Harrison Brothers and Howson

of Sheffield
Established in 1836
1847/9 James William Harrison, Henry Harrison and James William Howson took over the assets of Thomas Sansom and Sons
1866-96 The firm was originally active at 67 Norfolk Street, Sheffield
1866 Opened its first London showroom
1876 James William Harrison retired; the business was continued by his partners.
Later the partners were joined by George Hawson (son of J.W. Howson), Francis William Harrison (son of Henry Harrison) and John Brocksopp Wilkinson (nephew of J.W. Harrison).
1880 Expanded to Shoreham Street Works
1881 Employing 139 men, 61 boys, 39 women and 18 girls.[1]
1892 Partnership change. '... the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, Henry Harrison and George Howson, carrying on business as Cutlery and Electro-plate Manufacturers and Merchants, at Sheffield, in the county of York, under the style of Harrison Brothers and Howson, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as on and from the 31st day of December, 1891; and that all debts due to and owing by the late Partnership will be received and paid by the said George Howson, and the undersigned, Francis William Harrison and John Brocksopp Wilkinson, by whom the said business, since the 31st day of December, 1891, has been and in future will be carried on, on their own account, under the said style of Harrison Brothers and Howson...'[2]
1901 Added a new factory in Carver Street.
1923 The trademark was taken over by Viners of Sheffield.
Later, the firm ceased its activity
1978 The brand of Harrison Brothers & Howson was revived, under the style of Harrison Brothers & Howson Ltd, a subsidiary of Ben J. Dix of London Ltd.
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Silver collection