1911 The Motor Cycle: Index Jul-Dec

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor Cycle
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- A.C. Sociables, 1220b
- A.J.S. Counter-shaft Gear, 1101
- — 1912 Models, 1210, 1257
- — Twin, A 5 h.p., 1044
- A.S.L. 1912 Models, 1212, 1257
- Accessories, Among the, 760, 767, 918, 1008, 1182-1184, 1224-1226, 1287- 1296, 1414
- Accumulators, Care of, 1308
- Acetylene Gas as Fuel, 719
- Adriatic and Mediterranean and Back, From the Channel to the (tour), 1084-1086, 1112-1114, 1191-1194
- Agency Conditions and Second-hand Machines, 1369, 1427
- Agents and Design, 735
- Ainsworth, Albert, Climb up Hanson Knabs, 859
- Air Filter, Holdsworth Hardy’s, 968
- — Lock in Tank Affecting Hill-climbing,
- Partial, 1033
- — Tubes, Rich, 1.288
- — v. Water-cooling, 1369
- Albion Disc Clutch Hub, 867
- Alcyon 1912 Models, 1125, 1275
- — Records at Brooklands, 1195
- Alldays and Onions 1912 Models, 1276
- — Improvements, 1155
- America, Motor Cycling in, 1296
- — Track Racing in, 842
- American Records, 726, 955, 956
- Antipodes, Hill-climb in the, 1039
- Anti-vibratory Hub, 1360
- Arbitrary Ratios v. Infinitely Variable Gears, 742
- Ariel 1912 Models, 1216, 1278
- Armstrong Gears, 1218, 1291
- — Hub Gear, Success of, 712
- Army and the Motor Cycle, 1221
- — Manoeuvres and the Auto Cycle Union,
- 781 Arno 1912 Model, 1260
- Aston Track, Racing at, 827
- Auckland (N.Z.) M.C.C. Hill-climb, 1431
- Australia, Suggestion to Home Manufacturers, 1059
- — What it Wants, 1075
- — Despatch Carrying in, 1432
- Autobiography of a Motor Cycle, A Short, 978
- Autoclipse Lamp, 1133
- Auto Cycle Union—
- Army Manoeuvres and, 781
- Club Championship, 936, 983-985
- — Representation on the, 1368
- Clubs and, 1311
- Council Meeting, 1100
- Herts County Speed Trials at Luton, 1147
- Liverpool A.C.C. and, 1034, 1039, 1063, 1065, 1 117, 1147, 1321
- Midland Centre, Open Hill-climb at Harley Bank, 755
- News and Notes, 750, 826, 1016, 1068a, 1150, 1187, 1221, 1300 Notes, 1374
- Private Owners and, 993
- Programme for 1912, 1201
- Provincial Clubs and, 1137, 1186, 1209, 1302
- Quarterly Trials—
- Abandonment of, 1186 1
- Farlow Bank in the, 1026, 1143 Future of the, 997
- Ladies and the, 1068a
- Northerp Centre Trial, 675, 751 Report and Results, 776-778, 781
- October, 1036, 1063, 1070, 1083
- — Report (illus.), 1094-1098
- — Routes, 989, 1056
- — Test Hills, 1016
- Results, 1319
- Reinstatements, 1320
- Route, 735, 739, 774, 856
- Silencers in the, 844
- Suggestions for Improving, 1034
- The 1912, 891 n
- Which is the Stiffest Trial ? 924’9()801f: Tourist Trophy Race, 1912 Regulations, 761, 805, 1165 Tourist Trophy Races—
- Are they Instructive ? 718
- Competitor’s Point of View, 722
- Engine Sizes, 1350
- Junior, Lap Times and Results, 686 — Report (illus.), 679-686
- — What it has Taught us, 673
- Mechanical Features of Competing Machines, 674
- Official Awards, 739
- Reviewed, 708-711
- Senior, Report (illus.), 687-697
- — Survivors, with their Lap Times, 693
- Backrest, Automatic, 1365
- Bad Weather and Belts, 1347, 1369
- B. and B. Carburetter, 1294
- — Variable Jet, 702
- B.S.A. 1912 Models, 1043, 1220, 1276
- Ball or Roller Bearings, 1111
- Ballymacroe, Hill-climb at, 936
- Bankes-Jones, Rev. R. M., From the Channel to the Adriatic and Mediterranean and Back, 1084-1086, 1112-1114, 1191-1194
- Barnet Shooting Case, 725
- Basnett Spring Belt Rim, 1200
- Bat 1912 Models, 1219, 1261
- Bearings, Ball or Roller, 1111
- — Crankshaft Plain, Plea for, 1321
- — Wear of Big End, 1118, 1147, 1167, „ ,, n „ J198> 12°7> 1302, 1345, 1371 Bell, G. H., Snowden an almost Impossible
- Climb, 1068a
- Belts—
- Ancient and Modern, 1418
- Bad Weather and, 1119, 1319
- Basnett Spring Belt Rim, 1200 Breaking Strain, 1329
- Does the Belt’s Angle Vary « 1030
- Endless Belt Dilemma, 1000, 1057, 1091 Forward Fasteners, New, 1182 Slipping, 818, 1034
- Steel-rubber, 1184
- Binks Carburetters, 1133
- Birmingham M.C.O., Midland Reliability Trial, 1148
- Bischoff, P. W., Adjustment of Lamp Burners, 1163
- Bluemel 1912 Accessories, 1182
- Blumfield Engines, 1292, 1322
- — 1912 Model, 1044
- Bosch Ignition, 1295
- — Two-spark Magneto, 1154
- Bowden Control, 1225, 1287
- — — Triple, 955
- — Counter-shaft Gear, 1100b
- — Wires and their Fittings, 1393
- Bowen, II. I-I., Accident to, 1405 Bradbury 1912 Models, 1217, 1252
- — Sidecars for 1912, 1222 Bradford M.C.C.—
- Bradford-Dunbar-Bradford Trial, 778
- Open Hill-climb at Baden Moor, 775,
- Brakes on Two-speeders, 1238 809
- -— Stopping Power, 971
- Brasted Hill-climb, 1040
- Brazing Lamps, are they Dangerous ? 1068
- Bristol B. and M.C.—
- Keynsham to Pensford and Back Run 987
- Reliability Trial to Bath, 728
- Bristol M.C.C., Trial to Land’s End and Back, 808
- British and American Times, 726
- — Automobile Racing Club, October Meeting, 1017
- — East Africa, Motor Cycle Wanted for,
- 1146 British Motor Cycle Racing Club—
- Brooklands Meeting, 857
- llace Meeting, 752-754
- Seventh 1914 Monthly Meeting of the, 956, 1013
- Sixth Monthly Meeting, 903
- British Motor Cycle Records, 1326
- — — Cycles and Colonial Conditions, 1051
- Broadhurst Mirror Lens Searchlight, 1225
- Broken Frame and its Explanation, 1087
- Brooklands—
- Activities at, 1334b
- Alcyon Records at, 1195
- Bank Holiday Meeting, 804a, 831
- Haswell-Godfrey Match, 909
- Humber Activity at, 1160, 1187
- July Meeting, 782
- Last 1911 Meeting, 1076
- Lightweight Records at,' 1151
- Records at, 1298
- Royal Automobile Club Inter-club Meeting, 807
- Rudge Records at, 1185
- Short Distance Handicap, 804b
- Six Days’ Trials, and the, 1415, 1431
- Snapshots of Racing Men in Character- iqfjn PDQPQ 1097
- Brooks Saddles and Seats, 1184, 1290 Brough 1912 Model, 1127
- — Sociable, The New, 1425
- Brown and Hingston Gear, 1128, 1288
- — 1912 Models, 1176, 1277
- — Midget Bicar, 1177
- Buck 1912 Models, 1127
- Butler, M. H., Six Days’ Sidecar Ride, 1329
- Buyers’ Guide for 1912 Models, 1228-1235
- Addenda to, 1297
- Ladies’ Bicycles, 1235
- Multi-cylinder Bicycles, 1233
- Passenger Motor Cycles, 1234
- Sidecar Attachments on the British Market, 1235
- Single-cylinder Bicycles, 1228-1233
- Business -like Methods, 927, 993
- C.A.P. Carburetter, 1008
- C.C.R.-J.A.P. 1912 Models, 1154 Sidecar Combination, 1100a
- Calcott Model, 1121, 1274
- Calthorpe 1912 Models, 1044, 1255
- Camaraderie of the Road, 1034
- Cambridge, Track Racing at, 857
- Canada, Motor Cycle in, 1221, 1319
- — Prevailing Conditions in, 1058, 1321
- — Racing at Toronto, 1068a
- Candler, Arthur, Late Secretary of the M. 1353
- Canoolet 1912 Models, 1272
- — Sidecar, 1175
- Cape Peninsula Motor Cycle Club Hill- climb, 724, 1186
- Car and Motor Cycle, Comparison between, 1059
- Carbon Deposits, 1347, 1372, 1399
- Analysed, 1119, 1146, 1198, 1207 Analysis of, 1429
- Excessive, 733
- Removing, without Dismounting the Cylinder, 700
- Carburetters—
- Automatic, 1327
- B. and B., 1294
- Binks, 1133
- C. A.P., 1008
- Flexibility of the Modern, 1049
- Lukin, 1324
- Modifying an Old, 1093
- New 1912, 1037
- Senspray, 1183
- Two-jet, Experience of a, 704
- Two New, 865
- Variable Jet, 770
- Carette, Titan Sociable, 700
- Carrier Seats and Ladies, 1039
- Catalogues, Falseness of, 954, 1005-1006
- Centaur 1912 Model, 1260
- Ceylon, Motor Cycling in, 717, 1122, 1115
- — Motor Cycle in, 1-133-1434
- Chain Adjustment, 1007
- — Drive and Adjustable Petrol Jets, 1427
- Single-cylinders, Counter-shaft
- Gears, 1266
- — Sprockets, 1087
- — Transmission, Silent, 1325
- Change Speed Gears. See Gears
- Channel to the Adriatic and Mediterranean and Back, From the (tour), 1084- 1086, 1112-1114, 1191-1194
- Charge-mixing Device, 1240
- Chater-Lea 1912 .Models, 1126, 1252
- Cheshire, Hill-climbing in, 1196
- Circuit de Melun, 1376
- — du Rhone Race, 804c, 835, 840-842
- — of Britain Flying Race, 750
- Cissac, Henri, World’s Speed Record, 725
- Clincher Tyres, 1225
- Clipper Wood Rim, 1289
- Clipstone, Speed Trials at, 751, 791, 882
- Clothing, Motor Cycle, 1371
- Club Champions, Who are this Year’s ? 1016
- Aberavon, East Talbot, and District M.C.C., 887
- Amman Valley and District M.C.C., 785
- Aspatria College M.C.C., 784
- Ayr and District M.C.C., 729, 887, 1227, 1355
- Birmingham and District M.C.C., 810, 964, 992, 1046, 1072, 1226, 1318b, 1355, 1379
- Bishop Auckland, Darlington, and District, 1226, 1306, 1408
- Blackburn M.C.C., 1047
- Blackpool and Fylde M.C.C., 1158, 1227, 1318b, 1379, 1408
- Bolton and District M.C.C., 785
- Bradford M.C.C., 912, 1019
- Brecon and District M.C.C., 1104
- Bristol B. and M.C., 1046, 1072, 1104, 1159, 1190, 1226, 1318b, 1355, 1378, 1408
- Brookdale Cycle and Social Club (M.C. Section), 1131
- Burnley A.C., 810, 964, 1408
- Cambridge University M.C.C., 1190, 1306
- Cambridgeshire M.C.C., 1408
- Cape Peninsula M.C.C., 785
- Ceylon M.C.C., 784
- Chesterfield and District M.C.C., 731, 811, 964, 1190
- Cork and District M.C.C., 699, 811, 860
- Cornwall M.C.C., 1159
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 730, 837, 913, 1019, 1046, 1072, 1409, 1430
- Cowbridge and District M.C., 1227
- Cumberland County M.C.C. (Western Section), 729, 785, 1379
- Daimler M.C.C., 965
- Denton and District M.C. (Lancs.), 14 09
- Derby and District M.C.C., 698, 811, 860, 912, 991, 1158, 1430
- Doncaster and District M.C.C., 758, 810, 911, 913, 1020, 1073, 1130, 1408
- Dublin and District M.C.C., 730. 836, 887, 1355
- Dundee and District M.C.C., 1409
- Durham and District M.C.C., 887, 1018, 1072, 1 130, 1227, 1379
- Edinburgh and District M.C.C., 785, 940, 964, 1047, 1131, 1190
- Essex M.C., 729, 759, 887, 907, 913, 940, 964, 991, 1018, 1318b, 1379 Exeter and District M.C.C., 759
- Finsbury Park CkC. (M.C. Section), 783
- Fleet and District M.C.C., 886
- Furness M.C.C., 1018, 1047
- Glasgow M.C.C., 698, 730, 913
- Grosvenor M.C., 1430
- Halifax and District M.C.C., 941, 1020
- Hampshire M.C.U., 758
- Harrogate M.C.C., 759, 941, 1018, 1130, 1158, 1190
- Haverstock M.C.C.; 1379
- Helensburgh M.C.C., 913, 1072
- Herefordshire M.C.C., 941
- Herts County A.C., 730, 810, 860, 1072
- High Wycombe and District M.C.C., 860
- Huddersfield and District A.C., 836, 992
- Hull and East Riding A.C.C., 729, 911
- Ilkley and District M.C.C., 837, 939,1227
- Inverness and District M.C.C., 729
- Ipswich and District M.C.C., 991, 1430
- Irish End-to-end Trial, 757
- Lancashire M.C.C., 1130
- Leeds M.C.C., 731, 757, 783
- Leicester and District M.C.C., 1046, 1073, 1103, 1159
- Lewes M.C.C., 991
- Lincolnshire A.C. (M.C. Section), 730, 992, 1047
- Liverpool A.C.C., 699, 887, 965, 1354, 1378
- Manchester M.C., 758, 940, 991, 1046, 1354
- Mansfield and District M.C.C., 729
- Marlborough Athletic Club (M.C. Section), 757, 911, 1130, 1190
- Mersey M.C., 730, 759, 837, 887, 907, 1073, 1130, 1158, 1318b, 1379
- Mid Bucks M.C.C., 1354 Middlesbrough and District M.C.C., 836
- Motor Cycle Union of Ireland (Ulster Centre), 912, 1354, 1378
- Motor Cycling Club, 731, 759, 913, 939, 991, 1073, 1159, 1227, 1306, 1408
- Naval M.C., 1073
- Newcastle and District M.C., 810, 862, 1130, 1190, 1226, 1355
- Newport (Mon.) and District M.C.C., 992
- Norfolk M.C.C., 783, 965
- North-eastern A.A. (M.C. Section), 836, 860, 939, 1020
- North Middlesex M.C.C., 699, 757, 887, 907, 939, 965, 992, 1020, 1046, 1072, 110L 1131, 1159, 1190, 1318b, 1355
- North Staffordshire M.C.C., 731, 837, 965, 992
- North-west London M.C.C., 730, 907, 939, 992, 1018, 1190, 1318b Norwich and District M.C.C., 887
- Nottingham and District M.C.C., 699, 1073, 1354
- Oldham and District M.C., 1227, 1318b
- Otago (New Zealand) M.C.C., 759
- Oxford M.C.C., 698, 729, 887, 1018, 1190, 1408
- Oxton (Birkenhead) M.C.C., 10IS
- Perth and District M.C.C., 910, 1318b
- Pocklington and District M.C.C., 731
- Pontefract M.C.C., 699, 758, 886, 1018, 1318b
- Purley and District M.C.C., 730, 1046, 104, 1318b
- Putney and District M.C.C., 731, 1104
- Redditch and District, 785, 1318b
- Ripon and District M.C.C., 758
- Sarum and District M.C.C., 837
- Scarborough and District M.C.C., 836, 1073, 1103
- Scottish Border M.C.C., 811, 837, 907, 1019
- Selby and District M.C.C., 1 430 ?
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., 757, 860, 911, 940, 964, 992, 1018, 1020, 1045, 1158, 1226, 1409
- Shropshire M.C.C., 941, 1073
- Southampton M.C., 1073, 1226, 1355
- South Birmingham M.C.C., 1306, 1379, 1430
- Stockport and District M.C.C., 837,1045, 1130
- Streatham and District M.C.C., 731, 11, 939. 965, 1190, 1379
- Sunderland and District M.C., 939
- Surrey M.O.C., 731, 862, J 046, 1103,
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 1018, 1016 Vui’ 1159, 1351, 1379, 1 130
- Sydney M.C.C. (N.S.W.), 1130
- Taunton and District M.C.C., 781, 1018, 12 2 7*
- Torbay M.C.C., 862, 911, 965, 10 17
- Tunbridge Wells and District M.C.C., * 862, 965, 991, 1131, 1227
- Walsall M.C., 961, 1018
- Walthamstow M.C., 758, (164, 991, 1018, 1103, 1226, 1318b, 1 108
- Wansbeck M.C., 837
- Western District M.C. (London), 731, 837, 991, 1131, 1226, 1355
- West Essex A.C., 836, 1226
- Westmorland M.C.C., 729, 731, 783,
- 837, 860, 1017, 1159, 1226, 1 130
- Weybridge and District M.C.C., 810
- Willesden Green C. and M.C.C., 699, 781,
- 941 Wimbledon M.C.C., 1430 Wolverhampton M.C.C., 731, 1355, 1379, 1408 Woolwich, Plumstead, and District M.C., 731, 992, 1045, 1047 Worcestershire M.C.C., 731, 811
- York County M.C.C., 698, 729, 784, 1227, 1379
- Club Secretaries at Olympia, 1334a, 1334b
- Clubs and the Auto Cycle Union, 1311
- Clyno 1912 Models, 1213, 1251
- Coils, From Trembler to Plain, 1196, 1239
- Cold Vulcanising, 1065, 1118, 1145 Collars, Waterproof, 770
- Collier, C. R., World’s Record Speed, 857, 859
- Collier-De Rosier Match, 752, 770, 774, 781, 804d
- Colonial Conditions and British Motor Cycles, 1051
- — Motor Cycle Competitions, 743
- Colonies, Ideal Machine for the, by B. H.
- Davies, 1053-1055
- — Magneto Position for the, 1301
- Comet-Precision, 1044
- Comfy Sidecar 1912 Models, 1265 Communications from "Readers in Far-off
- Lands, 1058-1063 —
- Competitions (1912), in all Parts, 1341 1083, 1348, 1372
- — “ Long Control ” System in, 818
- Competitor’s Impressions of the Six Daysi
- Trial, 891-896
- Compression Ratio for Racing Purposes,
- 849
- — Variable Device, 1015 Condor 1912 Models, 1044
- Continental Touring, 848, 899, 1428 with a Sidecar Attachment, 847
- — Tyres, 1224, 1288
- Conversion, and How it was Effected, 765
- Corah 1912 Models, 1276
- Corners, Leaning-out round, 947
- Cornwall, The Sidecar in, 1423-1424
- Cost of Running a Motor Cycle, 1335
- — 34 h.p. Motor Cycle, 1146,
- 1197 Selection of Replies, 1247, 1318a, 1357, 1361, 1380, 1422, 1432 Counter-shaft Gears, Position of, 1147, 1209 Single-cylinders, Chain Drive, and, 1266 Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.—
- Newham Hill-climb, 930-934, 937 Run to Aberystwyth, 880d
- Sixth Annual Open Hill-climb, 856 Trial to Bath and Back, 749
- Coventry Chains, 1287 Covers, Size of, after Retreading, 1304
- Cowey Speed Indicator, 1183
- Cox, Harold, Holder of the Lightweight Record, 989
- Crank Cases, Clean, 804d, 1088, 1204 Oil-tight, 1144
- — Pin, Lubrication of, 1347 Crankshaft Plain Bearings, Plea for, 1321 Critic among the Solo Models, by B. H.
- Davies, 1312-1314 Crouch Three-wheeled Sociables, 1128 Crystal Palace, Five Miles Record, 1038 Cumberland M.C.C., Reliability Trial Results, 851
- Accident at New Brighton, 956
- A.C.C. de France 1912 Programme, 1431
- Activity in the Midlands, 1299
- Activity of the R.I.A., 1432 Affiliation, 1299
- American Consular Report, 1068
- Ancient Machines in the Winter Run, Another Dog Episode, 1017 1405
- Appeal, A Deserving, 1017
- Australia’s First Motor Show, 1220d.
- Belgian Motor Cycle Race, 857, 937
- Benefiting a Clean County, 1432
- Bradford M.C.C. Trial Abandoned, 1351
- Breaking Strain of a Belt, 1329
- British Success in Italy, 1150
- Broken Sidecar Axle, 1017
- C. and M.T. Benevolent Fund Dinner,
- Catholic Bishop Appeals for a Motor Cycle, 804b
- Club Secretaries, Meeting of, 1221
- Coincidence, 751
- Collision Case, 1329
- Colossal Output, 1299
- Ceylon Motor Cycle Famine, 1299 Crock (?), 1187
- Danger of Skidding with Passenger on Carrier, 908
- Dangers of the Road, 1187
- Dangerous Gates in Leamington Spa, 1099
- Electric Generator Sets, 1329
- English-Dutch Reliability Trial, 1329, 1431
- Gymkhana in Australia, 1329
- How he got his own Back, 1405 Highway Robbery, 1100
- Hill-climbing in Wagga. Wagga, N.S.W.,
- 804a Important Judgment, 1404
- International Motor Cycle Races, 725
- Items of Interest, 1068
- Kent Autumn Tour, 1017
- Kick-starting Devices, 1350
- Kingston, Direction Signs in, 1299
- Lady Competitors at New Brighton,804b
- Lynmouth, An Easy Road out of, 1220d
- Man and the Rim, 1068a.
- Midlands, Proposed Track for, 1405
- Military Ride, A, 989
- Motor Cycle in the Jungle, 1150
- — Cycling in Italy, 1122
- — Cyclist’s Successful Appeal, 1405
- Naval Officers’ Hill-climb, 956
- New Engine for the Hour Record, 1017
- No Speed Limit, 1122 Noise Nuisance, 1186
- Non-stop Trial in Wales, 880d
- North Devon Reliability Trial, 881
- Novel Challenge, 909
- — Method of Route Marking, 1039
- Our Legal Columns, 956
- Passenger Carrying, a Warning, 827
- Phenomenal Consumption, 880d
- Plug left Intact, 1068
- Popular Motor Cycles, 1432
- Premier Profits, 937
- Provincial Motor Cycle Shows, 936
- Public Subscription to Purchase a Sidecar, 1151
- Readers’ Experiences, 1122
- Record Hill-climbing Expedition, 1123
- Records, New, 1038
- Red Warning Barriers, 1350
- Reflex Rear Lights, 881, 1328
- Relay Ride, 1039
- Reliability Trial in South Australia, 1374
- Roads Improvement Association Activities, 1299
- Royal Automobile Club School of Tuition, 1186
- Scottish Motorists’ Protest, 936
- Second-hand Machines, Enquiries re,
- I 132 Serious Bridge Complaint, 857
- Single-cylinders, Wonderfully Efficient, 1351
- Singular Sight, 1122
- Sixty-two m.p.h. through the mud, 1401
- Slow-moving Traffic, 1299
- Snowdon an almost Impossible Climb,
- 1 0b8a
- South African Hill-climb, 936
- Trade Increase, 1068a
- Speed Limit Abolished in the Isle of Man, 988
- Application, 1017
- — Limits in Sussex, 1221
- Speedy Arrest, 1068
- Stockport Hill-climb, 1099
- Strike Items, 880d
- Sub-committee of the A.C.U., 1299
- Taunton Next Year’s Six Days’ Trials Centre, 1405
- Taxicab Drivers and Owners’ Liabilities,
- 1374, 1385 Through French Spectacles, 1404
- Transporting of Motor Cycles to the Isle of Man, 751
- Trial of the 1912 Premier, 1099
- Triumph Co.’s Dividend and Bonus, 1123 —
- Two-speed Model, 1350
- Turner’s Hill Climbed on a Lightweight,
- 956 — — Sheffield, 881
- Twenty-six Records in One Day, 1328
- Twice-stolen Mount, 989
- Unsightly Advertisement Hoardings, 1329
- Valve Troubles Disappearing, 1016
- Varieties of Exchanges, 1375
- Warwickshire Potholes to be Filled, 1151 — Road Surfaces, 956
- Well-known Rider Committed for Trial, 1017
- Winter Hill-climb in France, 1299
- — Road Trials, 1374
- Yankee Journalistic Methods, 1405 Yorkshire Judge’s Extraordinary Outburst, 1375
- Cut-outs, Plea for, 1321, 1348
- — Prohibited, 1298
- — Proposed Abolition of, 1337, 1346,
- 1356, 1371, 1398
- Cycar Tyre, 1182
- D.H.K. Hub Clutch, 1325 Dallison’s Silencer, 1183
- — Variable Gear, 1183 Davies, B. H.—
- Critic among the Solo Models, 1312-1314
- Five Hundred Miles on a Six-speed, 949
- History of a Gold Medal, 814-816
- Ideal Machine for the Colonies,1053-1055
- Motor Cyclist’s Mecca, 714-716 Scorching, 935
- Single-cylinder Sidecar Outfit, 1248
- Testing a New Two-speeder, 885
- De Rosier, Jake— Change of Mount, 1038
- Last Days in England, 831
- Parting Message, 824
- De Rosier-Collier Match, 752, 770, 774,
- 781, 804d Denny, S. W., Awarded £50 Damages, 1068 Design, Agents and, 735
- — Motor Cycle, 1428
- — Suggestion for 1912, 771
- — Tendency of, 740, 804d
- Dew, Harold A., Second Spider Runabout,
- 1071 Diary of a Tour, 1419-1121
- Dog Clutch Gears, 1087 Dot 1912 Models, 1280
- Douglas, Is a larger, Wanted ? 1001
- — Models (1912), 1129, 1258
- Dover, Fred—
- Coast Ride, 699, 703, 747 Climb up Sheffield’s Steepest Hill, 851 Successful Defence, 1151
- Dover Specialities, 1224
- Drip Feed Lubricator, A New, 819
- Driving from the Sidecar Seat, 1318
- — on Throttle or Valve Lift, 897
- Dublin and District M.C.C., Hill-climb, Results, 804
- Dunhill’s Lamps and Clothing, 1184, 1294
- Dunkley Sidecars, 1292
- Dunlop 1912 Tyres, 1224, 1291
- Dutch Motor Cyclists’ Visit, 713, 747
- Dutch-English Reliability Trial, 1388
- Duties and Freight Charges on Motor Cycles Shipped Abroad, 1078, 1150
- E. L.I. 1912 Model, 1220a, 1265
- Edge Hills on a 31 h.p. Sidecar, Clirnbine- 987, 1089, 1118, 1198, 1206 Edinburgh and District Motor Club, Open Hill-climb on Aniulree, 998
- Edlin 1912 Model, 1263 Edmund 1912 Models, 1281
- — Spring Frame, 1210
- Efandem Detachable Terminal, 1151
- Eisemann Magneto, 1290
- Electrical Timing, 1161 Elswick 1912 Models, 1271
- Endless Belt Dilemma, 1000 End-to-end Lightweight Record, 1038
- — Record, 1007
- — Sidecar Record, 780, 790, 801b Enfield, Run on a Two-speed, 791
- — Spring Fork, 1360
- — 1912 Models, 960, 1215 Sidecar Model, 1121
- Engines—
- Lubrication, 1210
- Rotary Petrol, 1331
- Single-cylinder Engines and Sidecars, 1320
- Sooted Plugs and Twin Engines, 1091, 1115, 1302
- Tandem Geared, 816, 927 Twin-cylinder, Lubrication of, 1301 England, Track Racing in, 812
- English Riders and Foreign Alachines, 719, 718, 772-771, 805, 825 Eric Sociable 1912 Alodels, 1268
- Esler, James, and William Streiff, Round the World on Alotor Cycle, 827 Essex AI.C.—
- Gymkhana, 907
- Snaresbrook to York and Back Run, 959
- Evolution of Transmission, by “ Ixion,” 1330, 1370 Excelsior 1912 Alodels, 1011, 1216, 1281 Exeter and District AI.C.C.—
- Open Hill-climb, 801 Results, 905
- Exhaust Pipes, 954
- Exports and Imports of Alotor Cycles, 725, 857, 958, 1068b, 1221
- F
- F. N. 1912 Alodels, 1176, 1263
- F.R.S. Lamps and Generators, 1294
- Fafnir Engines, 1183, 1322
- . False Paradise in the Lamp World, 1036, 1057
- Farlow Park in the Quarterly Trials, 1026, 1143
- Three-speeds on, 1123 Featherweight, Eclipse of the, 1318 Finish, All-black, 1056
- Five Hundred Aliles on a Six-speed, by B. H. Davies, 949
- — Aliles Record at the Crystal Palace, 1038
- Fixtures for 1912, 1334b
- Float, Cutting out the, 702
- Foot-operated Spark Advance, 1180
- Forced Induction, 1163
- Foreign Alachines and English Riders, 719. 748, 772-774, 805
- Forty Thousand Aliles in Eleven Alonths, 1188
- Forward 1912 Alodels, 1181, 1269
- — New Belt Fastener and Sparking Plug,
- 1182
- Frame, Broken, and its Explanation, 1087
- — In Favour of the Open, 1004
- — Novel Alotor Cycle, 990
- France, Number of Alotor Cycles in, 725
- — Alotor Cycle Hill-climb, 1376
- — Road Racing in, 1351
- — Winter Hill-climb in, 1401-1403, 1431
- Frasetti, Ernest, Southampton to Aberdeen by Motor Cycle, 881
- Free Engine Hub, 1386
- Freight Charges and Duties on Motor Cycles Shipped Abroad, 1078, 1150
- French Road Race, 725
- — Awakening, 1387
- Frenchman’s Opinion of British Alachines and their Riders, 842
- Gaillon Hill-climb, Result of, 1068a
- Garner Exhaust Whistle, 1438
- Gears—
- Change Speed—
- Sidecars and, 704, 718, 724, 747, 804d, 869, 928, 980, 1035, 1045, 1064, 1091, 1304 Two New, 764
- Control of, 1167
- Dog Clutch, 1087
- Expanding Pulley, 1310 Fitting a Variable Gear to a Lightweight, 1321
- Reducing Transmission Gear, 1205 Silent, 993
- Three-speed, 956
- — Crankshaft, 1310 Two-speed—
- Countershaft, 1136
- How they are Tested, 1087 Ingenious, 890
- Long Hills and, 1238 Trump-Jap, 935
- Variable, 1146, 1238, 1360 Clutches and, 1009 Cornwall, for, 902, 1033 Counter-shaft Gears and Variable Pulleys, 1236
- Epicyclic, 1090
- In Hill-climbs, 900, 928, 953 Infinitely, Arbitrary Ratios v., 742 — Position, 950
- — Reliability of, 897
- — Rudge-Whitworth New, 701
- Generator Bracket, Lucas Lamps on, 926 Generators, F.R.S., 1295
- — Stern Test for, 1115
- Germany, Scientific Matters in, 1068
- — Why there are few Motor Cycles in,l 033
- Gibson, D. J., Three. Days’ Camping Expedition, 97 7
- Glasgow M.C.C., Garslake Hill-climb, 936
- Glen Helen Partially Destroyed by Fire, 1122 Gloria Sidecar (1912), 1283
- Godfrey, O. C.—
- Accident to, 1122 Hundred Miles per Hour Ambition, 1328 Recovery of, 1150, 1220d
- Gold Medal, History of a, by B. H. Davies, 814-816
- Gometz-le-Chatel Hill-climb, 1401-1403, 1431
- Goodrich Tyres, 1128
- Gorton Tyres, 1225
- Grandex 1912 Models, 1126, 1280
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Show Statistics, 1334 Gritting of Metropolitan Streets, 678, 1150, 1328
- Guzzwell, J., Six Days’ Record Beaten by, 830
- H
- Hairpin Bends, Tackling Steep, 770
- Hall Caine, Mr., on Motor Cycling, 770
- Handle-bar and Adjustable Pulley, Spring, 1325 Lamp Bracket Combined, 703
- — Control, Magneto, 746 Triple Lever, 1042
- — Fitment Clips, 94 7
- Hanson Knabs Hill-climb, 859
- Harrogate Smoke-room, Heard in the, 898
- Haswell, J. R.—
- Holder of the Single-cylinder Hour Record, 989
- Long Distance Record, 1297
- Hawkins, A. E., Ride from Cheltenham to Dewsbury, 1375
- Hazlewood 1912 Models, 1155, 1276
- Herts County A.C.—
- Aston Clinton Hill-climb, 1098
- Holiday Tour to the English Lakes, 832, 1017 Speed Trials at Luton Hoo Park, 1017, 1120, 1123
- Auto Cycle Union and, 1147
- Hill, Alan—
- Climb up Mucklows Hill, 936
- Winner of the “ Aggregate ” Cup, 1098
- Hill-climbing, 824, 848, 899, 1119, 1348, 1375, 1429
- Air-lock in Tank Affecting, 1033 Flexibility Hill-climbs, 1008, 1035 Formulae in, 847, 946, 953, 976, 1028, 1118, 1115
- In Cheshire, 1196
- Scottish Trials and, 702
- Suggestion, 929
- Variable Gears in, 900, 928, 953 Will it Survive ? 945, 1006, 1064
- Hills, In Search of Steep, 1166
- — in the Macclesfield District, 1301
- — No Power on, 1162
- Hingston and Brown Gear, 1288
- Improved Two-speed Gear, 1128
- Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists, 767, 838, 906, 926, 968, 996, 1049
- “ His way of Looking at it,” 1389
- Hobart 1912 Models, 1212, 1271
- Holdtite Patches, 1288
- Home-made Sociable, 1161
- Hour and Hundred Miles Records, 1088
- — Record Attempts, 827 Hub Clutch, Albion Disc, 867
- Hull and East Riding A.C., Non-stop Runs, 804b
- Humber Activity at Brooklands, 1160,1187
- — Lightweight, An Experience of the, 7G3
- — 1912 Models, 1043, 1272
- Humours at the Show, 1317 Hunt, A. H., Show Novelties, 1225
- Hutchinson Tyres, 1182
- I
- Ideal Machines for the Colonies, by B. H. Davies, 1053-1055
- Ignition Timing, 1021
- Illston and Smith 1912 Models, 1181
- Importance of Suitable Tyre Rims, 1417
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles, 725, 857, 958, 1068b, 1221
- - India, In Praise of a Mount used in, 1061 Indian 1912 Models, I 177, 1256
- Inner Tubes, Vulcanising, after Punctures,
- 717 Institution of Automobile Engineers, 1432
- Insurance, Motor Cycle, 705, 717, 901, 929 Interesting Sidecar Fitments, 1106
- International Match, Special Racing Engines, 825
- Irish End-to-end Records, 908, 938, 956,
- 986 Isle of Man, Conduct in the, 719, 742, 746,
- 771 Queries from the, 732 Transport of Machines to the,
- 747 Italy, Hill-climbing Contest, 917
- — Motor Cycle in, 678, 1068, 1122
- — Perugia Hill-climb, Results, 1068, 1099
- — Road Race from Suse to Cenis, 781
- Ivy-Precision 1912 Models, 1282
- “ Ixion,” Evolution of Transmission, 1330
- J
- Jamaican Roads, Novice’s Experiences on, James 1912 Models, 1272 1060
- Janssen, C. J., Marriage of, 1187
- Jarvis, E. C., Farlow Bank in the Quarterly Trials, 1026
- Jets, Adjustable, 1348
- — B. and B. Variable, 702
- John Bull Tyres, 1224
- Jones Speedometer, 1224 Jonsca Two-speed Gear, 1044
- Junior Tourist Trophy Race. See “Auto Cycle Union ”
- K
- Kempshall Tyres, 1182, 1293 Kerry-Abingdon 1912 Models, 1153, 1282 Kerry Tyres, 1291
- Kynoch 1912 Models, 1153, 1280
- L
- L.M.C. 1912 Models, 1217, 1270 Ladies and the Motor Cycle, 1398
- — Motor Cycles, 1371
- at Olympia, by Mrs. M. C. Cooke,
- 1332
- — Quadrant, 1286
- Lady Motor Cyclist, 771, 1005, 1039, 1068a Cyclists’ Performances, 717
- Lady’s Humber, Criticism of the New 2 h.p., 726
- Lamp Bracket and Handle-bar Combined,
- 703 Lamps, 1035
- And Winter Riding, 1345
- American Hint, 1206
- Are Brazing Lamps Dangerous 1 1068 Autoclipse, The New, 1133
- Burners, Adjustment of, 1168 F.R.S., 1294
- False Paradise in the Lamp World, 1008, 1036, 1057
- Handy Emergency, 968
- Lucas, 1291
- — Generator Bracket and, 926 Miller, 1183, 1290
- Powell and Hamner, 1183, 1293 Rushmore, 1125, 1293
- Winter Riding and, 1025, 1057, 1061 T rn • 11 17’ 1320
- Large Twins v. T.T. Singles, 1110, 1199, T 1301
- Agents and Design, 735
- Brakes and Stopping Power, 971
- British Motor Cycles and Colonial Conditions, 1051
- Brooklands and the Six Davs’ Trials, z-, * 1415
- Clubs and the Auto Cycle Union, 1311
- Competitions (1912), 1083
- Cut-outs, Proposed Abolition of, 1337
- French Awakening, 1387
- Future of the Quarterly Trials, 997
- Junior Tourist Trophy Race, What it has Taught us, 673
- Lamps and Winter Riding, 1025
- Models for 1912, 997
- Olympia Show, 1201, 1241, 1311
- Running Costs, 1361
- Sidecar Suggestion, 813 Silence, 787
- — and Silencers, 1109
- Six Days’ Trial of 1912, 891
- Sociable or Tandem, 919
- Sporting Side of the Pastime, 1361
- Standardisation, 813
- Tourist Trophy Races of 1912, 1165
- Valve Transposition, 839
- What the Tourist Trophy Races Teach us, 707
- Will Hill-climbs Survive ? 945
- Leamington Spa, Dangerous Gates in, 1099 Leaning-out round Corners, 947
- Advertising Prices, Advantage of, 927, 1147 Appreciation, 953
- British East Africa, Motor Cycle Wanted for, 1146
- Business-like Methods, the other side,
- 869 Causes of Fire, 746 Conversion, Another, 703 Danger Spot in Leamington Spa, 1004 Dastardly Trick, 717
- Dogs, Vicious, 703, 823, 869, 902, 1034 Experience of Cornish Roads, 848 Farlow Bank in the Manchester District,
- 1144, 1206 Flexibility Hill-climbs, 1035 Footrests, Suggested Form of, 1091 Good Performance of a 21 h.p. Lightweight, 1196
- Hints on Dismantling the N.S.U. Gear,
- 1035 Hyperborean Protest, 954, 1005 In Favour of the Open Frame, 1004 Is a larger Douglas Wanted ? 1004 Ladies and the Motor Cycle, 1093 Lady’s Experiences of the Pastime, 1319 Locking the Low Gear in Engagement,
- 1033 London County Council v. Humber, Ltd., 955
- Magneto Experience, 1145
- Midland Racing Track, Suggested, 1206 Motor Cycles Booming in Ceylon, 1145 — Cyclist over Seventy Years of Age,
- 1400 New Brighton Track, 1033, 1147
- — Zealander’s Views on a Knotty Question, 927
- Noise of Motor Cycles, 848 Oilskins v. Waterproofs. 1418 Olympia Show, Space at the, 1317, 1398 Partial Air-lock in Tank Affecting Hillclimbing, 1033
- Passenger-carrying on a Lightweight, 1092
- Passenger Machines, New Design of, 980
- Personal Explanation, 1033
- Petrol Charges in Oxford, 1372, 1399
- Protection of the Magneto, 1320
- Provincial Shows, are they Wauted !
- 1319, 1397, 1129 Kara Avis in Lythani, 7 46
- Records, Do they appeal to Buyers I 1128 Road Dressing, 902
- Rone Belt, 1304 Saddle Comfort, 818
- — or Seat, 1091
- Saddles and Sideslip, 1397
- Schoolboy’s First Tour, 1399 Second-hand Machines and Agency Con- dit ions, 1 126
- Sidecars, Single-cylinder Machines and, 1398
- Single-cylinder Machines and Sidecars,
- 1398 Space at Olympia Show, 1398 Sparking plugs, Multi-pole, 1398
- 1398 State of our Hoads, 1004 the Exeter Hoads, 134G Steeplechasing on a Motor Cycle, 847 Straying Cattle, 1397
- Sunrising Hill and 3.1 h.p. Sidecars, 1372 Tanks, Fixing on, 1427
- Tolls and Taxes, 1427
- Touring in N. Devon, 1429
- Touring, in the West, 1119
- TAe Motor Cy:le as a Tyre Gaiter, 1369 Twin Engines and Sooted Plugs, 1091 Touring in South-west Wales, 1369, 1400 Transmission, 1429
- Ultra-lightweight, Will it return ? 1399 Unbusiness-like Methods, 823, 900 Unusual Experience, An, 1427 Visibility of Signs, 899
- Wales, Touring in S.W., 1400 Waterproof Motor Cycle Clothing, 1399 Winter Mudguarding, 1369, 13p7, 1429 Why there are few Motor Cycles in Germany, 1033
- Levis 1912 Model, 1155, 1284
- Licence®, 1350
- — and Registration, 1032 Light Cars and Tricars, 1393
- Lightweights—
- Positive Transmission for, 1366
- Records at Brooklands, 1154
- Six Hours’ Record, 780
- Tune of, 824
- Two Hours’ Record, 989 •
- Will the Ultra-lightweight Return ? 1144, 1197, 1208, 1303, 1347, 1399 “ Limpet ” Tyre Repairer, 1184 Lincoln-Elk 1912 Models, 1219, 1282 Lining on Tanks, 1372 Liverpool A.C.C.—
- Auto Cycle Union and, 988, 1039, 1063, 1065, 1117, 1147, 1304
- Two Days’ Reliability Trial, 1066, 1100 Route, 986
- Local Authorities, Inability of, 1032
- — Taxation Licences, Where to pay them.
- 1429
- Long Coats, Riding in, a Warning, 718
- — Control System in Competitions, 818
- — Distance Records, New, 1297 Ride without a Toolbag, 678, 728,
- 751, 806 Runs, 705, 746
- Long, Harry—
- Forty Thousand Miles in Eleven Months, 1188
- Long Distance Ride, 937
- Record Long Distance Ride, 1186
- Lubricator,-Drip Feed, 819 -—Home-made, 870
- Lubricating Oils, 1225
- — Pumps, 1399 Lubrication, 1246
- — Crank Pin, of, 1347
- — Drip Feed, 1385
- — Mechanical, 1349
- — of Twin-cylinder Engines, 1301
- — Systems of, 1364, 1394-1396, 1400
- Lucas Lamps, 1291
- Generator gracket and, 926
- Luggage Carrier and Mudguard Combined, 1050 Triumph, 890
- Lukin Carburetter, 1324 Lycett Saddles, 1240, 1288
- Lynmouth, An Easy Road out of, 1220d Lyons M.C., Race Meeting, 721
- M
- “ M.M.,” The Latest, 1044
- Macbeth 1912 Models, 1213, 1278
- Macclesfield District, Hills in the, 1301 Magnetos—
- Bosch Two-spark, 1154
- Eiseipanip 1290
- Experience with, 1145 Handle-bar Control, 746
- Point Burning, 1162
- Position for the Colonies, 1301 Protection of the, 1320
- Timing, 676, 966, 1204.
- Trouble with, 943 ,
- Manufacturers’ Union Second Annual Banquet. 1297
- Meeting, 1039
- Married Couples who Motor Cycle, WOO,
- Martin, Harry, Attempt on Hour Kecoisdg’
- Machines, 850
- T.T. Models, 72
- Merton, James, Six Days’ Lightweight Record Holder, 728
- Metropolitan Streets, Gritting of, 1150, 1328
- Michelin Guide, The, 921
- — Tyres, 1182, 1293
- Midget Bicar, 1283
- Midland Inter-club Reliability Trial, Report and Results, 1148
- — Motor Cycle Track, 1330
- — Winter Trial, 1320, 1354
- Mighty Atom 1912 Models, 1283
- Military Motor Cycling Notes, by “ Celeriter,” 923, 1 105, 1299, 1416
- — — Cyclists, 751, 781, 980
- Miller Lamps, 1183, 1290
- Millford 1912 Models, 1252
- — Sidecars for 1912, 1222
- Models, Mechanical Details of T.T., 727
- Mont Cenis Ilill-climb, 826, 927
- — Winners of, 917
- — Ventoux Hill-climb, 827
- Montgomery 1912 Models, 1222, 1281
- Morgan Runabout 1912 Model, 1250 Moseley Tyres, 1290
- Motive Power, A New, 1151
- Motofrip Tricycle, 1323
- Motor Cycling Club—
- Brooklands Meeting, Harry Smith Cup Stolen, 678
- Hill-climb at Sundon, 957. 989
- London-Edinburgh Run, Cars in, 705 Second Annual Winter Run, Competitor’s Hint Regarding Equipment, 1307
- Standard Reliability, Hill-climbing, and Brake-testing Trials in Devon, 828 Results, 856
- Team Trial, Echo of the, 827
- Tenth Annual Dinner, 1373
- Third Race Meeting at Brooklands, 720 Winter Run to Exeter, 1068a, 1351, 1377, 1398, 1401 Motor Cyclist’s Mecca, The, by IL IT. Davies, 714-716
- Moto-Reve 1912 Models, 1261
- Motosacoche 1912 Models, 1126, 1152, 1250
- Mudguard and Luggage Carrier Combined, 1050
- Mudguarding, Study of the Various Types of Mudshields, 1338
- — Winter, 1397, 1429
- Mudguards, Detachable Front Wheel, 1161
- — Leather, 1225
- — Tyres and, 1308
- Multi-pole Sparking Plugs, 1370, 1398
- Multi-spark and Anti-fouling Plug, 969 “ My Sensational Christmas,” 1390-1393
- N.S.U. Gear, Hints on Dismantling, 1035, 1196, 1346
- — 1912 Models, 1157, 1269
- Hints on Lubricating the, 1206
- N.Y.E. 1912 Models, 1217
- Nail Catchers, 899 Fitting, 824 Stands as, 1033, 1 116, 1144, 1198
- New Brighton Track, 1065, 1 147, 1197 Accident at, 956, 982
- — Hudson 1912 Models, 1214, 1278
- — Imperial 1912 Models, 1179, 1254
- — South Wales, Suitable Specification for, _ , 1060
- Newnham Hill-climb, Report (illus.),
- 930-934, 937 Nomad, The, In Wales and the West 972-975, 1001-1003 North Devon, Reliability Trial in, 849, 901 Touring in, 1362, 1429
- Northern Nigeria, Motor Cycling Conditions in, 1052
- North-west London M.C.C.—
- Annual Dinner, 1351
- Eliminating Trials, 969
- Gloucester Reliability Trial, 1374
- — Entries, 1403 Gymkhana at the Stadium, 961
- North Middlesex M.C.C. v., 905 “ O.T.” Club. 1151
- Oxford M.C.C. v., 775 Tour to Lyons, 804c, 835, 840-842
- Nottingham and District M.C.C., Speed
- Trials at Clipstone, 882
- Number-plates, Illumination of, 881
- Nyassaland, Government Motor Cycles in, 1071
- O
- O’Donovan’, D. R., Three Thousand Miles Road Trial Completed, 1070, 1099
- O.K. 1912 Models, 1280
- “ D.T.” Club, 1151
- Bowden Wire Adjustments, 1340 Broken Frame and its Explanation, 1087 Carry your own Filter, 897
- Chain Sprockets, 1087 Counter-shaft Drive, 1340
- Cutting out the Float, 702
- Does the Belt’s Angle Vary ’? 1030 Dog Clutch Gears, 1087
- Endless Belts, 1057
- Flexibility Hill-climb, 1008 Lamps and Winter Riding, 1057
- Life of a Patch, 818
- . Newspaper Diagnosis, 1318
- Oil Pumps, Automatic, 1377
- Open Frames, 712
- Overalls, Quick Detachable, 1352
- Overheating, 1345
- — and Overloading ? a Curious Phenomenon, 924
- Positive Transmission for Lightweights, 1366
- Quickly Detachable Rear Wheels, 1340
- Rear Carriers, Weak, 1340
- — Wheels, Quickly Detachable, 1340
- Reliability of Variable Gears, 897
- Side-slip, T204
- Six Days’ Accommodation, 868
- Tackling Steep Hairpin Bends, 770
- Toolbag Question, 844
- Tyre World, 1366
- Which is the Stiffest Trial ? 924, 981, 1006
- Oil Pumps, Concealed Tapless, 868
- — Tanks, Dirty, 844 Oils, Lubricating, 1225
- Olympia Motor Cycle Show, 1187, 1201, 1241, 1298, 1328 Club Secretaries’ IS lee ting at, 1334a Humours at the, 1317
- Items of Interest at the, 1189 Ladies’ Motor Cycles at the, 1332 Light Side of the Show, 1315
- List of Motor Cycle Exhibitors, with
- Plans of the Stands, 1223
- Show Gleanings, 1322-1325
- — Statistics, 1334
- The Outlook, 13.11
- Ommaney, A. L., Climbing the Wrekin, 881
- One Thousand Allies without Opening the
- Toolbag, 678, 728, 751 Osmond 1912 Models, 1212
- Osmond-Precision 1912 Model, 1251 Overhead Exhaust Valves, 839, 847
- Overheating, 1116, 1199, 1208
- — or Overloading ? a Curious Phenomenon, 924
- Oxford M.C.C.C., North-west London
- M.C.C. v., 775
- Sfc, I9,1,3 F,odels’ 1181, 1217, 1261 I .M.G. 1912 Model, 1258
- 1 .V. Spring Frame, Luxury of, 1203
- P.V.-J.A.P. 1912 Models, 1263
- Palmer Tyres, 1182
- Passenger Machines at Olympia, 1267
- —- Question, 1428
- Patch, Life of a, 818
- patches, Surridge “ Holdtite,” 1184
- Patching v. Vulcanising, 742
- Patchquick, 1288
- Patents, Exhibition of, 956
- PATENTS, by Eric W. Walford—
- Anti-vibratory Hub, 1360
- Lyeett Saddle, 1240
- Novel Sidecar Frame, 1050
- Pulley, Adjustable, 1050
- Saddle Improvement, 1386
- — Spring Arrangement, 1138
- Scavenging System. 1136
- Spring Seat-pillar, 890
- Three-speed Crankshaft Gear. 1310
- Triumph Luggage Carrier. 890 Two-speed Gear, An Ingenious, 890 Valve construction, 1138
- Valve-removing Tool, 124 0
- Variable Hub Gear, A Gradually. 136b XVooler Transmission System, 1438
- Paterson. C. A.. Three Thousand Miles m Three Weeks, 1302
- Pedley Three-ribbed Cover, 1289^
- Perth, Keen Competition at, 908 Peter-Union Tyres, 1293
- Petrol, Cure for Leaky, Taps, 1303
- — Economy in Motor Cycles and Cars, 1302
- Pillion Seats, 1397
- Pilot 1912 Models, 1268
- Piston Rings, 954 Broken, 824, 902, 929, 1034
- Pithers. F. E., Three Thousand Miles in Three Weeks, 1186
- Plain Tales of the Hills,” 884
- Plugs, Twin Engines and Sooted, 1091, 1145, 1302
- Police Methods, 900
- — Traps, 678, 724, 750, 804a, 1122, 1151
- Portmarnock, One Hundred Miles Race at,
- 1070 Position of Countershaft Gears, 1209
- Postal Delivery, Motor Cycle for, 1367 Powell and Hanmer Lamps, 1183, 1293
- Power, Increased, with Cut-out Closed, 899
- — Loss of, 7 33, 942
- — Sidecars and, 705
- Pratt, W., Long Distance Ride without a Toolbag, 678, 728, 751, 806 Precision Engines for 1912, 1185, 1294
- Premier, A New Model, 843
- — 1912 Lady’s Model of 3^ h.p., 1153 Models, 1100a, 1127, 1220b, 1268 Private Owners and the Auto Cycle Union,
- 993
- Professional Men, Motor Cycle for, 1062 ’
- Provincial Clubs and the Auto Cycle Union, 1137, 1186, 1209, 1302
- Puch 1912 Models, 1156, 1255 Pulley, How to Remove an Obstinate, 884
- — Spring Handle-bar and Adjustable, 1325
- Pulleys, Adjustable, 1050
- — Countershaft Gears and Variable, 1236
- Pumps, Oil, Concealed Tapless, 868, 901
- — Shoddy Tyre, 868
- Puncture Sealers, Explosive, 702, 747
- Punctures, New Method of Mending, 94 8
- — Vulcanising Inner Tubes after, 717
- Purley and District M.C.C., Night Trial,
- Results, 1328
- Push Cycle v. Motor Cycle, 956
- Putney Bridge Traffic Census, 750
- Q
- Quadcars, Appreciation of, 1208
- — Light French-built Machine with 7 h.p.
- Water-cooled Engine, 1331
- — Spider, 712
- — Tan dem-seated, 1316
- Quadrant 1912 Models, 1272
- Quality of Modern Tyres, 114 4
- R
- Railways, Taking a Motor Cycle on, a Warning, 1331
- Ramsay Hospital, Isle of Man, T.T. Donation, 750
- Rational Riding v. Scorching, 955
- Rear Red Lights Compulsory in Warwickshire, 1186
- — Springing, 1115, 1143, 1198, 1319
- Record Breaking Methods, 1207
- — Hill-climbing Expedition, by Geoffrey
- Smith, 1138-1142
- — Performances, 901
- “ Records,” 703. Seo also End-to-end, Sidecars, etc.
- Redcar Racing, 956
- Reducing Transmission Gear, 1205
- Registration and Licences, 1032
- Renold Chains, 1292
- Rex 1912 Models, 1156, 121 1, 1264
- — Running of the Water-cooled, 1368
- — Sidette, Run on the 1912, 1077
- — Terminal, New Quickly Detachable,
- 1125
- Rich Air Tubes, 1288
- Riding in Long Coats, a Warning, 718
- Rims, Standardisation of Motor Cycle, 804c, 813, 1035, 1091
- Road Dangers at Night, 1304, 1345
- — Hogging, 870, 928, 955
- — Race on Formula, 781
- Roads, State of our, 1004, 1067
- — Improvement Association, Midland
- Centre Scheme, 937
- Warning Posts, 823
- Roller or Ball Bearings, 1111
- Rom 1912 Improvements, 1184
- — Tyres, 1289
- Rose, F. A., Notes on the Circuit du
- Rhone Race, 840, 842
- Rotary Petrol Engines, 1334
- Round the World on a Motor Cycle, 792,
- 827
- Ambleside to Wantage, 1023
- Barrow-in-Furness to Plymouth, 1412
- Bexhill to St. Ives, 994
- Burford to Southsea, 995
- Cambridge to Wellington College, 1239
- Croydon to Manchester, 1437
- Edinburgh to Plymouth, 942
- Harrow to North Wales, 994
- Kent to Yorkshire, 1032
- Leicester to the Lakes, 888
- Llandrindod Wells to Manchester, 1170
- London to Devoran (Cornwall), 1412 Glasgow, 1031
- Lynmouth, 967 Manchester-Tenby-London, 1081
- Mansfield to Spalding, 1080
- Newark to Hastings and Brighton, 1163
- Nottingham to Lancashire, 1135
- Yarmouth, 966
- Porth (Glam.) to Sherborn, 1437
- Preston to Ruthin (Wales), 1081 Sou th wo Id to Liverpool, 1134
- Swansea to Whitby, 1385
- Weymouth to Kidderminster, 1134
- Willesden to Stamford, 1358
- Rover 1912 Models, 1278
- Royal Automobile Club, Inter-club Meeting at Brooklands, z 807
- School of Tuition, 1186
- — Enfield 1912 Model, 1249
- Budge Records at Brooklands, 1185
- — Spare Valve Protector, 1155
- Rudge-Whitworth 1912 Model, 1101, 1257
- Runabouts, Springing of, 1143
- Running Costs, 1357, 1361, 1380
- Rushmore Lamps, 1125, 1293
- Russia, Motor Cycle Racing in, 814-816 Ry ley Tank, 1292
- S.I.A.M.T. 1912 Models, 1042, 1127, 1262
- Saddle Comfort, 703
- — Improvements, 1386
- — Position and Side-slip, 1303
- — Spring Arrangement, 1438 Scorching, by B. H. Davies, 935, 953, 981
- — v. Rational Riding, 955
- Scott 1912 Models, 1220, 1275 Scottish Six Days’ Trial, 751, 779
- - Great Reforms in, 704, 718 Results and Report (illus.), m . 795-803, 804b
- Inals and Hill-climbing, 702
- Scouting Mount, The Motor Cycle as a, 77 1 Seat-pillar, Spring, 890
- Second-hand MachlncH, 100s
- — — and Agency CondltlonH, I .'69
- Senspray Carburettor, 1 1-<3
- Service 1912 Models, 118 1, 1271
- Shaft Drive. Ills
- “Shall I Buy a Motor <” h, “ Pedal Cyclist,” 916, 929
- Shamrock-Gloria Tyres, 1289
- Sharp, .lack, an Admirable (’ri<hton <»f Sport, 1172
- Sidecar in Cornwall, 1 423-1 12 1
- — Record, 825
- Sidecars—
- Axles, Strength of, 952, 956, 1031, 1208
- Change Speed Gears and, 704, 7 1-'. 724, 7 17, 80 1d, 869, 928, 980, 1035, 10|5, 1061, 1091 1301
- Continental Touring with. 817
- Driving from the Seat of, 1318
- End-to-end Record, 790, 80 1b
- Equipping, 788-790, 825
- Fitting New, 975
- Gears and Clutches for, 1 309
- Interesting Fitments, 1106
- Irish End-to-end Record, 938
- Low-built, A Comfortable, 925
- New Sidecar Machine, 880c
- Novel Frame, 1050
- Power, 705
- Self-aligning Stand, 1211
- Single-cylinder Machines and, 1116, 1207, 1320, 1316
- Smart, 819
- Some for Olympia, 1222 Starting Handle, 746
- Steering, 1063
- Suggestions, 813, 849, 869
- Side-slip, 1204, 1303
- — How to prevent, 1435
- Silence and Silencers, 771, 787, 825, 8 17, 849, 901, 953, 982, 1034, 1065,
- 1109, 1169, 1171, 1198, 1300, 1302, 1345, 1348, 1372, 1429
- Silencers—
- Dallison’s, 1183
- in the Auto Cycle Union Six Days’ Trial, 844
- Notes on the T.T., 1202
- Suggestions, 1030
- Silent Chain Transmission, 1325
- Singer 1912 Models, 1174, 1270
- Single-cylinder Hour Record, 908
- — Machines and Sidecars, 1346
- — Record, 1063, 1074, 1092, 1119
- — Sidecar Outfit, by B. H. Davies, 1248
- — Two Hours’ Record, 792
- Single-cylinders at the Show, 1244
- — Chain Drive, Countershaft Gears, 1266
- — Sidecars and, 1116, 1207, 1320
- Six Days’ Lightweight Record, 728, 761, 780, 804a, 825, 830, 849, 880d Trials and Brooklauds, 1415 which is the Stiffest ? 924, 981, 1006
- — Hours’ Lightweight Record, 780
- — Years of Motor Cycling, by Mrs. M. C.
- Cooke, 1242
- Six-speed, Five Hundred Miles on a, by B. II. Davies, 949
- Slatter, N. D., Alcyon Records at Brook - lands, 1195
- Smith and Ill^ton 1912 Models, 1181
- — Geoffrey, Record Hill-climbing Ex
- pedition, 1138-1142
- Sociable or Tandem ? 919
- Sociables, 846
- — Crouch Three-wheeled, 1128
- Solo Models, A Critic among the, by B. II. Davies, 1312-1314
- Sooted Plugs and Twin Engines, 1145, 1302
- South Australia, Motor Cycle in, 1187
- — Wales, Motor Cycle Hill-climbing iu,
- 1015 Spanish Road Trial, 724
- Spark Advance, Foot-operated, 1180
- Sparking Plugs, Anti-fouling, 969
- Multi-pole, 1370
- New Detachable, 1352
- Forward, 1182
- Speaking Tube for Tandem-seated Machines, 981
- Speed Limits, 724
- Speedometers, Cowey, 1183
- — How to Illuminate, 817
- — Inestimable Value of, 9 17
- — Jones, 1224
- — Neat Bracket for Drive, 975
- — Watches and. 122 1
- Sphinx Specialities, 1352
- Spider Quhds, 712, 981
- Light Bolt-driven, 1206
- — •— Some Experiences and Deductions,
- 925
- — Bunabout, A Second, by Harold A.
- Dew, 1071
- Sporting side of the Pastime, 1361
- Spring Fork, A Neat, 1318b *— Forks, 95 1
- — Frames, Edmund, 1210
- Luxury of the “ P.V.,” 1203
- Springing of Bunabouts, 11 13 Standardisation of Tyre Bims, 80 1c, 813. 1035, 1091 Standpipes for Petrol, Air, and Water, 1187
- Stands as Nail Catchers, 1033, 1116, 1 111, 1198
- Starting. Easy, 906
- Improved, Arrangements. 899
- Steel-rubber Tyres and Belts, 118 1
- Stolen Motor Cycles, 717, 721, 746. 801a, 857, 956. 1038, 1150, 1375. 1105, 1 132
- Slone Bemover and Tyre Protector, 1116
- Stopping Power and Brakes, 971 Straying Cat lie. 1383
- Stuart 1912 Models, 1173. 1262
- Sturmey - A rebel’ Three-speed Dear. 1220c Sunday Competitions. 982
- Surridge “ Holdtite “ Patches, 1184
- V. J.. Inquest on. 678 Sussex. Speed Limits in. 1221
- Sutton Bank. Terrors of, are they Exaggerated I 980, 1006
- — Coldfield M.C.C., Midland Reliability
- Trial. 1118, 14 03
- — — Speed Trials. 751
- Two Days' Trial. 1126 Swan 1912 Model. 1251. 1323 Swift. II. AL. Climb up Turner's Hill, 956
- — 1912 Models 1265 Switzerland. Touring in, 1132
- Tandem-geared Engines. 846, 927
- Tandem or Sociable, 919
- Tandem-seated Machines, Speaking Tube for. 981
- Tanks. Lining on. 1372, 1427
- Tapless Pumps. 901
- Tappet Bods. Adjustable. 1345, 1369
- Tappets, Adjustable. 1301
- Tasmania. Gleanings from a Sojourn in. 1061
- Taxicab Driver, Responsibility of, 1374, 1385
- Terminal Can, Insulated. 1352 Terry Specialities. 1287
- Testing a New Two-speeder, by B. II.
- Davies, 885 Thames Tyres, 1289 Theatricals and the Motor Cycle. 14 06-1407 Thornton Two-speed Hub Gear, 1157 Three Days' Camping Expedition, 97 7
- — Speeds, 845
- Thousand Miles in Three Weeks, 1302 Three -wheelers, Two N o vol, 1161 Tied Houses in the Tyre Trade, 1220d Timing, Electrical, 1164
- T.M.C. Developments, 1352 Titan Sociable Carette, 700 Toolbags, The Third. 1030 Torbay and District M.C.C.—
- Baydown llill-climb. 963
- Results, 987
- Torino 1912 Models, 1101
- Toronto and District, Standard British Machines Suitable for, 1060
- — Motor Cycle Racing at, 956
- — M.C.C., Endurance Run, 1226 Torpedo 1912 Models, 1262
- Touring Abroad, Advantages of, 766
- — in North Devon, 1362, 1129
- South-west Wales, 13 17, 1369, 1100 Switzerland, 14 32
- the West, 1119
- — Kit. A Complete, 1205
- — Routes, Selection of Popular, 769
- Tour in Germany and France, 1381 -1383 Tourist Trophy Silencers, Notes on the,
- 1202 Singles v. Large Twins, 1110, 1199, 1301
- Track Racing in England and America, 8 12
- Trade and the Tourist Trophy Races, 951, 1119, I 123, 1 132, 1 186, I 197 Trailing Action <>f Front Wheel, 1137
- Transmission, Evolution of, 1370 by “ Ixion,” 1330
- Positive, for Lightweights. 1366
- Transvaal, Novel Passenger Machines used in the, 1061
- Trembler Coil to Plain, From, 1196, 1239
- Tricars and Light Cars, 1393
- 'I’rio's Troublous Trip, by “ Taf,” 1 110-1 ill Triple-lever Handle-bar Control, 1042 Triumph Luggage Carrier, 890
- 1912 Models, 1 180, 127 1 Two-speed Gear, 935, 1152
- Trump-Jap 1912 Models, 1 126, 117 1, 126^ Twin-cylinder Engines, Lubrication of, 1301, 1308 - Sooted Plugs and, 1091, 1145, 1302 Two Hours’ Single-cylinder Record, 792
- — Novel Three-wheelers, 1161
- “ Two’s Company,” by B. II. Davies, 1342-1344 Tyre Manufacture, Note on, 14 31
- Protector and Stone Remover, 1116 Tyres—
- Blowing oil Rims, 703
- Cause of Troubles, 1064 For 1912, 1030
- Life of, 928
- “ Limpet ” Repairer, 1184 Mudshields and, 1308 New’ Sidecar, 906
- Quality of Modern, 900, 955, 982, 1004, 1144
- Rims, Importance of Suitable, 1417 — Standardisation of, 813, 1035, 1091 Serviceable Inflators, 1115 Steel-rubber, 1184
- Tyre Improvements, Interesting, 1386 — Tip, 1063
- Tyseley Tricar 1912 Model, 1286
- Ultra-lightweight, will it Return ? 1144, 1197, 1208, 1303, 1347
- V.M.C. 1912 Model, 1251
- V.S. 1912 Models, 1286
- Valve Lift, Driving on Throttle or, 897 Valves—
- Construction, 1438
- Cotters on Small Engines. 1318 Overhead Exhaust, 839, 847 Position of. 712
- Removing Tool, 1240
- Rudg6 Sparc Valve Protector, 1155 Timing, 1032
- Tip about Overhead, 868 Transposition, 839
- Vapour-driven Machine, Why not a, 920,
- 955 Variable Compression Device, 1015
- Varley Sidecar Stand, 1157
- Veloco 1912 Model, 1175
- Victoria, 1912 Model, 1286
- Villiers Two-speed Hub, 1324
- Vulcanising, Cold, 1065, 1118, 1145
- — Inner Tubes after Punctures, 717
- — v. Patching, 74 2
- W.D. Motor Bicycle, 1305
- Wales and the West,, In, 972, 1001 Touring in South-west, 1319, 1347
- Wall 1912 Models, 1275
- Wanderer Improvements, 867
- Warrick Tricar 1912 Models, 1280
- Warwickshire Lanes on a Singer and Sidecar, Through, 913
- Watches and Speedometers, 1224
- Water, Air, and Petrol, Standpipe for, 1187
- — in Petrol Tins, 1 196
- Water-cooling on Motor Cycle Engines, Question of, 762, 849, 1017
- — v. Air, 1369
- Waterproof Collars, 770
- Waterproofs v. Oilskins, 1418
- Wayside Advertisements, 1426
- Wear of Big End Bearings, 1118, 1147, 1167, 1198, 1207, 1302 ,
- Week-end Club Events, 883, 962
- Weiss, IL, Death of, 1374
- West Indies, Voice from the, 1058
- — Biding (Yorks), Speed Limits in, 1016
- — Touring in the, 1119
- Westmoreland M.C.C., Easter Open Hillclimb, Preliminary Details, 1350
- Western Australia, New Club in Perth,1059
- Wheels, Easily Detachable* Back Wheels, 1246
- Which Wheel Lifts, 927
- Win-Precision 1912 Models, 1214, 1269
- Winter Mudguarding, 1369, 1372
- — Riding and Lamps, 1025, 1057, 1064, 1117, 1320, 1345
- Withers, S., Death of, 1122
- Wood, F. C„ Death of, 1151
- Wood-Milne Tyres, 1287
- Wooler 1912 Models, 1277
- — Transmission System, 1438
- Woolwich, Plumstead, and District M.C., Competition for the President's Challenge Cup, 726
- Wrekin, Climbing the, 748
- Wulfruna 1912 Models, 1128, 1216, 1265
- “ XL’All ” Saddles and Seats, 1225
- Yorkshire Farmers and the Auto Cycle Union, 909
- Zenith-Gradua 1912 Models, 1178, 1258