1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Appleby Brothers

1783. APPLEBY, BROTHERS, 69 King William Street, City, London.
Steam cranes; vertical and horizontal engines; wheels; pumps.
- C. J. APPLEBY'S IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE, complete as shown in the illustration, or mounted on circular tank, for fixing on boarded or other floors. Price, 3-horse power: £75-0. If without wheels or circular tank, £5 less.
- C. J. APPLEBY'S IMPROVED PORTABLE STEAM CRANE, to swing in any direction, and lift 2 tons: £185-0. Larger sizes or wharf cranes to order.
- C. J. APPLEBY'S HORIZONTAL ENGINE WITH MULTI-TUBULAR BOILER, the whole on feed water tank, and requiring neither brick-work for fixing, nor chimney stack. Price, 4-horse power: £145-0. With Cornish boiler £35 less.
- CIRCULAR SAW BENCH, with planed iron top, fitted with 24-in. saw, improved adjustable fence, iron standards, fast and loose pulley, etc. Price: £17-10
- PORTABLE CRANE to swing in any direction, to lift 3 tons: £45-0
- WHARF AND WAREHOUSE CRANES of every description.
- DOUBLE PURCHASE CRABS, with strap break, to lift 5 tons: £6-15s
- LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, with Appleby's patent indestructible clacks and oscillating valves: £2-2s
- YARD OR TANK PUMPS as above: £1-5s