Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

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The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1881 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Indexes to these volumes.

Admiralty, Decision of, to Sell H.M.S.S. “Black Prince ” and “ Simoon,” 18

Admiralty and New Alloys, 24, 60, 114

Admiralty, New Vessels for the, 255

Advertisers and Replies to Advertisements, 1S6

Air Pumps and Condensers, Mr. C. Brown, 365

Alphabets, Modern, published by Mr. A. Fisher, 402

American Locomotives in Australia, 460

American Locomotives in England, 443

American Patents, Selected List of, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 234, 252, 270, 288, 306, 324, 342, 378, 396, 450, 468

American Portable Engines, 231

American Salt Trade, 312

Animal Mechanics, 258

Argentine Republic as a Field for British Capital, Industry, Products, and Emigration, 114

“ Armathwaite,” Trial Trip of the S.S., 65

Armour-clad Vessels, Attack of, by Artillery, 308

Artillery Experiments at Dungeness and Shoeburyness, 262

Artillery, Submarine, 369

Ashwell, Mr. J. 31

Association, Iron Trades, Employers’, 46

Australian Colonies, Census Returns for, 54

Averaging Machine, 30

Awards at the Melbourne Exhibition, 390

Baling Press, Cotton, The Morse, 102

Barmouth, Drainage of, 338

BarranquiHa Water Supply, 118

Basic Process, 10

Battersea Bridge, 96

Bell, Mr. Alex. Graham, on Wheatstone’s Microphone, 11

Bessemer Process, The Basic, 272

Bessemer Process, Use of a Mechanical Agitator in, 271

Bessemer Steel Plant, with Special Reference to the Erimus Works, 327, 328

Billingsgate Market Extension, 330

Billingsgate Market and the Tower Bridge, 276

Blackburn Railway Collision, The, 118, 217

Blackheath Subsidences, The, 209, 240

Blasting in Mines, 373

Board of Trade and Land Boilers, 63

Board of Trade and Steam Boilers, 423

Boiler Explosion, 20

Boiler Explosion on Board the “ City of Rome,” 20

Boiler Explosion, Locomotive, 476

Boiler Inspection and the Liability Act, 172

Boiler, Vertical, Mr. Keable, 40

Boilers, Colliery, their Management, 118

Boilers and Feed-water Heaters, 427

Boilers Heated by Petroleum on the Caspian, 189

Boilers in Ironworks, 366

Boilers, Land, and the Board of Trade, 63

Boilers, Marine, 27

Boilers of the Steam-tug “ Game Cock, 112,120

Books Received, 11, 137, 280,461

Boring Heads Rough and Fine, Woolwich Arsenal, 274

Boulogne Harbour Works, 408

Brake, The Eames Duplex Automatic Vacuum, 281

Brake, Electric, M. Achard, 257

Brake, The Westinghouse, 424

Brakes, Continuous, 261, 282

Brakes, Diagrams for Calculating Efficiency of, &c., Westinghouse Brake Company (Supplement to The Engineer, September 16th, 1881)

Brakes v. Reversed Locomotives, 136

Brakes v. Reversed Locomotive Driving Wheels, 169

Brakes, Vacuum, 169, 186, 203, 240

Bramwell, Sir Fred., on the Steam Engine, 387, 438

Breweries, The Construction of, 434

Brewers’ Exhibition, 282

Brewery Plant, 94

Brewery Plant, Hythe, 209

Brewery, Sixty-quarter, Cape-hill, Birmingham, 296, 300 382, 383, 384

Brewery. Transverse Section and Plan of Thirty-five-quarter, 93, 95

Brewing in England, 93, 382

Brewing Exhibition, 300, 311

Bridge over the Douro, Proposed, 6, 25, 60, 79, 114

Bridge, Fitzroy, Rockhampton, Central Queensland 330, 332, 362, 364

Bridge, The Forth, 351, 36 372

Bridge over the Irwell, Salford, 455

Bridge Work for Indian State Railways, 354, 355

Bridge, The New Tay, 329, 330, 350, 353, 384, 386, 480

Bridges, Railway, Long Span, 315

Bristol Trade and Mining School, 132

British Association, The, 184

The Founding of, 145

The Association at York, 154

Economy of Metal in Conductors of Electricity, Sir W. Thomson, 291

On the Pressure of Wind upon a Fixed Plane Surface, Mr. Thomas Hawksley, 238

Section G, President’s Address, 168

Swan Incandescent Lamp, Mr. J. W. Swan, 229

British Workman, The, 82

Bronze Castings, 79

Brush Electric Light, The, 348

Buenos Ayres Exhibition, 60, 96, 169

Buffer Stops, Safety, Mr. A. A. Langley, 474

Calf Rock Lighthouse, The, 406

Canadian Storm Signals, 309

Canonbury Accident, The, 441

Canterbury Sewage Works, Pumping Engines, 437, 443

Cape-hill Sixty-quarter Brewery, 296, 300, 382, 383, 384

Capstan, Turnover Hydraulic, 58

Cars, Long, on English Railways, 420

Cartland and Sons, Messrs. James, at the Melbourne Exhibition, 65

Casting Railway Wheels, Mr. W. Tawcett, 346

Casting Shells. Apparatus for, Woolwich Arsenal, 275

Centre Grip Wheel, 113

Centrifugal Dresser, Mr. C. G. W. Kapler, Fig. 66, p. 2

Centrifugal Machine, Mr. J. Ellison, Fig. 65, p. 1

Centrifugal Machine, Messrs. Houghton and Co., Fig.

63, p. 1

Chaff Cutters, Theory v. Practice in, 24

Chain Link, Messrs. Hornsby, 56

Chesterfield under the Electric Light, 280

Chinese Government, War Material Ordered by, from Germany, 144

“ Charkieh,” The, Trial Trip of, 182, 240

Chronograph, M. Bianchi, 433

Chronograph, M, Marcel Deprez, 433

“ City of Rome,” Inman S.S., 209, 226, 245, 260, 263, 282, 309, 476

Clacton-on-Sea Waterworks, Opening of, 83

Clark and Webb Chain Brake and the Continuous

Brake Returns, 240

Clyde, Shipping on the, 72

Coal in America, 306

Coal, Average Consumption of, by Steamships with Compound Engines, 229

Coal, Boring for, near Goole, 439

Coal, Comparative Power of, 136

Coal, South Durham, its Heating Power, 164

Coal Wagon, Traction, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 55

Coast Defences, Our, A Suggestion, 240

Coiling Machine, Woolwich Arsenal, 273

Cold-air Machines, 258. 330, 367, 390, 399, 439, 456, 473

Cold-air Machines, Dry, 282

Collieries, Electric Light in, 45

Colliers’ Wages, 316

Collingridge, Messrs. W. H. and L., Completion of their new Buildings, 169

Compressed Air upon Tramways, 343

Conductors of Electricity, Economy of Metal in, 291

Contractors’ Congress. The Libge, 117

Contracts, Colonial, 297

Contracts Open, 6 :—

Indian State Railways, Bridge Work for, 354, 355

Indian State Railways, Girders for, 134

Indian State Railways, Pot Sleepers, 335

Indian State Railways, Wheels and Axles for Wagons, 5ft. 6in. Gauge, 166, 167, 168

Conversion Tables for French and English Measures, No. II., Area. (Supplement to The Engineer, Nov. 4th, 1881)

Cooper’s Hill College, 62, 282

Copying Presses, Advice to those who use, 432

Corn Sugar Factory, Chicago Sugar Refining Company, 205

Coupling Shafting, Mr. T. R. Almond, 120

Cowper Stoves, 417

Crane, Locomotive Coaling, Grazi-Tsaritsin Railway, 382

Crane, Movable, Fig. 1, 37

Crusher for Mountainous Dietricts, Mr. Hall, 211

Cumberland Coal Trade, The, 352

Cunard Steamer Ser via,” The, 67, 345, 365

Current Indicators, Mr. Andrews, Paris Electrical

Exhibition, 361

De Bay, The S.S., 66, 164

Delesse Achille, 101

Dephosphorising Practice, On Current, 272

Derby Showyard, Map of (Supplement, July 8,1881), 20

Derwent Iron Company, The, 228

Desford Railway Accident, The, 351, 366

Destroyer, The, 442

Diaries, New, 443

Distilling Apparatus and Condensers, Volute, Mr. T.

J. Rayner, 184

Ditton Pumping Engines, 442, 453

Docks, New, in Brooklyn, 79

Docks of London, The, 258

Docks on the Thames, Dagenham Deep-water, 221, 222, 240

“ Doterel,” Loss of the, 189

Douro, Proposed Bridge over, 6, 25, 60, 79, 114

Draughtsmen in the United States, 445

Dredger, Single Bucket Dipper, Messrs. J. and G.

Rennie, 113

Dredging Plant, 99, 114

Driving, Belt, A Novel, 310

Drying Hay and Corn by Artificial Means, 136

Drying Machine, Centrifugal, Messrs. J. Shear and

Sons, 300

Duffield Bank Railway, 47, 48, 79

Durham Plate Trade, 136

Dust, Explosive Powers of, 83

Dynamo-elcctric Machines, Mr. Ball, 307

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Andrews, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 361

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Edison, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 325

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Giilcher, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 343

Dynamo Machine, Dr. Antonio Pacinotti, 293

Dynamo Machine and Lamps at the Paris Electrical

Exhibition, 192

Dynamometer, M. Napoli, 307

Dynamometer, Mr. F. J. Smith, 293

Dynamometer, A Transmission, 102

Eames Duplex Automatic Vacuum Brake, 281

Ehrhardt’s Portable Locomotive Weighing Apparatus, 20

Electric Block and Lock Switch System, Messrs. Saxby and Farmer, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 238

Electric Lamps, Efficiency of, 444

Electric Lamps, Efficiency of. Professors Ayrton and

Perry, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 379

Electric Light, The Brush, 348

Electric Light in Collieries, 45

Electric Light at the Great Northern Station, King’s

Cross, 136, 147, 152

Electric Lighting of Liverpool, 298, 334

Electric Lighting by Water-power, 245, 483

Electric Power, 189

Electric Railway, The Lichterfeld, 22, 23

Electric Railway Signals, Mr. Hodgson, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 239

Electrical Water Gauge, Mr. Julius Sax, 199

Electricity on Tramways. 207

Elevator, Grain, 74

Elm, Landslip at, 291

Elswick Ordnance and Engine Works, 37, 56, 57, 73, 77

Enfield, Small-arm Factory at, 236

Engine, An American Marine, 402, 404, 422, 425, 440, 444

Engine, 100-Horsc Power, Wannieck Koeppner Type, 472

Engine, Compound, Messrs. Galloway and Sons, 222, 224

Engine, Compound, Messrs. Lane and Reynolds, 483

Engine, Compound Mill, for Messrs. Rouse and Co., 80, 84

Engine, Compound Portable, Messrs. Richard Garrett and Sons, 41

Engine, Compound Stationary, Messrs. R. Garrett and Sons, 41

Engine Cylinders, Compound, Royal Agricultura

Society’s Show, 40

Engine, Gas, Mr. Clerk, Paris Electrical Exhibition

278, 281

Engine, Horizontal, Messrs. A. Shanks and Co., 40

Engine for Mines, Hydraulic Pumping and Hauling

Messrs. W. H. Bailey and Co., 462

Engine-room Artificers, R.N., 24, 60, 78, 96, 114, 203,

240, 258, 312

Engine, Tandem Compound, Messrs. Douglas and

Grant, 264

Engine Tender, Goods, Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail

way, 409, and Portfolio Drawing No. 124

Engine, Three-cylinder Compound, Messrs. Duncan and Stewart, 8, 11, 12

Engine, Traction, with Coupled Road Wheels, 186

Engine, Traction, with Coupled Road Wheels, Durham

Steam Cultivator Company, 148

Engine, Traction, 8-Horse Power, Messrs. Marshall and

Sons, 419

Engine, Vertical, for Driving Dynamo - electric Machine, Messrs. Ransomes, Head, and Jefferies, 211

Engine, Winding, No. 3, Silksworth Colliery, 46, and

Supplement, July 15th, 1881

Engineer, Suicide, of an, 255

Engineering College, New, 190

Engineering and Farming, 423

Engineering, Practical and Theoretical, 295, 366

Engineers, Civil v. Military, on Indian Public Works 481

Engineers for India, 279

Engineers in the Navy, 352

Engines, Balancing Portable, 453, 473

Engines, Bessemer Blowing, for Messrs. Steel, Tozer

and Hampton, 458, 461

Engines, Corliss Condensing and Non-condensing, Relative Economic Efficiencies of, 481

Engines and Boilers of the S.S. “ Virginian and Valen-cian,” 185, 188, 191, 202, 206, 242, 245

Engines, Compound, Improvements in, 438

Engines, Compound Portable, 81, 114

Engines, Compound Rotative Beam, with Low Lift

Pumps, Trials of, 420

Engines, Compound, S.S. “ City of Janeiro,” 402, 404

422, 425

Engines, Ditton, Initial Condensation, 473

Engines, English, 42

Engines, Four-cylinder, Twin Serew Yacht “ Water

Lily,” 310

Engines, Fuel, 405, 427

Engines, London, Brighton, and South Coast, 438

Engines, Marine, Mr. P. A. Lowon, 309

Engines, Marine, in Egypt, 356

Engines, Proportions of, 207

Engines, Mill, 9

Engines, Pumping, Canterbury Sewage Works. 437, 443

Engines, Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 39

Engines, Traction, with Coupled Wheels, 258

Engines, Winding, Silksworth Colliery {Supplement

July 15, 1881), 26, 46, 59

English Draughtsmen in the United States, 471

English and Foreign Armoured Defences, 333

Erimus Works, Bessemer Steel Plant at, 327, 328

Exall, Mr. William, 67

Exhibition, The Buenos Ayres, 60, 96, 169

Exhibition, Brewers’, 282

Exhibition, The Electrical, Paris, 156, 163

Exhibition, International Medical and Sanitary, 18

Exhibition, The Italian National, at Milan, 137, 147

Exhibition, A Marine, 209

Exhibition, Melbourne, Awards at, 82

Exhibition, The Milling, 1

Exhibition, Naval and Submarine, 424

Exhibition, Smoke Prevention, 451

Exhibition, Smoke Prevention, South Kensington, 451

Exhibition, The Wool, Crystal Palace, 19, 169

Explosion of Air Vessel at the Highgate Waterworks,

Fast Boat, A, 182

Faure Battery and the Electric Railway, 209

Faurc Secondary Battery, The, 20

Feed-water Heater and Filter for Stationary and

Locomotive Engines, 110, 132

Fe ixstowc Dock, The, 367

Fire Alarm Apparatus, Exchange Telegraph Co., 469

Fireproofing for Wood, 468

Fires in Theatres, 453

Fitzroy Bridge, Rockhampton, Central Queensland,

330, 332, 362, 364

Flanges, Locomotive, 474

Fletcher’s Solid Flame Cooking Apparatus, 83

Fore Carriage, Messrs. Ruston and Proctor, 415

Forth Bridge, The, 172, 351, 367, 372

French and English Measures, Conversion Tables for, No. II. Area (Supplement to The Engineer, Nov.


Fuel Economiser, Automatic, Mr. Prideaux, 257

Fuel Feeders, Messrs. J. and W. M‘Millan, 346

Gallery, Wrought Iron, New Town Hall, Reading, 3, 4, 5, 25, 60, 79

“ Game Cock,” Boilers of the Steamer, 112, 120

Garth Anchor, Chain and Ironworks, Cardiff, 258

Gas Burner, Dr. Siemens, Smoke Prevention Exhibition, 451

Gas Burner, Dr. Siemens. 451

Gas Detector, Mr. E. H. T. Liveing, 156

Gas Companies, Metropolitan and Suburban, 45

Gas Lighting, The Future of, 369

Gas, Lighting Passenger Vessels with, 209

Gas Managers, The Northern, 280

Girders for Indian State Railway, Contracts Open, 134, 138

Gold Losses, 203

Gold Losses and the Future of the Indian Mines, 96, 132

Gold Mining, 186, 312, 348

Governor, Marine, Messrs. Coutts and Adamson, 474

Great Eastern, The, 406

Great Eastern Railway New Goods Depdt, 150

Greenock, New Docks and Municipal Buildings at, 111

Grenade, Hand, 276

Gun Carriages, Application of Wrought Iron and

Steel to the Manufacture of, 274

Gun-cotton Sporting Powder, 438

Guns, Breech-loading and Armstrong Riband, 73, 77

Guns, New, 135

Guns, 80 and 100-ton. Committee Trials of, 316

Guy Fawkes Wanted, 82

Gwynne, Messrs. J. and H , Centrifugal Pump, 336

Hay Fork, Horse, Mr. T. Albertson, 470

Hematite Iron Trade, 334

Heywood, Survey of, 347

Hoist, Dr. Hopkinson, Paris Electrical Exhibition, 343

Hoist “ Jigger,” Fig. 2, p. 37

Horse-power, Nominal, 10

Horses and Electric Railways, 10

Hughes Induction Balance, The, and Gen. Garfield, 228

Hull and Barnsley Railway, 222

Hydraulic Apparatus, Preventing Water from Freezing in, 191

Hydraulic Machinery on Board Ship, 291

India, Coast Trade of, 226

Indian State Railway, Bridge Work for, 354, 355

Indian State Railways, Girders for, 134, 138

Indian State Railways, Pot Sleepers, 335

Indian State Railways, Wheels, Axles, and Axle-boxes, 166, 167, 168

Indicated Horse power from Diagrams, 240, 258, 282

Indicator, Messrs. Clark, Muiihead, and Co., Mr. C.

W. Winter, 293

Inman, Mr., 31

Inman Steamship “ City of Rome,” The, 260, 263, 282, 309

Institute of Great Britain, The Sanitary, 67, 346, 402 Institute, The Franklin, Journal of:

Corliss Condensing and Non-condensing Engines, their Relative Economic Efficiencies, Chief Engineer Isherwood, 481

Institute, The Iron and Steel, 83, 194, 272, 289 Application of Solid Steel to Small-arms, Projectiles, and Ordnance Manufacture, Mr. M. F. Gautier on, 275

Application of Wrought Iron and Steel to the Manufacture of Gun Carriages, Mr. H. J. Butter on, 274

Basic Bessemer Process, Herr Paul Kupelwieser on the, 272

Current Dephosphorising Practice, Mr. S. G.

Thomas and Mr. P. C. Gilchrist on, 272

Distribution of Elements in Steel Ingots, Mr. G. J. Snelus on, 271

Manufacture of Projectiles, Mr. J. Davidson on, 276 Manufacture of Steel and Steel Rails in the United States, Captain D. R. Jones on the, 271

Metallurgy and Manufacture of Modern British Ordnance, Captain Maitland on the, 273

Programme of the Autumn Meeting, 205

Use of a Mechanical Agitator in the Bessemer Process, Mr. W. D. Allen on the, 271

Visit to Newhaven Harbour Works, 290

Institution, Birkbeck Literary and Scientific, 236

Institution of Civil Engineers, 20, 255, 291, 355, 452 Conservancy of Rivers, The East Midland District of England, Mr. W. H. Wheeler. 438

Conservancy of Rivers, The River Irwell, Mr. A. Jacob, 438

Forces and Strains of Recoil Considered with Reference to the Elastic Field-gun Carriage, Mr. H. J. Butter, 402

Iron Permanent Way, Mr. C. Wood, 364

Premiums Awarded by, 355

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland :—

Steel Castings, Mr. Frank W. Dick, 25

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 83, 117, 169, 204

Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. E. A. Cowper, 91

Bessemer Steel Plant, with Special Reference to the Erimus Works, Mr. C. J. Copeland, 327

Compressed Air upon Tramways, Mr. Scott-Mon-critff, 343

Feed-water Heater and Filter for Stationary and Locomotive Engines, Mr. G. S. Strong, 110, 132

Iron and Steel as Constructive Materials for Ships, Mr. John Price, 110

Lead Processes. On some Recent Improvements in, Mr. Norman C. Cookson, 109

Newburn Steel Works, Visit to, 109

On the Marine Engine, Its Progress and Development, Mr. F. C. Marshall, 92

On Slipways, Mr. Wm. Boyd, 145, 146

On the Tyne, as connected with the History of Engineering, Mr. Lowthian Bell, 91

Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Ironworks, 109

Pi inting Machinery, On, Mr. John Jameson, 129,130, 131

Institution, Royal Artillery. Woolwich :—

Attack of Armour-clad Vessels by Artillery, Capt. C- Orde Browne, 308

Inventors and Inventions, 480

Inventors and Patents, 471

Ipswich Docks, New Entrance Lock, 173, 174

Iron. Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 12. 30, 49, 66, 84, 103, 120, 139, 156, 174, 193, 211, 230, 247, 264, 283, 300, 318, 337, 355, 373, 391, 409, 427, 445, 463, 484

Iron, Pig, Production of, 113

Iron, Pig, Restriction of Output of, 262

Iron Platforms, Strength of, 388

Iron Roofs, 402

Iron, Russian Sheet, 127

Iron and Steel as Constructive Materials for Ships, 110 Iron and Steel, Consumption of Power for Rolling, 200 Iron and Steel Trades, 'lhe West Cumberland, 425

Jarrow, Coble Done Docks, and North Shields. Map of, 110

“ Knowledge,” New Weekly Magazine, 367

Lakes Ontario and Erie, 370

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Competition for

Proposed New Station, Liverpool, 154

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Station, New,

Liverpool, 454, 455

Landslip at Elm, 204

Launch at Jarrow, 470

Launch at Middlesbrough, 476

Launch of the “ St. Ronans,” 219

Law and Clark’s Civil Engineering, 6, 25, 60, 85

Lead Mining, Northern, 460

Lead Processes, Recent Improvements in, 109


American Locomotives in Australia, 460

American Locomotives in England, 443

Ancient Water Supply Works, 136

Artillery Experiments of Dungeness and Shoebury-ness, 262

Awards at the Melbourne Exhibition, 82

Barranquilla Water Supply, 118

Basic Process, The, 10

Blackheath Subsidences, The. 209

Board of Trade and Land Boilers, 63

Board of Trade and Steel Boilers, 423

Boiler Inspection and the Liability Act, 172

Brakes, Continuous, 261

Brakes, v. Reversed Locomotives, 136

Bramwell, Sir Frederick, on the Steam Engine, 387

British Workman, The, 82

Canada-Pacific Railway, The, 208

Canonbury Accident, the, 441

Cautious Scotch, The, 46

Channel Tunnel, The, 479

Chesterfield Under the Electric Light, 280

Civil v. Military Engineers on Indian Public Works, 481

Coal, Its Comparative Power, 136

Coast Trade of India, 226

Colliers’ Wages, 316

Colliery Boilers and their Management, 118

Colonial Contracts, 297

Combination of Manufactures, 387

Committee Trials of the 80 and 100-ton Guns, 316

Common Road Railways, 27

Competitive Tenders, 243, 459

Compound Portable Engines, 81

Coopers Hill College, 63

Cumberland Coal Trade, The, 352

Desford Railway Accident, The, 351

“Destroyer,” The, 442

Ditton Pumping Engines, The, 442

“ Dotterel,” Loss of the, 189

Dredging Plant, 99

Drying Hay and Corn by Artificial Means, 136

Durham Plate Trade, 136

Electric Light in Collieries. The, 45

Electric Light at the Great Northern Station, King’s-cross, 136

Electric Lighting of Liverpool, 298, 334

Electric Lighting by Water-power, 245

Electric Power, 189

Electricity on Tramways, 207

Engineering College, New, 190

Engineering and Farming, 423

Engineers for India, 279

Engineers in the Navy, 352

English and Foreign Armoured Defences, 333

English and French Navies, 171

Export of Rails, The, 370

Faure Battery and the Electric Light, 209

Forth Bridge, The, 172, 351

Fuel Engines, 405

Gas Lighting, The Future of, 369

Great Eastern, The, 406

Guy Fawkes Wanted, 82

Health of the French Navvy, 425

Hematite Iron Trade, The, 334

Horses and Electric Railways, 10

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 117

Inventors and Inventions, 480

Iron Platforms, Strength of, 388

Iron and Steel Institute, The, 279

Jubilee of Middlesbrough. 82

Lakes Ontario and Erie, 370

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Competition for

Proposed New Station Liverpool, 154

Libge Contractors’ Congress, 117

Lighting Passenger Vessels with Gas, 209

Livadia, The, 10

Locomotive Engine Economy, 479

Locomotive Improvement, 81

London Water Supply, 100

Long-span Railway Bridges, 315

. Madras Harbour Works, 441

Marine Boilers, 27

Marine Engine Proportions, 225

Marine Engines Past and Present, 243

Marine Exhibition, 209

Metalliferous Mines Bill, The, 64

Metropolitan and Suburban Gas Companies, 45

Middlesbrough, Industrial Progress of, 261

Mill Engines, 9

Naval and Submarine Exhibition, 424

New Guns, 135

Niagara Suspension Bridge, 136

Nominal Horse-power, 10

Northern Gas Managers, The, 280

. Northern Lead Mining, 460

Northern Railway Projects, The, 46

Oligarchical Government in Technical Institutions, 99

Palliser Gun Pressure Gauges, 46

Patent-office Fees, 10

Pig Iron, Restriction of Output of, 262

Port Clarence Salt Works, 226

Preventing Water from Freezing in Hydraulic

Apparatus, 191

Proportions of Marine Engines, 207

Puddlers’ Wages, 406

Pumps at Sea, 315

Queensland and Trans-Continental Railway, 244

Railway Collision at Blackburn, 118

Railway Rates on Iron and Iron-making Materials, 64

Railways in the Australias, 171

Railways and the Population, 209

Recoil, Experiments on Checking, 226

St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 460

Science and Engineering, 405

Self-created Troubles by Steam Power Users, 191

Severn Tunnel, 244

Sheaf-binding Trials at Derby, 153

Solent Tnnnel, 100

Steam on Common Roads, 225

S.S. City of Rome, 226

Steel Trade, Movement in the, 244

Steel v. Iron Cargo Ships, 135

Submarine Artillery, 369

Submarine Telegraphy, 480

Tay Bridge, The, 480

Tees, The River, 28

Tees Shipbuilders and Arbitration, 316

Tee^-side Water Supply, 28

Telephone Wires ovor Thoroughfares, 442

Town in Darkness, A, 262

Train Resistances, 297

Tunnel, Proposed, under the Thames, 442

United States Navy, The, 459

University Col'ege, Bristol, 83

University College, London, 10, 244

Vienna City Railways, 298, 389

Wages Sliding Scales, 100

Water Supply of Middlesborough, 46

Water Supply of Tees side, 180

West Cumberland Iron and Steel Trades, 425

West Hartlepool Ironworks, 172

Leaders {continued)—

Westinghouse Brake, The, 424

Wind Pressure on Railway Structures, 153

Yorkshire Line, A Proposed, 389

Length of the Metre, 391

Letters to the Editor

Admiralty, The, and New Alloys, Edw. Barry, 24

Admiralty, The, and New Alloys, J. Farquharson, 60

Admiralty, The, and New Alloys, J. Albert Muntz,

Admiralty, The, and New Alloys, P. M. Parsons, 24

Advertisers and Replies to Advertisements, J. R.

Laidler, 186

American Locomotive Head-light Lamps? W. G., 171

Animal Mechanics, Ybrow, 258

Argentine Republic as a Field for British Capital, Industry, Products, and Emigration, John Samson, 114

Arsenious Vapour? Disposal of, S. D. B., 423

Balancing Portable Machines. R, Bolton, 473

Balancing Portable Engines, Noel Chandler, 453

Battersea Bridge, C. Bruce Allen, 96

Billingsgate Market Extension, A. T. Walmisley, 330

Blackheath Subsidences, John Shaw, 244

Boilers and Feed-water Heaters, John Walley, 427

Boilers Heated by Petroleum on the Caspian Sea, H. B. Froom, 189

Boilers Heated with Rock Oil or Crude Petroleum ?

M. A., 135

Boilers in Ironworks, Cochran and Co., 366

Brakes, Continuous, A Traveller and Shareholder, 282

Brakes v. Reversed Locomotive Driving Wheels, A. Percival Heywood, 169

Brakes, Vacuum, Another Midland Driver, 204

Brakes, Vacuum, A Fourth Midland Driver, 244

Bramwell, Sir Fred., on the Steam Engine, David Mason, 438

Bridge over the Douro, Proposed, Henry A. Cutler, 60, 114

Bridge over the Douro, The Proposed, Henry Reilly, 6, 60

Bridge over the Douro, Proposed, A Common Five-eight, 25, 79

Bronze Castings, S. R., 79

Bronze Castings ? T. T., 63

Brush Electric Light, Hammond and Co., 348

Buenos Ayres Exhibition, The, A. Aldana, 60

Buenos Ayres Exhibition, John Hayes, 96

Buenos Ayres Exhibition, Enrique Urien, 169

Calver’s Wave Screen? Rarey, 405

Capsule Machinery? Merchants, 459

Chaff-cutters, Theory v. Practice in, W. A. Comber, 24

Channel Tunnel Scheme, Robt. Thos. Moore, 24

Channel Tunnel Scheme, Robt. Renton Gibbs, 24

“ City of Rome,” The, Bex, 282

Clark and Webb Chain Brake and the Continuous Brake Returns, J. N. Armitage, 244

Coffee Grinding and Roasting Machinery and Wine Filters? Coffee, 441

Cold-air Machines, J. J. Coleman, 258, 367, 399

Cold-air Machinery, J. W. de V. Galwey, 390

Cold-air Machines, James Hawley, 473

Cold-air Machines, T. B. Lightfoot, 330

Cold-air Machines, Octopus, 473

Cold-air Machines, Purchaser, 439

Cold-air Machines, John Sturgeon, 456

Cold-air Machines, J. Will. N. Galwey, 456

Cold Air Machines, Dry, J. and E. Hall, 282

Competitive Tenders, C. E., 294

Competitive Tender s, F. A., 456

Competitive Tenders, Contractor, 258

Competitive Tenders, Fair Play, 312

Compound Engines, Improvements in, Douglas and Grant, 438

Compound Portable Engines, Enquirer, 114

Condensed Milk? W. W., 315

Cooling Chills? J. H. 8., 9

Cooper’s Hill College, R. T. Mallet, 282

Cooper’s Hill College, Pew, 282

Corrugated Iron ? P. and M., 441

Cost of Chimneys? O. V., 81

Cotton Belting? W. S. and Co., 9

Cupola Practice ? Foundry Manager, 315

Cupola Practice ? Ironfounder, 297

Cupola Practice, Joshua Horne, 315, 333

Deep-water Docks at Dagenham, R. R. Bell and D.

Miller, 240

Density of Metals? W. B., 441

Desford Junction Accident, The, Clement E. Stretton, 366

Ditton Engines, The, John G. Mair, 453

Ditton Engines, The, Initial Condensation, John G.

Mair, 473

Docks of London, The, A. Johnson, Sec., 258

Draughtsmen in the U.S., A Returned Draughtsman, 445

Dredging Plant, Robt. Hadfield, 114

Driving Bands ? Round, R. A. P., 441

Duffield Bank Railway, Jas. Cleminson, 79

Early Steam Navigation on the Thames, 8. Darton, 348

Early Steam Navigation on the Thames, W. H. Prosser, 399

Efficiency of Electric Lamps, Henry F. Joel, 444

Efficiency of Turbines, Gilbert Gilkes and Co., 471

Efficiency of Turbines, Charles L. Hett, 171

Efficiency of Turbines, John Turnbull, jun., 471

Eider Down ? Eider Down, 479

Engine. 100-H.P., Wannieck-Koeppner Type, Arthur

Rigg, 472

Engine-room Artificers, C. C., 60, 96, 244

Engine-room Artificers, E. X., 60

Engine-room Artificers, Experience, 24, 78, 204, 258, 312

Engine-room Artificers, R. N., 114

Engine-room Artificers, R.N., Fitter, 204

Engine-room Artificers, W. L., 244

English Draughtsmen in the U.S., Y. R., 471

Euphrates Valley Railway ? A. S. E., 63

Expansion of Iron? L. J. B., 171

Felixstowe Dock, S. Lake and Co., 367

Forth Bridge, C., 367

Foundations of Mechanics, •$. 11., 366, 453

Fuel Engines, II. L. Muller, 427

Fuel-making Machinery, Patent, A., 27

Garth Anchor, Chain, and Ironworks, Cardiff, Alfred Palmer, 258

Gold Losses, Geo. T. Evans, 204

Gold Losses and the Future of the Indian Mines, G.

T. Evans, 132

Gold Losses and the Future of the Indian Mines, Alfred G. Lock, 96

Gold Mining, Geo. T. Evans, 348

Gun-cotton Sporting Powder, W. T. Reid, 438

Hand Shearing Machine and Wilson’s Shifting Spanner? Shearing, 189

Heat? A Problem in, Querist, 225

Heating by Hot Air ? G. C. L. C., 99, 135

High-speed Locomotives, E. J. W., 60

High-speed Steamships, C. G. Lundborg, 6

Indicated Horse-power from Diagrams, C. J. L., 244

Indicated Horse-power from Diagrams, J. C. S., 282

Indicated Horse-power from Diagrams, J. E., 258

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The bilent Member, 169

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, A Non-Silent Member, 204, 240

Inventors and Patents, Edwd. Hoyle, 471

Jointing Cement for Cast Iron Tanks? Hampshire, 333

Jointing Cement for Cast Iron Tanks, G. Fred. Ransome, 351

Law and Clark’s “ Civil Engineering,” D. K. Clark, 60

Law and Clark’s Civil Engineering, Crosby Lockwood and Co., 6

Law and Clark's Civil Engineering, Henry Law, 25

Leffel Turbine, Thos. McKenzie and 8ons, 444

Length of the Metre, James Chesterman and Co., 348, 391

Length of the Metre, Uniformity, 366

Letters to the Editor (continued')—

Lime Kilns ? Calcium, 81

Lining Tins? Tin Can, 45

London, Brighton, and. South Coast Railway, Foundryman. 294

London, Brighton, and South Coast Engines, Foundryman, 438

Losses in Gold Mining, Quartz, 186

Low Tenders, A Driver, 79

Melbourne Exhibition, Awards at the, W. C. Kernot, 390

Millar, William Patrick, of Dawlinston ? L. M., 387

Milling? Books on, Novice, 279

Milling ? Books on, O’Madden, 351

Mineral Oil Fuel? An Old Subscriber, 297

Moy’s Boiler, Thomas Moy, 279

Muntz’s Metal and Naval Brass, J. Albert Muntz, 114

Naval Brass, Foundryman, 79

Naval Brass, Robt. Thomson, 79

Noiseless Road Wheels? F. G. R., 225

Non-Conductor, Wanted a, Richard G. Coke, 45

Non-Conductor, Wanted a, Founder, 9

Non-Conductor, A., Ybrow, 45

Non-Freezing Mixture for Hydraulic Presses and

Tools ? Constant Reader, 171

Notation of Reciprocal Diagrams, Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 24

Old Ireland Improved and Made New Ireland, J. P.

Doyle, 79

Oligarchical Government of Technical Institutions, M.I.C.E., 114

Oligarchical Government in Technical Institutes, Slag Ball, 132

Oligarchical Government in Technical Institutes,

Anothor M. Inst. C.E., 132

Oval Chucks ? J. B. F., 153

Our Coast Defences—A Suggestion, Rosicrucian, 244

Ovens for Annealing Small Iron Castings? J. S., 243

Packing Arrowroot ? Colonial, 441

Palliser Guns in the United States, C. A. W., 390

Paste for Mounting Tracings, R. A., 207

Patent Law Reform, Charles R. Simey, 312

Patent Law Reform, Sam. Worssam, 78, 330

Patents, Cheap, Edward Hoyle, 6

Patents, Cheap. Y. R., 6

Patents, Cheap, A Poor Man’s Plea for, A Poor Inventor, 25

Photographic Experiment with Swan’s Incandescent

Light, H. Baden Pritchard, 367

Pneumatic Clocks, C. A. Myerhofer, 204

Practical and Theoretical Engineering, C. G. E., 295

Practical and Theoretical Engineering, A Middle-aged Engineer, 366

Preventing Ships from Sinking, Engineer, 186 _

Price’s Retort Furnaces, Memb. I. and S. Institute, 294

Price’s Retort Furnaces, Wm. Price, 294, 330, 366

Price’s Retort Furnace, C. W. Siemens, 347

Prussiate of Potash Process? Inquirer, 153

Pumps at Sea, Carrick and Wardale, 347

Purifying Water? A. B., 261

Railway Gradients ? T. J. J., 315

Ramsbottom’s Safety Valves? Crux, 315

Reading Town Hall, Wrought Iron Gallery, Wm.

Parsey, 25

Reading Town Hall, Wrought Iron Gallery, M.I.S.I., 79

Reading Town Hall, Wrought Iron Gallery, M. am

Ende, 60

Redenbacher Turbine? The, B. F., 351

Retaining Walls ? A Student, 117

Rodger’s Jet Exhauster? G. S. H., 27

Sack and Bag-making Machinery ? W. and M., 99

Safety Valves, Billy Play Fair, 25

Safety Valves, W. C. Martyn, 79

Saint6’s Counters, G W. 8., 63

Saw Guards, E. R. Dale, 79

Science and Engineering, Practical, 423

Screw Propeller, Inventor of the,Thomas J. McGrow, 258

Sieves and Varnish? G. W. H., 441

Silksworth Colliery, The Uskside Co., 79

Slab Glass to Stand Sudden Changes of Tempera

ture ? E. B. E., 153

Slaughterhouse Fittings ? Merchants, 459

Small Coal as a Locomotive Fuel ? A Subscriber, 243

Smoke Consuming Apparatus? J. A., 153

Split Boss Propeller, The, John Hayes, 186

Steam Tramways, Merry weather and Sons, 114

Steel Castings, <1. H., 132

Steel v. Iron for Ships, John Price, 169

Steel Nails? Machinery for Making, W. S., 117

Steel Nutsand Set Screws? E. G. L., 261,

Strains on Crane Posts, R., 453

Strains on Crane Posts, Buster, 367

Strains on Crane Posts, W. B. Coventry, 439, 472

Strains on Crane Posts, Edward W. Farrell, 294

Strains on Crane Posts, Alfred Fyson, 295, 399

Strains on Crane Posts, H. W. Glasiei, 330

Strains on Crane Posts, H. S., 367

Strains on Crane Posts, H. A. Hoy, 294

Strains on Crane Posts, H. W. G., 295

Strains on Crane Posts, J. H. H., 295, 399

Strains on Crane Posts, C. G. Major, 294, 348, 427

453, 473

Strains on Crane Posts, A. C. Pain, 295

Strains on Crane Posts, Parallel Motion, 330

Strains on Crane Posts, Hamilton W. Pendred, 258, 348

Strains on Crane Posts, Q. E. D., 391, 453

Strains on Crane Posts, Louis Seguin, 294

Strains on Crane Posts, A Student, 439

Strains on Crane Posts, W. H. Tozer, 295

Strains on Crane Posts, W. M., 330

Strains on Crane Posts, Frederico de Vasconcellos, 399

Strength of Nuts, Helix, 96

Strength of Nuts, W. M. T., 96

Strength of Platforms, M. am Ende, 399

Strength of Platforms, T. A., 438

Strong’s Feedwater Heater, George G. Strong, 132

Stroudley’s Locomotives, W. Stroudley, 456

Systematic Mineralogy, H. Bauer man, 78

Tay Bridge, The New, Barlow and Sons, 405

Tay Bridge, The New, W. B. Thompson, 453

Telephone Wire with Gutta-percha, Covering, H. S.


Tempering Steel Tools, G. M., 225

Tempering Steel Tools ? Steel, 207

Traction Engines with Coupled Wheels, W. Johnson, 258

Traction Engines with Coupled Road .Wheels, Query, 186

Transit of Venus, C. Bruce Allen, 445

Trial Trips, F. A., 471

Undershot Wheels ? T. and Son, 153

Vacuum Brakes, A Constant Reader, 186

Vacuum Brakes, A Midland Driver, 169

Vacuum Brakes, Another Midland Driver, 186

Velocity and Momentum, H. Rolfe, 279,

Velocity and Momentum ? James Tomkins, 207

Velocity and Momentum ; Velocity, 189

Walton’s Wheel Scale ? A Subscriber, 261

Warming Railway Carriages, Henry Chapman, 391

Waste in Forges? Tipton, 479

Water Vortices? Aquarius, 479

Wind Pressure, A.M.I.C.E., 295

Wind Pressure, W. S., 312

Winding Engines—Protected and Non-protected

Cylinders, W. D., 333

Wire-drawing Machinery ? Pinbole, 261

Leyton, Essex, Sewage of, 474

Lichterfeld Electric Railway, The, 22, 23

Libge Contractors’ Congress, 117

Lighthouse, The Calf Rock, 4u6

Lighthouse, The New Eddystone, 426

Lighthouses, Life Among the, 199, 227

Limits to Speed, 417


Aid-bank to Engineering Enterprise Abroad, Ewing

Matheson, 64

Literature (continued)—

British Association Meeting at Swansea, Scientific Papers, and Full Report of the Meeting, 118

Complete Instructions for the Design of Spring and Other Safety Valves, &c., by Thomas Messenger, 136

Construction of Large Tunnel Shafts: Practical and Theoretical Essay, J. R. Watson Buck, 191

Criticisms od Stationary Steam Boilers, &c., by W. Morgan, 227

Darstellung des Eisens, und der Eisenfabrikate, by E. Japing Hartleben, 389

Diamants and Pierres Prdcieuses, Bijoux, Joyaux, and Orfdvreries, par Ed. Jennetaz, E. Fontenay, Em. Vanderheym et A. Coutance, 316

Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, A. Privat Deschanal, 443

Elements of Plain Analytic Geometry, by George R. Biggs, 298

Elements of Plane Geometry, for the Use of Schools, Richard P. Wright, 406

Engineer’s Pocket Book, The, by W. Lees, 263

Handbook for Electrical Testing, H. R. Kempe, 154

History of Salt, by E. M. Boddy, 460

Hydraulic Steam and Hand-power Lifting and Pressing Machinery, Fred. Colyer, 481

Ingenieur Kalender, 1882, H. Fehland, 389

La Locomotiva, by Ollivetti E. S. Fadda, 209

Lathe Work: Practical Treatise on the Tools, Appliances, and Processes Employed in the Art of Turning, by Paul N. Hasluck, 11

Mechanical Engineer’s Office Book: Boiler Construction, by Nelson Foley, 280

Mechanical Industries Explained: Showing How Many Useful Arts are Practised, by Alexander Watt, 334

Memoirs of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vols. Ixv., Ixvi., 370

New Method of Graphic Statics Applied in the Construction of Wrought Iron Girders, E. Olander, 461

Practical Blow-pipe Assaying, George Attwood, 101

Practical Ventilation and Warming, &c., by Joseph Constantine, 262

Resources of South-West Virginia, C. R. Boyd, 118

Sewage Disposal, by J. Baily Denton, 100

Slide Valve, The, Practically Explained, by Joshua Rose, 245

Subject-matter Index to the Minutes of Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Vol. I., Iviii.. 870

Text-book of Systematic Mineralogy, Hillary Bauer-man, 28, 78

The Figure of the Earth, Introduction to Geodesy, Mansfield Merriman, 191

Treatise on Chemistry, H. E. Roscoe and C. Schor-lemmer, 425

Treatise on Ironfounding, by Claude Wylie, 227

Livadia, The, 10

Liverpool Elevated Railway, 476

Liverpool Landing Stage, The, 258

Liverpool, New North Docks at, 182

Liverpool, New Waterworks for, 65

Llansamlet, near Swansea, Tender, 28

Locomotive, Compound Tramway, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 39, 44

Locomotive Coupling Rods, Strength of, 181

Locomotive Engine Economy, 479

Locomotive Improvement, 81

Locomotive Radial Tank, 47, 48

Locomotive, Tank, Dutch Rhenish Railway, 62 66 98, 101 ’

Locomotive for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central

Indian Railway, 219, 220, 246, 247

Locomotives, High-speed, 60

London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 294

London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company’s

Works, Brighton, 253

London Water Supply, 100

Loughborough Local Board, 356

Lubricator, Automatic, Mr. Cadman, 346

McDonald, Mr. Alexander, 334

Madras Harbour Works, 441

Mallet, Mr. Robert, 352, 371, 389

Manufacturers, The Combination of, 387

Map of Derby Showyard (Supplement July 8,1881), 20

Map of Jarrow, Coble Dene Docks and North Shields 110

Marine Engine, The, its Progress and Development, 92

Marine Engine Proportions, 225

Marine Boilers, 27

Marine Engines, Past and Present, 243

Market Harborough Sewerage, 345

Mashing Machine, Messrs. Whitlock and Smale, 300

Mason College, Birmingham, 74

Maudslay, Suns, and Field, Messrs., Lambeth Works of, 253

Mechanics, The Foundations of, W. R. Brown M A

235, 325, 366, 407, 433, 453 ’ ’ ’’

Melbourne Exhibition, Awards at the, 82, 390

Metalliferous Mines Bill, 64

Metallurgy and Manufacture of British Ordnance. On the, 273

Methanometer, Automatic, M. Denis Monnier, 256

Metre, Length of the, 348, 366, 391

Metropolitan Railway Company, Gasworks at

Neasden, 198

Microphone, Wheatstone’s, A Modification of, 11

Middlesbrough, Industrial Progress of, 261

Middlesbrough, Jubilee of, 82

Middlesbrough Water Supply, 46

Milan, Italian National Exhibition at, 137, 147

Mill Engines, 9

Mill, Low Grinding, Mr. Buchholz, Fig. 64, p. 1

Mill, Two Rolling, Mr. C. G. W. Kapler, Fig. 67, p. 2

Milling Exhibition, The, 1 1

Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom for 1880, 245

Miners’ Lamps, Mr. Jamieson, 156

Miners’ Lamps, Mr. Swan, 156

Miscellanea, 7, 21, 43, 61, 75, 97, 115, 133, 151, 165, 183


Morse Cotton Baling Press, The, 102

Mortar Mixing Machine, Mr. R. R. Gubbins, 347

Muntz s Metal and Naval Brass, 114

Music, Turning over Leaves of, Apparatus for, Mr. R.

Ji. x act bury, 337

Naval Brass, 79,114

Naval and Submarine Exhibition, 424

Navies, English and French, 171

Naval Engineers’ Appointments, 18, 54, 104 112 132

155, 172, 210, 253, 282, 324, 336, 396, 420, 443 452 ’

Newburn Steel Works, 109

Newbury Sewerage Works, Mr. J. Anstie and Mr H

O. Baldry, 138

Newhall Water Supplv, Tender, 46

Newhaven Harbour Works, 290

New Zealand Railways, Increase in the Value of 162

Niagara Suspension Bridge, 136

Nominal Horse-Power, 10

North of England, 31, 49, 67, 85, 103, 121,139 157 175

^M8’265> 2831301> Notation of Reciprocal Diagrams, 24

Notes from Scotland, 12, 31, 49, t 7, 85, 103, 121, 140, 157, 175, 194, 212, 231, 248, 265,283,301, 319, 338, 356, 374, 392, 4'0. 428, 446, 464, 484

Notes from Lancashire, 12, 31, 49, 66, 84, 103, 120, 139, 157, 174, 193, 212, 230, 248, 265, 283, 301, 319,337, 356, 374, 391, 410, 427, 415, 464, 484

Notes and Memoranda, 7, 21, 43, 61, 75, 97, 115, 133, 151, 165, 183, 201, 223, 241, 259, 277, 299, 313, 331, 349, 363, 385, 403, 421, 435, 457, 477

Notices to Correspondents, 9, 27, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117, 135, 153, 171, 189, 207, 225, 243, 261, 279, 297, 315, 333 351, 369, 387, 405, 423, 441, 459, 479

Nuts, Strength of, 96

Obituary :—

Ashwell, Mr. James, 31

Delesse, Achille, 101

Exall, Mr. William, 67

Fraser, Mr. John, 247

Inman, Mr. William, 31

McDonald, Mr. Alexander, 334

Mallet, Mr. Robert, 352, 371, 389

Paterson, Mr. William, 348

Rendle, Mr. William Edgcumbe, 182

Street, Mr. George Edmund, 461

Oil Separator, Novel, 84

Oils, or Mixtures of, used for Lubricating, Analysis of, 111

Old Ireland Improved and made New Ireland, 79

Oligarchical Government in Technical Institutions, 99, 114, 132

Paddington Station, 200

Padlock, Safety, Mr. A. Linley, 137

Palliser Gun Pressure Gauges, 46

Palliser Guns in the United States, 390

Palliser, Sir W., and the War* Office, 164

Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Ironworks, 109

Panama Canal, 198, 309

Paris Electrical Exhibition, 156, 163, 192, 199, 219, 236, 237, 239, 256, 281, 292, 307, 325, 334, 343, 361, 379, 433, 469

Chronograph, M. Bianchi, 433

Chronograph, M. Marcel Deprez, 433

Circuits, Mr. Gulcher, 343

Current Indicator, Mr. Andrews, 361

Duplex Telegraphy, 219

Dynamo-Electro Machine, Professor Jungerson, 236

Dynamo-Electric Machines, Compound and Simple, Mr. Ball, 307

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Andrews, 361

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Edison, 325

Dynamo Machine, Mr. Gulcher, 343

Dynamo Machine, Dr. Antonio Pacinotti, 293

Dynamo Machine and Lamps at, 192

Dynamometer, N. Napoli, 307

Dynamometer, Mr. F. J. Smith, 293

Electric Block and Lock Switch System, Messrs.

Saxby and Farmer, 238

Electric Brake, M. Achard, Eastern Railway of France, 257

Electric Lamps, Efficiency of, Professors Ayrton and Perry, 379

Electric Railway Signals, Mr. Hodgson’s Patent, 239

Electrical Regulator, M. Napoli, 236

Electrical Water Gauge, Mr. Julius Sax, 199

Fire Alarm Apparatus, Exchange Telegraph Company, 469

Gas Engine, Clerk’s, Messrs. Thomson, Sterne, and Co., 278, 281

Hoist, Dr. Hopkinson, 343

Indicator, Mr. C. W. Winter, 293

Magnetic Instrument, Henley’s, 163

Methanometer, Automatic, M. Denis Monnier, 256

Photometer, Dispersion, Professors Ayrton and

Perry, 379

Relay, Mr. Edison, 199

Type Writing Instruments, Mr. F. Higgins, 469

Webermeier. Mr. Edison, 325

Paris Water Supply, 83

Patent Law, 78

Patent Law Reform, 119, 173, 186, 291, 295, 312, 330

Patent-office Fees, 10, 67

Patents, Cheap, 6, 25

Patents, Selected List of American, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108,126, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 234, 252, 270, 288, 306, 324, 342, 378, 396, 450, 468

Paterson, Mr. Wm., 348

Peninsular and oriental Steam Navigation Company

The Steamship “ Clyde,” 222, 247

“ Peter the Great,” The Warship, 19

Phosphor Bronze, 384

Photometer, Dispersing, Professors Ayrton and Perry,

Paris Electrical Exhibition, 379

Pipe Dimensions, Standard, 191

Piston, Patent, Mr. Parker, 355

Planing Machine in Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and

Field’s Works, 289, 292

Plate-Bending Machine, Vertical, Messrs. Scriven and

Co., 73, 83

Platforms, Strength of, 399, 438

Plough and Clod Breaker Combined, 102

Plumbers, Registration of, 83

Pneumatic Clocks, 203

Port Clarence Salt Works, 226

Pottery Machinery, Mr. Boulton, 470, 475

Price’s Retort Furnace, 330, 347, 366

Printing Web, Rotary Continuous, Messrs. Hoe and

Co., 129, 130, 131

Projectiles, On the Manufacture of, 276

Propeller, Screw, Mr. F. Sauvage, the Inventor of, 216

Propeller, The Split Boss, 186

Protection, 28

Puddlers’ Wages, 406

Pump, Feed, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 415

Pump, Steam Cornish, 444, 445

Pumping Engines, Salford Sewage Works, Mr. Arthur

Jacob, 111, 116, 166, 170

Pumps, Mr. James Watson’s Patent, 184

Pumps at Sea, 315, 347

Pump, Steam, Messrs. A. Shanks and Co., 55

Purifier, Electric, Messrs. Osborne and Smith

Fig. 68, p. 2

Queensland Trans-Continental Railway, 244

Rails, Export of, 370

Railway Accidents in America, 371

Railway, Duffield Bank, 47, 48, 79

Railway, The Canada-Pacific, 208

Railway, Lichterfeld Electric, 22, 23

Railway Matters, 7, 21, 43, 61, 75, 97,115, 133, 151,165, 183, 201, 223, 241, 259. 277, 299, 313, 331, 349, 363 385, 403, 421, 435, 457, 477

Railway Projects, Northern, 46

Railway, Proposed New, Northumberland, 249

Railway Rates on Iron and Ironmaking Materials, 64

Railways in the Australias, 171

Railways, Common Road, 27

Railways and the Population, 209

Railways, Portable, Trial of, at Versailles, 74

Railways, Vienna City, 298

Reld“ngSNeweToSwn Halh Wrought Iron Gallery, 3, 4,

5. 25, 60, 79 . . OOR

Recoil, Checking, Experiments on, 2.6

K&““or^oX Ships’Provisions,

Price, 294

Rivers, Conservancy of, 438

Car, on 1Englishl Railways, 420

rng?ure,“hnd\“e, Messrs. Richard Gar-Engine,“compound Stationary, Messrs. R. Garrett En^inf Cylinders, Compound, Messrs. Aveling and En^ue, Horizontal, Messrs. A. Shanks and Co., 40 Ktiv^“o’m& Tramway, Messrs. -Aveling Map o “ySa^OCand Supplant, July 1881 S»g"lnaler6: 119 127,148, 149, 153

Rylatd“sTreon, Steel,^d"ute Trades Directory, 186

St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 164, 460 Arthur

Salford Sewage Works, Pumping Engines, M Arthur

Jacob, 111, 116. 166, 170

^awSchJ"s"’Rickrd Garrett and Sons, 55

Saw,Isteam Cross-cut, Messrs. Pickles and Son, 210

Science and Engineering, 405

Scotch, The Cautious, 46

Screw Propeller, Inventor of the, 2oo

Screwing Machine, Barrow s, 253

Set Rivetting, 295

Severn Tunnel, 214

Sewer Valve, Mr. S. Rolfe, 13

Shanghai River, Removal of the Bar, 399

Sheaf-binders, String, Trial of at Dei by, 119,127, ,

Sheaf-bfnding Machine, Mr. W. A. Wood, 128, 148, 149

Sheaf-binding Reaping Machine, Messrs. Samuelson and Co., 202, 203, 219 .

Shearing Machine, Mr. Geo. E. Sherwin, 210

Sheerness Dockyard, 74

Sheet Mill Machinery, Large, 111

Sheffield District, 12, 31, 49, 67, 85, 103 121, 139, Io7, 175 194, 212, 230, 248, 26o, 283, 301, 319, 337, 3u6, 373’, 392, 410, 428, 446, 464, 484

Shell, Spherical Common, 276

Shell, Spherical Shrapnel, 276 a*

Shipbuilding in France and the Proposed Bounties, 95

Shipbuilding on the Wear in 1881, 470

Ships from Sinking, Preventing, 138, 186

Shoeburyness, Annual Visit to, 73

Shrinking Machinery, Woolwich Arsenal, 274

Siemens Bros., Messrs., Telegraph Works of, at New

Jilksworth Colliery, Durham, 26, 29, 30, 46, 58, 59

Silksworth Colliery, Winding Engines Supplement for July 15th, 1881), 26, 46, 59, 79

Simpson and Co., Messrs., Works of, Pimlico, 327

Sleepers, Pot, Indian State Railways, 33a

Slipways, On, 145, 146 _ Q

Slotting Machine, Vertical, Measrs. Maudslay, Sons and Field’s Works, 292

Small-arms Factory at Enfield, 236

Small-arms, Manufacture of in the U.S., 205

Smoke-consuming Apparatus, Mr. Orvis, 346

Smoke-prevention Exhibition, 451

Smithfield Club Show, The :—

Feed Pump, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 41o Fore-carriage, Messrs. Ruston and Proctor, 41o Turbine Irrigation Pump, Messrs. Holmes and Son, I


Valve Gear, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 415

Valve Gear, Mr. Starkey, 415

Smith, Mr. Roger G., Appointed Professor of Archi- .

tecture to University College, 28

Society of Arts, 372

Society, The Chemical:.

Oils or Mixture of Oils Used for Lubricating, Analysis of, Mr. A. H. Allen, 111

Society of Civil Engineers, The American: _ .

Averaging Machine, An Exponent of the Principle of Moments, Mr. S. Auchincloss, 30

Society of Engineers, ill, 402, 443

Iron Roofs, Mr. Arthur T. Walmisley, 2do, 308, 335, 402 • A „<

Sheerness Dockyard, Visit to, 74

Society, Leeds Civil and Mechanical Engineers : , Belt Gearing, Mr. Rhys Jenkins, 308 *

Breweries, On the Arrangement, Construction, ana

Machinery of, Mr. W. Barnes Kinsey, 434

Society, King’s College Engineering :

Marine Engines, Mr. P. A. Low, 309

Society, Liverpool Engineering :

Liverpool Elevated Railway, Mr. A. Holt, 4/6

Tides and Tidal Scour, Mr. Boult, 461

Society The Philosophical, of Washington : Modification of Wheatstone’s Microphone, tec., Alex.

Graham Bell on, 11 . .

Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians, 452

Soda Water Machinery at the Brewing Exhibition, 311, 312

Solent Tunnel, The, 100

South Kensington Museum, 36, 67, 83,102, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 228, 245, 270, 288, 306, 342, 396, 414, 417, 468, 488^

Spanish Navy, 111

Speed, Limits to, 317, 361, 417

Stamp Cancelling Tool, 148

Stamp Drop, Messrs. B. and S. Massey, 210

Steam on Common Roads, 225

Steam Navigation on the Thames, Early, 348, 399 Steam Power Users, Self-created Troubles by, 191 Steamer, Screw, Light Draught, for Tributaries of the Amazon, 95

S S. “Abyssinia.” Steel Furnace Front Plate, 365

S.S*. “Clyde,” The P. and O. Steam Navigation Co., 222 247

S.S. “ City of Janeiro,” Compound Engines of, 402, 404, 422, 425

S.S. “City of Rome,” 209, 226, 245

S.S. “Scrvia,” The New Cunard, 365

{Steamships, High Speed, 6 .

Steel, Application of Solid, to Small-arms, Projectiles, and Ordnance Manufacture, 275

Steel Bars, Fractured, 76

Steel Bucket Backs for Dredgers, Mr. W. Bagshawe, 247

Steel Castings, 25, 95, 132

Steel Furnace Front Plate, S.S. “ Abyssinia,” 365

Steel, Influence of Surface Condition on the Strength of, 76

Steel Ingots, Distribution of Elements in, 271

Steel v. Iron for Ships, 169

Steel v. Iron Cargo Ships, 135

Steel Rails, 295

Steel and Steel Rails in the United States, Manufacture of, 271

Steel Trade, Movement in the, 244

Steelyard Weighing Machine, Messrs. H. Pooley and

Son, 310

Steering Gear, Steam and Hand, Mr. C. G. Simey, 483

Stowmarket Explosives Works, 397

Stratford Works of the Great Eastern Railway, 281

Strains on Crane Posts, 258, 294, 29a, 330, 348, 367, 391

399, 426, 439, 452. 472

Street, Mr. George Edmund, 461

Stong’s Feed-water Heater, 132

Stroudley’s Locomotives, 456

“ Swan ” Incandescent Lamp, On the, 229

Swan’s Incandescent Light, Photographic Experiment with, 367

Swan’s Lamps at Earnock Colliery, 164

Systematic Mineralogy, 28, 78

Targets, Self-registering, Dr. Wilson, 113

Tay Bridge, 329, 330, 350, 353, 384, 386, 452, 453, 480

Technical Education in the Wigan District, 247

Tees Shipbuilders and Arbitration, 316

Tees-side, Water Supply of, 28, 190

Telegraph Wires, Improvements in Laying, 365

Telegraph Works of Messrs. Siemens Bros, at New

Charlton, 235

Telegraphy, Submarine, 480

Telephone Transmitter, Mr. Johnson, 200

Telephone Wires over Thoroughfares, 442

Telescope Sight for Guns, 483


Barmouth Waterworks, 402

Brewery Plant, Hythe, 2b9

Derby, Brewery at, 101

Leeds, Messrs. Wright Bros.’ Brewery, 417

Llansamlet, near Swansea, 28

Newhall Water Supply, 46

Sutton Coldfield Sewerage Works, 334

Swing Bridge at Minet-El-Bassal, 255

Walthamstow, 11

Wavertree Tramways, 156

Tenders, Competitive, 243, 258, 294, 312, 456, 459

Tenders, Low, 79

Testing Broken Stone, 484

Testing Machine, Woolwich Arsenal, 274

Theory v. Practice in Chaff Cutters, 24

Thomson, Sterne, and Co., Messrs., Clerk’s Gas

Engine, 278, 281

Tides and Tidal Scour, 461

Torpedo Boats, 187

Town in Darkness, A, 262

Train Resistances, 297

Tramways, Steam, 114

Transit of Venus, 445

Trial Trip of the “ Chancellor,” 255

Trial Trip of the “ Charkieh,” 182

Trial Trip of a Norwegian Steamer, 245

Trial Trips, 471

Tunnel, The Channel, 479

Tunnel, Proposed, Under the Thames, 442

Turbine, The Leffel, 444

Turbines, Efficiency of, 471

Twin Screw Steamer “Tower Hill,” The New, 234

Tyne, On the, as Connected with the History of Engineering, 91

Type Printer, Mr. F. Higgins, 469

United States Government, Examination of Gun

Inventions, 169

United States Navy, The, 459

University College, Bristol, 83

University College, London, 10, 200, 244

University College, London, Lectures at, 255

Valve, Acid, Mr. A. H. Cochrane, 48

Valve Gear, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 415

Valve Gear, Dobson’s, 12

Valve Gear. Mr. Joy, 401

Valve Gear, Mr. Starkey, 415

Valves, Safety, 25, 79

Vienna Circular Railway, The, 398, 400, 418, 419, 434, 436, 463, 469

Vienna Circular Railway, Central Station, 469, 478

Vienna City Railways, 208, 389

“ Ville de Bougie,’’ Trial Trip of, 308

“Virginian and Valencian,” S.S., Enginesand Boilers of, 185,188, 191, 202, 206, 212, 245

Visits in the Provinces : —

Elswick Ordnance and Engine Works, 37,56, 57, 73,77

Silksworth Colliery, Durham, 26, 29, 30, 46, 58, 59, 79

Stowmarket Explosives Works, 397

Wages Sliding Scale, 100

Wales and Adjoining Counties, 12, 31, 50, 67, 85, 104, 121, 140, 157, 194, 213, 231, 249, 265, 284, 301, 319, 338, 356, 374, 392, 410, 428, 446, 485

Walker Rolling Mill, The, 452

Walthamstow Tenders, 11

Warming Railway Carriages. 391

Watchman’s Detector, Mr. Elliott, 347

Water-meter, Mr. Pocock, 461, 462

Water Supply Works, Ancient, 136

Webermeter, Paris Electrical Exhibition, Mr. Edison, 325

Weighing Apparatus, Portable Locomotive, Ehrhardt’s, 20

West Hartlepool Ironworks, 172

Westinghouse Brake, The, 424

Wheels, Axles, and Axle-boxes for Indian State Railways, 166, 167, 168

Wheels, Combined Road and Rail Truck, 113

Wheels on Shafts, Forcing, 202

Whistles, Signal, Messrs. Smith, Brothers, and Co., 211

Whitworth Scholarships, Session 1880-81, 150

Wind Pressure, 295, 312

Wind Pressures on Railway Structures, 153, 155

Wind upon a Fixed Plane Surface, On the Pressure of 238

Wind and Water Power, 326

Woods, Increase in Strength of Different, by Seasoning, 468

Wool Exhibition, The, Crystal Palace, 19, 169

Woolwich Arsenal, 217

Woolwich Arsenal, Machines used at, in making Guns at, 273, 274, 275

See Also


Sources of Information