Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

William Dawes

From Graces Guide
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William Dawes (c1824-1885) of Chatwood and Dawes. Engineer

c1823 Born in Lilleshall

1851 William Dawes 28, accountant, lived in Madeley with Mary Dawes 29[1]

He was Chief Engineer to the Coalbrookdale Company for 5 years, and 'Inventor of the Equilibrium Piston for Horizontal Steam Engines'.[2]

1858 The engineering department of George Price's Safe Co was under the management of Mr. W. Dawes, C.E., who for five years had been Chief Engineer to the Coalbrookdale Company, and was Inventor of the Equilibrium Piston for Horizontal Steam Engines. [3]

1861 William Dawes 37, Iron safe and sewing machine maker, employing 14 men and 3 boys, lived with Mary Dawes 38, William W Dawes 9, Mary E Dawes 7, Alfred H Dawes 4 in Bolton[4]

1861 Left the partnership of Chatwood and Dawes

1871 Consulting Engineer and patentee, lived in Leeds with his wife Marty[5]

1872 A William Dawes proposed a four-cylinder balanced compound railway locomotive, with all four cylinders working on one axle[6]

1881 William Dawes 56, civil engineer, lived in Leeds with Mary Dawes 54[7]

1885 Died in Wakefield

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1851 census
  2. Birmingham Journal, 20 March 1858
  3. Birmingham Journal, 20 March 1858
  4. 1861 census
  5. 1871 census
  6. The Engineer 1904/01/29
  7. 1881 Census