Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

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The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Indexes to these volumes.

Accidents on the Great Northern and Great Eastern Railways, 88

Adelaide, Sewerage of, 392, 396

Agricultural Machinery for Tasmania, 357

Air-Tight Drain and Manhole Covers, Mr. F. Dotting, 118

Alexandria, Bombardment of, 33

Alexandria Forts, Naval Attack on, 31

Alloys, Formation of, by Pressure, 433

Alps, Through the, by Locomotive, 289, 332, 348, 417, 456

Aluminium, 452, 470

Amber, Remarkable Block of, 3

American Adulterations, 279

American Express Train, 173

American Iron Trade, The, 411

American Locomotives, 356

American Patents, 234

American Practice in Warming Buildings by Steam, 437

Amos, Mr.. C.E., 126

Anchors, Machinery for Forging, 473

Ancient Counterparts to Modern Inventions, 327

Anglo Brush Electric Light Company, The, 62

Arc Lamp, Mr. Crompton, 331

Arc Lamp, A New, Professor Forbes, 437

Armour plate, Compound, Remarkable Endurance of, 97

Armour-plate, Effects of Shot on a Compound, Shoe-buryness, 182

Armour-plate Trials, The St. Petersburg, 423

Artillery Casualties in the Bombardment of Alexandria, 124

Association, The British, 123, 262

Presidential Address, Dr. C. W. Siemens, 137

Address of Mr. John Fowler. President of Section G., 153

Arc Electric Lamp, On a New, Mr. W. H. Preece, 312

Arc Lamp, On a New, Professor G. Forbes, 437

Channel Tunnel. The, Mr. J. Clarke Hawkshaw, 192

Current-Meter Obseivations in the Thames, Professor W. C. Unwin, 252

Electric Furnace, The, Dr. C. W. Siemens, 173

Forth Bridge, The, Mr. B. Baker, 154

Pressure of Wheat Stored in Elongated Cells or Bins, Mr. Isaac Roberts, 193

System of Excavating the Channel Tunnel, Mr. T.

R. Crampton, 255

Torpedo Boats, Mr. John Donaldson, 236

Treatment of Steel for the < Construction of Ordnance and other Purposes, Sir W. G. Armstrong, 181

Association of Foremen Engineers. The London :—

Inventors and Inventions, Mr. E. G. Swann, 428

Association, The Miners’ National, 120

Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers, 25

Association, The Nailmakers’, 215

Association, The Northern Sanitary, 221

Atlantic Trip, Rapid, 216

Austral, Foundering of the, 373

Australian Artillery Experiments, 453

Avonside Engine Works, Sale of Plant at, 102

Axle-box, The Raoul, 485

Axle Fixtures, Messrs. Atkinson and Phillipson, 22

Babbitt Metal, How to Melt, 308

Back Lash in Corn Mills, 467, 480

Basic Process, The, 415

Basic Process in the U.S., 156

Basic Steel, 162

Batteries, Secondary, and the Public, 355

Battery, Secondary, Messrs. Liardet and Donnithorne, 482

Bear Engine, M. P. F. Gougy, 397

Berthon Boat in a Gale, 162

Berths, Mr. F. Gardner’s Swing, 67

Blast Furnace Practice, Comparative, 229

Blast Furnaces of Large Size, Working of, at High

Temperatures, 116

Board of Trade and Boiler Explosions, 333, 469

Boiler, Mr. Keable, 22

Boiler, the Triplex, 21

Boiler Explosion at the Bowling Ironworks, 395

Boiler Explosion, The Thornaby, 46

Boiler Feeder, The Fromentin, 45

Boiler Feeder, Mr. Jeffries, 280

Boiler Flues, Collapse of, 297

Boiler Flues, Collapsed, 310

Boiler Flues, Strength of, 427, 434

Boiler Fuel Economisers, 480

Boiler, The Loughborough, 358

Boiler, Vertical, Mr. Marston’s, 485

Bombay University, New Clock and Carillon for, 201

Bonnell, Mr. John, 25

Books Received, 125, 142, 278, 319, 453

Boring Operations with Bort, 173

Boring and Turning Machine. Large, 3

Boulton’s Fire-door Ring, 427

Bradford Art and Industrial Exhibition, 26

Brake Carriage, Messrs. Atkinson and Phillipson, 21,

Brake, Screw, Mr. W. P. Smith, 345

Brakes, Automatic, 447

Brakes, Automatic Vacuum, 274

Brakes, Continuous, Delusive, 390

Brakes, Continuous, in Switzerland, 347

Brakes, Delusive Continuous, 374, 406

Brakes, Steam and Vacuum, 294

Breech-loading Mechanism, Mr. G. Quick, 119

Brewing in England, 47, 67, 81, 103

Brewing in England, Improved Maltings, 6

Brewing Exhibition, 299, 320

Brick Machine, Reading Ironworks Company, 20, 21

Bridge at Canterbury, New, 397

Bridge, The Forth, 154

Bridge, Imperial Dom Pedro II., Brazilian Central

Bahia Railway, 104, 122, 136, 142, 222

Bridge, Kampang Kerban, Singapore, 198, 201

Bridge, The New Putney, 234, 235, 257, 258, 291, 292, 313, 315, 352

Bridge Supports, 67

Bridge, Swing, Hamburg, 44, 48, 82, 86, 125 (Supple-

nient to The Engineer, August 18th)

Bridge, The Tower, 240

Brighton, 49

Brighton Beach, 141, 219, 390, 413

British Association at Southampton, 123

Bucket Dredgers and Excavators, 237, 294

Buckton and Co., Messrs., Well House Foundry, Leeds, 39

Building Contracts, Co-operative, 84

Calais Harbour, New Works at, 66

Calender, Five-roller, Messrs. Thomson and Son, 118

Callington District and its Mines, 120

Calumet Mine, Lake Michigan, Standpipe at, 489

Canal, Du Nord, The, 125

Canal, Isthmus of Suez, 232

Canal, The Manchester Ship, 237, 461

Canal, A Second Suez, 239

Canterbury, New Bridge at, 397

Cartridge-making Machines, Metallic, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, 79

Casting of Pipes, 294, 310, 352, 371, 390

Casting of Pipes with their Sockets Downwards, 274

Castings, Complex, 406

Cement Manufacture at Folkestone, 98

Centre-Cycle, The, 4

Ceylon, Gold Reefs in, 382

Chaff-cutter, Messrs. Harrison and McGregor, 22

Chaff-cutter and Drill, Messrs. Murton and Turner, 20

Challis, Professor, 474

Channel Tunnel, The, 125, 192, 231, 297, 301, 466

Chmnel Tunnel in Chancery, 9

Channel Tunnel Worked by Gravitation, 46

Chatham Dockyard, Visit of the Society of Engineers, 24

Chemical Theory of Gunpowder, 462

Chertemps and Dunden, Dynamo-electric Machine, 445, 446

Cheshire Salt Mines, 220

Chilled Rolls for Glazing Calenders, 481

City and Guilds of London Institute, 124

Claremont, Compound Engines of the s.s., 83, 84

Clock, A New Turret, 47

Clutch, Hydraulic Rolling Mill Reversing, Messrs.

Kitson and Co., 39, 40

Coal, Iron, and Wages, 357

Coal Plate, Self-Locking, Mr. Lodge, 386

Coal, Price of, 179

Coal, the Production of, 260

Coal, Proposed General Restriction of the Output of, 395

Coal, Railway Rates for, 195

Coal, Railway Rates, from Yorkshire to London, 220

Coal Shipment, Fluctuations in, 318

Coal, Supply and Consumption of, 423

Coal Trade, The, 435

Coal Trade, Dispute in the, 318

C >al Trade of Italy, 452

Coal Trade and Wages, 200

Coaling Crane, Danish State Railways, 385

Coast Lighting and Submarine Engineering at the

North-East Coast Exhibition, 242

Cold Air Machinery, 158

Cold Dry Air Machine, Messrs. Hall, 254

Colliery Explosion, 357

Colliery Property in South Yorkshire, Value of, 241, 318

Colonial Contracts, 365, 383

Combustion without Flame, 50

Commercial Profit from Household Fires, 390

Compass, S If-Registering Ships, Mr. R. Pickwell, 272, 273

Contracts Open: —

Bridge at Canterbury. Mr. J. G. Hall, 397

East Indian Railway Co., Six-Coupled Locomotives,

337 338

Gasholder at Slough, 314

Indian State Railway and Bhopal State Railway, 137

Indian State Railways, Ironwork of Bridges. 468,471

Indian State Railways, Permanent Way, 351

Trinity House Buoys, 108

Copper Smelting in America, 6

Couplings, Kailway Wagon, :-47

Crane, 5-Ton Travelling, Monkbridge Ironworks, 59,

Crane, 20-Ton Portable Steam, Glasgow Harbour, 175

CrankShaft, Mr. Dickinson, 281

Crank Shaft, Mr. Purves, 210, 211

Cream Separator, 1

Crystal Palace Gas and Electrical Exhibition, 90, 453, 467

Current Meter Observations in the Thames, 252

Cylinder, A Broken, 391

Detonation of Gum Cotton, 216

Diamond Arc Lamp, 44

Diaries for 1883, 436

Disc Armature Dynamo-Electric Machines, 271

Diving in Deep Water, 2/4

Diving, Problem in. 294

Docks, Hydraulic Ship Lifting, 3

Docks-on the Thames, 118

Dollars, Weight of a Million, 174

Dover-Calais Channel Boats, The New s.s. Invicta, 128

Drachenfels Railway, Up The, 396

Drainage of Mines. 357

Drainage Plough, Messrs. Fowler and Co., 60

Drainage of Ripon and Sharrow, 65

Draper, Professor Henry, 411

Dredger, One-Ton Bucket, 174

Drill, The Duncan Rock, 25

Drilling Machine for Large Girder Work, 223

Drying Machine, Steam Corn, Messrs. J. Walworth, and Co., 41

Dynamics, Problem in, 294

Dynamo, Mr. Edison, 331

Dynamo-Electric Dangers, 427

Dynamo-Electric Machine, The, 144

Dynamo-Electric Machine, Mr. J. E. H. Gordon, 309,

316, 333

Dynamo-Electric Machine, Efficiency of, 219

Dynamo-Electric Machinery, 446

Dynamometer, Messrs. Ayrton and Perry, 485

Dyne, The, 317

Earle’s Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 176

Earthquakes at Panama, 290

Edison Light, The, at the Gare de 1’Ouest, Paris, 204

Egypt, Possible Operations in, 29

Electric Arc, The, 481

Electric Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 90

Electric Exhibition, Winter, at the Royal Aquarium, 488

Electric Exhibition, The Winter, Royal Aquarium

Award List, 107

Electrice Furnace, The, 173

Electric and Gas Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, 47

Electric Lamp, A New Arc, 312

Electric Lamp, A New Arc, Professor Forbes, 437

Electric Lamp, The Diamond, 44

Electric Light, Cost of the, 49

Electric Light in 1877, Application of, 45

Electric Light Engines for the Spanish Government, 276, 279

Electric Light at Birmingham, 183

Electric Light at Hull, 252

Electric Light Meters, 109

Electric Light at the North-East Exhibition, 216

Electric Light at the New Law Courts, 434

Electric Light at the Post-office, 150

Electric Light in Sheffield, 472

Electric Lighting, 453, 488

Electric Lighting Act, The, 314, 479

Electric Lighting Bill, 87

Electric Lighting in the City, 395

Electric Lighting, Obstacles in the Way of, 451

Electric Lighting, Prevention of the Risks with, 42

Electric Lighting, Progress of. 433, 448

Electric Lighting Risks, 373, 390

Electric Lighting at the Royal Albert Dock, 257

Electric Lighting, Dr. Siemens on, 430

Electric Search Light, Naval, 272

Electric Tricycle, 336

Electric Wire, Danger from Exposed, 357

“ Electric,” 'lhe Word, 260

Electrical Accumulators, 3, 23

Electric Accumulators or Secondary Batteries, Profes

sor O. Lodge, 11, 30, 230, 249, 436

Electrical Conference, International, 336

Electrical Locomotives, 141

Electrical Standards of Measurement, 294, 310, 333,

352, 371, 390, 406

Electricity and Torpedo Warfare, 151, 257

Electricity, Lighting Cars by, 47

Electricity, Transmission of Power by, 386

Electro-plating Establishment, The Largest in the

World, 290

Elevator Driving Gear, Messrs. R. J. and H. Wilder, 21

Ely Accident, The, 314

Emery in the United States, 173

Employers Liability Assurance Corporation, 67

Enamelled Gas Pipes, 158

Enamelling Cast Iron Pipes and Castings, 142

Engine, Compound, Messrs. Burrell, 20

Engine, Compound, at the North-East Coast Exhibition, 238, 241

Engine, Compound Condensing, Halpin’s Patent, 173,

178, 194, 202, 216

Engine, Compound Condensing, Reading Ironworks

Company, 25, 28

Engine, Compound Differential, Luton Waterworks, 412, 416

Engine, Compound Launch, Mr. Harker, 254

Engine, Compound Marine, Mr. F. J. Harker, 234

Engine, Compound Semi-portable, 426, 432

Engine, Compound Tandem, Mr. John Gillett, 24

Engine, Eight-coupled, St. Gothard Railway, 481 (and


Engine, Gas, Mr. J. Atkinson, 320

Engine, Gas, Mr. L. Simon, 320

Engine, Gas, The Universal, 272, 273

Engine, Hot-air, Rider’s, 23

Engine, Launch, Messrs. Cochrane, 210, 211

Engine, Petroleum, 395

Engine, Pumping, Luton Waterworks, 416

Engine, Road Traction, 200

Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and

Co., 424

Engine, Traction, Messrs Aveling and Porter, 19, 425

Engine Trade, The Gas, 395

Engine of the United States Steamer Pilgrim, 61, 68

Engineering College in Japan, 181

Engineering Drawings, Educational, 472

Engineering in the Navy, 277

Engineering Scholarship, University College, London,


Engineering School at the Crystal Palace, 135

Engineers. The Duties of Superintending, 259

Engines, Compound, 195, 216, 467

Engines, Compound, of the s.s. Boscobel, 156, 157

Engines, Compound, of the s.s. Claremont, 83, 84

Engines, Compound Yacht, at Tynemouth Exhibition, 294

Engines, Condensing and Non-Condensing, 335

Engines, On Governing, By Regulating the Expansion, 163 r , n

Engines, Oscillating, of the s.s. Mary Beatrice, 140, -145

Engines, Pumping, 487

Engines, Rail Mill Reversing, 332, 334

Engines, Single v. Compound, 161

Engines, Six and Eight-Coupled, for the St. Gothard

Railway, 368, 369 .,

Engines of the s.s. Leerdam, 214, 218, 296 (and Supple

ment to The Engineer, October Yitli)

Engines, Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Society s

Show, 19

Engines, Traction, 355.

Engines, Vertical Hot-Air, Messrs. Bailey and Co., 1/4

Engines, Water-Tank, for the Cape Colonies Railways, 4

Excavator, Messrs. Hodge and Thompson, 210, 211

Excavators and Bucket Dredgers, 237

FnnmwIlan’BR?!f0rd’ Art and ^dustrial, 26

Exhibition, The Brewing, 299. 320

Gas Engine, Mr. J, Atkinson, 320

t k irgU\e’ Mr* Louis Simon, 320

£ lacbil?e’ ^?s'rs- Barnett ™d Foster, 320

Mag"etic Separator, Mr. Schaeffer, 320

Exhibit^11 t?5 naW ?raiu and Malfc> Mr- Cave> 485

90,453 ’lhC Crystal Palaco Gas and Electrical, 47, vSnu’011 °! ? APPBances at Stockport, 348

P• .1^ Apparatus at the Alexandra

X <Xld.CC, 1 z, co, 135

Exhibition, The Munich Electrical, 260, 331, 417

Arc Lamp, Mr. Crompton, 331

Dynamo, Mr. Edison, 331

Exhibition, Naval and Submarine, 135

Exhibition, The North-East Coast, 3

Boiler Feeder, Mr. Jeffries, 280

Coal Shoot, Messrs. Messent and Ward, 242

Coast Lighting and Submarine Engineering at, 242

Compound Engine, Messrs, the Wallsend Slipway

and Engineering Company, 238, 241

Crank Shaft, Mr. Dickinson, 281

Crank Shaft, Mr. Purves, 210, 2ll

Donkey Pump, Mr. Barnes, 280

Electric Light at, 216

Excavator, Messrs. Hodge and Thompson, 210, 211

r ishery and Life-Saving Appliances at, 242

Hawthorn, Messrs. R. and W., their Exhibits at, 455

Launch Engine, Mess s. Cochrane, 210, 211

Lifeboat, Messrs. Timmis and Hodgson, 281

Marine Engineering at, J 90, 210

Naval Architecture at, 189

Phosphor Bronze Slide Valves, 352

Plate-Cutting Machine, Messrs. Scriven and Co., 280

Pump, Messrs. Watson and Sons, 210, 211

Kam Pump, Messrs. Tangye Bros , 280

Exhibition at Nuremberg, National Bavarian

209, 287 ’

Engine, Four-Wheeled Tank, M. I. A. Maffei, 287

Engine, Semmering, M. I. A. Maffei, 287

Engine, Tank, Messrs. Krauss and Co., 287

Roller, Road, M. I. A. Maffei, 287

Exhibition, The Photographic, 271

Faith in Smells, 69

Pan, Mr. Greening, 61

Fan, Hand and Power, Mr. C. A. Lister, 60

Fan, Hay Rick Drying, Messrs. Wallis and Steevens, 59

Fan, Power, Mr. Coultas. 61

Fan Trials at Reading, 176, 213

Fans, Efficiency of, 171

Fans, Hand, and Power and Hand, Mr. C. Phillips, 60,

Fans at Reading, 254, 257, 274

Farley Ironworks, The, 97

Fell Engines on the Rimutaki Incline, New Zealand, 391

Fence, The Longest Line of, in the World, 166

Ferranti Dynamo, The, 259, 415, 416

Filters, High-pressure, 5

Fire Door Ring, Mr. J. W. Boulton, 347

Fire Door Rings, 371

Fire Engine, Floating, for the Brazilian Government, 241 ’

Fire Extinguishers, Automatic, 308

Fire Float, Steam, for Brazil, 347, 350

Fires, Prevention of, 298

Fisheries, Exhibition, International, Prizes Offered by, 204

Fishery and Life-Saving Appliances at the North-

East Coast Exhibition, 242

Flameless Combustion, 81

Fleet at Alexandria, Our, 9

Flying Machines, 487

Folkestone-Boulogne Channel Steamers, 145

Folkestone Harbour, 145

Folkestone, Harbours and Trade of, 376, 390

Folkestone, The New Pier at, 464, 465

Forecasting the Weather by the Aid of the Rainband, 278

Foreign Competition, A Phase of, 257

Forges de St. Nazaire, Rail Mill Reversing Engines, 333^ 334

Forth Bridge, The, 154, 366

Foundations of Mechanics, 3, 46

Foundry Cupola, Mr. Kriegar, 408

Foundry Travellers, 46, 67

Francq and Lamm’s Fireless Locomotives in Lille, 10

I Freiburg Railway Accident, The, 200

French Steamers and Bounties, 88

Friction Hoist and Brake, Messrs. J. Bagshaw and

Sons, 455

Fromentin Automatic Boiler Furnace, The, 345

Fromentin Boiler Feeder, The, 44

Fuel that Produces Electricity, 358

Furness Railway, The, 336

Gas Appliances, Exhibition of, at Stockport, 348 Gas^ Companies, the London, Amalgamation amongst,

Gas, Demand for, 9

Gas v. Electric Lighting, 23

Gas v. Electricity, 47

Gas Explosion, Experimental, at Chatham, 81

Gas as Fuel, 346

Gasholder at Slough, 314

Gas, Something Like, 70

Geoghegan and Sturgeon’s Jacketted Piston, 216

German Submarine Mining Experiments, 107

Gilchrist Process, The, 427, 435

Girder, New Form of, 127

Glasgow College of Science and Arts, 215

Guns, Ancient, 327

Guns, Bursting of Krupp Ilin, and Woolwich 6in., 336

Governor, Messrs. Turner and Hartnell, 424

Governor for Electric Light Engines, Mr. Durham, 215

Governors, Mr. Hartnell’s, 163, 164, 165

Grab Bucket, Messrs. Priestman Bros., 22

Grain Hoppers or Bins, 193, 216, 257

Graving Dock at Cape Town, 385

Graving Dock, The Lyttleton, New Zealand, 100, 101

Great Eastern Railway Company’s New Quay at Parkeston, 202

Great Eastern Railway Accident, 79

Great Eastern Storage and Refrigerating Company, 88

Greenwood and Batley, Messrs., Armley-road, Leeds, 79

Griffith’s Screw Propeller Shields, 257

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Proposed New Dock at, 475 Halpin, Mr. Druitt, Compound Condensing Engine, 173, 178

Hammer, Wrought Iron Framed Steam, Messrs. Thwaites Bros., 65

Hampton Court Fire, The, 474

Harrow, Flexible Solid Frame, Messrs. R. J. and H. Wilder, 22

Harvey, Mr. T. F., Hot Blast Stove, 481, 484

Haslar Hospital, Fire Protection of, 44

Hastings, Foreshore at, 105, 142, 157, 195

Hastings, The Sea at, 180

Hathorn, Davey, and Co., Messrs., Ironworks, Leeds, 59

Haulbowlinc Dockyard Extension Works, 289, 293

H ’y and Corn Drying Apparatus, Trials of, at Reading, 1

Hay and Corn Drying Competition, Royal Agricultural Society's, 213, 220

Hay Driers at Reading, Trials of, 42

Hay Drying Apparatus and Fans, Trials of, at Reading. 60

Hay Drying Fans at Reading, Trials of, 158

Hay-maker, Maldon Ironwoiks Co., 20

Hay-maker Head, Messrs. W. N. Nicholson and Sons, 41

Hematite Iron in Cleveland, 162

Henley, Mr. W. T., 471

H.M.S. Doterel, Loss of, 220

Hick, Mr. Benjamin, 272

Highgate Hill Cable Tramway, The, 254

Hole-cutting Machines, 294

Horse Rake, Messrs. Picksley, Sims, and Co., 60

Hot Blast Stove, Mr. T. F. Harvey, 481, 484

Hugstetten Railway Accident, The, 262, 263

Hull and Cbestei field Bailway, The New, 299

Hyde Park Corner Improvement Scheme, 308

Hydraulic Balance Lifts, 480

Hydraulic Experiments, Recent, 366

Hydraulics, A Problem in, 257

Hydrometer, Pneumatic, 310

Imports, Grain, 42

India, Irrigation in, 413

Indian State Railways, Ironwork of Bridges, 469, 471 Indian State Railways, Permanent Way, 137, 351 Indicator, The 443, 449

Ingot Soaking Process, The, 427

Injector, the Exhaust, 391

Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education,

City and Guilds of London, 216

Institute, City and Guilds of London, 428

Institute of Great Britain, 1 he Sanitary, 162, 358 Institute, The Iron and Steel, 92

Comparative Blast Furnace Practice, the President, 229

Experimental Testing Institutions Established by the Prussian Government in Berlin, Dr. Herman Weddig, 229

Institute at Vienna, The, 20'1, 229

Iron Industry of Hungary, Herr A. Ritter von Ker-perly, 229

Iron Industry of Styria and Carinthia, Prof. Tunner, 209

Lignite, The Use of, in the Manufacture of Steel Rails, &c.. Herr Kurzweinhart, 229

Successful Rolling of Steel Ingots with their own Initial Heat, by Means of the Soaking Pit Process, Mr. Gjers, 230

Styrian, Excursion of the, 249

Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers, The Chesterfield, 257

Institute of Mining Engineers, Midland, 118 Institute of Patent Agents, 410, 427, 448, 480 Institution of Civil Engineers, 451. 470

American Practice in Warming Buildings by Steam, Mr. R. Briggs, 437

List of Premiums Awarded for the Session of 1881-82, 26

Recent Hydraulic Experiments, 367

Institution of Civil Engineers for Ireland, 332

The Mexican Railway, 474, 483

Institution of Engineers, The Cleveland, 472

Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. E. F. Jones, 472

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 42

Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. P. G. B. Westmacott, 115

Automatic Screw Brake, On the, Mr. W. Parker Smith, 345

Centrifugal Separator for Liquids of Different Specific Gravity. Mr. Waldemer Bergh, 345

Conversazione, 117

Dynamo Electro Machine, Professor Riicker, 117

Fromentin Automatic Boiler Furnace, On the, Mr.

John Hayes, 345

Fuel Utilsation, Mr. Fletcher, 117

Governing Engines by Regulating the Expansion, Mr. Wilson Hartnell, 163, 164, 165

History of Engineering in Leeds, Mr. Meysey-Thompson, 115

Mining Machinery, Mr. H. Davey, 133

Removing the Excavated Chalk from the Channel Tunnel, Mr. T. R. Crampton, 117

Single Lever Testing Machine, Messrs. J. Buckton and Co., 115, 117

Summer Meeting at Leed=, 105, 115

Working of Blast Furnaces of Large Size at High Temperature, with Special Reference to the Position of the Tuyeres, Mr. C. Cochrane, 116, 133 Insulation for Telegraphic and Telephonic Purposes, 70

Insulator, A New, 447

Invention, The Science of, 394

Inventors and Inventions, On, 428

Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 14, 34, 54, 73, 92, 110, 128, 146, 166, 184, 203, 223, 243, 263, 282, 301, 321, 339, 359, 377, 398. 418, 437, 456, 474, 490

Iron Curtains in Theatres, 356

Iron Industry of Hungary, 229

Iron Industry of Styria and Carinthia, 209

Iron Making, Bromfield’s Process, 359

Iron Ore, Important Discovery of, 98

Iron Ore Trade in Cumberland, 35

Iron, Raw and Manufactured, Imports of, 11

Iron and Steel Institute at Vienna, 209

Iron and Steel, Structure Of, 308

Iron Structures, Decay of, 352

Iron Trade, The, 416

Iron Trade of the United States, 393

Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 472

Iron Trade, The Manufactured 470

Iron Trade, The Northern, in 1882, 462

Ironworkers and their Wages, 299

Irwell, Self-acting Weir on the, 152, 156, 157, 160, 176 Isthmus of Suez Canal, 232

Jablochkoff Light at the Crystal Palace, The, 100

Jointing Locomotive Inside Cylinders, 256

Kampang Kerbau Bridge, Singapore, 198, 201 Karstellenbach Viaduct, St. Gothard Railway {Supplement to The Engineer, November 17th), and p. 375

Kitson’s Locomotive Works, Leeds, 2, 39

Knife Machine, Five Concave, 426

Kriegar, Mr., Foundry Cupola, 408

Krupp Gun, 10’5 Centimetre, 234

Krupp’s Meppen Experiments for 1882, 250, 251, 269, 288

Labelling Machine, Messrs. Barnett and Foster, 320

Lamp, Vapour, Mr. J. W. Bolton, 203

Lancaster Steam Trap, The, 436

Landslip at Jackfield, Shropshire, 436

Latent Heat, 414

Launch at Barrow, 84, 447

Launch at Whitehaven, 38

Launch at Workington, 107

Laws of Motion, 480

Lea, Mr. H., Planimeter Indicator, 443

Leaders : —

Agricultural Machinery for Tasmania, 357

Alloys, Formation of, by Pressure, 433

Aluminium, 452, 470

Amalgamation among the London Gas Companies, 123

American Locomotives, 356

Artillery Casualties in the Bombardment of Alexandria, 124

Australian Artillery Experiments, 453

Basic Process, The, 414

Basic Steel, 162

Berthon Boat in a Gale, 162

Board of Trade and Boiler Explosions, 469

Boiler Explosion at the Bowling Ironworks, 395

Boiler Flues, Collapse, 297

Boiler Flues, Strength of, 434

Brighton, 49

Brighton Beach, 141, 219, 413

British Association at Southampton, 123

Bursting of Krupp Ilin, and Woolwich 6in. Guns, 336

Canal Du Nord, The, 125

Channel Tunnel, 125, 297

Channel Tunnel in Chancery, The, 9

Cheap Ocean Telegraphy, 70

Cheshire Salt Mines, 220

City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 124

Coal, Iron, and Wages, 357

Leaders (continued)—

Coal, the Production of, 260

Coal Trade, The, 435

Coal Trade of Italy, 452

Coal Trade and Wages, 200

Combustion without Flame, 50

Condensing and Non-condensing Engines, 335

Continental Metal Industries, 414

Cost of the Electric Light, 49

Decay of Piston Rods, 50

Delusive Continuous Brakes, 374

Demand for Gas, The, 9

Dispute in the Coal Trade, 318

Drainage of Mines, 357

Duties of Superintending Engineers, 259

Dvne, The, 317

Efficiency of the Dynamo-Electric Machine, 219

Electric Light at the New Law Courts, 434

Electric Lighting, 488

Electric Lighting Bill, 87

Electric Lighting, The Progress of, 433

Electric Lighting Risks, 373

Electric Tricycle, An, 336

“ Electric,” The Word, 260

Electrical Locomotives, 141

Engineering in the Navy, 277

Faith in Smells, 69

Ferranti Dynamo, The, 259

Fluctuations in Coal Shipments, 318

Flying Machines, 487

Forecasting the State of the Weather by the Aid of the Rain band, 278

Foundering of the Austral, 373

Francq and Lamm’s Fireless Locomotive in Lille, 10

Freiburg Railway Accident, 200

French Steamers and Bounties, 88

Furness Railway, The, 336

Gas Engine Trade, 395

Gas, Something like, 70

Great Eastern Storage and Refrigerating Company, 88

Hematite Iron in Cleveland, 162

Hastings, Foreshore at, The, 105

Hastings, Sea at, 180

High-speed Channel Steamers, 69

Hull and Chesterfield Railway, The New, 299

Hydraulic Power of the Rhone, 452

Improvement of Permanent Way, 161

Institution of Civil Engineers, 451, 470

Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Visit to Leeds, 1 AR

Insulation for Telegraphic and 70

Telephonic Purposes,

International Electrical Conference, 336

Iron Curtains in Theatres, 356

Iron Trade, The Manufactured, 470

Iron Trade of the U.S., The, 393

Ironworkers and their Wages, 299

Irrigation in India, 413

Is it Science? 200

Latent Heat, 414

Lifting Stage at Madison Theatre, New York, 336

Lime Process of Getting Coal, 142, 414

London’s Coal Supply, 70

Loss of H.M.S. Dotere], 220

Ludgate-hill Station, 488

Madras and Colombo Harbour Works, 30

Manchester Corporation and the Proposed Ship Canal, 434

Manchester Ship Canal, 130, 142, 162

Merchant Steamers as War Ships, 239

Miners’ Wages, 453

Mining Accidents, 278

Munich Electrical Exhibition, 260

Nickel v. Bronze, 200

North-Eastern Railway Projects, 395

North-Eastern Railway Works, 180

Obstacles in the Way of Electric Lighting, 451

Our Fleet at Alexandria, 9

Output of Shipping on the Clyde, 375

Petroleum Engine, 395

Phosphor Bronze for Telegraph Wire, 180

Port and Trade of Sunderland, 107

Possible Operations in Egypt, 29

Preparation of the Metal Caesium, 374

Pressure of Grain in Bins, 240

Prevention of Fires, 298

Prevention of Smoke frem Domestic Fires, 335

Price of Coal, 179

Proposed General Restriction of the Output of Coal 395

Pullman Car Fire, 356

Pumping Engines, 487

Pure Air and Density of Population, 488

Railway Rates for Coal from Yorkshire to London, 220

Railway Speeds, 469

Recent Accidents on ths Great Northern and Great

Eastern Railways, 88

Relative Wages of Shipbuilders, 30

Repairs to Machinery at Sea, 435

Responsibility of Steam Users, 317

Rights of Shareholders, 220

Road Traction Engines, 200

Rod Magic, 318

Royal Agricultural Society’s Trials of Hay and Corn

Drying Apparatus, 220

Science of Invention, The, 394

Secondary Batteries and the Public, 355

Shipbuilding in the Half year, 10

Shipbuilding in the North, 299

Simplon and St. Gothard Railways, 200

Single v. Compound Engines, 161

Society of Engineers, 393

Standard Gauges for Small Screws, 470

Steam Engine Economy, 87

Strength of Steel, 199

Suez Canal, A Second, 239

Synthesis of Tryosine and Uric Acid, 357

Testing Machines, 199

Theory of Welding, The, 106

Thomas-Gilchrist Process, The, 435

Threatened Strike of Miners in Yorkshire, 220

Torpedo Boat Boilers, 29

Tower Bridge, The, 240

Tower Bridge Scheme, The, 278

Traction Engines, 355

Value of Colliery Property in South Yorkshire, 241


Wages in the Shipbuilding Trade, 241

Well-Decked and Flush-Decked Vessels, 452

Winter Electric Exhibition at the Royal Aquarium,

Westminster, 488

Workmen’s Patents, 180

Yorkshire Collieries Abandoned since the Year 1874, •7t\

Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade during the Half-year, 51

Leeds, Engineering Works of, 2

Leeds Fire Brigade, 53

Leeds Forge Company’s Works, 98

Legal Educational Status of Civil Engineers, 448

Legal Intelligence:—

Clowes v. the Atlantic Patent Fuel Company, 299

Durham and others v. Grindley and Co., 417

Infringement of Ransomes’ Plough Trade Marks, Ransomes, Head, and Jefferies v. Graham and Joslin, 430

Patricroft Spinning Company v. the Engine, &c., Insurance Company, Limited, and Michael Long-ridge, 67

Phosphor Bronze Company, Limited -v. Billington 127

Thomson v. the Lancefield Forgo Company and others et c contra, 467

Letters to the Editor:—

Abel’s Cement? G. T. E., 199

Accident to the Serapis, Lewis Olrick and Co., 158

Attractive Power of Magnets ? A Student, 259

Automatic Brakes, F. Harvey Rapley, 447

Automatic Vacuum Brakes, A Railway Passenger,

Automatic Vacuum Brakes, Traveller, 274

Backlash in Corn Mills, Robert Gill, 467

Letters to the Editor (continued) —

Backlash in Corn Mills, John Turnbull, jun., 480

Bending Copper Pipes? H, 49

Blood-Drying Machinery? S., 69

Board of Trade and Boiler Explosions, Henry Hiller, 333

Boiler Fuel Economisers, Economiser, 480

Book-keeping for Engineers ? Enquirer, 393

Boulton’s Fire-Door Bing, James W. Boulton, 427

Brakes, Delusive Continuous, Clement E. Stretton, 390

Brewing in England, Brewer’s Architect, 47

Brewing in England, Corcoran, Witt, and Co., 81

Brewing in England, H. Stopes and Co., 67, 103

Bridge Supports, John M. Gibson, 67

Brighton Beach, Fred. W. Hyde, 390

Briquettes ? J. B., 9

Bucket Dredgers and Excavators, Rose, Downs, and Thompson, 294.

Bucket Dredgers and Excavators, Priestman Bros., 237

Callington District and its Mines, Jno. Buckingham, 120

Carpet Beating Machine ? A. S., 87

Casting of Pipes, Experience, 310, 371

Casting of Pipes, W. J. Millar, 390

Casting of Pipes, Prior, 294, 352

Carbons for the Electric Light, Arc, 335

Casting of Pipes with their Sockets Downward, Experience, 274

Cementing Leather to Iron? W. P., 451

Cementing Leather to Iron, Thomas Smith, 469

Channel Tunnel Worked by Gravitation, The, John Mackenzie, 46

Chided Rolls for Glazing Calenders, Paper-maker,

Clean Rain Water, Millwright, 196

Cold-Air Machinery, T. B. Lightfoot, 158

Collapsed Boiler Flues, A Reader, 310

Commercial Profit from Household Fires, W. H.

Harrison, 390

Complex Castings, H. Wallwork, 406

Compound Engines, Reuben Bramhall, 467

Compound Engines, Matthew Paul, jun., 216

Compound Engines—A Suggestion, J. L., 195

Compound Yacht Engines at the Tynemouth Exhibition, Jens. Jensen, 294

Compressed Paper ? R. V., 141

Condensing Water? Foundry Manager, 393

Continuous Speed Indicator, Percy Deed, 196

Converting Fish into Manure? W. L. D., 123

Correction, A., Archld. Ellis, 393

Corrugating Hard Steel Sheets ? Machine for, G. 8., 199

Crucible Steel Castings? R., 317

Crystal Palace Ch-sand Electric Exhibition,Le Grand and Sutcliffe, 467

Dagenham Docks? The, Enquirer, 239

Davies, Disc Engine? The, F. W., 29

Decay of Iron Structures, Will. Young Black, 352

Delusive Brakes, Brakes, 406

Delusive Brakes, R. W. G., 406

Detonation of Gun-cotton, W. Martin, 216

Distilling Plant? W. H. H., 239

Diving in Deep Water, R. M., 274

Dynamometers? S. C. and Co., 469

Earl’s Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, A.

E. Seaton, 176

Efficiency of Turbines? L. 11., 317

Electric Are, The, Lux, 481

Electric Light at the North-East Coast Exhibition,

Robey and Co., 216

Electric Lighting Risks, J. Alfred Fisher, 390

Electrical Accumulators, F. G. Howard. 3

Eleci rical Accumulators, Oliver J. Lodge. 23

Electrical Standards of Measurement, Alpha, 333

Electrical Standards of Measurement, An Electrical

Student, 310, 352, 390

Electrical standards of Measurement, B., 310

Electrical Standards of Measurement, n 333, 371, 406 ’ ’’

Electrical Standards of Measurement, J. B. W„ 291

Electrical Standards of Measurement, One Who has

Tried, 310

Electrical Standards of Measurement, Walmho, 333

Enamelled Gat-pipes, J. Gilland, 158

Enamelled Pipes, Z., 120

Enamelling Cast Iron Pipes and Castings, W. P.

Thompson, 142

Engineering in Australia? Engineer, 239

Engineers in America? 8., 87

Engineers in America? S. R. S.„ 199

Engineers for Canada? Canada, 179

Evaporating Water or Brine ? J. P., 297

Fan Trials at Reading, Edw. Owen Greening, 213, 257

Fan Trials at Reading, Jno. Hodgson, 176, 274

Fan Trials at Reading, Charles D. Phillips, 176

Fancy Card-box and Cutting and Folding Machines and Wood Clip and Pill-box Machines? M. B., 141

Fell Locomotives? C. E., 179

Fell Locomotives? James Melling, 219

Felt-making Machinery ? Machinery, 69

Finishing Castings? C. 8., 199

Fire-door Rings, J. Copley and Co., 371

Flameless Combustion, Thos. Fletcher, 81

Foreshore at Hastings, F. Johnson, 142

Foreshore at Hastings, W. H. Thorpe, 157,195

Foundations of Mechanics, <f. n. 46

Foundation of Mechanics, Walter R. Browne, 3

Foundation of Mechanics, C., 3

Foundry Cupolas and Ladles ? J. E. and Co., 105

Foundry Mixtures ? Foundry Manager, 259

Foundry Mixtures, Another Foundry Manager, 277

Foundry Travellers, Henry Johnson, 46

Foundry Travellers, M. Silvester, 67

Gardner’s Swing Berths, F. Gardner. 67

Gas v. Electric Lighting, H. Saxon Snell, 23

Gas v. Electricity, W. Schonheyder, 47

Geoghegan and Sturgeon’s Jacketted Piston, John Sturgeon, 216

Gilchrist Process, The, Percy Gilchrist, 427

Gold Reef Crushing Machinery? Gold, 199

Gordon’s Dynamo-Electric Machine, C. E., 333

Government Gun-Metal Borings ? Brass Founder, 433

Grain H oppers or Bins, Higginbottom and Stuart, 216, 257

Granite Working Machinery? Colonial, 277

Griffiths’ Screw Propeller Shields, Robt. Griffiths, 257

Halpin’s Compound Engine, 8. B. Porter, 216

Harbours and Trade of Folkestone, John English, 390

Heating Apparatus for Churches ? Enquirer, 487

Hole Cutting Machines, B. D. K., 294

Hopkinson’s Safety Valve and Aiman’s Patent Fire

Doors? S. W.and Co., 373

Horizontal Screw Presses? B., 9

Horseshoe Nail Machines, Alpha, 413

Hydraulic Balance Lifts, John Barr, 406, 467

Hydraulic Balance Lifts, Barrow Turner, 427

Hydraulic Balance Lifts, E. B. Ellington, 448

Hydraulic Balance Lifts, John 8. Stevens, C. G.

Major, 427, 467, 481

Hydraulic Ship Lifting Docks, Sidengham Duer, 3

Impounding Reservoirs Hydraulic, 413

Ingut 8 aking Process, The, M. L., 427

Improvement of Permanent Way, C. W. Vincent, 294

Improvement of Permanent Way, Wooden Sleeper, 256

Institute of Patent Agents, Electrician, 448

Institute of Patent Agents, F. A., 480

Institute of Patent Agents, An Inventor, 480

Institute of Patent Agents, Lex, 448

Institute of Patent Agents, Mem. Inst. M.E., 427

Institute of Patent Agents, P. A., 427

Jacketted Pistons, Reginald Bolton, 195

Jointing Locomotive Inside Cylinders, II. Adie, 256

Laws of Motion, F. Dare, 480

Legal Educational Status of Civil Engineers, O., 448

Locomotive Drivers in Australia? A Locomotive

Engineer, 239

Letters to the Editor (continued')—

Mechanical Refrigeration of Air, W. Kilrington, 142

Milk Condensing ? Machinery for, E. 8., 393

Navigation in Ireland, Rhinns, 47

North-East Coast Exhibition, Geo. Renwick, 3

North-East Railway Projects, C. J. W., 406

Patent Office Drawings, F. Y., 157

Patent Tricycles and Bicycles, R. E. P., 390

Patent Tricycles and Bicycles? Wheeler, 373

Permanent Way, The Improvement of, C. W. Vincent, 237

Permanent Way, Improvement of Wooden Sleepers, 176

Permanent Way, Indian State Railways, C. II. Denham, for Denham and Olpherts, 481

Phase of Foreign Competition, Pro Recta, 257

Phosphor-Bronze, Billington and Newton, 179

Phosphor-Bronze Slide Valves, North-East Coast

Exhibition, Foundry man, 352

Pianograph Metronome, The, Musicus, 67

Pin-making Machinery? M. P. B., 105

Pressure of Fluids in Motion, G. Pinnington, 332, 352, 406, 467

Pressure of Fluids in Motion, H. T. T., 390, 427

Pressure of Grain in Bins, J. W. C. H., 237

Pressure of Grain in Bins, Isaac Roberts, 237

Problem in Diving, A Diver, 294

Problem in Dynamics, Student, 294

Problem in Hydraulics, V. 8. M., 257

Process of Electric Lighting, An Electric Light Engineer, 448

Pumping Condensing Water, C. Dunlop, 294

Rag Cutting Machine? W. W., 487

Railway Accidents, J. Clarkson, 256

Railway Rates for Coal, Wm. Wendall, 195

Railway Speeds and Fares, J. F., 480

Railway Weighing Machines and the Camber of Pulleys, H. Adie. 467

Raw Iron Mallets ? L. and Co., 87

Reading Fan Trials, Thos. Fardon, 81

Refrigerators, Gorillarum Rex, 467

Rheostat for Electric Lamps, Alfred R. Bennett, 310

Rice Machinery, R. L. K., 105

Road Locomotive Legislation, Morris Parks, 390

Road Locomotive Legislation, J. Somes Story, 155

Road Locomotive Legislation, Stephen Harding Terry, 371

Rope Gearing ? Engineer, 413

Royal Agricultural Show, The, W. G. Bagnall, 3

St. Gothaid Railway, Henry Walker, 46

Samson Screw Cutting Lathe ? G. B. and Sons, 469

Sanitary Stove, W. Schonheyder, 120

Scott Rubsell, Mr., Ebony Setsquare, 3

Sewage and Air, A. F., 80, 142, 176, 216

Sewage and Air, G Septimus Hughes, 103, 155, 196

Sewage and Air, Thos. Smith, 155

Sewage and the River Lea, W. A. N. de Pape, 142

Severn Tunnel, The, C. G. Ethelston, 103

Shale, Treating? Nemo, 161

Sheaf-Binding Reapers, James and Fred. Howard, 196

Sheaf-Binding Reapers, Richard Hornsby and Sons, 237

Siemens Direct Process,The, Jas. Davies, Mill Manager, 448

Smelting Copper Ores? S. D. B., 69

Smoke Abatement Exhibition, W. A. Martin and Co., 274

Soap-making Plant? W. G. S., 141

Society of Engineers’ Lectures, Mem. C. and M.E. Society, 406

Speed of Cutting Tools, Machinist, 158

Spence’s Metal, G. Bartlett, 237

Steam Boilers, Heated by Naphtha, J. H., 373*

Steam Jet Air Exhausters? K. and S., 219

Steam Launch for Brazil, Edw. Hayes, 81

Steam Launch for Brazil, J. C. Fernandes Do Nascimento, 46

Steam Launches? Estimating the Speed of, S. W., 69

Steam Tramways at Lille, H. Conradi, 47

Steam v. Vacuum Brakes, Robt. A Marshall, 294

Steel Ingot Soaking Process, F. Y., 294

Stoves ? Portable, S. C. W , 393

Straw Covers for Bottles? C., 413

Strength of Wire Ropes? W. J., 49

•Strength of Wire Ropes, C. C. C. C., 69

Stuffing-box? Who Invented the, 335

Stuffing-box? Who Invented the, Inquisitive Sam, 297

Tate’s Patent Valve-closing Apparatus, Duncan Bros., 294

Testing Chain Cables? Vulcan, 179

Tests for Coal, A. F., 352

Thames Bridges, A. L. G., 352

Thermometer Scales, Philip R. Bjorling, 237

Thornaby Boiler Explosion, Jonathan Pickeri 46

Toothed Gearing, W. T. Farquhar, 176

Trailing Rolling Plant on Tramways, Robt. Ed.

Phillips, 216

Trailing Rollin g Plant on Tramways, J. Smith, 196

Trials of Hay-drying Fans at Reading, Edw. Owen Greening, 158

Triturating Manganese and Extracting Silver from Mercury? Manganese, 141

Varnish for Drawings? W. W., 373

Visits in the Provinces, Sampson Fox, 161

Wall Paper Printing Machinery ? W. P., 49

Walton’s Wheel Scale? A Constant Reader, 413

Waterproofing Stone? Material for, W. H. P., 393

Weighing and Registering Weight of Wheat? Milwaukee, 433

Wiswall’s Tilting Weir, C. E., 256

Wiswall’s Tilting Weir, Wm. T. Olive, 176, 216, 256

Wiswall’s Tilting Weir, Francis Wiswall, 196, 237, 274

Wood Screws ? Beta, 9

Liardet and Donnithorne, Messrs., Secondary Battery, 482

Libel, The Law of, 279

Lifeboat, Messrs. Timmis and Hodgson, 281

Life-saving Apparatus, Exhibition of, at the Alexandra Palaoe, 72, 88, 135

Lifting Stage at Madison Theatre, New York, 336

Lifts, Hydraulic Balance, 406, 427, 448, 467

Lifts, Hydraulic Balanced, Messrs. Smith and Stevens, 386, 389

Lightning Conductors, Code of Rules for Erection of, 213

Lignite, The Use of, in the Manufacture of Steel Rails, 229

Lime Process of Getting Coal, 142, 415

Lincolnshire Floods, 395

Literature :

Applied Mechanics, Ilenry T. Bovey, M.A., 337

British Navy, The, Vol. III., Sir Thos. Brassey, 260

Coal, Spontaneous Combustion and Explosions Occurring in Coal Cargoes, Thomas Rowan, 299

Diamonds, Coal, and Gold of India : their Mode of Occurrence and Distribution, V. Ball, 51

The Dragon-fly, or Reactive Passive Locomotive : a Vacuum Theory of Aerial Navigation, Based on the Principle of the Fan Blower, 470

Electric Lighting: by Le Comte Du Moncel, 107

Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections, C. Smith, 71

Grundstucke der Graphischen Statik und deren Anwendung an Continuirlichen Tiagern, Dr. Karl Stetzel, 335

Handy Book on the Reclamation of Waste Lands in Ireland, G. H. Kinahan, 220

History of Coal Mining in Great Britain, Robert L. Galloway, 200

Hydrographical Surveying, Capt. W. G. L. Wharton,

Law Relating to Electric Lighting, by George Spencer Bower, 318

Les Arsenaux de Marine, M. Gongcard, 278

London Water Supply : Analysis of the Accounts of the Metropolitan Water Companies, Compiled and Arranged by A. Lass, 375

Magnetism and Electricity : an Elementary Textbook for Students, R. Wormell, 11

Manual of Naval Architecture, W. H. White, 345

Marine Steam Engine, The : a Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy, by Richard Bennett, 435

Literature (continued)—

Measures, Weights and Moneys, of all Nations, and an Analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan Calendars, by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 453

Memoirs of the Science Department, Tokio Daigaku, &c., by T. C. Mendenhall, 415

Metal Turner’s Handbook, by Paul N. Hasluck, 375

Modern Applications of Electricity, E. Hospitaller, Translated and Enlarged by Julius Maier, 11

Modern Metrology: Manual of the Metrical Units and Systems of the Present Century, Lowis D’A. Jackson, 142

Papers on Mechanical Subjects, Sir J. Whitworth, 415

Practice of Commercial Organic Analysis, by Alfred

R. Allen, 488 f L t T w „

Railways and Locomotives, Lecture by J. W. Barry and Fred. J. Bramwell, 375

Report on Fuel for the Army, Quartermaster General’s Office, Washington, 395

Rules and Regulations made under the Adelaide Sewers Act, 1878, <tc. &c., Oswald Brown, 125

Sanitary Engineer. The, Vol. v., 201

Social Course on Heat, W. Larden, 125

Statistics of the Water Supply of the Principal

Cities and Towns of Great Britain and Ireland, Compiled by G. W. Usill, 375

Treatise on Elementary Trigonometry, Rev. J. B. Lock, 71

Treatise on Mathematics as Applied to the Constructive Arts, Fran-is Campin, 71

Treatise on Modern Horology in Theory and Practice, Translated from the French of Claudius Saunier by Julien Tripplin and Edw. Rigg, 152

Treatise on the Theory of Determinants, Thos.

Muir, 71

Treatise on the Transit Instrument as Applied to the Determination of Time, for the Use of Country Gentlemen, by Latimer Clark, 180

Worked Examination Questions in Plane Geometrical Drawing, for the Use of Candidates for the Royal Military Academy, F. E. Hulme, 107

Literary Announcements, 353

Liverpool Steamers, New, 181

Locomotive, American Moguls Newfoundland Rail-way (Supplement to The Engineer, .December loth, 1882)

Locomotive Coupling Rods, 251

Locomotive, The Smallest, in the World, 24

Locomotive, Tank, Mickley Coal Co., 426, 429

Locomotive, Twelve-wheeled, for the Central Pacific

Railway, 353, 354

Locomotives, American, 356

Locomotives, Six-coupled, for the East Indian Railway, 330, 337, 338

London’s Coal Supply, 70

Ludgate-hill Station, 488

Luton Waterworks, Compound Differential Engine, 412, 416

Luton Waterworks Pumping Engine, 416

Lyttleton, New Zealand, Graving Dock, 100, 101

McDonnell, C.E., Mr. A., Presentation to, 290

Machine Tool, Universal, 100, 104

Madras and Colombo Harb air Works, 30

Magnetic Separator, Mr. Schaeffer, 320

Magnetism and Magnetic Fields, 348

Mallet System of Controlled Combustion, 427

Malting, 130-Quarter, 6, 8

Malting, Improved, 272

Manchester Corporation and Proposed Ship Canal, 434

Mandril, Expanding, Messrs. H. B. Barlow, jun., and Co., 65

Manchester Ship Canal, 30, 142, 162, 261, 365, 385, 388, 395, 403,454,461,467

Manchester Ship Canal, Salford Docks, 461

.Map of the Bombardment of Alexandria, 33

. Map of New Works, Calais Harbour, 66, 109

i Map of the Nile Delta, 32

| Map of Suez Canal, 31

Marine Engineering at the North-East Coast Exhibition, 189, 190, 210, 280

Mash-tun for Raw Grain and Malt, Mr. Cave’s, 485

Matterand Magneto-electric Action, 102

May, Mr. Robt. Chas., 89

Mechanical Refrigeration of Air, T. B. Lightfoot, 126

M< reliant Steamers as War Ships, 239

Messingham District Drainage Works, 119

Metal Caesium, Preparation of the, 374

Metal Industries, The Continental, 415

Metropolitan Sewage, 53

Metropolitan Sewage Discharges, 399

Mexican Railway, The, 473, 474, 483

Midland fSteam Boiler Insurance Company, 166

Mill, Coke and Coal-dust-grinding, 408

. Miners’ Wages, 453

Mines of Great Britain, Women and Girls Employed in, 154

Mining Accidents, 278

Mining Machinery, 133

Miscellanea, 7, 27, 43, 63, 85, 99, 121, 143, 159, 177, 197, 217, 233, 253, 275, 295, 311, 329, 349, 367, 387, 407, 431, 449, 463, 486

Missouri, Navigation of the, 344

Moisture in Steam, Determining the Degree of, 408

Monkbridge Ironworks, 2, 3, 39, 59, 64

Moulding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, 22

Mower Cutter-grinding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, 22

Mower, Finger, Messrs. Williams and Son, 2 >

Mower Knife-grinder, Messrs. Abbott and Goosey, 60

Munich Electrical Exhibition, 260, 331, 417

Napier, Mr. Charles George, 190

Naval Architecture at the North-East Coast Exhibition, 189

Naval Engineer Appointments, 84, 111, 120, 142, 202, 214, 262, 279, 294, 333, 358, 375, 386, 4LI, 428, 462

Naval and Submarine Exhibition, 135

Navigation in Ireland, 47

Newburn Steel Works, Experiments at. 191

Newman Testimonial, The, 446

Newton, Mr. Edward, 426

New York State Survey, 312

Nickel v. Bronze, 200

Niederbanm Swing Bridge, Hamburg (Supplement to

The Engineer, Avgust 18th), 44, 48, 82, 86, 125

Nile Delta, Map of the, 32

North of England, 15, 54, 74, 93,129, 111, 146, 167, 184, 201, 224, 244, 264, 282, 3.2, 322, 340, 360, 378,398, 418, 438, 457, 475, 491

North-East Coast Exhibition, The, 189, 190, 193

North-East Railway Projects, 180, 395, 406

Northumberland Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 471

Notes from Lancashire, 14, 34, 54, 73, 92, 110, 128, 146,

166, 184, 203, 224, 244, 264, 282, 302, 321, 340, 359, 377, 398, 418, 437, 455, 474, 490

Notes and Memoranda, 7, 27, 43, 63, 85, 99, 12J, 143, 159, 177, 197, 217, 233, 253, 275, 295, 311, 329, 349, 367, 387, 407, 431, 449, 463, 486

Notes from Scotland, 15, 34, 55, 74, 93, 111, 129, 146

167, 184, 204, 224, 245, 265, 283, 302, 322, 340, 360, 378, 399, 419, 438, 457, 475, 490

Notices to Correspondents, 9, 29, 49, 69, 87, 105, 123 141, 161,179, 199, 219, 239, 259, 277, 297, 317, 335,355^ 373, 413, 433, 451, 469, 487

Nuremberg, National Bavarian Exhibition at, 209.


Obituary: —

Amos, Mr. C. E., 126

Bonnell, Mr. John, 25

Challis, Professor, 474

Draper, Professor Henry, 411

Henly, Mr. W. T., 471

Hick, Mr. Benjamin, 272

May, Mr. Robt. Charles, 89

Napier, Mr. Charles George, 190

Newton, Mr. Edward, 426

Stewart, Mr. C. P., 26

Wilson, Mr. Robt., 89

Woehler, Mr. Friedrich, 337

nil from the Bottle-Nosed Whale, 466 .

Matter in Potable Water, Determination of, olreln%“ductio°nn’of^by Dialysis of Atmospheric Air, 357

Patent-office Drawings, 157

Patent-office Rules, 410 . ___

Permanent Way, Improvement of, 161, 17b, 237, 2ub

Permanent Way, Indian State Railways, 4S1 Sd Wa|,’ Mr. W. Rainbow's Sleepers, 300 phosphor ^Bronze^’^SHdeNorth-E-t Coast PiTOpho^Bronze for Telegraph Wire, 180 Photographic Exhibition, 271

Photometer, A Wedge aud Diaphragm, 466 Pianograph, Metronome, The, 52, 53,07 Pilgrim, The American Steamer, 01, oz, 06

Pile Driver, Hydraulic, Calais Harbour Works, 1. o, 216

Pipes, Enamelled, 120 ___

Piston, Messrs. Geoghegan and Sturgeon, 1.4

Piston Rods, Decay of, 50

Pistons, Jacketted, 195, 216 .

Plate-cutting Machine, Messrs Sen ven a Plates in Russia, Trial of Compound and Steel, 41b Pneumatic Pulveriser, 455

Polyphemus, The, 215

Porthcurn’s Lisbon Cable, 119

Portmadoc Sewerage, 190

Post-office Cars, American, 174

Pressure of Fluids in Motion, 332, 352, 353, 390, 40b,

p/essure of Wheat Stored in Cells or Bins, 193, 216, 237 240

Princeton Telescope, The New, 314 ,

Pulley Blocks, Differential, Westons, 24o

Pullman Car Fire, The, 356

Pump, Mr. Edward Margrett, 41

Pump, Messrs. Watson and Sons, 210, 211

Pump, Centrifugal, Mr. C. G. Hett, 119

Pump, Diaphragm, Mr. Fosbery, 300

Pump, Donkey, Mr. Barnes, 280

Pump, Ram, Messrs. Tangye Brothers, 280

Pump, Rotary, American, 23

Pumping Condensing Water, 294

Pumping Engine Recorder, Mr. Davey, 59

Pumps, Steam and Brewery, The Worthington, 214

• Pure Air and Density of PoP^la^l°n’488 9<n

Putney Bridge, The New, 234, 235, 2o7, 2u8, 291, 29-, 313, 315

Rail Imports and Railway Construction in Ameiica,


Railway Accidents, 256

Railway, Inner Circle, Completion, 243

Railway Matters, 7, 27, 43, 63, 85, 99, 121, 143, lu9, 177, 197, 217, 233, 253, 275, 295, 311, 329, 349, 367, 387* 407, 431, 449, 463, 486

Railway Milk Drum Washer, Pocock s, 4o

Railway, New, 44 .

Railway Safety Appliances in Switzerland, 3d7

Railway Speeds, 469

Railway Speeds and Fares, 480 .

Railway Weighing Machines and the Camber or

Pulleys, 467

Railway, West Lancashire, Opening of, 221

Railway, Whitby and Saltburn, 375

Railways, American, laid during the First Half of 188-,


Railways in War, 42, 375

Rain Water, Clean, 196

Reading Fan Trials, 81

Refrigeration of Air, Mechanical, 71, 79, 142

Refrigerator, The Windhausen, 301

Refrigerators, 467

Repairs to Machinery at Sea, 435

Rheostat for Electric Lamps, 310

Rheostat for Electric Lamps, Mr. P. H. Fox, 301

Rhone, Hydraulic Power of the, 452

Road Locomotive Legislation, 120, 155, 371, 390

Rock Drill, Messrs. Hathorn and Co., 255

Rod, Magic, 318

Rohrbach Fall and Bridge, St. Gothard Railway, (Supplement to The Engineer, December 1st, 1882). 41/

Ropes, Steel Wire, Messrs. G. Cradock and Co., 21

Royal Institution .

Matter and Magneto-electric Action, by W. Spottis-woode, 102

Royal Agricultural Society’s Show at Reading,

1, 80, 328 ,

Axle Fixtures, Messrs. Atkinson and Phulipson, —

Bagnall, Mr. W. G., on the Society’s Rules, 3

Boiler, Mr. Keable, 22

Brick Machine, Reading Ironworks Company, 20, 21

Carriage Brake, Inside and Outside, Messrs. Atkinson and Phillipson, 21, 22

Chaff-cutter, Messrs. Harrison and McGregor, 22

Chaff-cutter and Drill, Messrs. Murton and Turner, 2C

Churn, Mr. G. Hathaway, 42

Cream Separator, Messrs. Hald and Co., 1

Drainage Plough, Messrs. Fowler and Co , 60

Elevator, Driving Gear, Messrs. R. J. and H. Wilder, 21

Engine, Compound, Messrs. Burrell. 20

Engine, Compound Condensing, The Reading Ironworks Company, 25, 28

Engine, Hot-air, Mr. Rider, 23

Engine, Traction, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 19

Fan, Mr. W. A. Gibbs, 60

Fan, Mr. Greening, 61

Fan, Mr. E. Pratt, 254

Fan, Power, Mr. Coultas, 61

Fan, Power and Hand, Mr. C. A. Lister, 60 •

Fan for Rick Drying, Messrs. Wallis and Stccvens, 59

Fans, Power and Hand, Mr. C. Phillips, 60, 61

Grab Bucket, Messrs. Priestman Bros., 22

Harrow, Flexible Solid Frame, Messrs. J. and 11.

Wilder, 22

Hay and Corn Drying Competition, 213, 220

Hay and Corn Drying Machines, Trials of, 1

Hay Drying Apparatus and Fans, Trial of, 60 Haymaker, Maldon Ironworks Company, 20 Haymaker Head, Messrs. W. M. Nicholson, 41

Horse-rake, Messrs. Picksley, Sims, and Co., 60 , Map of Machinery Department (Supplement to The

Engineer, July 7th, 1882)

Miscellaneous Machinery, 20, 41, 59

Moulding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, 22

Mower-cutter Grinding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, 22

Mower Finger, Messrs. Williams and Son, 20

Mower Knife-grinder, Messrs. Abbott and Goosey, 60

Power Exhaust Fan, Mr. Walker,'42

Pump, Mr. E. Margrett, 41

Pump, American Rotary, 23

Railway Milk Drum Washers, The Reading Iron works Company, 45

Steam Engines at, 19

Steel Wire Ropes, Messrs. G. Cradock and Co., 21

Triplex Boiler, Messrs. Penny and Co., 21

Royal Society, The, 366

Chemical Theory of Gunpowder, Prof. Debus, 462

Russian Coal Mine, A, 183

St. Gothard Railway, The, 46

St. Gothard Railway, Eight-coupled Engine, 481 (ana Supplement)

St. Gothard Railway, Engines for, 368, 369

I St. Gothard Railway, Financial Success of, 55

I St. Gothard Railway, Goeschenen Station, 428 (<xna Supplement to The Engineer, December 8th, 1882)

St. Gothard Railway, Karstellcnbach Bridge (Supplement to 'The Engineer, November 17 th 1882)

St. Gothard Railway, Rohrbach Fall and Bridge, 411 (Supplement to The Engineer, December lsi, 1882)

St. Petersburg Armour-plate Trials, 423

Salaries of Servants on the Vanderbilt Roads, 399

Salt Well, Amherst, Canada, 438

Sanitary Appliances, House, 428

Saw, Hot, 243

Science ? Is it, 200

Schonheyder, Mr. W., Sanitary Stove, 91

Scott Russell, Mr., 3

Selected American Patents, 18, 38, 58, 78, 96, 132, 114, 150, 170, 188, 208, 228, 248, 268, 286, 306, 326, 344, 364, 382, 402, 422, 442, 460, 478, 494

Serapis, Accident to the, 158

Separator, Automatic, Mr. W. Bergh, 345

Severn Tunned, The, 103

Sewage and Air, 80, 10 b 142, 155, 176, 196, 216

Sewage Discharge, 435

Sewage and the River Lea, 142

Shareholders, Rights of, 220

Sheaf-Binding Reapers, 196, 237

Shearing Machine, lift., Messrs. Buckton and Co., 79, 9

Shearing Machine for Large Sheets, 409, 416

Sheffield District, 14, 34, 54, 74, 93, 111, 129, 146, 166, 184, 204, 224, 244, 264, 282, 302, 322, 340, 360, 378, 398, 418, 438, 457, 475, 491

Shipbuilding in the Half-year, 10

Shipbuilding in the North, 299

Ships, Number of, Wrecked in Twenty Years, 315

Siemens’ Direct Process, 447

Similigravure, Mr. C. Petit’s Process of, 488

Simidon and St. Gothard Railways, The, 200

Skeldergate Bridge. York, (Supplement to The Engineer, July 28M, 1882), and p. 73

Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Messrs., Ironworks, Leeds, 59

Smeaton’s Eddystone Lighthouse, Rebuilding of, 281

Smelting of Spathic Ores in Styria, 279, 307

Smithfield Club Show, 423

Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co., 424

Engine, Traction, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 425

Governor, Messrs. Turner and Hartnell, 424

Knife Machine, Five Concave, 426

Thrasher, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, 426

Valve, Slide, Mr. Church, 425

Smoke, Prevention of, from Domestic Fires, 335

Snyder’s 5-H.P. Vertical Boiler, 447

Society of Arts

Electric Lighting, Dr. Siemens, 430

Examinations of the, 181

Society of Engineers, 47, 139, 393, 403, 406, 446

Fell Engines on the Rimutakai Incline, New Zealand, Mr. R. F. Alford, 391

Strength of Boiler Flues, Mr. W. Martin, 427

Visit to the Anglo-Brush Electric Light Company’s Works, 62

Visit to Chatham Dockyard, 24

Visit to Portsmouth, 201

Society, King’s College Engineering, 333, 351, 386 Transmission of Power by Electricity, Mr. L. B.

Atkinson, 403

Society, The Liverpool Engineering: —

Mallett System of Controlled Combustion, Notes on, Mr. W. E. Mills, 427

Testing of Materials for Use in Engineering Structures. Mr. C. E. Hannaford. 375

Tides and Tidal Scour, Mr. Joseph Boult, 6, 51

Society, The Meteorological: —

Popular Weather Prognostics, The Hon. R. Aber-cromby and Mr W. Marriott, 483

Solder for Metal, Glass, and Porcelain, 65

South Kensington Museum, 18, 38, 78, 162, 188, 221,

286, 344, 348, 366, 399, 419, 435, 453, 494

Speed of Cutting Tools, 158

Speed Indicator, Continuous, 196

Speed Indicator, Young’s Patent, 127

Spence’s Metal, 237

Spezzia Armour-plate Experiments, 383, 403, 405

Spring Buffers for Steering Gear, Wotherspoon’s, 65

Stack Cooling or Drying by Artificial Means 108

Stand Pipe at the Calumet Mine, Lake Michigan, 489

Standard Gauges for Small Screws, 470

Startling Ride, A, 183

Steam Engine Economy, 87

Steam Launch for Brazil, 46, 81

S.S. Leerdam, Engines and Boilers of the (Supplement to The Engineer, Oct. Yitti), 214, 218, 296, 372

S.S. Mary Beatrice, 125

Steam on Tramways, Cost of, 310

Steam Tramways at Lille, 47

Steam Users’ Responsibilities, 317

Steamer, Accident to a Mail, 408

Steamers, High-speed Channel, 69

Steamers, Small Twin-screw, for the Argentine Republic, 147

Steel Castings, Messrs. Cooke and Mylchreest, 12, 13

Steel Ingot Soaking Process, 294

Steel Ingots, Rolling of, with their own Initial Heat, 230

Steel and Iron Crank Shafts, Strength of, 191

Steel Ships, Stern Frames, Stems and Rudders, 12

Steel, Strength of, 199

Steel, On the Treatment of, for the Construction of

Ordnance and other Purposes, 181

Stidder, Mr., Ball Valve, 152

Stop Valve Controller, Electrical, Mr. Tate’s Patent, 272

Stove, Sanitary, 120

Stove, Sanitary, Mr. W. Schonheyder, 91

Strinesdale Reservoir, Panic Relative to, 426

Suez Canal, Map of, 31

Sugar Refining in China, 89

Sunderland, The Port and Trade of, 107

Sutton Coldfield Sewerage Works, 190

Sydney Newspaper, The First, 462

Synthesis of Tyrosine and Uric Acid, 357

Tannett, Walker, and Co., Messrs., Ironworks, Leeds, 59

Tea Steamers, High-speed, 26

Technical Education, 98, 190

Technical Instruction, Royal Commission on, 173

Telegraph Cable, New, 84-

Telegraphy, Cheap Ocean, 70

Telephone, A New, 173

Telescope, The New Princeton, 314


Carlton, near Nottingham, New Roads at, 291

■Eastbourne Local Board Town Hall and Excavations, 430

Hoylake and West Kirby, Road-making at, 396

Hoylake and West Kirby, Sewerage Works at, 314

Portmadoc Sewerage, 190

Sutton Coldfield Sewerage Works, 190

Tadcaster Brewery, 127, 453

York Brewery, 232

Testing Institutions, Experimental, Established by the Prussian Government in Berlin, 229

Testing Machines, 199

Testing Machine, Single Lever, Messrs. J. Buckton and Co., 115, 117

Tests for Coal. 352

Tests at the Munich Exhibition, 417

Thames Bridges, 352

Theobromine and Coffeine—(Caffeine), 453

Thermometer Scales, 237

Thrasher, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, 426

Thrashing Machine with Flexible Wood Hangers, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, 41

Thrashing Machines, Mr. A. W. Mantle, 300

Tides and Tidal Scour, 6, 51

Time Recorder, Workman’s, 358

Tipping Truck, Mr. Henry Grafton, 321

Toothed Gearing, 176

Torpedo Boat Boilers, 29

Torpedo Boat for the Brazilian Government, 91

Torpedo Boat for the Dutch Government, 417

Torpedo Boats, 236

Torpedo Boats, Voyage of, 333

Torpedo, The Brennen, 26

Tower Bridge, The, 240

Tower Bridge Scheme, The, 278

Traction Engines on The Highway, 333

Trades’ Union Congress, The, 215

Trailing Rolling Plant on Tramways, 196, 216

Tramways, Aerial Electrical, 319

Transit of Venus Expeditions, Results of, 443

Transmission of Power by Electricity, 386

Trevithick, Proposed Memorial to, 416

Trial Trip, 279

Trial Trip of the S.S. Zaandam, 62

Tricycles and Bicycles, Patent, 390

Trinity House Buoys, 108

Triplex Boiler, Messrs. Penney and Co., 21

Tube Expander, Improved, 203

Tube Wells for Egypt, 3

Tunis, 172

Tunis-Goletta Railroad, Proposed Sale of, 312

Tunnelling Machinery, Hydraulic, Mr. T. R. Crampton, 255

Twin First-class Carriages, 111

Valve, Ball, Mr. Stidder, 152

Valve-Closing Apparatus, Tate’s Patent, 294

Valve, Slide, Mr. Church, 425

Velorneter, The, GO

Viaduct at Stourbridge, The, Great Western Railway


Vienna Elevated Railway, 279, 308

Visits in the Provinces :—

Buckton and Co., Messrs., Well House Foundry, Leeds, 39, 79

Crane, Five-Ton Travelling, Monkbridge Ironworks, G4

The Engineering Works of Leeds, 2

Greenwood andBatley, Messrs, Armley-road Works, Leeds, 79

Hathorn, Davey, and Co., Messrs., Sun Foundry, 59

Kitsen’s Locomotive Works, Leeds, 39

Monkbridge Ironworks, Messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds, 2, 39, 59, 64

Pumping Engine Recorder, Mr. Davey, Sun Foundry, Leeds, 59

Shearing Machine, lift., Messrs. J. Buckton and Co., 79, 90

Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Messrs., Victoria Foundry, Leeds, 59

Wages, Relative, of Shipbuilders, 30

Wages in the Shipbuilding Trade, 241

Wales and Adjoining Counties, 15, 35, 55, 74, 93, 129, 111, 147, 167, 184, 204, 224, 265, 283, 302, 323, 341, 360, 378, 399, 419, 438, 457, 475, 491

Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Compound Engines, 241

Water and the Brigade Force at the Fire in Woodstreet, 462

Water Gas at St. Louis, 171

Water Gauge, Mr. II. Slater, 203

Weir, Tilting, Mr. Wiswall, 152, 156, 157, 160, 176,196, 216, 237, 256, 274

Welding, The Theory of, 106

Well-decked and Flush-decked Vessels, 452

Wery Funnel, The, 243

Wheel Making by the Hydraulic Press at the North

British Railway Works, 44

Whitby and Saltburn Railway, 375

Wilson, Mr. Robt., 89

Wind Water, Lifts, 107

Wiswall, Mr., Tilting Weir, 152, 156, 157, 160, 176, 196, 216, 237, 256, 274

Woehler, Friedrich, 337

Workington, New Steel Works at, 279

Wrecks in Ireland, Mode of Clearing Away, 447

Yorkshire Collieries Abandoned since 1874, 70

Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade during the Half-year, 51

Yorkshire Miners, Threatened Strike of, 220

See Also


Sources of Information