Fred Ogden (1859-1923) of the Patent Office
1923 Obituary [1]
FRED OGDEN was born at Oldham on 23rd February 1859, and died at Margate on 16th September 1923, in his sixty-fifth year.
He received his early technical education at Oldham Technical School, and served an apprenticeship from 1873 to 1880 in the works of Messrs. Platt Brothers and Co. During this period he gained the first Platt Local Exhibition, which enabled him to enter as a day student at Owens College, Manchester, and obtained a Whitworth Scholarship.
In 1881 Mr. Ogden was successful in obtaining in open competition an appointment on the technical staff of the Patent Office, subsequently being promoted a Senior Examiner. His duties in this connexion were mainly centred on the examination of applications for patents relating to the Textile Industries.
In 1921 he retired from the Patent Office, after forty years' service.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1889.