some Sidelights on, 213;
- Story of the Race, 200; Winning Machine (Morgan), Fate of, 252
- Green Street Green, Vioar of, Finds Morgan Useful, 173
- Guildford, The Old Farnham Road at, Proposed Resuscitation of, 21
- Hendon: Aerodrome, Cyclecar Day at, 329. G.N. New Works at, 353
- Hereford Challenge Cup—(See " Trials—Hereford A.C.")
- Highway: All on a Broad, 181. Ancient, Restoration of, 60
- Hill-climbing: How Speed and Economy in Running Are Reduced by Adding Weight, 154. On Top Gear, 205. Test of the Swift, 79
- HILI.-CI.IMBS: A.C. de France (Gaillon), 494b. All-gemeine Motcrfahrer Verband (Semmering), 452. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 451, 533. Cyclecar Club: South Halting, 14, 64, 78, 108, 109, 136, Dr. Low's Formula for, 134, Notes, 140. Results, 138, 169, 189, 228; Vigo Hill, 431, Unofficial, 480; Woodcock Hill, 508, 523, 534, 5-56. Herts. County A.C, 165. Leicestershire A.O., 169. Midland A.C. (Shelsley Walsh), 11, 61. Mont Ventvoux, 353. South Wales and Cardiff M.O.'s (Caerphilly), 68. Streatham and District M.C.C., 375
- Hills, Steep, How to Climb, 504
- Holland, Touring in, 212
- Honeymoon: A Cyclecar, 327. Spent Testing a New Four-wheeler. 431
- HORNS: Keco, 552. Pilot, 588. Simms Blowell (Selfridge), 114 ?
- Hotel, The Simple Life, 413
- Hubs, Attention to, 292
- India, Cyclecars and Light Cars in, 355 114
- Inlet and Exhaust Piping, 491 Insurance, Points on, 26 114
- International: Cyclecar Definition, All 584. Touring Trial Rules, 618 114
- Ireland, Cyclecars. in, 400
- Jack, A Home-made, 416
- JACKS: Baratt, 525. Lake and Elliott, 655
- Justice: Bucolic, 171. Is—Bored! 182
- ' Knowledge, A Little,"
- Lady Driver, First Impressions of a, of a Light Car, 671
- Land's End and Back on a Globe, 156 Lathes, Drunimond, 144 Ijewes, A Speed Limit at, 576
- Licensing Authorities, Arbitrary Action by the,- 62 LIGHT CAB AND CYCLECAB, THE: Its Right to Title, 658
- Light Car: Cost of Running a, 638. First Impressions of a Lady Driver of a, 671. For My Purpose, 605. Greater Economy and Comfort on the, 668. The Genesis of a, 616 LIGHT CABS—(See also " Cyolecars "): A.-C 616 Adams, 506. Adler, 549. Alklays, 647. All-days Midget, 592. Autocrat, 474. Averies, 499 Baby Peugeot, 651. Buchet, 561 Calcott, 613. Calthorpe, 577, 608, 647. Calthorpe Minor, 695. Charles Fournier, 561. Chater Lea, 550. Crescent, 686. Cumbria, 659. Cumikar, 692 Day-Leeds, 679. Douglas, 680. Duo 658a Eagle, 684. Enfleld Autolette, 647. Evelvn 680 G.E.P., 578 Hillman, 650 Kestrel, 529 Lagonda, 536. La Pbnette 578 Marlborough, 650. Marshall-Alter 6-13 Miltliis Babylette, 691. Melen, 688. Monarch 584 Morris-Oxford, 475, 651, 670 New Imperial, 690. Norma, 582 Omnium, 680 Parent, 578. Perry, 407. Pilain, 651. Pilot, 652. Premier (Coventry), 690 Singer, 482, 503, 652. Sizaire-Naudin, 645. Standard, 581, 654. Stellite, 583 Tiny, 688 Warren-Lambert, 658b. Wilton, 585. Woodrow, 680 Zebra, 654
- Light Cars: And Cyclecars in India, 355. Cyclecars Not to be Described as, 112. Typical Examples of, 682
- Lighting: Cyclecar, 489. Electric, Inexpensive, 52
- LIGHTING SETS : Dissolved Acetylene, 490, 534. High Tension Co.'e. Magnetolite, 490. K.W., 490, 4%. Lrthanode, 535
- Light Up, 17, 42, 66, 89, 113, 142, 170, 190, 229, 250, 276, 286, 321, 354, 370, 393, 421, 447, 481, 495, 535, 553, 575, 620, 641, 674
- Lockjaw, Road Dust and, 435
- London: Best Western and South-western Outlet from, 444. Deadly Dull, 657. Edinburgh to, Without an Engine Stop, 409. The New Western Outlet from, 60
- Long's, Mr. H., Tour: On the Chota, 10. On the Singer, 36, 83, 128, 169, 276, 314, 329, 344, 432
- Low's, Dr. A. M.: Article, "Cylinder Cooling by-Water Injection," 417. Device to Awaken the Sleeper, 534. Formula for Cyclecar Club Hill-olimb, 134. Petrol Consumption Measuring Apparatus, 634. Technical Advice by, 134
- Lubricator, Bosch, 451
- Machine: How to Reverse the, 698. Simple, Waiting for Someone to Solve the Problem of the, 696. The Type of, to Purchase, 235
- Magneto, Bosch, Mirror for, 438
- Magneto: Chain, The, 359. The Care of the, 378. Timing, 292. Tip, A, 464
- Maintenance Charges, Principal, 285
- iVlans, Circuit du, 3ul
- Manufacturers, Larger: What They Think of the Simple Cyclecar, 543
- Manufacturer, Small, The Future of the, 517
- M.C.C.—(See "Brooklands" and "Trials")
- iviecanicien, Monsieur le, 215
- Me.-servy, Mr., Accident to, 169
- Michelin Guide to France, 108
- Midlands,.Wake Up the, 425
- Miles, 670, at a Cost of 30s., 230
- Miniature Oar: In Many Different Forms, 682. v. Motorcar, 482
- Miniature Cars: From £12a to £185, 385, 446. New, Notes on, 546—(See " Cyclecars " and " Light Cars ")
- Miniature Motors, Typical Examples of, 682
- Miracle? Was It a, 425
- Mirrors for Dangerous Road Crossings, 520
- Modern Progress, Another Victim of, 302
- -Monocar, A Four-cylinder, 397
- Monocars—(See " Cyclecars ")
- "Motorcycle," " Tete Rouge" Classified its a, 111
- "Motor Cycling": Colour Work in, 34. Gipsy Picnic Party at Burnham Beeches, 323, 325. Tourist Trophy Special, 58
- Motoring: For One on a D.E.W. Monocar, 576. New, Movement, Remarkable Achievements in, 571; The Novice and, 681; The Root Idea of the, 696a. Popular, in Germany, 629. With One Leg Now Possible, 60
- Motorists: Mecca of The, 329. Police and, 248, 252
- Motor: Offence, Another, 341. Vehicles, The Smallest, What They Have Done, 571
- "Motor, The," Benzole Tests, 58, 268, 295
- Mufti, The Gentlemen in, 179
- Myopic, 182
- New Motoring—(See " Motoring ")
- News Items, 9, 14, 31, 54, 59, 61, 83, 87, 107, 127, 161, 182, 189, 221, 225, 251, 266, 269, 293, 297, 314, 322, 325, 339, 372, 374, 376, 394, 423, 448, 450, 455, 469, 475, 494b, 524, 534. 546, 554, 555, 579, 589, 614, 637, 642, 655, 678, 681, 695
- New World, A, 665
- New York, " The Automobile" of, Editorial of "The Trend Towards Cyclecars," 268
- Night Riding, Hints and Suggestions for Improving, 673
- Normandy, Touring in, 211
- North of England Show, Projected, 557
- Notes: and News—(See "News Items"). And Queries—(See "Queries"). News and Gossip of the New Motoring, 554, 579, 614
- Novice and the New Motoring, 681
- "Obtaining Increased Power," 593
- Olympia: How to Beach, 658, 698b. Projection for Enlarging, 689. Shows—(See " Shows ")
- OPINIONS, THOUGHTS AND.—A.A. and M V : Boxes, The 45; Obtain Special Rates for Cyclecarists, 383. A.-C.: Cattle Inspect an, 570Si; Experiences, More, 513; Using a Mixture of Petrol and Benzole on an, 540. Accessibility, 332. Acetylene Lighting, 625. A.-O. Sociables: Experiences with, 486-liood Results from Benzole on, 595; Tyre Wear on, 538. A.-C.U. Meihods, 407; Trial What a Competitor Learnt in the, 627. Air-™oIilf: I? tlle Tropics, 357; Is it Efficient? 597; Satisfied with, 594; v. Water-cooling, 459. Air Inlet: An Extra, 96; Extra, Benzole and the, 257. Air Inlets, Auxiliary, 46. Air Valve, Extra, for a Humberette, 383. American: Cars, Cyclecars and, 407; Criticism of the British Cyclecar, 511; Opinion ol Cyclecars, An, 357. Association of Cycle-carists, The, 122, 149, 176. Australia: Belt Drive Best for, 514; (latching On in, 149; Cyclecars Wanted in, 408; Requirements ior, 540. Autolette, Gear Changing on an, 382 Baby Cyclecar, Experiences with a, 512, 597, 627. Baby Peugeot, Praise for the, 538. Bearings, Adjustment of, '24. Beginner's Experiences, A, 626. Belt: Differential, A, 282; Drive, A Colonial View of, 381, Best for Australia. 514, Single, 208. Benzole: A 30 Per Cent. Increase from, 23; and Paraffin, Excellent Performance on, 71; and Petrol Consumption, 358; and Petrol, Using a Mixture of, on an A.-C., 540; and the Extra Air Inlet. 257, 306; Bad Results irom, 487; Experiences with, 511; Good Results from, on an A.-C. Sociable, 595; Greater Mileage on, 307; In Favour of, 282; Running a Morgan on, 358; Simple Experiments with, 407; Some Interesting Facts about, 661; 10 m.p.g. Increase on, 437. Body, Detachable? What is a, 257. Bodywork, New Ideas in, 625. Brighton, Speed Trials at, 515. British Cyclecar, American Criticism of, 511. Brooklands, Cyclecars at, 306
- Calthorpe Experiences, 461. Camping, Cycle-earring and, 408. Canada: The Future of the Cyclecar in, 306; Wanted Cyclecars for, 624. Canvas, Cyclecarring under, 332. Car-buration: Improved, Dr. Low's Reply to Mr. Judge, 96; Theories on Improving, 70. Carburetter: Efficiency, Increasing, 408, 595, 661; Experiments, Dr. Low's and Mr. G. L. Holzafell's Replies to Mr. Judge, 22, 23. Car, Miniature, Considers the, The Coming Type, 407. Cars, American, Cyclecars and, 407. Cattle Inspect an A.-C., 570Si. Ceylon: Price of Petrol in, 663; £150 Type for", 514. Chain and Belt Drive, 567. Chassis Weight Limit, The, 626. Chater Lea Conversion, 459. Clutches, Free-wheel, The Use of, 595. Coincidence. A, 121. Colonials: How They Should Order their Cycleears, 120; Should They Deal Direct with the Manufacturers, 487, 541, Colonial View of Belt Drive, A, 381. Colonies: A Complaint from the, %; A Great Future for Cyclecars in, 148; A Morris-Oxford in the, 662; Tyre Wear in the, 459. " Comet, The," The Tale of, 515. Competitions: Formulas in, 121; Freak Hills and Freak Timing in, 46. Complex, Why Not Simplify the, 514. Continental Holidays, 281. Continent, Routes to the, 383. Conversion: A Chater Lea, 459; Another Successful, 382. Cyclecar: A Home Constructed, 177, 567; A Home-built, 437; Another Use for the, 148; A Powerful, 24; Association, A New, 93-95, Wanted a Real, 69, 70; A Three-seated, 208; British, American Criticism of, 511; Canada, The Future of the, in, 306; Championing the True, 662; Club, Ladies', A Proposed, 699; Definition, The, 567; Design, 514; Enthusiast in New South Wales, A, 232; Experiences, 512; Holiday in Scotland, A, 570Si; Ideal, 436, A Monocar as an, 540; in Extremis? Is the, 699; in Perth, W.A., Only One, 333; Lighting, 568; More Economical than the Sidecar, 624; Owners and their Machines, 148; Seven Passengers on a, 333; Shooting Partridges from a, 570Si; Simple Type of, 119, 149, A Successful, 663; Steam, 333, 625, 626, 700, A Satisfactory, 661; that Cost £295, 24; Transmission, 207, 208; Wanted, 460; £100, The Demand, for the, 256. Cycle-carists: A.A. and M.U. Obtain Special Rates for, 383; Association of, 122, 149, 176. Cycleoarist, Unfortunate, To Help an, 460. Cyclecarring: In Singapore, 357; in the Emerald Isle, 568; Under Carfvas, 332, 408. Cyclecars: An American Opinion of, 357; and American Cars, 407; at Brooklands, 306; at Flying Meetings, 381; Can They Climb Hills? 461; Cheap, Wanted, 210; Experiences with, 538; for Canada Wanted, 624; for Ladies, A Suitable, 570; for Tennis Players, 408; for the Colonies, A Great Future for, 148; How Colonials Should Order their, 120; On the Road, The Number of, 381; Railway Rates for, 407; Steam as a Motive Power for, 381, 597; Test Hills for, 149; The Output of, 540; Trials for, Only, 147; Under Various Types, A Bad Precedent of Classification of, 21; Wanted in Australia, 408; Weighing 9 cwt., 209
- Dark, Improved Running After, 358. Daylight Saving Bill, The, 96, 120; Is It Wanted? 45. Definition: A Cyclecar, 567; Is There a? 306. Design, Cyeleear, 514. Destruction, A Test to, 406. Differential: A Belt, 282- Is It Necessary? 175; Question, The, 541, 568, 595, 626, 662; The Unnecessary, 120, 207; Tyre Wear Without a, 231. Don, The First, to Compete in a Trial, 71. Duo that Replaced a Rickshaw, A, 569
- Eastbourne, A Hill at, 46. Emerald Isle Cvcle-S?ifril$ in the> 56S- End-to-End Record, -I he Singer, Criticisms of, 232; Mr. Hart-Davies Replies, 257. Engine: Cleanliness, Comments on, 511; Does a, Eon Better at ?nc .m ! T,Two"stroke: Experience with a, 30b, That Runs Well, A, 627, Why Is the So Rare? 256; V-type, The Tuning of, 513.
Engines, The Cooling of, 436. Experiences, Owners', 382
- Ferry, A Quaint, 23. Flying Meetings,, Cycle-cars at, 381. Formula1 in Competitions, 121. Four Speeds: Are They Necessary? 625. Freemasonry of the Road, 383. French Chalk: Should It be Used for Tyres? 210. Friction Drive: and Belt, Combined, 514; Slipping on Low Gear with, 539. Front ('overs, Our, 282. Fuel: Consumption, 71, 120, 231. Does Economical, Mean Less Power, 176; Kconomieal, 307
- Garaging, Clieap, 484. Gear: Changing on an Autolette, 882; How I,. Change, 539; Ratios: on a' Steamer, 627, Suggestion for l> ing, 627. Germany, Touring in, 281. Gradient <>f a Hill. Determining the, 120. Gradients, How They Are Measured, 24. Grand Prix: The Marlborough and the, 255; Winner, Congratulations i<>. 255. Grease Gun, A Home-made, 408, 460. G.W.K.: last Running on a, 383: in India, A, 209; Owners: A Useful Hint for, 484, A I'si-ful Tip for, 570
- Hill: At Gastbonrne, A, 4I>: Determining the Gradient of a, 120. Hill-climbing on a Warne, 255. Hill-climbs, Criticism <>f the Low Formula fur. 210. Hills. Freak: and Freak Timing in Competitions, 46; in Trials, 307, 331. Holland. Petrol in, 257. Hotel, The Simple Life, 485, 570Si. Humberette: A Converted Early, 177; An Appreciation of the, 257; Cheaper to Run than a Big Twin and Sidecar, 538; Experiences, 662, 699; Extra Air Valve for a, 383; Owners, Hints for, 512; Running Costs of a, 487, 538, ,r.70Si: 2500 Miles on a, 437; 4500 Miles on a, 539. Humberettes, Improvements on, 626 India, A G.W.K. in, 209. Ingenious—But, 256. Inlet Pipe! Which is the Best Design of, 595 " John Gilpin, Jnr.," in Wales. 487. Journal
- in a Class by Itself, The, 699 Kingston, Avoiding, 515
- Ladies: A Suitable Cyclecar for, 570; Cyclecar Club, A Proposed, 699. Lamp Query, A, 160. Law, Reasonable Representatives of the, 437. Leave, Never Had a Mure Knjoyable, 594. LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAR, THE, Opinions of, 699. Lighting: Acetylene. 825; Cyclecai 568. Lightness Combined with Strength, 24. Low Formula for Hill-climbs, Criticism of, 210
- Machine, Policeman Causes Damage to a. 232. Machines. Cyclecar Owners and Their, 148. Maker, Small, The Future of the, 596. Manufacturers: Should Colonials Deal Direct with the, 120, 487, 541; The Treatment of Customers by, 232. Marlborough: and the Grand Prix, 255; with a Special Body, A, 570. Mechanical Stop, One in 5000 Miles, 461. Mileage Chart, Showing Amount of Petrol Purchased, etc., 627. Mile, Three-halfpence, 624. Miniature Car, Consider the: The Coming Type, 407. Misfiring, A Cause of, 437. Mixture, A Moist, Does it Increase Speed? 333. Monocar as the Ideal Cyclecar, A, 540. Morgan: Ascends Pitfold Hill, A, 569; Experiences with, 512; Running a, on Benzole, 358. Morris-Oxford in the Colonies, 662. Motive Power, Steam as a, 381
- New South Wales, A Cyclecar Enthusiast in, 232. Night? Does an Engine Run Better at, 282. North, Interest in the, 71. Number Plates, Smaller, Suggested, 45. " Nut," Pandering to the, 177
- Oil Consumption, 661; Low, 331. Overall Width, The Precise, 208. Owner's Experiences, 382
- Partridges, Shooting, from a Cyclecar, 570SL Perth, W.A., Only One Cyclecar in, 333. Petrol: and Benzole: Consumption, 358, Using a Mixture of, on ajl A.-C, 540; Consumption, Information, Required, 540; Gauge, A Useful, 596; in Ceylon, Price of, 663; in Holland, 257; Tank, Rust in the, 596. Phenomenon, A Peculiar, 627. Phoenix Quad Conversion, An Interesting, 596. Pitfold Hill, Ascent of, by a Morgan, 569. Policeman Causes Damage to a Machine, 232. Police: Speed Judging by the, 46; Traps,' Four, within a Few Miles, in Surrey, 281. Practical Experiences Bureau, The, 461 Railway Rates for Cyclecars, 407. Rally, Proposed Cyclecar, at Taunton, 96. Rexette Conversion, Another, 487. Rickshaw, A Duo that Replaced a, 569. Riley Conversion, A, 307. Road: Disused, Proposed Resuscitation of, 21; Freemasonry of the, 383; Ready for the, 459; The Number of Cyclecars on the, 381. Routes to the Continent, 383. Royal Commission Report, A, 210. Running: Costs, 307, of a Humberette, 487; Economical, 281; Fast, on a G.W.K., 383 Seat, A Third, for a Child, 567. Shipping Rates, Special,, Obtained by the A.A. and M.U., 383. Sidecar, Cyclecar More Economical than the, 624. Signposts, The Size of, 333, 383. Simple Life Hotel, The, 485, 570Si. Singapore, Cyclecarring in, 357. Singer: An Appreciation of the, 148; End-to-End Record, Criticism of, 232, Mr. Hart-Davies Replies, 257. Six Days Trial, Opinions on, 406, 407. South African Requirements, 121. Speed: Is It Increased by a Moist Mixture? 333; Judging by the Police. 4«. Spirit, A Strange, 570. Starting Handles, The Design of, 307. Steam-as a Motive Power for Cyclecars, 381, 597; Cyclecar, A, 333, 625, 626, 700, a Satisfactory, 661; Giant, as a. Motive Power, 625, 62fi.
- Steamer, Gear Ratios on a, 627. Suggestion, a Nove , 660. Surrey, Police Trap in, 281 Switzerland, Touring in, 281
- Tail Lamp Problem, The, 539. Taunton, Proposed ( yolecar Kally at, 96. Tennis Players Cyclecars for, 408. Test Hills for Cyclecars' 149; to Destruction, A, 406. Three- and Four-wheelers, Separate Classes for, 177-Speeds, Disadvantages of, 567; Wheeler ? When is a, Not a, 281. Transmission Cycle-car, 207, 208. Trial: Regulations, Vague, 460; The First Don to Compete in a, 71. Trials: For Cyclecars Only, 147; Freak Hills in, 307, 331; Speed, at Brighton, 515. Tricar, a steam. Experiences with, 568. Tropics, Air-cooling in the, 357. Two-I Beater, Carrying Four on a, 381. Tyres: lias found Them Reliable, 71; Light or Heavy? 596, 661; Should French Chalk be Used tor, 210; Sizes of, 282. Tyre Wear: Extraordinary, 149, 207; in the Colonies, 459; on an A.-C. Sociable, 538; without a Differential, 231
- Unbusinesslike Methods, 332, 381, 436. Unconventional, The Failure of the, 660
- Valve, Overhead. Breakages, 332
- Wales, "John Cilpin, Jnr.," in, 487. Warne Cyclecar: Experiences with a, 596; Hill-climbing on a, 255; 2000 Miles on a, with Three Up, 148. Water: Cooling, Air-cooling v., 459; Injection, Splendid Results from, 484. Wheels: Disc, 514; Larger, A Plea for, 436. Windscreen, A Cheap, 513 Over Development: How It Causes Loss in Efficiency and Increases Complication and Cost of Running, 404
- Pain's Hill, Cobham, A Dangerous Spot at, 182 Paris From a Motoring Point of View, 622; Views in Opposition to—Deadly Dull London, 657 Peacock's Feather, Mr. H. Long and the, 128 Petrol: And Oil Pipes, 292. Atomizing the, 289. Bill, A Carburetter that Halves, 253. Consumption Trial, Remarkable Results in, 480. Draining Out the, 341 Petrol-consumption Measuring Apparatus, Dr. Low's, 634
- Petrol Filler, Pettett, 114 Petrol Tap, Best and Lloyd, 412 Picnicking by the Thames, The Cyclecar Club, 86 Pistons, Simplex Featherweight (Brown Bros.), 588 Places Worth Seeing: Cudham Church Hill, 637 Police: And Motorists, 248, 252. Trap: How a, is Worked, 695; on'the Portsmouth Road, 111, 179- Traps: Circular Recommending the Abolition of, 248; Fewer, 228; Ridkulous, 252 Portsmouth Road, Trapping on the 111, 179 Power Obtaining Increased: Load, Disposition ot
- 'and Wind Resistance, 7 Practical Experiences Bureau, 8, 455, 461 Practice v. Theory, 54 Piivilege, An A.-C.U., Refused, 169 Pu.'leys, Graham, 588 Pulleys, Variable, The Advantages of, 90
- QUFRIES, "NOTES AND.—Accumulators, 18, 308; Charging, 664. Acetylene Generators, 384. Advance and Retard, 178. Axle, Back, Method of Strengthening, 48
- Ball Bearing, A Self-aligning, 360. Belt: Fasteners, 384; Slip, 438. Belts, Wear of, 118. Bowden Wires, 438. Brake: Drums, Oil on 308' Problem, A, 462. Brakes: Noisy, 150; Wear of, 438. Brushes, High-tension, 234
- Carburetter: Flooding, 685; Tickling the, 516. Chain: Bolt, Breakage of, 280; Noises, 412. Chains, Adjustment of, 18. Clutch: A Slipping, 178; Re-covering, 542. Clutches, Multiple-disc, 628. Compression: Loss of, 18, 48; Raising the, 72; Tap, A Broken, 4W. Crankcase, A Heated, 71. " Oyclecar Manual, The," 92" 118. Cyclecar, Storing a, 570Sii. Cyclecars, Washing, 412. Cylinders, Offset, b8a
- Drive, and Change-speed Mechanism, Arrangement of, 118. Driving Licences, 234
- Engine: Air-cooled, Method to Allow Heat to
- Escape irom Around, 462; High-compression, 178; Improving the Cooling of the, 570Sn;
- Races, 150; Seized-up, 280. Engines, Two-
- stroke 598. Exhaust: Pipes, Loose, 334,
- Valve, Spare, Neat Method of Packing, laO.
- Water in the, 92. Extras: What Shall 1
- Carry? 150 ,0
- Fan Belt Breaks, 598. Firing, Unequal, 48. Float Chamber, Warming the, 488. Footboard, A Sloping, to Form a Recess for Tools, 308. Frames, Bent, 664. Friction Drive, 685
- Garage Floors, 92. Gear! Changing, 488, 5«;
- Ratios, Measuring, 598. Generators, Acetylene. 384. Grinding the Needle Valve, lit.
- Gyroscopic Effect, 258 ..,»,,?
- Hands, Cleaning the, 488. Headlight, Making a 280 Hills, Failing on, 462. Hoods and Screens, 598
- Keys, File No Use for Making, 360
- Licences, 384; Driving, 234. Lock Nut, Seeming 234
- Magneto Troubles, 438. Misfiring, 384, 516
- Needle Valve, Grinding in, 178. Nut, A Stray, 308
- Oil: No, 438; Pipe, Overflow, A Lengthened, 178: Tin that Does Not Leak, 280. Overheating, 92 Pedal, To Roughen the Surface of a, 334. Petrol: Leak, A, 48; Pipe, Minimizing Risk of Breakage of, 18; Pressure-fed, 685; Storage of, 664; Tanks Leaky, 308; Tap and Filter, Combined, 412. Pinion Teeth, Broken, 488. Pipes, Bending, 628. Platinum Points, 664. Plug, A Tight, 118. Pulleys, Variable, 258
- Radiator: Filling the, 412; Pressure in, 234; Water Boiling in the, 280. Registration, 150, 334, 664. Rims, Rusty, 628. Road, Cannot Hold the, 488. Running, Sluggish, 72
- Screens and Hoods, 598. Set Screw, Temporary Repair of a, 542. Shock Absorbers, 542. Silencer Explosions, 18, 360. Skidding, 360. Spare Tubes Damaged, 308. Sparking Plus Position, 72. Springs, Lubrication of, 438. Squeak, A Mysterious, 462. Starting, Difficulty in, 334, 628. Steering: Slackness in, 258; Wheels, 570Sii; Wire, 412. Storing: A Cyclecar, 570Sii; Petrol, 664
- Tappet Noise, 118. Tools, A Sloping Footboard Arranged to Form Recess for, 308. Tube Mystery, A, 412. Tubes, Spare, Damaged, 308. Tyre: Pump Gets Hot, 258; Wear, 118, Abnormal, 516. Tyres: Burst, Bandage on, 268; Pumping, 542
- Undershield, An, 234. Undershields, 598. Universal Joints, 570Sii
- Valve: Gaps, Unniovable, 516: Changing a, 542; Clearance, Adjusting, 384; Pitting, 48; Spring, Compressing a, 92; Springs, Testing Tension of, 598; Stems, Worn, 516
- Washers: Making, 516; Paper, 360. Washing Oycleoars, 412. Wheel-drawer, A Simple, 628. Wheels, Wire, 178
- R.A.C.: Cyclecar Club Deputation to Meet the, 128. Gala Day—(See " Brooklands "). Suggestion to, to Form a New Cyclecar Association, 25, 53
- Race Meeting, Oasterrekhischen. Motorfahrer Club, Vienna, 472
- Railway Rates and Cyclecars, 338, 342
- Rally, Cyclecar Club: Brighton1, 11. Buxton, Another View of the, 3
- Records: At Brooklands: Calthorpe, 555, 577; Singer, 430, 471, 480, 510; Violet-Bogey, 353, 369. End-to-End, Mr. Ha-rt-Davies (Singer), 125, 162
- Repairs, Wayside, Little, 292
- Reverse, How to, 698
- Revolutions per Minute, A New Formula for Counting, 283
- Road: Call of the—(See " Call of the Road "). Closings, Mirrors for, 520. Dust, and: Lockjaw, 435. Joys of Being Alone on the, 299. Some Tales of the, 181. The A.-C. Four-wheeler on the, 43. The G.W.K. on the, 239. "Why the Cyolecar Holds the, 28
- Roads, Signposting the: A.A. and M.IT, and, 557, 619. Captain Deasy's Suggestion for, 298
- Robert (the Devil) with Sidelights on Uncle Bumble, 366
- Rosebery, Lord, Offers to Pay for Restoration of Ermyn Street, 60
- Routes Avoiding Kingston from London, 444
- Running Costs of a Light Car, 638
- Saltburn Sands Trial—(See " Trials—Yorkshire A.O.")
- Savages, Civilized, 388
- Second-hand Goods: A Warning to Advertisers of 369
- " Secrets of Tune," 126
- Scotland, A Oydecar Holiday in, 465
- Scottish Six Days Trial on a Grand Prix Racer, Through the, 259—(See " Trials ")
- Scottish Speed Championships—(See " Trials—Scottish A.-C.U.")
- Scuttle Dash, Ventilator for, Russell, 174
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 61
- Shows: Fanciful Thoughts on the, 694. Ready for the, 608
- SHOWS: Manchester, Projected, 557. Olympia Oar, 646-656; Accessories at the, 654; Coupes for the Connoisseur and Chassis for the Critic at the, 648; Features of the, 656. Olympia Cycle, Motorcycle and Cyclecar: Cyclecars Not to be Described as Light Cars for the, 112; Forecast of the, 675-677; Ground-floor Plan of, 377; How to Reach, 658, 698b. Paris, 534, 558-562, 578; What to See at, 562
- Show, The Romance of the, 697
- Signposting: Of England, A.A. and M.U. Scheme for, 557, 619. Of the Roads: Captain Deasy's Suggestion for, 298
- Simple Life Hotel, The, 413
- Simplicity, A Plea for, 404
- Six Months, Did Not Get, 353
- Sleeper, The, Dr. Low's Device to Awaken the, 534
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Olympia Show Dinner, 646
- Soldering Outfit, Tinol, 174
- South African Cyclecar, The First, 397
- Spanner, Box Tube, How to Make a, 365
- Sparking Plugs, Lodge, 174, 525
- Speed Limit: Application Refused, L.C.C., 34. At Lewes, 576
- Speed, £b for, Based on Appearance and Dust, 171 114
- Springing? Was It Due to, 341 St. Andrews: On the Road to, What Befell a Singer, 482. Trial at—(See " Trials— Scottish A.-C.U.") 114
- Starteritis, Non, A Violent Attack of, 316 114
- Steel Studs, Care with, 401 114
- Steering: Heads, 292. Pleasant, 128 114
- Steering-wheel Control, Bowden, 52 114
- Stop Watches, Interesting Operations with, 179
- Tail Lamp Alarm, Keco, 552
- Tandem Seating Popular in France, 223
- Tar Remover, Chemico, 114
- Taxation of Three-wheelers in Cornwall, 399
- Taxes, Car, Paying, in Kind in France, 692
- Technical Advice by Dr. Low, 134
- Terminal, Oliater Lea, 114
- Thames, Picnicking by the, Cyclecar Club, 86
- Theory v. Practice, 54
- Thoughts and Opinions—(See " Opinions ")
- Three-wheelers, Taxation of, in Cornwall, 399
- Tie Rods, 292
- Timing a Water-cooled Engine, 445
- Title, Our Right to a, 658 t
- To-and-Fro Race in France, 693
- Top-gear Running on an Alldays Midget, 5S2
- TOPICS OF THE DAY.—A.A. a-nd M.U. Cyclecar Scheme, The, 229. Accommodation for Extra Passengers, 481. A.-C.U.: And Cycleoars, The, 447; Cyclecar Trial, The 421, 535, 575, Lessons of the, 620; Six Days Trial, 321, 354; The Crowning Triumph of the, 354. Air-cooling, 250. America Will Make the First Move, 481. Association of Cyclecarists, An, 42; Approval of an, 113; National, The Imperative Necessity for a, 66; Should the Proposed, be Formed by the Cyclecar Club? 170
- Benzole, The Importance of Trying, 354. Bonnet and Radiator Design', 275. Bonnets, Readily-detachable, 275. Brookiands, Cycle-oar Racing at, 275
- Camping Experiment, A, 371. Cyclecar: A.-C.U. and the, 447; and Sidecar Classification Trials, 321; as a means to an End, The, 286; a Sidecar or a? 371; Market Expanding, The, 447; Race, Standard Machines in the, 535; Racing at Brooklands, 275; Scheme, The A.A. and M.U., 229; Springing, 190; £100, The Demand for the, 190. Cyclecar Club: Should They Form the Proposed Association of Cyclecarists ? 170. Cyclecarists, An Association of, 42; Approval of an, 113; National, The Imperative Necessity of a, 66; Should the Proposed ' be Formed by th'e Cyclecar Club? 170. Cyclecars: Are They Driven Recklessly? 393; at the Motorcycle Show, 641; for Town Driving, 17; Special Taxation for, 641
- Definition, Altering the, and Competing Suggestions, 89. Driven Recklessly? Are Cyclecars, 393 ;
- Economical Motoring, In the Interests of, 481.
- Engines, Wanted More Docile, 286 Four-cylinder? A Twin or, 535 Grand Prix, 170; Prospects, 113; The Lesson of
- the, 190; The Meaning of the, 229 Highway, Motorbuses on thei, 17. Hill-climbing, Transmission and, 250. Hotel Prices: How They are Raised, 393. Hotels, Motoring, The Expense of, 447 Insurance, The Value of, 421. Isle of Man Race, The, 89, 229
- Ladies, Simple Motoring for, 674. Lakeland, The Great Trial in, 321. LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAR, THE, 553. Lights When Needed 421
- Market Expanding, The, 447. Monocar? What is a, 133. Motorbuses on the Highway, 17. Motoring: Economical, In the Interests of, 481; Popular, in the Paris Salon, 553; Simple, for Ladies, 674. Motorists: Are Persecuted Why, 142; What They can do Regarding Police Trapping, 142. Movement, Damaging the, 354
- Olympia: Car Show, Features of the, 641; Cycle-car Show, A Great and Representative, 674; Motorcycle Show, Cyclecars at the, 641. Overall Weight? What is, 620. Over-production ? 495. Owner's Requirements, The Influence of Individual, 286
- Paris Salon, Popular Motoring in the, 553. Passengers, Extra, Accommodation for, 481 Police Traps, What Motorists Can do Regarding, 142. Private Owner, Encouraging the 575. Public, What do the, Require? 42 Radiator and Bonnet Design, 275. Railway Rates, Unfair, 321. Requirements, Individual, The Influence of, 286. Roads, The Future of the, 17. Running Costs: Larger Tyres and, 495; Low, The Importance of, 674 Scottish Six Days Trial, Leseonsi of the, 250. Selection, The Problem of, 553. Show Question. An Important, 42. Sidecar: and Cycle-car Classification Trials, 321; of a Cyclecar ? A, 371. Springing, Cyclecar, 190. Standard: Machines in the Cyclecar Race, 535- Models in Trials, 495
Taxation, Special, for Cyclecars, 641. , Town Driving, Cyclecars for, 17. Transmission: And Hill-climbing, 2S0; A Test of 170. Trial: The A.-C.U. Oyclecar, 421, 535, 575,. 620; Scottish Six Days, 250; Six Days, 321, 354. Trials, Standard Models in, 495. Triumph," A Poor, 393. Twin or Four-cylinder' 535. Types, The Separation of the, 14/. Tyres, Larger, and Running Costs, 495 Year, The Event of the, 170
- Tour: A Fortnight's, on a Second-hand A.-C, 2o0. And Some Incidents, 156. How and Where, 320. In Wales, A Week's, 361, 390, 419. Mr. Long's: on the Ohota, 10; on the Singer, 36, 83, 128 169, 276, 314, 329, 344, 432 Touring, The Very Newest, Reproduced from the
- '?' Daily Mail," 290 Tours, Suggested Continental, 185, 211 Transmission, Points oil Friction Drive as, 4-2 Traps Circular Recommending the Abolition of, '48—(See "Police Traps")
- TRIAIS: A.-C.U.: Cyclecar, 494a, 532, 586, Course in Detail, 572, Entries, 556, 572, From An Observer's Note-book, 604, Judges' Report, 633, Lessons of the, 635, Result, 599-604, 632; Six Days, 298, 326, 345-353, Course, Mr. Lough-borouiUi Explains, 387, Judges' Report, 400, Regulations tor, 135, Results of, 352, 427, Some Thoughts of, 364. A.-CO. (East Midland Centre), 323, 401. Austrian Allgemeiner Motorfahrer Club (Semmering), 254 Birmingham M.O.C., 432, 455. Bournemouth and District1 M.C.C., 316, 376, 398. Bristol . M.O.C., 508
- Chicago M.C.. 370. Coupe de Tomisme, 589. Cyclecar Club Flexibility, 64, 508, 523, 534, 556
- Essex M.C. London-York, 375 Hereford A.C., 10, 35. Hertfordshire M.C.C., 37 International Touring (France), 618. Irish End
- to End, 223. Liverpool A.-C.C, 368, 477, 534; Reliance Cup, 432
- Manchester M.C., 323, 353. M.C.C., 272; London-Edinburgh, Awards in, 3; Londo,n-Exeter, 618, 695; Team, 85. Mersey (Liverpool) M.C. (Colwyn Bay), 165 North-West London M.G.C., H Scottish A.-C.U. (Scottish Speed' Championship), 297, 401; What Befell a Singer on the Read to, 482. Scottish Six Days Trial, 228, 243-247; Air-cooling in the, 316; Echoes of the, 252; On a Grand Prix Racer, 259; The Organizer of, 266; The Swift in, 268. South-Eastern Counties Team, 297. South Wales and Cardiff M.C. (Porthcawl), 68, 110. Streatham and District M.C.C., 615. 656; (Brighton), 401, 427, 449. Button Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 323, 369, 480, 508. To-and-Fro (French), 693 Vienna A.C. Alpine, 534 Yorkshire A.C. (Saltburn), 108 Tricar, Ohater Lea (Mr. Hall's), 323 Trioarrisge, Roc, 690 Trunks, Brooks', 341
- Tubes. Plug for Repairing, Sampson, 174 114
- Tyre Lever, Dunlop, 233 114
- Tyre: Prices, 126. Valves, 292 Tyre Pumps: Dunlop, 233. Hawthorne, 241 TYRES: Avon, Prices of, 537. Moseley, 496. Palmer Cord, 651 114
- Tyres, Reduction in Price of, 87
- Utopian, Too, 694
- Valve Grinding Compound, " Clover" (Brown Bros.), 233
- Valve, Keyhole Air, Brown Bros., 552 Valve Springs, Overhead, Replacement of, 292 Vaporizing Device, Speedier, 2-89 'Varsity, Cyelecarists at the, 27 Ventilators for Scuttle Dash, Russell, 174 Vulcanizer, Harvey Frost Baby, 655
- Wales, A Week's Tour in, 361, 390, 419
- Warne Works, Letchworth, 342
- Warning to Advertisers of Second-hand Goods, 369
- Watch, Bransom. Kent and Co., 341
- Wafer-cooling: Where It Tells, 429
- Water Injection, Cylinder Cooling by, 417
- Wayside Repairs, Little, 292
- Wedding: Higgs-Haydon, 327. Lambert-Warner, 431. Woods', Mr. J. T., 376
- Week-end: Habit, The, 309. News, 14, 62, 86 111 Welsh Mountain Passes, Over 477 Wheels: Stag Detachable, 684. Stepney 5Si Wicklow, County, A Wander in, 492 Windscreens, Triplex Safety Glass for, 342 Wisley Hut, A Discussion on Cycleoars at 636 Workshop, The Cyclecarist's, 4, 57, 143, 265, 359 World, A New, 665
- Albert Meliioiial, Hyde Park, '657
- Almvick Castle, 570
- Amateur damping Club's Camp at Cudham, (86, 439, 441, 485
- " American Cyclecar The," Front Cover of, 618 America's First Cyclecar, 112 Amulree Hill, 242, 244, 256 Applecross Hill, 252, 254b, 259, 269 Arms Hill, Henley, 86, 87 Aultnaeallagaoh, Near, 467
- Australia, Suggested Design of Cyclecar for, 540 Austria, A Three-wheel' Machine Popular in, 631 Autobiography of a Cyclecar, The, 311, 312 Auto-Oarriers, Ltd., A Feature of, 541 Axle, Back, Method of Strengthening a, 48
- Bablock-Hythe Ferry, 23
- Bachelor Cyelecarist, The Problem of the, 121
- Bacon, Sir Hickman, 400
- Ball Bearing, A Self-aligning, 360
- Ballinaslaughter Hill, At the Bottom of, 493
- Bally-castle, In, 223
- Barries Bridge, Police Trap at, 207
- Beacon Hill, 40. 41, 50
- Belt Pulleys, Diagram Showing How One Spring May Throw the. Out of Alignment, 292
- BELTS: Graham (Klasticl. S88. Morris [Chain Leather, American), 112
- Beggar's Boost, Hill, Devon, 313, 314
- Berriedalo Hill. 291
- Birdlip Hill, 38, 39
- Blow Torch, The Imp I Brown Bros.), 241
- B.M.C.R.C.—(See " Brooklands ")
- Bois de Boulogne, Paris, Morning Scene in the. 696a ,
- Bolt Valve, Dunlop, 233
- Bombay, Victoria Station at, 209
- Border, On the, 465
- Borrodale, 466
- Bouillon, The Hiver, 186
- Boves, 196-198 214, 215. Entering, 248, 249. THK CYCLF.CAR Camp at, 192
- Brakes, Inadequate, An Experience Resulting from, 105
- Bray Head, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, 437
- Breakfast, 110 Miles Before, 299
- Brighton : Cyclecar Club Bally at, 12, 13, 25, 30, 16. Madeira Road at, 449, 450
- Bromley and Lewisham, Chaotic Traffic Regulations between, 455
- BROOKLANDS: Meetings: B.M.C.R.C. (14th June), 88, (16th July—Six Hours Race), 222, (18th October), 555; Essex M.C. (24th May), 14: B.A.C. Gala Day (31st May), 36, 40. Members' Bridge, at, 512. Records at: (Calthorpe), 555, 577, 591; (Singer), 473, 510, 512. Streatham and District M.C.C. Trial at, 615. Test Hill, 79. Track, View of, 88 Buckinghamshire By-way, In a, 452
- Bude, Cornwall, 515
- Buildwas: Abbey, 91; Inn Near the, 91. Iron-bridge Road, The " Twelve Apostles," 91
- Bumble, Uncle, Robert (the Devil) and, with Side Lights on, 366, 367
- Burnham Beeches, 327
- Buttermere Bause, 345, 347, 373
- Buttertubs Pass, 348
- Caerphilly Hill, 109-111
- Camp: A Cyclecar, 411. Views of a, 388, 389
- Camp, Amateur Camping Club's, at Cudham, 426 439, 441, 485
- Camping: Cyclecar and, 5. Cyclecar Equipped for. 389. The Charms of, 411
- Canford Park, 396, 398, 399
- Carburation Conditions, Testing, 183, 184
- CARBURETTERS : Buckingham, 696b. C'laudel-Hobson, 342. Cox, 274b. Senspray, 337. Solex, 330
- Cars: Light—(See "Light Cars). Miniature: and Large, A Comparison between, 442—(See " Miniature Cars ")
- Cars: Mercedes, 303, 442
- Cattle Inspect an A.-C. Cyclecar 570Si
- Ceylon, A Duo Cyclecar in 569
- Charterhouse Hill, 600
- CHASSIS: Ajax, 500. AutomoWlette, 531; Grand Prix, 132. Averies, 526. Baby Peugeot 649 Buckingham, 700. Calcott, '613. Calthorpe, (>08. Calthorpe Minor, 621. Chater Lea 550 Okola, 145. Crescent., 012, 686. Cumbria, 117. Cummikar. 692. De P. Duo, 527. Duo, Grand Prix, 131. Enfield Autolette, 648. Gibson and Co., 226. G.N., Grand Prix, 133. G.W.K., 240, 545. Hillman, 648. Lambert and West, 368. Marlborough, 621.. Marshall-Arter, 643. Mathis Babylette, 691. Morris-Oxford, 670. Pilain, 648. Pilot, 649. Singer, 502, 621. Standard, 581. Streeter and Smith (South African), 337. Swift, 501, 526. Tweenie, 315. V.A.L., 610. Winter and Co., 32. Zendik, 102
- Chiddingfold, The Crown at, 331 Chiddingstone, Kent, 425. Cyclecar Club Run to, 324, 325
- Chisel, A Flat, Cross Cut, and Grooving, 57 114
- Circuit du Mans, 270, 271, 300, 302, 306 Cluriie Inn, Road Near, 246 114
- Cockbridge Hill, 245 114
- Coldharbour, Near. Leith Hill, 564-566 114
- Cohvyn Bay. 165, 169 Continental Tours, Suggested, 185, 166 Contrast, A Remarkable. 303 Conway, Entering, 430 Corkscrew Hill, 374, 375 Countisbury Hill, 208 114
- Cressage, Bridge at, 91 114
- Crossdale Hill, 350 114
- Cudham: Amateur Camping Club's Camp at. 426, 439, 441, 485. Church Hill, 297, 615, 637 Cyclecar: A Home Constructed (Mr. Smith's), 177. A Home Designed (Mr. W. R. Hammond's), 24. A Luxurious that Cost £295. And Camping, 5. A Three-wheel, Popular in Germany and Austria, 631. Camp: A, 411; Views of a, 388, 389. Design Suggested for CTse in Australia. 540. Holiday in Scotland, A, 465-468. Home Built (Mr. W. I). Cameron's), 437. Jaunts at. the Week-end, and How They May be Enjoyed, 309, 310. Lighting; 490. Mr. T. A. Hubert's, 146. 597. Mi. G. D. Law's, 329. Mr. R. L. Lyster-Smythe's Home Constructed, 587. Simple, What Can be Done to Improve the Appearance of the, 544. Steam: Constructional and Working Details of "Steamer's," 700; Mr. K. W. Willan's Interesting, 661. The Usefulness of the, 666. The Autobiography of the. 311, 312. Why It Holds the Road, 28 Cyclecar Club: Dinner to Grand Prix Winners, Front Page of Souvenir Programme, 273. Hill-climbs: South Harting, 51, 64, 135-137, 139 140, 154. 155- Vigo and Tilburstow Unofficial, 478, 479: Woodcock Hill. 523, 556, 557, 594. Picnic at Marlow Woods, 86, 87. Rally, Brighton, 12, 13, 25, 30, 46. Run: Drivers and Passengers Donning Oilskins and Waterproofs at a, near Petersfield, 673; Machines at a, 663. Runs: Aston Rowant, 374, 375; Chiddingstone, 324, 325; Hastings, 224, 225; Horley, 13; Ivinghoe, 40, 41, 50. Trial Flexibility, 523, 556, 557, 594
- CYCLECARISTS.—Adamson: Brothers, 631; Mr. ' R. B., 602. Alexander, Mr. H-, 402. Antony, Mr., 204. Armstrong, Mr. G., 263 Bale, Mr., 375. Barnes, Mr. W. G. K., 486. Bird, Mr. S. A., 382. Blackburne, Mr., 260, 351. Bladder, Mr. W. J., 209. Blewitt, Mr. J. W., 625. Bolton, Mr. D. C. 254a. Bour-beau, M., 195, 200, 201, 215, 223, 248, 352. Bradley, Mr. A. P., 155, 224. Bunce, Mr. H., 539
- Canouel, M., 204. Chater Lea, Mr. J., 587, 602. Childs, Mr. H. B. T., 486. Coignet, M., 693. Coley, Mr. W. A., 381. Cooper, Mr. W., 11, 347, 587. Crouch, Mr., 6. Crundall, Mr. J., 38 Desoutter, Mr. M., 60. Dew, Mr. H. E., 224, 479, 586. Douglas, Mr. W. W., 352, 518 Ebblewhite, Mr. A. V., 449, 473. Exmouth,
- Lord, 441 Field, Mr. (Parkestone), 460. French, Mr. L. E., 432
- Gibson, Mr. John, 602. Godfrey, Mr. H. R., 600. Greenhill, Rev. K. P., 600. Griffith, Mr. Geo., 562. Gutman, Baron de, 452 Halsall, Mr., 449 599, 615. Hands, Mr. G. W., 45, 62, 85, 110, 400, 509, 521. Hann, Mr. Cecil, 399. Hart-Davies, Mr. I. B., 125, 149. Hawkes, Mr. D., 193, 195, 277, 398. Haywood, Mr. B., 165, 473. Higgs, Mr. G. N., 155, 327, 601
- Inglis, Mr. A. W., 416 Johnson, Mr. J., 487. Jolibois, M., 203 Keiller, Mr. C. M., 38, 93, 254b, 349, 350, 587.
- Kolowrat, Count, 453, 454
- Lambert, Mr. A. W., 433. Logan, Mr., 382. Long, Mr. H., 36, 169, 208, 515; and Daughter, 877, 344. Low, Dr. 461, 602
- Mann, Mr., 441. Martin, Mr. L-, 38, 137, 247, 269, 351, 433, 449, 478, 586. McMinnies, Mr. W. (?., 136. 194, 196, 197, 200, 201, 213, 217, 245, 273, 398, 450. Morgan, Mr. H. P. S 41 111 244, 349, 509, 5S<;, G15. Morris, Mr. VV. R. 670. Mnndy, Mr. R. C.. 200, 586 Nash, Mr. A. G. F., 139, 198, 375, 433. Noble, Mr., 532 Oliver, Mr., 449
- Panling, Mr., 600. Parnacott, Mr. A. E., 12, 137 586, 603, 660. Patterson, Mr. H., 63. Paul,
- Mr., 225., Mr. de, 202, 222 248
- Phillips: Mr. A. B., 433, 478; Mr. P., 478 587. Portwine, Mr., 586, 603. Prevot M 198. Pye, Mr. P. G., 402
- Robin, Mr. (Jersey), 460
- Siinnielson, Mr., 198, 200, 201, 202, 248. Schlosser Heir, 452. Slater, Mr. J. B., 348. South' Mr. W. D., 398. Strassen, M., 693
- Tamplin, Mr. 345. Thomas, Mr. F., 11, 50, 87 213, 215, 273. Trendall, Mr. G. W. 398
- Vigliotti, M., -:04. Violet, M., 301
- Walker, .Mr. II., 399. White, Mr. E. S., 148 Whitebead, Mr. C. M., 36, 248. Whitney Mr. A. C, 445, 479. wilberforee, Mr. V., 243, 600, 602. Willmott, Mr. F., 11, 109, 237 Wolftauer, Professor, 453. Wood, Mr. J. T., 71, 8S, 154, 246, 252. 297, 586. Woodrow, Mr., 401. Wright, Mr. Sam, 242, 254b, 478, 600 Oycleoarisffi Workshop, The, 57, 143, 144, 265, 266, 359
- Cyclecarist, The Bachelor, The Problem of, 121 Cyclecar Manual, The," Facsimile Pages of, 84 Cyclecarring in the Rain, 418
- CYCLKCARS— (See also " Light Cars ").—A.-C, 237, 381, 383, 446, 586, 606, 611, Inspected by Cattle, :>70Si, Screen of, forma a Picnic Table, 626: Four-cylinder, 497, 530; Four-wheeler, 43, 44, 99, 100: Six-iable, 12, 29, 37, 230, 186, 541, 664. Adantton, 547, 548, 557, 572, Ml. Ajax, 300: Friction Gear ami Rear Spring on, 561. Alldays Midget, 39, 167; Driven from Edinburgh to London without an Engine Stop, 409. Armstrong, 33, 156. Atliniite, Friction Drive on, 340. Austro (Austrian), 254, 452, 453, 455. 461. Automobile Cyclecar Co. (American), 470. Autinuo-bilette, 300. 530, 531, 552, 693, 696a, OontTol for Variable Pulleys on, 578; Grand Prix, 129, 132, 167
- Babv (C.I.D.), 530, 531. Baby Mathis, 300. Baby Peugeot, 224, 235, 300, 303, 304 310, 353, 442, 508; Gate Change Lever on, 578; Power Plant and Gearbox on, 526. Baker and Dale (Mr. T. A. Hubert's Design), 103. Bantam, Variable Gear on, 688. Beacon, 101 529, 601. Bedelia, 30, 300, 362, 416, Magneto and Staggered Radiator on, 560, Windshield and New Mudguards on, 529; Grand Prix. 166, 167, 175, 195, 198, 200, 201, 203, 215, 217, 248, 49, Engine on, 163. Bolton-Precision, Grand Prix, 254a. Buckingham—(See " CHota "), 456, 564, 663, 700
- Oalthorpe, 45, 62, 85, 110, 222. 274a, 400, 517, 555. Calthorpe Minor, 402. Campion, 341. Car-den, 140, 644. Carnation (American), 172. Carter, 394. O.F.L., 323. Chater Lea, 40, 67, 68, 155, 446, 587. Chota—(See " Bucking-. ham "), 103, 110, 145, 274a. Crescent, 612. Crouch, 6, 205, 206, 296, 309, 606. Cumbria, 317, 332. Cycar (Parnacott), 136, 603. Cyclo-nette, 272, 693
- De P. Duo, 527, 528, D.E.W., 224, 398, 479, 498, 499, 543, 576, 586, 600, 603; Grand Prix, 193, 195, 277. D.M.C., 340. Douglas, 134, 352, 507, 518. Duo, 51, 60, 106, 119, 155, 437, 441, 478, 594, 600, 606, in Ceylon, 569; Grand Prix, 129, 130, 147, 164, 167, 199, 202, 222, 248
- Enfleld Autolette, 19, 20, S86, 534
- Falcon (American), 470. French (American), 112
- Gibson and Co., 226, 237. Globe, 156, 157, 453, 454. G.N., 11, 36, 41, 50, 51, 87, 119, 139, 140, 375, 453, 461, 479, 544, 600, 601, 606; Grand Prix, 51, 133, 155, 166, 198, 248, 249. Gordon, 14, 253, 256, 609. G.W.K., 38, 63, 71, 88, 93. 119, 154, 209, 237, 239-241, 243, 246, 252, 254b, 281, 291, 297, 345, 349, 350, 399, 407, 545, 546, 570, 600, 699; Friction Drive on, 685
- H.M.C., 318. Hubert's, Mr. T. A., 146, 597. Hum-berette, 11, 36, 38, 69, 76, 110, 148, 177, 209, 236, 254b, 347, 389, 425, 428, 429, 445, 479, 539, 600, 606, 624. Hurlin, 689
- Imp (American), 264 470. Invicta, 237
- J.B.S., 187, 326, 348, 350, 435. Jouvie, 560
- K.A.X. (Austrian), 254
- L.A.D., 654. Lagonda, 294, 295, 374, 446; Cabriolet, 418. Lambert and West, 368, 369. La Roulette. Grand Prix, 204. Los Angeles,
- Marlborough, Grand Prix, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203. 248. Mathis Babylette, 558. Mathis, Grand Prix, 163, 198, 200. Metzgar, 267, 268. Mobi-lette (American), 529. Morgan, 11, 38. 39, 41, 51, 61, 109-111, 173, 244, 271, 287, 288, 313, 314, 349, 351, 449, 509, 586. 601, 606, 615, 625, 659, 693, Gearbox and Chassis of, 34; Grand Prix, 111, 115, 117, 167, 194, 196, 197, 200-202. 213, 217 45 396, 398, 450, 562, 659, Carburetter Shield on, 173. Morris-Oxford, 278, 279, 387
- Noel, 271 ; Grand Prix, 204. Norton, 188 Paragon, 274b. Perry, 395. Phanomobil, 452. 454. P.M.C., 225. Premier, 454, 461, 587. Pyramid, 15, 16, 479
- "Roo Egg" (Wall), 54. Rollo, 237. Ronteix, 270, 300, 302; Grand Prix, 200, 203, 214. Ryley, 680, 581 Sabella, Hood and Chater Lea Gearbox on (Additions), 16. Singer, 24, 36, 38, 40, 88, 125, 137, 148, 149, 165, 169, 208, 237, 247, 259, 269, 277. 344, 351, 373, 386, 449, 473, 478, 515, 600, 606. Sphinx-Globe, Grand Prix, 196, 197, 203, 204, 249. Standard, 155. Streeter and Smith (Smith African), 397. Summers and Harding, 242, 253, 346. Super, 14, 300; Grand Prix, 116, 163, 201. Swift, 6, 13, 79-81, 84, 223. 372, 375. 382, 386, 402, 404, 460, 501, 502, 526, 600, 603, 606 Truner, 46. Tweenie, 315, 316, 403, 436, 441.
- Twombiey (American), 264
- V.A.L., 610. Violet-Bogey, 300, Change Speed Gear and Final Transmission on, 132, Clutch Pedal on, 578, Engine on, 131, Valve Gear on, 559; Grand Prix, 196, 197, 199, 200, 204, 217, 248, 249. Violette, 509. Walter (Austrian), 254. Wanderer (Austrian), 254, 461, 472. Warne, 97, 343, 478, 544, 590, 591, 606, 677. Warren-Lambert, 427, 430, 459. Welbam, 556. Wilton. 12, 155, 188, 449, 599. 615. Winco, 274a. Winter and Co., 227; Framework of, 32. Woodrow, 227, 401. W.W., 227: Framework of, 32 Zebra, 122, 155, 225, 237, 319, 320. Zendik, 102, 369
- Cycleoars: Belt-driven at a Cyclecar Club Meet, 663. Typical Examples of, 682, 683. We Shall Not See at Olympia, 687
- CYCLECAR, THE, Camp at Boves, 192. Film of the Grand Prix Race, for Lending to Clubs, 248-249. Hour Beeord Trophy, 471
- Cylinder Cooling by Water Injection, 417. 418
- Cylinder, Dissolved Acetylene, 490
- Dalnaspidol, 467
- Dent, Gastack Beck near, 349
- Devon, North, A Week in, 287, 288, 213, 214
- Dinner, Cyclecar Club to Grand1 Prix Winners, Front Page of Souvenir Programme, 273
- Discussing, What We are All, Sketch Illustrating, 65
- Ditton, Routes to. Avoiding Kingston, 444
- Drill, Correct Shape for the Cutting Edge of a, 57
- Drive and Change Speed Mechanism, Arrangement of, 118
- Durness and TJllapool, Between, 466
- " Dust Line," Number Plates Above, Some Suggestions, 160
- Dynamos, MagnefcWite, 52, 490
- Ebblewhite, Mr. A. V., 449, 473
- Edge Hill, 6, 76
- Electric Lighting, Inexpensive, 52
- End to End: Record, Singer (Mr. Hart-Daviee), 125, 149. The Climax of the, 291
- Engine: Air-cooled, Method to Allow Heated Air to Escape from Around. 462. Cooling of the, Method of Improving the, 570Sii. Why Is One Type Better than Another 77, 78
- ENGINES: Alpha, 329. Biumfleld. 476, 658b. Cote, 559. Coventry-Simplex, 681. Dickins and Co., 370. Dorinan, 81. Illston, 33. J.A.P., 424, 551. Johnson and Smith. 477. Mendip, 551. S.A.B. Engine Co., 100. Stag, 233. T.A.B., 679. Wizard (American), 33
- Engines. Twin-cylinder, The Peculiar Problem of, ' 77, 78
- Ermyn Street, between Epsom and Leatherhead, Restoration of, 95
- Exhaust: a.nd Inlet Piping, 491. Valve, Neat Method of Sending Out, 150
- Fancy Dress, Swift Cycleears in, 460
- Farlow Bank. 509, 521
- Float Chamber, Method of Warming the. 488
- Flying at Hendon Aerodrome, 372
- Footboard Arranged to Form Recess for Tools, 308
- Forest of Dean, Picnicking in, 209
- Forth Bridge, 465
- France: Michelin Guide to. Facsimile of Two-thirds of a Page of, 108. To-and-Fro Race in, 693 114
- Friction Drive, The Application of the 422
- Gaillon Hill, 494b
- Gastack Beck. Near Dent 349
- Germany, A Three Wheel Machine Popular in, 631
- Glen of the Downs, 493
- Godstone. Clayton Arms at 519
- Goggles, Selfridge. 114
- GRAND PRIX, 191-204, 213-215, 217. Cornering in : An Impression, 141; at Sneed in, 217. Course: as Seen by the Cinematograph Operator, 248, 249; Bird's Eye View of the 158. How Some of the Cyclecars will Appear in the, 166, 167. Regulations for Humours of, 153. Start of the. 196, 197, 231 THF CYOLECAB Camp at Boves, 192. Winners-Cyclecar Club Dinner to. Front Page of Souvenir Programme of, 273; Ketnrn of, to England. 213
- Great Orme's Head, 390
- Guildford, The Old and Nerieeted Farnham Road-at (The Mount), 21, 22
- Gummershow Hill, 435
- Hampshire, A By-road in, 407
- Harley Hill, Leicester, 37
- Hastings: The Cyclecar Club Run to, 224, 225. The Zebra at, 319
- Hsweswater, 262
- Heddon's Mouth, The Coast Road Above. 314
- "Help? Want Any," 6
- Hendon Aerodrome, Flying at, 372
- Highlands, Western, In the, 263
- Highway, All on a Broad, 181
- HILL-CLIMBS : A.C. de France (Gaillon), 494b. 509. Allgeiueine Motorfahrer Verband (Seminor-ing), 452-455, 461. 472. Belfast A.C.. 45. Coventry A.C., 532, 533. Cycleear Club: South Harting, 51, 64, 135-137, 139, 140, 154, 155; Vigo and Tilburetow Hills, Unofficial, 478, 479; Woodcock Hill, 656, 557, 594. Herts. County A.C., 296, 297. Mersey (Liverpool), M.C.C., 445. Midland A.C. (Shelsley Walsh), 61, 93. Mont Ventoux, 353. Nottingham and District M.C.C., 37. South Wales and Cardiff M.C.s (Caerpliilly), 109-111
- Hills, Steep, How to Climb, 504, 505
- Hindhead, Devil's Punch Bowl at, 600
- Historical Moments: The Appearance of No. 1 of THE CYCLECAR, 27
- Holland, A.-C. Cyclecar on the Boat for, 383
- Hookway Hill, Devon, 28S
- Horley. Cyclecar Club Leaving, 13
- Horns: Keco. 552. Pilot, 588. ' Simms Blowell (Selfridge), 114
- Inlet: And Exhaust Piping, 491. Pipe, A Design
- that Obtains Good Results, 595 Ivinghoe, Bucks., Picturesque Well at, 67
- Jack, A Home Made, 416
- JACKS: Baratt, 525. Lake and Elliott, 055
- Justice, Bucolic, 171
- Kenmore Hill, 247
- Kidderminster Lawn Tennis Tournament, Cycle-cars at, 408
- Kingstown, Sea Front at, 493 114
- Kirkstone Pass, 349 Kop Hill, 296, 297
- LADY CYCLECARISTS.—Barton, Miss Phyllis, 237. Ellis, Miss Mary, 699. Fielding. Miss L. M., 237. Higgs. Mrs. G. N.. 327. Morgan, Miss D., 38. Noble, Miss, 237. Shipside. Mrs. Frances, 237. Timberlake. Mrs.. 106. Waugh, Miss Marguerita I. L.. 237. Wellings, Mrs., 544. Willmott. Mrs. Fred, 237. Wortham Miss Nash, 237 114
- Lady Driver. First Impressions of a, of a Light Car, 671, 672
- Lairg and Durness, Between, 468 114
- Lake District. Touring in the, 262 114
- Lamm, An Exasperating Experience with, 75 114
- Land's End: And Back on a Globe Cyclecar, 156, 157. The End-to-End Singer arrives at, 149 Lathe, Drummond, 144 Life's Little Ironies, 3
- Lit*ht Car: First Imoressions of a Lady Driver of a., 671, 672. The- Cost of Running a, 638-640. The Genesis of the, 616. 617
- LIGHT CAES—(See also " Cyolecars "): A.-C., 616, 617, 660. Adams, 506, S07. Adler, 549, 556 589. Alldays Midget, 59?. 593. Autocrat. 474, 475. Averies, 526; Overhead Worm and Gear Change Gate on, 499
- Baby Peugeot. 623, 648, 649
- Calcott, 613, 640. Calthorpe. 509, 521, 577, 591 607, 608, 648; Interior View of the, 6S6. Calthorpe Minor, 484, 621, 657. Charles Fournier, Radiator on. 561. Chater Lea 550 Crescent. 686. Cummikar, 692
- Day-Leeds. Power Unit on. 679. Duo. Gear Change Lever. Flywheel, Universal Joint, and Combined Back Axle and Gearbox on, 658a
- Eagle, 684. Enfield Autolette, 623, 648; Back Spriners, Radius Rods and Universal Joints on, 647: Fan Bracket on. 680
- Hillman. 623, 648; Pedals and Petrol Filler and Gauge on, 650 Kestrel. 529 Lagonda. 519, 536, 537
- Marlborough, 570, 621: Rear Springs. Fixing of, Radiator and TTndershield on. fiso Marshail-Arter, 643. 668. Matins Bahvlette 691 Monarch, 584. Morris-Oxford, 475 533 653 662, 670
- Norma, 582. 583 Omnium. 484 Perry. 496. Pilain, 648; Engine and Transmission on. 651; Gear Selecting Mechanism and Steering Gear on, 680 Pilot 649-Friction Drive and Universal Joint on. 652
- Singer 502, 503. 510, 621; Gearbox and Back Axle on. 526. Standard, 581. 582, 649. 653: Spare Wheel Carrier on, 680. Stellite, 583,
- Warren-Lambert, Engine on. 658b. Wilton. 585 T- iTn?' m: r^'retter. Position of. on. 654 Liaht Oars, Typical Examples of, 682, 683
- Lighting: Cyclecar, 490. Electric, Inexpensive, 52.
- Outfit on a G.W.K. in A.-C.U. Cyclecar Trial, 605
- Lighting Set, K.W., 496 Llanberis Pass, 392 Llanfair Talhaiarn Hill, 478. 179 Llyfnant Valley, In the, 282 Llyn Padarn, 391
- Lock Nut, Method of Securing a, 234 Long's, Mr. H.. Tour on the Singer, 36, 169, 208, 276, 277, 344, 515
- Low, Dr., An Unconventional Snapshot of, 461 Lubricator, Bosch, 451 r.udlow Bridge, 509, 517 Lynton: Hill, 313. 314. Station Hill at, 287.
- Watersmccl Road to,. 288
- Machine, How to Reverse the, Diagrams Illustrating, 698
- Magneto, Bosch, Mirror for. 438
- Magneto, The Care of the, 378-380
- Mans, Circuit du, 270, 271, 300, 302, 306
- Maps: A.-C.U.: Cyclecar Trial Course, 494a, 574; Six Days Trial Course. 328. Coast Tour, Mr. H. Long's, 276. England to Scotland, Showing, from the South of, 457. Ermyn Street, Location of, 60. London, Showing Motorbus and Tube Services to Olympia, 696b. South Harting Hill. Location of, 108. Vigo Hill, Location of, 431. Woodcock Hill, Location of, 523
- Marlow. 86. Bridge. 97. Woods, Cyclecar Club Picnic in, 86, 87
- Matlock, At, 167
- Michelin Guide to France, Facsimile of Two-Thirds of a Page of, 108
- Mileage Chart, Showing Amount of Petrol Purchased, Etc.. 627
- Miniature Cars—(See "Cyclecars" and "Light Cars ")
- Miniature Motors, Typical Examples of, 682, 683
- Mirrors for Cross Roads, 520
- Monocar, A Four-cylinder, 397
- Monocars—(See " Cyclecars ")
- "Motor Cycling": Gipsy Party: At Burnham Beeches, 327; Making for Bakewell, 532. 533. Tourist Trophy Number, Facsimile of Cover of, 58
- Nant Ffrancon, Pass of, 391
- Newlands Corner. Near Guildford, On the Pilgrims Way at, 219
- New Zealand, Crossing the Rimutakas in. 148
- Novices. Hints to: How to Discover Polire Traps, 124
- Number Plate above the " Dnst Line." Some Suggestions, 160
- Ogwen, Lake, 363
- Oil: Pipe, Overflow, A Lengthened, 178. Tin that does Not Leak, 280
- Old Wyche Hill, Malyern Wells, 38, 39, 7) Olympia: Motorbus and Tube Services to, 696b.
- Shows—(See " Shows ")
- Oxford-Wallington Road, Travellers' Rest on, 87 Oxshott Woods, In, 29
- Pain's Hill, Cobham, A Dangerous Spot at, 182 Pastimes, A Contrast in: A Humberette and a
- Racing Bicycle, 236
- Pedal, To Roughen the Surface of a, 334 Pen-y-ball Hill, 445 Petersfield, Cyclecar Club at, 140 Petrol Consumption Measuring Apparatus Dr Low's, 634
- Petrol Filler, Pettett, 114 Petrol: Gauge, A Useful, 596. Pipe, Minimizing
- Risk of Breakage of, 18
- Petrol Tan and Filter. Best and Lloyd, 412 • Picnic: Cyclecar Club in Marlow Woods 86 87
- Party, " Motor Cycling "—(See " Motor
- Cycling"). Table Formed by the Screen of
- an A.-C. Cyclecar, 626 Picnicking: In the Forest of Dean, 209 On the
- Pilgrims' Way at Newlands Corner, near Gmldford. 219
- Piston, Simplex Featherweight (Brown Bros.) 588 Plug, Cleaning a Dirty, 74 Plug for Repairing Tube, Sampson 171 Pol Hill, Sevenoaks, 224, 225 Police Trap: At Barnes Bridge. 207. At Potters
- Bar 255. How a. is Worked. 695. On the
- Portsmouth Road: How It is Worked, 180 Police Traps, How to Discover: A Hint to Novices,
- Portheawl Sands. 110. 311
- Portsmouth Road: A Signpost that Could be Im-
- Hotw1tOS^oerkS9-,80POHCeTraPOnth-Potters Bar. Police Trap at, 255 Power, ^Obtaining Increased, Diagram Illustrating,
- Punch, A Pin and a Centre. 57
- Quadcar, Phoanix Conversion, 596
- ltally, CWlecaj Club, at Brighton, 12, 13. 25, 30, 46 Record, Hour, Troph.v, Tin: ('YCI.KCAH, 471 Records: At BrooWands: Oalthorpe, 555, 577, 591;
- Singer, 473. 510, 512. End to End: (Singer), 125, 149; Climax of the, 291
- Reverse, How to. Diagrams Illustrating, 698 Reversing: A Simple Method of. 72.-A Study In, 119
- Rimutakas, New Zealand, Crossing the, 148 Road: Joys of Being Alone on the, 299. Some-Tales of the, 181. Why the Cv.-lecar Holds
- the, 28 Roads: Cross, Minors for, 5J0. Signposti"
- Captain Deasy'6 Suggestion, 298 Robert (the Devil) with Side Lights on Uncle
- Bumble, 366, 367 Rocky Valley, Entering, 493 Roman Road between Epsom and Leatherhead
- Ermyn Street—Crossing the, 95 114
- Routes to Ditton, Avoiding Kingston, 444 114
- Running Costs of a. Light Car, 638-04(1
- Scotland, A Cyclcar Holiday in, 465-468
- Scottish Speed Championship Trials, 402
- Scuttle Dash, Ventilator for, Russell, lil
- Seat, A Third, for a Child, 5*7
- Semmering Pass, 454, 455, 461
- Set Screw, Temporary Repair of a, 542
- Shelslev Walsh Hill, 61-63, 93
- Show, Preparing for the, 667
- SHOWS: Olympia Car, 646-656, 680: Olympia Cycle-car: Cyeleears We Shall Not See at. 687: Ground Floor Plan of, 377: 646: "Map £how-1 ing Motorbus and Tube Services to, 696b; Preparing for the, 667. Paris, 558-562, 578
- Sidecar, Bat, 389
- Signposting the Roads, Captain Deasy's Suggestion for, 298
- Signpost that Could be Improved on the Portsmouth Road, 619
- " Simple Life Hotel," The Simplest, 48.)
- Soldering Outfit, Tinol, 174
- South Hartin" Hill, 51, 64, 135-137, 139. 154, 155, 205
- Spanner, Box' Tube, Method of Making a, 365
- Sparking Plugs, Lodge, 525
- Speed, £5 for. Ba.i*d on Appearance and Dust, 171
- St. Andrews Sands, 402
- Steam Cyclecar, Constructional and Working Details of " Steamer's," 700
- Steering Wheel, Through the, 290
- Straits Settlements. A Morris-Oxford in the, 662
- Surrey: Picturesque, A Runaway in, 330. Pines, Amonget, 29 .
- Tail Lamp. Alarm, Keoo, 552
- Terminal, Chater Lea, 114
- Thonock Park, Nottingham, 400
- Three-wheeler: Mr. 'R- L. Lyster Smythi
- Tilburstow Hill, near Qodstone, 478, 479, 513
- To ami Ft" Race in France, 693
- Tool-holder, A Simple. Form of, 358
- Tools: Footboard Arranged to Form a iCce<-*« for, 308. Methods of V Kg, 359
- Tour: Ami Some Inciden «, 157. A Week's, in Wales. 363, 390-392, 419, 4L'0. Mr. H. Long's, on the Singer, 36,. 169, 208, 276, 2-77 344, 515
- Touring: In North Wales, 293. In the Tyrol, 630
- Tours, Suggested Continental, 185, 186
- Traffic: Block, Heard in a, '-'. (tegulatione, I ' otic between Bromley and Lewisham, 4">
- Transmission, Points on Friction Drive a 422
- TruAI.s: A.-O.U.: Cyoleoar, 599-603, 605, 606, 664, Course, 4<J4a, 574, Possible Predicaments in the, 573, Some of the Competitors in, 586, Start of the, 6S3; Practising for a Future— \n Impression, 364; Six Days, 326, 328, 345-352, 373, 410, 435. A.-O.U. (East Mildand ( . 400, 401. Austrian All^emeiner Motorfalg-er Club ISeuimei ing). 254
- llournemouth M.C.O., 396, 398. 39!) t
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.. i Club Flexibility, 523, 666, 557, 594 English-Diit. h 270. 271, 272. Essex M.C. London-
- York. Start of, 376 Hereford A.O., 35, 38, 39, 41, 71 Irish A.O. (Rosslare), 416. Irish End to End, 223
- Liverpool A.-C.C, 478, 479 M.C.C. Team. 85, 122. Mersey (Liverpooll M.C.
- (Colwyn Bay), 165 North-West London M.C.C., 11 Scottish A.-C.U.. 402. Scottish Six Dai, 260, 263, 26S, 281, 242-247, 252, 253, 254b, 856. South-Eastern Counties Team, 296, 297. South Wales and Cardiff M.C.s (Porthcawll, 110, 111. Streatham and District M.C.C., 375, 406, 615: Brighton, 449. Sutton Cold-field and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 509, 521 To and Fro (French), 693
- Triiar: A Steam, 568. A Converted, in New South Wales, 232. Chater Lea. 382: Converted to a Cyclecar, 459; Mr. Hall's, 323. Rexette Conversion, 487. Rilev (Mr. Green's), 307. Wall, 54
- Trunks, Brooks', 341
- Tube: Method of Seeking a Small Leak in a. 8. That Can be Built Up in the Dash (Peto and Eadford), 655. Sketch Showing Effect of Bandage on a, 2.58
- Tubes, Plug for Repairing, Sampson, 174
- Tyre Lever, Dunlop, 233
- Tyre Pumps: Dunlop, 233. Hawthorne, 241
- Tyres. Moselev, 496
- Tyre Valve of the Plunger Type, 292
- Tyrol, Touring in the, 630
- BetwMn,4is Up Park Hill, 'near South Hartinc. 406
- Values, Their Relative 56
- Valve: Clearance, Methods of Adjusting 384-, Springs, Method of Testing Tension of, 598 ' Valve Grinding Compound, "Clover" (Brown Bros.), Tin for, 233
- Vaporizing Device, Speedier, 289
- Ventilator for Souttle Dash, Russell 174
- Vigo Hill, 478, 479 '
- Volendam, 185, 186 Vuleanizer, Harvey Frost Baby, 654 \ yrnwy, Lake, 293
- Wales; A Week's Tour in, 363, 390-392, 419 420
- North, Touring in. 293 Walpole Gardens, Lodge at, 493 Warne Works Letchworth, 343 Warwick Castle, A' Bit of, 362 \Vasl >rs, Method of Making, 516 \ljpte Injection, Cylinder Cooling by, 417, 418 Weeding, Lambei t-Warner: Bride aJid Bridegroom W Leavtag the Ohurch, 31; Leaving for Honey-\i moon, 430
- WeeSSncl Habit. The, 309, 310 114
- WesMffcam Hill, 441 114
- Westorfjnper-Mare, 507, 509 114
- West WTpombe, Curious Milestones at, 404 114
- Wheel-drawer, A Simple Home-made, 628 114
- Wheels: Stag Detachable, 684. Stepney, 525 114
- White-Shaw. Moss Bank, 346, 351 114
- Wic low, Oiftnty, A Wander in, 492, 493 114
- Wic narsh Spimon, 38 Win...or Oa> *, 239 114
- Wisley Hnti 636
- Wonersh. Surrey, Old Timbered House at. 592 114
- Woodcock Hill, Rickmansworth, 556, 557, 594 114
- Wray Lane Hill, 543, 600 114
- Workshop, The Cyclecarist's, 57, 143, 144, 265, 266. 359
- Yorkshire, North, Floe is in, 634
See Also
Sources of Information