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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Life of Sir William Fairbairn by William Pole: Preface

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Note: This is a sub-section of Life of Sir William Fairbairn by William Pole


IT WAS NOT without some hesitation that I undertook, at the request of the family of the late SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, a task which, under ordinary circumstances, would have been better performed by a more practised writer. It was, however, considered that, from the peculiar nature of his occupations and pursuits, justice could hardly be done to his biography, except by some one familiar with the technical and scientific subjects it must so largely treat of; and it was on this ground alone that I felt justified in accepting the proposal.

The autobiography which forms the earlier part of the history bears on its first page the following remark :

This memoir was written at the request of some highly respected friends, who were desirous that I should leave on record the events of what they were pleased to call an eventful and useful life. To this I consented, on condition that it should not be published till after my death; and then only in case my executors and friends should think it would be for the benefit of those who have to encounter similar difficulties in life.

As most of the account of my early life was written from memory during a voyage, the narrative will require careful revision and condensation, including such omissions as in the judgment of my friends may be deemed necessary.

W. F.

MANCHESTER : March 17, 1851.

My work in regard to this has been simply to carry out the revision directed by the author.

For the remainder of the biography, which records the important labours of the last thirty or forty years of his life, my data have been derived from his published works and memoirs;—from an immense mass of his correspondence and papers put into my hands;—from information furnished to me by relatives and friends;—and from facts within my own knowledge. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to all those who have so kindly given me their aid.

I have thought it would add to the interest of the work to give a notice, more complete than has hitherto appeared, of the profession to which SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN belonged;—one which, although so recent in its origin, has acquired in the present day a magnitude and importance most remarkable.

In regard to the general selection of the matter that appears in the following pages, I have been guided by the judgment and wishes of the family; for the literary and technical treatment I alone am responsible.

W. P.

Athenaeum Club, LONDON

December 1876.

See Also


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