Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,931 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.


From Graces Guide
1893. Peugeot Phaetonnet Type 8. Two-cylinders. Exhibit at the National Automobile Museum, Mulhouse.
1895. Peugeot Vis-a-vis Type 3. Two-cylinder. Exhibit at the National Automobile Museum, Mulhouse.
1895. Phaeton.
1895. Vis a Vis.
1896. Parcels delivery van for the Grands Magasins du Louvre.
1900. The 4 h.p. Peugeot.
1901. Postal Wagon.


February 1903. Baby Peugeot. Agents are Friswells.
May 1903. Peugeot 12 h.p. belonging T. B. Percy.
1905. Omnibus.
1905. Military wagon.
1905. Peugeot lorry.
December 1911. Advert in French.
December 1911. Advert in French.
May 1913.


September 1913.
November 1913.
March 1914. 6 hp.
1914 Type 144a Colonial. Exhibit at World of Country Life
April 1916. Baby Peugeot.
November 1922.
June 1923. 11 hp model.
October 1923.
October 1923.
October 1923. Models, prices and specifications.
September 1927. 7-12 hp.
October 1929.
October 1930.
October 1931.
October 1962. Peugeot 104.
Oct 1962.
Oct 1966.
May 1976.

London Branch: 10 Brompton Road, London, SW (1913)

Peugeot is a major French car brand and now part of PSA Peugeot Citroën.

The Peugeot factory had been in the manufacturing business for some time, their entry into the world of wheeled vehicles was by means of the bicycle. Armand Peugeot introduced the Peugeot "Le Grand Bi" penny-farthing in 1882 and a range of bicycles. Peugeot bicycles have been built until very recently, although the car company and bike company parted ways in 1926.

See also -

C3 Crawler tractor

1905 A 1.5 ton truck with a two cylinder 1.8 litre engine was available in Britain for the cost of £450.


  • Peugeot offered commercial vehicles from 1894.
  • Designing the truck in 1905 formed the basis to start production on a 14-seater bus in 1906.

See Also


Sources of Information

  • Ian Allan - British Buses Since 1900 - Aldridge and Morris
  • [1] Wikipedia