Norman Cozens (1889-1924)
1923/24 Obituary [1]
Norman Cozens was born in 1889 and was apprenticed with the Star Engineering Co, Wolverhampton. On completing his apprenticeship he joined the Lanchester Motor Co, where he specialised in engine testing.
He was subsequently appointed manager to Looker's, Manchester, and following this commenced business as an automobile engineer in Manchester, but closed his practice in order to join His Majesty's Forces in September, 1914.
After demobilisation he joined Guy Motors, eventually becoming manager of the Service and Repair Department of that firm.
In October, 1922, he joined Sunbeam in the capacity of service manager, and retained this position until his death, which took place on 30th April, 1924, at the age of 35.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution of Automobile Engineers in 1921, and took a prominent part in the activities of the Wolverhampton Centre.