Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Richard Moses Merryweather

From Graces Guide
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Richard Moses Merryweather (1839-1877) of 63 Long Acre, London

1878 Obituary [1]

RICHARD MOSES MERRYWEATHER was born at Long Acre, London, in 1839, and was the eldest son of Mr. Moses Merryweather, the well-known hydraulic engineer and fire-engine maker.

On leaving King's College, where he was educated, he applied himself with much interest and diligence to engineering in his father's works; and when the adoption of steam fire-engines attracted attention he threw himself ardently into the arena, and maintained with much ability and power the position taken by his firm in relation to the question.

In conjunction with Mr. Edward Field he invented the boiler, best known by the name of the latter gentleman, and under his own immediate personal supervision applied it with the most perfect success to the steam fire-engine.

He also introduced many improvements into the manual fire-engines and other specialities of his firm, and displayed a decided aptitude for simplifying details.

His laborious business duties unfortunately told heavily upon a constitution not naturally strong, and after a lengthened illness he died at Clapham House, Surrey, in June 1877, at the early age of thirty-eight.

He became a Member of the Institution in 1867.

See Also


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