1906 The Motor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
Abyssinian Market: Are Germans to Have it? 475
Accident at Clement Depot, 16
Air-cooled Car, Four-cylinder, 707
Allday Cars, 589
Alps, Touring in, 677
Alterno-Rotary Motor, 246
Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh, 18
Aston Hill Climb, 620
Austria and Grand Prix, 420
Austria, Military Motor in, 448
Auto-Cycle Club News, 102, 444
Automobile and Cycle Engineers’ Institute, 44
Automobile Club’s A.G.M., 159
Automobile Consulate, French, 50
Beaconsfield, Fatality at, 46
Belsize, 40h.p., Touring in West Country, 362
B.E.M.T.A.. 156
Berlin Motor Show, 70
Birdlip Hill Climb, 566, 680b
Bishop Safety Starting Handle, 504
Boat Carrying, 505
Bombay to Mahableshwar Trials, 15, 46
Brighton Record Opening Run, 248
Brighton Road, State of, 75
British Carriage Builders, 29
British Maker, Special Sphere of, 417
Brooke Six-cylinder 28h.p. Car, 502
Brown Bros.’ Exhaust Valve Lifter, 246
Brown S.i^h.p. Bicycle, 675
Canada, Impressions of, 478
Canada, Trade with, 125
Canadian Markets, 74
Cannes Meet, 188
Car, Official, 708
Cars, All-British, Competition for, 446
Cars for Newspaper Work, 506
Cars on Easy Payment, 679
Casualties in London-Edinburgh Bun, 552
Certificates for Driving and Mechanical Proficiency, 475
Ceylon. Motoring in, 680b
Circuit, European, 17, 46
Clement Depot, Accident at, 16
Climb, Remarkable, 680b
Constantine Motor Skate, 70
Contrasts, 555
Coupe des Pyrenees Theft, 48
Coupe Internationale: Austrian Opinion, 72, 127
Crack Car Drivers for 1906, 45
Cuffley Hill, 535
Cyclomot’s Causerie:
Accumulator, No-trouble, 155
Advice, Refusing One’s Own, 579
Aggressive Action Needed, 2S5
Aggressive Attitude, 461
Argyll Cars, 51
Argyll, Two-cylinder, 519
Black Enamel, How to Apply,, 7
Bonnie Scotland, 579
Car, A Very Good, 519
Cars, Two-cylinder, 524
Cleaning a Waste of Time, 495
Cleanliness, Many Roads to, 265
Coachwork Cleanliness, 495
Coachwork, Cleanliness of, 7b
Comfort in Driving, 40
Cooling System, Defective, Altering, 568
Driving Position. Diagram of Correct, 40
Dust. 295
Engine, Starting the, 295
Experiences, Some Further, 667
French Expert on Driving Position, 40
Goggles, Colour of, 691
Goggles, Proper Colour for 655
Hands, Soiled, 205
Hedge, Obstructing, 545
Inspection, Constant, where Needed, 461
Instruction Book, 691
Learn. The Proper Way to, 146
London County Council Driver’s License, 7
Low Power with Efficiency, 524
Lubrication, 146
Lubrication, Wanted, Guide to, 689
Lucas Valveless Motor, 38
Mechanism, Appearance of, 76
Motor Thief, 438
Need for Adjustability, 40
Nuisance of the Powerful Lamp, 7
Objectionable License, 7
Pipe Chokage, 545
Power, Loss of, 205
Pressure Lubrication, 495
Racing Motor, Limiting Power of, 155
Resourcefulness, 581
Ride. An Abominable, 519
Roads, Cry for Better, 155
Singer Car, 39
Single v. Multiple Cylinders, 86
Soap, Another Cleansing, 407
Sparking-plug Switch, 265
Sprag, 655
Thermal System, Defective, 178
Thermo-Syphon, Effective, 234
Touring Ground, Fine, 579
Tramcar’s Evil Ways, 524
Trial that Did Not Attract, 86
Two-cylinder Proposition, 667
Unofficial Trial, 76
Water Cooling, 407
Water Circulation, Defective, 205
Water Pressure, Variable, 438
Week-end, Delightful, 265
Wind Screens, 655
Daimler Car, King of Siam’s, 100
Daimler v. Daimler, 706
Darracqs and S. Harting, 701
Darracq World's Record Car, 15
Decision, Far-reaching, 305
Derby and District Automobile Club, 445, 734
Derby and District A.C.’s Gymkhana, 673
Derby Hill Climb, 448
Distributor, New E.I.C., 103
Drivers, Richard-Brasier, 222
Driving Certificates of Automobile Club, 707
Du Pre Cup Contest, 591
Edge’s, Mr., Debated Figures, 155
Edinburgh, London to, 506
Edinburgh Motor Traps, 565
Edo Shock Absorber, 158
Enfield Car in Scottish Trials, 592
Essex Hill Climb, 561, 591
Essex Motor Club, 71
Essex Motor Club’s Race Meeting, 676
European Circuit, 122
European Tour, Conference on, 17
Exhaust Troubles, 124
Extraordinary Proceedings, 564
Extraordinary Times at Ormond, 16
Fatality at Beaconsfield, 46
Fernhurst, Henry Edmund’s, Hill Climb, 671
Finance and Business 20, 75, 104, 152, 216, 245, 272, 500, 526, 564, 586, 407, 414, 440a, 469, 524, 560, 618. 670a, 699, 729
Four versus Six Cylinders, 15
France Replies to Austria, 127
Frankfort Motor Club, 505
French Comments on Stanley Steamer, 129
French Driving Regulations, 157
French Opinion on Penalties and Guarantees, 122
Frome’s Hill Climb, 277, 471
Garment, Novel, 277
German Emperor’s Badge for Cars, 127
German Emperor’s Garage, 74
Germany and La Coupe Internationale, 157
Germany, Motor Statistics in, 187
Gianoli H.-T. Magneto Ignition, 189
Glasgow Motor Show, 157
Goodrich Non-skid, 19
Gordon-Bennett of the Air, 75
Government and Dust, 448
Grand Prix, 75, 589, 590
Grand Prix Pars, 595
Grand Prix Race, Wire Wheels in, 735
Grand Prix, Werner on, 680a
Havana Meet: Victory of Demogeot, 71
Hedgeland Anti-skid Axle, 274
Hellesen Dry Cells, 679
Hemery Dissatisfied, 45
Herkomer and “Motor,” 650
Herkomer Austrian Course, 559
Herkomer Curve, 701
Herkomer Motor Trophy, 504a
Herkomer Results, Annul ling of, 755
Herkomer. The, 552
Herkomer Trophy, 526
Herkomer Trophy, A Try for, 98
Herkomer Trophy Ridiculous Results, 561
Herkomer Velocity Curve, 680
Herts A.G. Hill Climb, 551
Herts County and Kensington A.C.’s, 672
Hints and Comments:
Accumulator Charging Queries, 584a
Agricultural Hall, 295
Body Colours, 521
Bonnet, Abolishing the, 321
Business Again, 489
Circuits, Faulty “ Frame,” 294
Hints and Comments.—Continued.
Circulation, Sluggish, 479
Coachbuilders and the Car, 21
De Dion Expanding Clutch Gear, 87
De Dion Expanding Clutch Gear Lubrication, 117
Drivers and Driving, 50
Dust, Minimising, 434
Engine Lubrication and Single Cylinder, 434
Engines: Why some Smoke on Hills, 434
Fibre Clutches, Possible Vagaries of, 87
Gear Bevel, Eliminating the, 240
Gearless Cars, 488
Headlights, 171
Herkomer Competition, 87
Hill-climbing Craze, 77
Hill-climbing Incident, 320
Hill Unconquered, 77, 488
Horn Blowing, 424
Ignition of the Future, 21
Leather-faced Clutches, 50
Long or Short Transmission Shafts, 21
Military Motors, 143
Motor House Floor, Keeping Clean, 240
Motor House, Novel Private, 489
Motor House, Size of, 294
Motorist and Roadmaker, 434
Motor devolution, 384a
Mudguard, Improvising, 479
Multi-cylinder Lubrication, 488
Name? What’s in a, 435
Oils, Suitability of Various, 117
Oil Waste from Bearings? 145
Overheating Mystery, 384a
Petrol Can, Abuse of, 424
Petrol Engines, H.-P. of, 321
Photographic Query, 240
Pressure or Gravity of Fed Petrol, 117
Record-Breaking Stanley Steam Car, 77
Repair Shop Methods, 384a
Road, Shedding Things on, 479
Saddle and Car, 384a
Showing Off, 50
Simple Ignition System, 21
Sparking-plug, Handy, 424
Sparking-plug Points, 171
Steam Tourist Trophy, 489
System and Spare Parts, 294
Vulcanising, 488
Hungary, Politics and Motorisms in. 305
Imports of Foreign Parts, 530
Information Bureau :
Accelerator Defect, 573
Accumulator, 715
Accumulator Charging, 373
Accumulator Query, 313
Air Valve, Extra, 451
Backfiring, 197, 259
Backlash, 743
Battery, Dry, Ignition, 111
Carburation, 111, 228, 485
Carburetter, 111, 229, 259
Carburetter Flooding, 287
Case-hardening, 373
Chain Sprockets, 167
Charge, Reversing, 513
Chestnut, 167
Circulation, Difficult, 659
Clutch, 715
Clutch and Brake Combined, 515
Clutch Fibre, 659
Clutch Fierce, 485
Clutch Slipping, 197
Coil Connections, 485
Coil, Curious, Effect, 313
Compression, High, 110
Compression Loss, 540
Compression too High, 687
Compression Weak, 83
Connections, 601
Contact Maker, 485
Contact Trouble, 601
Control. Defective, 687
Crankshaft End Play, 85
Cylinder Leaking, 541
Distributor, 485
Driving, Unskilful, 513
Dry Cell for Ignition, 167
Engine, Double-acting, and Front Wheels, 167
Exhaust Box Explosion, 228, 485
Exhaust Valves, 228
Exhaust Valve Spring, 715
Expansion Box, Fitting, 541
Explosions, 228
Firing Back, 229
Firing, Erratic, 715
Firing, Irregular, 457
Firing, Spontaneous, 312
Fly-wheel. Burst, 228
Gearbox Difficulties, 83
Gearbox, Hot, 485
Gear Changing, 743
Gear, Two-to-one, Damaged, 401
Grease and Radiator, 111
Gudgeon Screws, 429
Head. Detachable, Loosening, 678
Hills, Weak on, 229
Information Bureau.—Continued.
Horse-power Problem, 82
Ignition, 287
Ignition, Advance, 573
Ignition Details, 259
Ignition, Dual, 541
Ignition. Low-tension, 601
Ignition, Testing Cylinder, 197
Ignition, Weak, 659
Induction Pipe, Gauze in, 167
Inlet Removal, 687
Leakage at Plug, 228
License Period, 513
Longer Plug, 111
Low Capacity, 259
Lubrication, 573
Lubrication and Ignition, 341
Lubricator, Defective, 401
Magnetic Plug, 401
Magneto Fails, 485
Magneto, High-Tension, 110
Magneto Ignition, 457
Misfire, 229, 373
Misfiring, 601
Noise, Puzzling, 457
Overheating, 743
Petrol Consumption, 513, 631
Petrol Consumption, Excess, 228, 259, 573
Phenomena, Curious, 373
Pistons, Fouled, 715
Plates Buckling, 513
Power, Loss, near Hill, 110
Power, Loss, 111.. 429, 573, 631
Power, Want of, 513
Pre-ignition, 111, 221, 429, 687
Re-Magnetising, 541
Rubber. Artificial, 229
Running, Erratic, 687
Self-firing, 457
Shaft Breakage, 631
Smash, Cause, 341
Spark, Weak, 513
Start, Difficult, 659
Starter, Bad, 287
Starter, Uncertain, 82
Starting Difficulty, 313
Starting Troubles, 85
Stops Fire Rounding Corners, 259
Throttle and Clutch, 631
Trembler, 457
Trembler v. No Trembler, 401
Two-speed Gear, Fitting, 229
Water Tank Boiling, 456
Weak Carburation, 82
Vulcanising, 340
Instruction Books, Makers’, 733
International Cup and Germany, 363
International Cup Race, 677, 680a
International Motorcycle Cup, 14, 19, 46
International Reliability Trial, 733
Ireland, Hill Climb and Meet in, 448
Ireland, Roads and Hotels in, 647
Irish Automobile Club, 731
Irish Reliability Trials, 503, 592
Italy, Notes from:
Turin Salon, Notes on, 63
Italy, Notes from, 502
Kaiser’s Armourclad Motor, 363
Knowsley Park Selection Trials, 534
Lamp Bracket, New Design, 420
Lamp Trials, 20
Lamp Trials of A.C.G.B.I., 502
Lancia, Vincent, 45
Land’s End to John o’ Groats, 564
Land’s End to John o’ Groats, Auto-Cycle Club Trials, 14, 72, 156
Land’s End to John o’ Groats Awards, 593
Laurin and Klement and Coupe Internationale, 304
L’Auto Mixte Combined Petrol and Electric Car, 99
Lighting Regulations, 41
Light Vehicle Trials in Paris, 100
Lincolnshire A.C., 621
Liverpool Motor Show, 43
London to Edinburgh, 499
Lord Royston v. Powell Case, 585
Lubrication of Engines, 359
M.A.C. Hill Climb Results, 562
Magneto Ignition, 126
Magneto’s Point of View:
Accessibility, 654
Accumulator Frothing, 252
Accumulator Run Down, 518b
Accumulators, 26
Accumulators, Remedy for Frothing, 14*
Air-cooled American Cars, 546
Alcohol Problem, 584b
Broken Gear Tooth, 25
Burning of Cars, 175
Carburetter Difficulties, 55
Carburetter, Frozen, 54
Carburetter, Microbes in, 453
Chain. Replacing, 508
Charging Through Lamps, 204
Chronometer and Magneto, 577
Circulation Difficulties, 54
Clutch, Another, Hint, 264
Clutch, Governor and Ignition Difficulties, 26
Coil Troubles, 490
Compression in Diesel Engine, 264
Cooling, Internal, 584b
Cylinder Capacity, 25
Cylinder Capacity, Measuring, 54
Cylinders, Testing, 263
Dashboard, Illuminating, 462
De Dion Dry Battery, 567
Diesel Principle. 204
Driving without a Tyre, 49
Engine Power, Increasing, 54
Exhaust Vaives, Troublesome, 144
Explosion Engine Detects, 490
Excincceur Efficiency, 584b
Firing Irregular, 55
Fleecing the Lambs, 654
Fumes, Sulphurous, 721
Gauze in Imet Pipe, 55
Gearboxes, Toy, 265
Gearbox Lubricants, 691
Gear Ratios, 26
Gear Wheels, Size of, 455
Gradients, Alleged Severity of, 490
Handbooks, Some Curiosities in, 577
Horse-power Formula, 508
Hum from Gearbox, 54
Ignitionless Motors, 204
Indian Queries, 27
Inlet Varve, Closing of, 144
Inlet Valve, When Should, Close? Interesting Problem, 62
Knock on Car, 664
Lamp, Type, Required, 519
Leathering Clutch, 49
Leather Non-skid. Bands, 2
Liquid Air Motors, 252
Locomotive Compared with Car, 252
Loss of Power, 25, 26
Lubricator, 518b
Measuring Cylinder Capacity, 54
Metai-to-Metal v. Leather Cone Clutch, 721
Mishap, Unexpected, 546
Motor Fuels, 114
Motor History, 27
Motor, Ideal, 175
Motor Power, To Find, 204
Mud v. Dust, 519
Multiple Throw Crank Forgings, 114
Multiple Throw Crankshaft, Making of, 62
Noise, Causes of. 577
Noise, Puzzling, 462
Nomenclature, Incorrect, 265
Non-skid Bands, 2
Non-skids, 55
Novice and Engine Starting Difficulties, 88
Objectionable Exhaust, 26
Oils and Lubrication, 2
Overheating, 25, 27
Petrol, Another, Danger, 518b
Petrol Depth Indicator, 691
Petrol-Electric Combinations, 115
Petrol Gauges, 721
Petrol Bisks, 49
Petrol, Water in, 577
Piston Bings, Trueing, 49
Pitfalls for the Novice. 49
Platinum on Contact Maker, 691
Plugs with Proper Thread Wanted, 252
Portable Dynamo for. Battery Charging, 27
Pre-ignition, 27
Quack Remedies for Motor Ailments, 664
Rear Light Criticism, 462
Rear Light Problem, 519
Red versus Grey Rubber, 54
Reliability: What it Means, 252
Rims, Removable, 654
Roadside Help, 546
Roads Problem, 144
Rubber, Red versus Grey, 54
Salt Water and Tyres, 664
Self-ignition, 204
Self-starters, 144
Self-starting, 508
Signs, Caution, Useless, 691
Silencer Bursts, 55
Smoky Exhausts, 2
Spares and Fitments, Storing, on Car, 567
Sparking-plug: Is there a “Best” Distance for Fixing Points? 88
Speed Indicators, 264
Starting on Switch, 508
Steam Turbine, 175
Stoppage from Rain, 25
Time Saver, 584b
Timing Query, 546
Trembler Coil: Adapting Make-and-Break Contacts, 455
Tubes, Spare Inner, 567
Two-stroke Engine Revival, 62
Tyres Worn by Defective Steering, 721
Underscreen, Detachment of 462
Using the Throttle, 27
Vital Parts, Examination of, 577
Voltmeter for Dashboard, 25
Wheels, Front, Wobbling, 664
Wheels not Tracking, 26
Maker and User, 160
Manchester Motor Club, 588, 586
Manufacturers v. Imports, 128
Marchand Car, 552, 559
Markyate Fatality, 478
Mass Car Mishap, 586
M.C.C. London to Edinburgh Run, 156, 447
Midland Automobile Hill Climb, 502
Milan Gold Cup Reliability Trial, 445
Miscellanea, 84, 112, 168, 198, 250, 260, 288, 314, 542, 574, 402, 450, 458, 486, 514, 542, 574, 602, 652. 658. 660, 716, 744
Mobile, 22h.p., Landaulette, 677
Modern Garage A.G.M., 159
Monte Carlo, London to, in 57% hours, 275
Monte Carlo to London, 419
Moseley’s Non-skid Re-tread, 71
Motorbus Fatality, 679
Motorcar as Aid to Crime, 441
Motor Cycling Club, 71, 127, 159, 588
Motorists and Law, 504
Motor Legislation, No More, this Year, 185
Motor Liability Bill, German, 447
Motor Taxation in Germany, 129
Motor Union and Car Lamps, 102
Motor Union at Bath, 702
Motor Union at Birmingham, 476
Motor Union Defence Fund, 159
Motor Union Prosecution, 566
My Way of Thinking:
Advertising, Abuse of, 666
Aeronautical Notes, 121
Afternoon of Incidents, 595
Alcohol Hope for, 412
Aluminium, 466
America, A Lesson from, 95
American, My View on Things, 516
America, Two-cycle Engines in, 656
Antipathies, Curious, 491
Bala, Garage in, 637
Biter Bit, 547
Bodies, Standardisation of, 92
Body Weights in French Trials, 95
Brakes, Double, on Driving Wheels, 415
Brakes for Horse-drawn Vehicles, 64
Brighton and Madeira Road, 412
British Traders and Colonial Customers, 624
“ Cadillac/’ Name, The, 580
Canadian Exhibitions, 9
Cape Town Motoring, 580
Car, A Good Single-cylinder, 580
Car, All-British, 657
Car, Number of Parts, 525
Car, Simple, 665
Caution, A Needed, 581
Chain Drive, 636
Chains, Strength of, 258
Chain v. Cardan, 516
Chassis Old, Use for, 516
Circumstances Alter Cases, 594
Clothing. Motor, 658
Club and Automobile Association, 717
Club Certificates, 492
Club Trials, Cost of, 65
Coachman, Chauffeur, 297
Commutator Spacing, Uneven, 436
Compression, Adjustable, 297, 594
Confidence not Misplaced, 718
Conservatism of “ Hossy ” World, 64
Cylinders, Why so Many, J48
Daimler, 11 45,” Run on, 718
Descent,” Taking a Bad, 491
Differential, Abolition of, 637
Differential: Is it to be Abolished? 467
Doctors’ Supplement, 296
Driving, Sympathetic, 206
Dust, 582, 666
Dust Question, 466
Edmunds, Henry, Trophy, 516, 624
Engine Braking, 267
Engines, Two-cycle, More about, 148
Engines, V, About, 412
Engine, Vertical, in Front, 177
Engines, V Type, 665
England, Another Injustice to, 95
Epicyclic Gear, Variations in, 296
Epicyclic Gearing Efficiency, 120
European Circuit, 718
Exhaust, Offensive, 565
Expert Liars, 595
Export Trade, One Kind, 665
Financial Position To-day, 437
Fly-wheel, Running without, 206
French Fairness, 64
French Salon, 170
French Trials, Body Weights in, 93
Garage Man’s Troubles, 297
Gearbox, Elimination of, 93, 206
Gearless Car, 322
Glass Screens, 657
Glass Screens, Danger of, 120
Glass Screens, More about, 593
Gordon-Bennett Race, 547
Grand Prix, 413, 637
Hedgeland Axle, 466
Helical Tyre Springs, 176
Hill-climbing H.-P. Formula, 666
Hill Climbs, 692
Horn, New Use for, 582
Horn, Use of, 92
Ignition, A Clever, 624
Importers’ Association, Formation of, 9
Imports from Abroad, 394
Inefficient System, 57
Influence of Racing upon Construction, 8
Insurance Enterprise, 64
Interesting Paper, 65
Jenkinson, Sir E., Retirement of, 268
Justice’s Clerk, The, 8
Lamp Brackets, Standardisation, 412
Lamp Trials, 522 Leather. 582
Luck Money, 415
Magisterial Wisdom, 636
Motorphobia, 580
Noiseless Gearing, 37
Non-stop Engine Runs, 92
Omnibus, The Future, 148
Overhaul. Systematic, 322
Paradox Gear, 595
Paraffin and Petrol, 268
Paris Inventors’ Academy, 436
Paris Nomenclature, 466
Patent Act, New, 64
Paying the Piper, 565
Points in Favour of Lesser Shows, 9
Poor Reward, 9 Pressure or Gravity Feed, 206
Petrol Engines, Compound, 693
Petrol Pourer, 692
“ Petrol,” The Word, 238
Piston, Expanding, 467
Pneumatic Wheel, 636 .
Power, Smail, and Infinite Gearing, 2o8
Quick Reversing, 36 Quietness of Cars, 581
Racing and Car Improvement, 547
Racing or Touring, 491
Racing Value of, 120
Radiators, 719
Relative Reliability of Cars and Cycles, 37
Renault Patent, 57
Repairs, Charges for, 149
Revolution Problem, 565
Road Camber, Excessive, 148
Rules. Pie-crust, 547
San Francisco Disaster and Motor Trade, 456
Schools of Thought, Two, 65
Scorching in the Herkomer, 581
Second-hand Cars, 176
Second-hand Prices and New Values, 149
Signals for Motorists, 296
Signs, Caution, Useless, 718
Silence a Desirability, 8
Single-cylinder Car, 394
Smash at Cross-road, 580
Speed, 548
Speed Challenge, 176
Standardisation of Bodies, 92
Steering Joints, Universal, 296
Suspension, Three-point, 239, 393
Tap, Three-way, 267
Tarmac, 666, 693
Tarmac: A Commercial Failure, 580
Three-cylinder Panhards in France, 36
Tourist Trophy Items, 8
Trade and Tourist Trophy, 717
Trade Canards, 548
Trade, English, Good Thing for, 466
Traders’ Identification. Marks, 436
Trade, Scope of, 492
Tram Scheme Defeated, 637
Transmission, American System, 636
Trial before Criticism, 692
Tri-car, Luxurious, 665
Turbines, 149
Tyres, Easy on, 177
Tyre, Semi-pneumatic, 322
Tyres, Metal-studded, 267
Tyres, Self-sealing, 665
Ultimate Trend, Sign of, 436
Unofficial Trials, 65
Valves, Timing of, 92
Waiting till they are Perfect, 8
Water Coohng, Internal, 177
Weight Limit, Absurdity of, 582
What is Sport? 36
Wheel Diameters, 239
Wheel, Freemasonry of, 515, 582
Wheel, Revolving, Problem, 238
Wheels. Wire, 267
Work for the B.E.M.T.A., 36
Yankees: Why they get the Export Trade, 323
Napier Dinner, 99
Napier, Gearless, 440b
Napier, Six-cylinder Gearless, 1,000 Miles on, 588
Naples News, 505
Newnham Hill Climb, 704
News, 301, 387
New York Letters, Special, 417
Non-stop Bun of 100 Miles, 444
Non-stop, 200 Miles, for S. H. Fry Prize, 644
N.-East Lancashire A.C. Reliability Bun, 474
North Pole by Motor, 391
Novel Timing Method, 442
Opinion :
Accessories, 358
Aggressive Action, Need of, 610c
Agricultural Hall Show, 217
Australian Market, 181
Austrian Pro-motor Circular, 123
British Motor Industry, Hub of, 385
Car, Appearance of, 123
Car, Best Besults from, 698
Car Insurance, 468
Cars. Late Delivery of: Penalty, 66
Circuit European Abandoned, Why, 698
Club, Cyclists’ Touring, 181
Club House Wanted, 299
Club Buns and Dust, 358
Colonial Markets, 385
Conviction Quashed, 271
County Council, Bringing, to Scratch, 358
Cyclist and Motor Movement, 97
Dust, 299
Electric Tram Monopoly, 123
European Circuit, 325
France Makes Other Countries Pay for their Sport, 97
Freemasonry amongst Motorists, 642
Grand Prix, 584
Grand Prix and French Spirit, 610c
Hedgeland Axle, 440
Hedges, Keeping, Cut, 415
Highway. Mutual Use of, 551
Highway, Out-of-Date, 670
Hill Climb, Deceptive, 642
Horse, Dangerous, 642
Inheritance of the Meek, 584
Law, Cab and Motor, 670
London Traffic, 415
Markyate Warning Triangle, 385
Milan Gold Cup, 468
Motor and Medical Men, 244
Motor Ascot, 584
Motorbus as Educator, 97
Motorist and Public, 271
Motor Touring, 698
Motor Union: Appeal to Beaders, 181
Over-championed? Are we, 698
Petrol Engine Defects and Bemedy, 415
Petrol Nuisance or Horse Nuisance, 325
Physicians and Surgeons, To, 66
Police, Hints to, 325
Portuguese E. Africa and B.E.M.T.A., 385
Prospects of Busy Season, 463
Racing, 551
Racing Question, 525
Racing, Value of, 642
Records, Making and Claiming, 551
Road Improvement, Rural Idea of, 440
Road Question, 670
Royal Commission and Future Legislation, 153
Royal Commission Report, 728
Royal Motorist, 496
Scottish Trials, 440, 523
Shows, Separation of, 153
Six-cylinder Advances and Effects, 244
Sporting, Chance to Avoid, 584
Sport, More, Wanted, 496
Streets. New, Terror, 468
Street Terror, New, 496
Trade Duty, 525
Traffic Resolution, 496
Trap, Right to Disclose, 358
Two-stroke Engine, 66
Unsound Scheme, 299
Vital Parts, 496
Warnings, Unnecessary, 525
Works, Studying the, 610c
Ormond-Daytona Racing at, 16
Other People’^, Views :
Accessibility, 740
Accumulator Puzzle, 427
Accumulators, Charging, 285
Accumulators, Frothing of, 226, 510, 425, 481, 571
Acetylene and its Uses, 106
Acetylene Properties, 569
Air to Gas, Proportion, 509
Aluminium? 558
Asbestos Stoves, 175
Australia, Trade Marks in, 570
Automobile Association Policy, 81
Backfire Danger, 257
Backfiring, 108
Backfiring, Valuable Hint, 224
Batteries, Charging, 557
Battery, Dry Ignition, 627, 712
Benz Cylinder Leakage, 22
Blowback from Inlet Valve, 22
Body Design, 285
Bogus Engineer, 55
Brake, Foot, Use of, 164
Brake Pedal, 741
Brakes on Front Wheels, 156
Brown, Albert, Trophy, 570, 629
Calcium Chloride and Dust, 759
Carburetter, Frozen, 655
Carburetter, Microbes in, 509
Car, Cost of Running, 713
Car Problem, 509, 655
Car Problem Solution, 569, 627
Cars at Elections, 79
Cars for Colonies: Wheel Gauges, 397
Cars, Unattended, 285
Chain or Cardan Shaft? 739
Chain, Replacing, 569
Chain v. Cardan Shaft, 482, 599
Charging Dynamo, Fitting, to Car, 153
Classification and Hill-climbing Formulas, 741
Cleansing Materials, 537
Clothing, 482, 598
Clothing, Healthy, 571, 599, 538
Clutch and Throttle, Combined, Control, 256
Clutch, Fitting, 53
Clutch Slipping, 284
Coil and Battery Ignition, 165
Compression, Adjustable, 570, 427
Contact Breaker, Hints on, 108
Contact Breakers and Magnetic Plugs, 108
Cooling. Internal, 559, 627
Cooling, Internal Cylinder, 426, 509
Cylinder. Cooling, Internal, 311, 370
Cylinders, Six v. Four, 685
Cylinder Top Breaking off, 22
Daily Press “ Motor Notes,” 311
De Dion, 8h.p., Alterations, 81
De Dion Car fitted with Fafnir Engine, 22
Design, Simplification of, 107, 162
Dispensing with Commutator, 52
Doctors’ Experiences, 284
Dry Cells, Working Capacity, 569
Dust, 310, 371, 598, 455, 510, 558, 559
Edge’s, Mr., Debated Figures, 195
Elections, Cars at, 55
Electric Runabout, 193
Engine as Brake, 165
Engine Braking, 80, 359, 369, 397, 425
Engine; Knocking Noise in. Explained, 569
Engines. Hot, 226
Engines. Three-cylinder, 285
Engines, Two-cylinder, 455
Engines, Two-stroke, 195, 255, 453, 597
Engine, Three-cylinder, 109
Exhaust Energy, Utilising, 628
Exhaust Pressure Lubricator Puzzle, 509
Exhaust, Utilising Energy of, 598
Expanding Clutch Difficulty, 427, 454
Explosion Engine, Defects in, 485, 511, 569, 657, 712, 740, 741
Fernhurst Gradient, 571
Firing Back, 51
Frame Circuits, Faulty, 569
Freemasonry amongst Motorists, 629
Freemasonry of Wheel, 684
Front Driving, 558
Front Driving and Braking, 339
Gases, Properties of, 509.
Gas to Air, Correct Proportion, 256
Gearbox, Elimination of, 162, 194, 255
Gearless Car 485
“ Getting There,” One Sidelight on, 106
Glass Screen Danger, 195, 309
Glass Screens, 711
Gudgeon Screws, 509
Headlights, Dazzling 136
Hedgeland Solid Axle, 559
High-tension v. Low-tension Ignition, 81
Highway, Mutual Use of, 628
Hill-climbing Feats, 285, 559
Hill-climbing Formula Criticised, 629
Hill Climbing, Steep, 655
Hill Climbs, Timing, 740
H.-P. Formula. 51
H.-P. Rating, 759
How I was Treated at the General Election, 24
Inlet Valve, 711
Inlet Valve Closing Late, 655
Inlet Valves: When they Should Close, 157
Inlet Valve: When it Should Close, 194, 224
Inlet Valve: When Should it Close? 164, 195
Irregular Firing, Cause of, 107
Leather Clothing, 627
Leather v. Wool Clothing, 739
Low-tension Magneto Ignition, 78
Lubricating Oil, Inferior, 455
Lubricators Choking, 655
Magistrates versus Motorists, 24
Maintenance Cost, 685
Martini Rolls-Royce Trials, 570
Mauritius, Motors in, 510
Medical Men, Cars tor, 425, 427
Medium Price and Powered Car, 23
Millionaire Motorists, 598
Milton's Prophecy of the Motorcar in 1620, 52
Motorists and Repaireis, 193
Motor, Strange Accident to, 309
Motors, Two-stroke, 426
Motor, Valveless, 136
Mr. Basil H. Joy Replies to Mr. Strickland, 24
Multi-cylinder v. Single-cylinder Engines, 256
Non-skids, Experiences with, 53, 81
Number of Cylinders Problem, 80
Oil for De Bion Engine, 283
Ormond Beach Speeds, 78
Osmi Lamp, 597, 599
Packing for Valve Seating, 162
Paradox Gear and Slip, 310
Paraffin Experiments, 338
Paraffin for Carburetter, 107
Paraffin, How to Carburate, 713
Paraffin in Spray Carburetter, 195
Paraffin, Use of, 109
Paraffin, Using, 225
Paraffin v. Petrol, 224, 257
Patents, Infringing, 537
Patent Specification Examination, 165
Pedal, Simple Combination, 165
Peril, Impending, 107
Petrol Gauges, 597
Petrol Gauge, Simple, 537
Petrol in Lubricating Oil, 22
“ Petrol,” Origin of Word, 398
Petrol, Simple, Gauge, 597
Petrol Tank, Removing Steel Object from, 397
Petrol v. Paraffin, 283
Petrol v. Steam, 454, 510, 597
Piston Locked, 655
Piston Ring, Fitting, 51, 53, 79
Piston Ring, Locked, 711
Pneumatic Tyre, 23
Pneumatic Tyre Trials, 106
Points by a Practical Driver, 23
Power, Increasing, Internal Cooling, 483
Practical Hints, 509
Pressure Lubrication, 570
Pressure or Gravity Feed? 195, 226
Racing, Value of, 53, 78
Bear Lamp, 54, 482, 570, 598, 656
Bear Lamp Problem, 599
Bear Light Problem, 455
Bear Lights, 509
Bear Lights on Vehicles, 52
Reliability v. Speed, 285
Remarkable Phenomena, 426
Repairs, Charges for, 558
Reversing, Quick, 257
Revolving Wheel Illusion: 55
Revolving Wheel Problem, 571, 427, 482
Serpollet Steam Car, 635
Short-sightedness of Carriage Industry, 23
Silencers, 193, 256
Simms-Bosch Magneto, Hints on, 52
Simple Silencer, 22
Simplifying the Multi-cylinder Car, 24
Single-cylinder Car Peculiarity, 569
Single v. Multiple Cylinders, 194
Skidding. 108
Sliding Gear Defects, 741
Smash, A Curious, 453
Soap, Motor, 483
Sparking-plug Defects, 509
Spark-plugs, Experiences with, 81
Specification, 597
Speed and Low Compression, 657
Speed Indicators, 599
Speed Problems, 481
Sprag, 740
Spring Wheel Problem, 285
Spring Wheels, 164, 225, 684
Spring Wheel Trials, 55, 109, 164
Staines to Croydon, 571
Stanley Steam Racer, 51
Starting Car on Switch, 51
Steam Car Seats, 162
Steam Cars for India, 22
Steel for Multiple Throw Crank, 133
Suspension, Three-point, 509
Testing Shops. Waste of Power in, 598
Thermo and Lump, 255
Thermo v. Pump, 108
Three-cylinder Engines, 51, 52
Trip, A Pleasant, 285
Turning Corners on Wrong Side, 106
Two-stroke Engine, 510
Two-stroke Motors, 539
Tyre Question, 454
Underscreen, Cheap. 194
Useful and Practical Tips, 51
Useful Tip, 685
Valve Collars, Broken, Remedy, 628
Valve Design and Induction Systems, 284
Valve Grinding, 629
Valve Position, 225
Vet’s Views, 571
Village Mechanic, 162
Vulcanisers, 79
Water Circulation, Improving, 509
Water Cooling and Pump, 108
Water Cooling, Internal, 255, 510, 538, 571
Weight v. Power, 78
Wheel, Freemasonry of, 598
Wheels, Action of Rolling, 587
Wheels, Wire, 715
Ownerless and Deserted, 440b
Panhard Engine, Three-cylinder, 105
Paper on Horse-power, by Prof. Hopkinson, 219
Paris Motor-bicycle Records, 160
Paris, News from, 150, 185, 247, 502, 442, 475, 529, 565, 586, 648, 678
Paris. News from:
Grand Prix, 503
Instruction in Motoring, 222
Speedometer Trials, 420
Spring Wheel Competition, 331
Spring Wheel Trials, 360
Voiturette Trials, 122
Paris Spring Wheel Competition, 330
Perthshire Roads, 159
Petrol. Perfumed, 362
Pope-Tribune Car, 505
Power of “ Mass ” Engine, 680
Prince Henry of Prussia as Good Samaritan, 392
Pullcar, 701
Queen Dowager of Holland’s Motor Accident, 445
Rear Lamp Problem, 446
Record, European, Beaten at Ostend, 670b
Renault Claim, 74
Renault Patent, 13, 14, 16
Report of Joint Committee and A.C.G.B.I. and Motor Union, 731
Reyrol Car, 158
Ribble Car, 706
Riley Tri-car, 650
Road Club of British Isles, 126
Road Illumination, Excellent, 473
Road Question, 421
Roads, Armoured Macadam, 420
Roads Improvement Association, 388
Roads.. Trying, for Cars, 332
Rolls-Royce v. Martini, 504
Royal Commission on Motorcars, 47
Saltburn Racing on Sands, 675
S. Australia Reliability Trials, 470
School, Genuine, 594
School of Motor Instruction, New, 535
Schulte Cup Winner, 566
Scottish A.C., 651
Scottish Automobile Club, 103
Scottish Reliability Trials, 443
Searchlight Lamp, 276
Semmering Hill Climb, 675
Six-cylinder, Run on, 388
Skid, Result of. 102
Smoky Bus, 532
Society of Motor Manufacturers, 128
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 56, 303
Southern Motor Club’s Hill Climb, 275
South Harting Hill Climb, 587, 680b
South Herts A.C., 531
Special Articles:
Accestones, Motor, 346, 377, 410, 439, 464, 494, 521, 594
Acetylene and its Uses, 1
Adler Co.’s Autodrome, 548
Aeronauts, 151, 182, 243, 269, 298, 423
Agricultural Hall Motor Show Exhibits, 207, 214, 236
Alcohol and Petrol Peril, 105
America and Export Trade, 262
America and Motor Trade, 191
American Topics, 134 , 223, 266, 333 , 409 , 556 , 590, 634, 710, 737
Argyll Works, New, Opening, 605
Austin Cars, 357
Austrian Minister’s Pro-motor Circular, 69
Autodrome, Adler Co.’s, 548
Automobile and Cycle Engineers’ Institute Meeting. 145
Automobile War, 86
Backfires, Danger of, 161
Balloons and Aeroplanes at Islington, 250
Belsize Six-cylinder Car, 517
Brakes. Testing, 239
Brake, Using Engine as, 68
Braking and Front Driving, 261
Business. Great Growth of, 316
Carburetter, Crouan, 507
Car, Cleaning Down, 460
Cardan Shaft or Chain? 345
- Austin, 357
- Belsize Six-cylinder, 517
- Cottereau, 517
- De Dietrich, 59
- Gladiator, Six-cylinder, 30-40h.p , 278
- New Humber, Six-cylinder, 216
- Martini, 1£1
- Maxwell, 668
- Minerva, 22h.p., 291
- Orleans, 22h.p., 451
- Panhard, 15-20h.p., 89
- Peugeot, 172
- Rover, 16-20h.p., 696
- Speedwell, 202
- Vauxhall, 18h.p., 410
- Whitlock Ideal, 463
Cars, Are you Getting Best Results from? 709
Cars. Second-hand: Hints, 663
Car. Steam, Controversy, 119
Chain or Cardan Shaft. 345
Circumventing Trouble on Week-end Trip, 652
City Traffic. 179
Classification and Hill-climbing Formula, 694
Cleaning Down a par, 460
Clothing, Healthy, 290, 465
Clothing, Motor, 608, 625
Collier Ball Worm Drive, 337
Cooling, Internal Cylinder, 232
Cordingley Show, 253
Cost of “ Getting There,” 35
Cottereau Cars, 317
Crepet Change-speed Gear, 435
Crouan Carburetter, 507
Crystal Palace Show, 10
Cycle on Motor, Influence of, 94
Cylinder, Internal, Cooling, 232, 334
Daimler Action, 720
Daimler New Works: Official Inauguration, 383
Day’s Work of Country Doctor’s Driver, 235
De Dietrich Cars, 59
Design, Evolution of, 170
Differential, Driving without, 307
Doctors, Some Further Experiences by, 335
Dress, Women’s, for Motoring, 626
Drive, Collier Ball Worm, 337
Driver. Country Doctors, Day’s Work, 235
Drivers, Some Grand Prix, 567
Driving, Front, and Braking, 261
Driving, Sympathetic, 662
Driving without Differential, 307
Engine as Brake, 68
Engine, Explosion, Defects of, 575
Engines, Explosion, Notes on, 403
Engine Speed, Factors which Control, 375
Engine. Two-cylinder, Case for, 382
Engine, Two-stroke, 57
English as Spoke, 508
European Circuit Postponement, 719
Evolution of Design, 170
Experiences, Some Early, 544
Experiences, Some Further, by Doctors, 335
Experiences, Some Interesting Practical, 281
Explosion Engine, Defects of, 575
Explosion Engines, Notes on, 403
Export Trade and America, 262
French Cars of To-day, 3
Fuel Efficiency, 480
Garage Man, 289
Garage, Motor, Transforming Stable and Coachhouse into, 233
Gardy-Batault Shock Absorber, 33
Gases and their Properties as Applied to Petrol Motors, 142
Gaulois Tyres: How they arc Made, *
Gear, Crepet Change-speed, 435
Gear, Newmobile, 116
Gear, Paradox, 336
Gladiator, Six-cylinder, 30-40h.p. Car, 278
Glare of Headlights, 61
“ Go Fever,” 192
Grand Prix Drivers, Some, 567
Grand Prix Race, 610d
Grand Prix, Tyres in, 635
Gratze Speedometer, 145
Handicap to Progress: Some Manufacturing Difficulties, 58
Headlights, Blinding Glare, 61
Herkomer Motor Trophy, 549
Herkomer Trophy, 656
Hill-climbing and Classification Formulae, 694
Hill-climbing Contests, 116
How a Motor Tyre is Built up, 4
Humber Six-cylinder Car, New, 216
Hygiene of Motor Dress, 605
Impending Peril: An Exile’s Way of Thinking, 34
Imports, When did our Output Exceed? 114
Inauguration, Official, of Daimler New Works, 383
Indian Notes and Topics, 506
Indicator, Lighthouse, Tail Lamp, 160
Influence of Cycle on Motor, 94
Internal Cylinder Cooling, 334
Jura Snows, Through, 200
Lacoste High-tension Magneto System, 91
Lady Motorists, Modern Modes for, 395
Leman’s Lake, By, 315, 345, 449
Levassor’s Foresight, 104
Lighthouse Tail Lamp Indicator, 160
Manchester Motorcar Show, 96
Map of Racing Circuits in Europe for 1906, 30
Martini Cars, 131
Maxwell Cars, 663
Medical Man’s Experience in W. Australia, 681
Mercedes’ New Departure, 179
Minerva 22h.p., Car, 291
Modes, Modern, for Lady Motorists, 395
Motor Accessories, 346, 577, 410, 439, 464, 494, 521, 595
Motorcar, 10,000 Parts of, 408
Motorcar Windshield, 596
Motor Clothing, 608, 625, 638
Motor Dress, Hygiene of, 603
Motor Engineering, Unsolved Problems of, 67
“ Motor ” : How Produced, 146a
Motorisms, 174, 282
Motorist, A Sporting, 69
Motor Movement, Last 20 Years of, 67
Motor Shares and Public, 221
Newmobile Gear, 116
Nilgiri Motor Trials of S. Indian Motor Union. 495
Non-skidder, Best, 366
Novel Appliances, Notes on, 578
Novel Features and Interesting Ideas, 720a
Orleans, 22h.p., Car, 451
Our Look Round the World, 180
Output Exceed our Imports, When did our? 114
Panhard, 15-20h.p., Car, 89
Paradox Gear, 336
Special Articles.—Continued.
Paris News, 722
Pans Salon Rules, 736
Paris Salon, Statistics of 1905, 5
Pans Small Inventions Exhibition, Novelties at, 280
Parsons’ Non-skid, 85
Petrel Motors; Gases and their Properties, 142
Petrol Peril: What about Alcohol? 105
Peugeot Cars, 172
Points from the 1906 Palace Show, 10
Possibilities of Trade with Canada, 12
Power and Performance: Are the Public Misled? 682
Power, Waste, in Testing Shops, 518a
Practical Experiences, some interesting, 281
Progress, Handicaps to, 58
Protest by Twin-cylinder Engine, 431
Race, Grand Prix, 610c
Pace, Remarkable, in U.S.A., 232
Racing Season, 1906, 29
Results, Are you Getting Best, from Car? 709
Ripley Road Scouting, 115
Rover 16-20h.p. Car, 69$
Royal Commission Report, 723; Reviewed, 726
Sairey Gamps of Motor World, 290
Scottish Reliability Trials, 129, 732
Scottish Reliability Trials, Report of, 552
Scouting on Ripley Read, 115
Second-hand Cars, Hints, 663
Selden American Patent oj 1877, 683
Selden Patent Drag Net, 220
Shock Absorber, Gardy-Batault, 33
Show, Agricultural Hall, Exhibits, 207
Show, Cordingley, 253
Show. Manchester Motorcar, 96
Simplicity, Plea for, 118
Six-cylinder Developments, Latest, 241
Speed Engine, Factors which Control, 375
Speedometer, Gratze, 145
Speedwell Cars, 202
Sporting Motorist, 69
Stable and Coach-house, Transforming, into Motor Garage, 235
Starting and Faulty Coil, 293
Statistics of 1905 Paris Salon Exhibits, 3
Steam Car Controversy, 119
Sympathetic Driving, 662
Testing Shops, Power Waste in, 518a
Thery as Journalist, 550
The 1906 Racing Season: A Busy Year, 30
Touring, Two Ways of, 738
Traffic, City, 179
Trouble on Week-end Trip, Circumventing, 652
Twin-cylinder Engine, A Protest by, 431
Two-cylinder Engine, Case for, 382
Two-stroke Engine, 57
Tyres in Grand Prix, 633
Vauxhall 18h.p. Car, 410
Vital Points to See to, 520
War, Automobile, 86
Western Australia. Medical Man’s Experiences in, 681
Wheel, Freemasonry of, 597
Whitlock Ideal Cor, 463
Windshield for Motorcar, 396
Women’s Dress for Motoring. 626
Works, Argyll, New, Opening of, 605
World, Our Look Round, 180, 270
Speed Governors, 676
Speed Indicator, German, 362
Speed Judging Competition, 443
Speed Limit, Abolition of, 734
Speedometer and Lamp Trials, 504
Speedometer Trials, 20
Speed Test, 440b
Spring Wheel Trials, French, 389
Steering Gear Distance Rod, 531
Stepney Wheels, Long Run on Four, 647
Sunbeam Reliability Trials, 649
Testing Second-hand Cars, 185
Torque Diagrams of Six and Eight Cylinders, 101
Tour, Lengthy, 420
Trade Representation, 160
Tria’s, Tyre, Speedometer and Lamp, 124
Turning Large Car in Small Circle, 361
Turntable, Portable, 731
Tyre and Lamp Trials, 71
Tyre, Lamp and Speedometer Trials, 156
Tyre Lever, New, 251
Tyre, Speedometer and Lamp Trials, 20
Tyre Trials, 219, 390
Unofficial Automobile Trials, 72
Voiturette, Laurin and Element's, 306
Vulcan Speed Indicator, 498
Westerham Hill Climb, 646
West German Motor Tour, 708
Wire Wheels in Grand Prix Race, 735
World’s Record Darracq, 13
See Also
Sources of Information