1874 London: Cutlers

Extracted for the 1874 Post Office Directory for London
CUTLERS. See also Dressing Case Makers; Goldsmiths; Hardwaremen; Jewellers; Needle Makers; Sheffield Warehouses; also Table Knife Makers.
- Alldis James, 116 Cray’s inn road WC
- Allen Fredk. Wm. 1 Short’s Gardns. Drury la W C
- Ammon Charles, 45 White street, Borough S E
- Ardouin George, 33 Green st. Bethnal green E
- Arkell Alexander, 291 Oxford street W
- Arnold and Sons, 35 and 36 West Smithfield E C
- Asprey and Son, 166 New Bond street W and 22 Albemarle street W
- Atkin Brothers, 29 Ely place, Holborn E C
- Atkinson Benj. Fredk. 3 Hemming’s row WC
- Barnes Thomas, 356 Caledonian road N
- Barrett Francis, 144 Fleet street E C
- Bartleet T. and Sons (who.), 13 Little Britain E C
- Bartlett Mrs. Mary, 34 Cleveland street W
- Bateman Wm. Pearce, Devon’s road, Bromley E
- Benetfink and Co. 89 and 90 Cheapside E C
- Benham and Sons, 50, 52 and 54, and factory 64 and 66, Wigmore street W
- Bettridge Joseph (export and wholesale), 97 Cheapside E C
- Bidgeman Henry, Baron st. Pentonville rd N
- Blaise Louis and Co.67St. James’s st. Pall mall S W
- Bland Charles, 8 Upper Rathbone place W
- Bland Stephen, 49A, Ferdinand street NW
- Boker H. and Co. 7 Savage gardens E C
- Boyd Alex. and Son, 105 New Bond street W
- Brent Thos. George Gloster, 43 City road E C ||
- Brian and White, 8 Great St. Andrew st.7DialsW C
- Bridgman Henry, 3 Pierrepont row, Upper st N
- Brooks James (agent), 16 Vere st. Oxford st W and 64 New Bond street W
- Brown and Mannett, 26 New City chambers E C
- Brustmeyer John, 14 Whitcomb street WC
- Burley Joseph, 67 York st. Bryanston sq W
- Carpani Chas. 45 Goodge st. Tottenham ct. rd W
- ChapmanThos. 26 Plough court. Fetter la E C
- Chester George, 97 Castle rd. Kentish town N W
- Christy George, 93 Great AVindmill street W
- Clark William and Co. 95 and 96 London wall E C
- Clary William, 6 Moscow road, Bayswater W
- Cole George, 7 Wood street, Spafields W C
- Cooper John, 41 St. James’s street SW
- Copley James, 73 Red Lion st. Clerkenwell E C
- Coppel Alexander, 20 Noble street E C
- Crawford James, 95 Newington butts S E
- Crossfield George, 14 Orange street W C
- Damer Thomas,33 Star comer, Bermondsey S E
- Davis John Charles, 69 Leadenhall street E C
- Day Samuel, 141 Portobello road W
- Deane and Go. 46 King William street E C
- Dixon Jas.andSons,37 Ludgatehill E C. See advt
- Dobby Francis and William, 28 Charterhouse lane E C and 38 Skinner street, Clerkenwell E C
- Dobby Mrs. Sarah, 16 Wych street. Strand WC
- Drabble Charles Bennett, 14 Bridle lane W
- Drabble Samuel, 1 High street, Marylebone W
- Drabble William, 80 Wardour street, Soho W
- Duncombe Robert, 106 Cheapside E C
- Evans Evan, 27 Fish street hill E C
- EvansRobert,12Cross street. Blackfriars rd S E
- Evrard Jean, 34 Berners street, Oxford street W
- Fairbairns Wm. 12 Crosby hall chambers, Bishopsgate street within E C
- Fenn and Co IO Railway approach, Lndn bdge S E
- Fowle John Alfd. and Frdk. 41 Bell st. Edgwre. rd NW
- Fowler John Alfred and Fredk. l GO Waterloo rd S E
- Fullilove G. R. 36 East street, Walworth road S E
- Gallienne Mrs. Ann, 138 Goswell road E C
- Gardner and Sons, 453 and 454 Strand WC and 4 and 5 Duncannon street W C
- Gauntlett Harry, 2 Temple st. Whitefriars E C til
- Gay William and Son, 113 High Holborn WC ; also depot for Rodgers and Sons’ cutlery
- George G. and Son, 213, 215, 217 and 219 High st. Camdpl town NW 1 Wellington st. Camden twn NW
- Gilles William, 52 Paddington st. Marylebone W j
- Goodwin S.13Lit.Newport street, Long acre W C
- Greene Hy. and Son, 16 and 17 King Wm. st E C; 19 and 20 Nicholas lane E C ; and 155 Cannon st E C i§i
- Greer James, 23 Newgate street E C ?
- Gregg James, 27 Sloane square SW
- Hall Mrs. Jane, 87 London road, Southwark S E
- Hall John, 52 High street, Islington N
- Hardy T. sen. 12 Three Colt street, Limehouse E '
- Harris Samuel, 154 and 155 Houndsditch E
- Harrison Brothers and Howson, 98 Hatton grdn E C
- Hawksworth, Eyre and Co. Limited, 25 Bouverie street, Fleet street E C
- Hayward Richard Edward, 50 Long acre W C
- Heinisch and Sons, 115 Cheapside E C
- Heintz Frederick Wm. 102 London wall E C
- Herbert John, 67 Cross street, Islington N
- Hill Thomas, 4 Haymarket SW
- Hindmarsh Alexus, 87 Cowcross street E C
- Hobson Henry and Son (wholesale), 68 and 69
- Houndsditch E. See advertisement
- Hogg and Jameson (who. and exprt.),71 Houndsdch E
- Holden William, 12 Finsbury pavement E C
- Holler A. and. E. and Co. 1 Wood st. sq. Cripplgt E C
- Holler F. W. 6 Love lane, Aldermanbury E C
- Holtzapffel and Co. 64 Charing cross SW iSi 127 Long acre W C
- House Joseph, 30 Little Windmill street W
- Howard Walter, 498 Kingsland road E
- Hughes Richard Hugh, 96 Hatton garden E C and 6, 7 and 8 Robinhood yard, Leather lane E C
- Hyam David and Co. 58,59 and 60
- Houndsditch E Jack William, 118 Culford road N
- James David Morgan, 56 and 58 Essex road N
- Jameson Caleb (?who.), 71 Houndsditch E
- Keyworth George, 20 Whitcomb street W C
- Kingsbury Thomas, 9 New Bond street W
- Knox Hy. August. andi Co. (who.) 490 Oxford st W C
- Leddell Henry i St Co. 24 High Holborn WC
- Leslie Sidney, 61 Upper street, Islington N
- Lockley Mrs. Eliza, 222 St. George street E
- Lockley James, 226 Hackney road E
- Lorberg Charles Henry, 46 Brompton road SW
- Lowcock George and Co. 38 Cornhill E C
- Lund William and Son, 23, 24 and 25 Fleet street EC and 56 and 57 Cornhill E C
- Macdaniel and Co. 343 Oxford street W
- Macnamara Joseph, 95 Strand WC
- Mappin Brothers (wholesale), 67 and 68 King William street E C and 220 Regent street W
- Mappin and Webb (who.) 76, 77 and 78 Oxford st. W and Mansion ho. bldngs. Queen Victoria street E C ; manufactory, 1 Winsley st W
- Martin, Hall and Co. Lim. 27,28and 29Bouv. st E C
- Mason Edwd. 56 Gloster st. Commrcl. rd. ea E
- Matthews Brothers, 8 Portugal street WC and 32 Carey street, Lincoln’s inn W C
- Matthews Alfd. Sami. 17King’s Headct E C
- Matthews Charles Alfred, 25 Portpool lane E C t*
- Mechi John Joseph, 112 Regent street W and 48 Glasshouse street W
- Mewburn Octavs. Rt. and Co. land 2 Fenchrch.st E C
- Moore James, 349 Oxford street W
- Moore Stephen, 31 Brown’s lane, Spitalflds E
- Moore William, 220 Tottenham court road W
- Morrell Horace Walton, 164 Oxford street W and 50 Burlington arcade W
- Morrell Mrs. Sophia Matilda, 60 and 61 Burlington arcade W
- Morton George and Joseph, 39 Cheapside E C
- Morton Joseph, 343 Oxford street W
- Moseley and Simpson, 17 and 18 King street WC and 27 Bedford street. Covent garden W C
- Mosley Thomas, 16 Wynyatt st. Goswell rd E C
- Muller Brothers (J. and E.), 32 Queen street E C
- Mundy William, 2 Little Cross street, Islington N and 16 Artillery street, Bishopsgate E
- Murphy James G. 328 High Holborn W C
- Murray John Rider, 215 Upper st. Islington N
- Nazer George, 31 Royal Exchange E C
- Neal John and Co. 23 to 25 Hampden Gurney street
- Nowill John and Sons, 32 Hatton garden E C
- Oakes Eras. Jas. 17 Albert ter. Notting hill W
- Oldham Henry, 66 King’s road, Chelsea SW
- Owen Frederick G.l 8 Endell street, Long acre W C
- Paget Philip, 37 Myddelton street, Clerkenwl E C
- Parkin and Marshall, 51 King William st E C
- Paton, Brady and Co. 41 Queen st. Cheapside E C
- Payne George, 12 Rochester row SW
- Peacock Chas. G. 1 Bishopsgate st. without E C
- Pearce Joseph Robert, 77 Cornhill E C
- Phillips James J. 41B, North street, Chelsea S W
- Pigall Franz, 22 Tichborne street W
- Plum Charles Tucker, 448 Oxford street WC and 9 Lawrence street, Oxford street W C
- Poole Herbert and Son, 8 Yates rents, Pear Tree court, Clerkenwell E C
- Poi)e William and Son,190 and 192 Edgware road W
- Preist and Co. 225 Oxford street W K
- Putley Isaac, 175 Borough High street S E
- Quincey Harcourt (export), 5 Bond court E C and 56 Colverton crescent. West Hackney E
- Richards Robert, 80 Gray’s inn road WC
- Robinson E.H. and Co. 52 Bishopsgate st. wthn E C
- Rodgers Joseph and Sons, 4 (Jullum street E C
- Rodgers and Sons (Sheffield), London retail agency, 16 Vere street, Oxford street W
- Savigny and Co. (who.),67 St. James’s street SW
- Scherf F. A. 57 Cheapside E C
- Sholl Richard, 88 St. Stephen’s road, Bow E
- Short Jhn. and Son(whols.),15A,Lime st. City E C
- Shubrick John, 49 Clifton street, Finsbury E C
- Siddall James, 101 Old Kent road S E
- Smith Misses A. and E.72 King William street E C
- Spiller Francis, 71 Newington causeway S E
- Spiller Robert, 166 Upper street, Islington N
- Stone William, 8 Queen street, Ratcliff cross E
- Stutter Joel Whiton, 184 Shoreditch High street E and 133 Bishopsgate street within E C
- Taylor John, 45 Edward street, Star corner S E
- Thomhill Walter, 144 New Bond street W
- Thurlow Geo. 58 Mortimer st. Cavendish sq W
- Tidmarsh Jas. and Chas (who.),4Castl.st.HlbnE C
- Tissington George, 20 Caledonian road N
- Turner Thomas and Co. 17 Ely pl. Holborn E C
- Turner Edward C. 113 St. John street E C
- Turpin Richard, 59 High street, Kensington W
- Tyler William Wickham, 39 Ebury street SW
- Underwood and Farrant, 55 and 56 Haymarket S W
- Verinder John, 79 St. Paul’s churchyard E C
- Vickers Harry, 73 Red Lion st. Clerkenwell E C
- Ward Henry, 24 Clerkenwell green E C
- Ward Mrs. Jane, 18 and 19 Lowther arcade WC
- Warner Thomas, 24 Queen st. Edgware road W
- Waterman Chas. 182 Seymour st. Eusten sq N W
- Wedgwood Ralph and Son, 9 Cornhill E C it
- Weiss John and Son, 62 Strand WC
- Wells Benjamin Blake, 138 and 431 Strand W C
- Whitton Thomas Morgan, 12, 13 and 24 St. John’s lane, Clerkenwell E C
- Wilcox Thomas A. 106 Edgware road W
- Willey William, 113 St. George street E
- Williams and Son, 37 Castle street, Long acre W C
- Williams Alfred H. 135 Fenchurch street E C
- Williams Thomas (butchers’), 14 West Smithfield E C and 7 Bank bldgs. Metr. cattle mkt N
- Williamson William, 80 Harrow road W
- Wilson and Davis, 10 Hatton garden E C
- Wingfield, Rowbotham and Co. 1 and 2 Fenchurch street E C
- Winter James, 71 Upper East Smithfield E and 221 Shadwell High street E
- Wormull George, 45 Union street. Borough S E
- Wormull John, 121 Lambeth walk S E
- Wright Charles David, 87 Hoxton street N and 21 Great St. Andrew street W C
See Also
Sources of Information