1912 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1912 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 2
- Report of Council . 5
- Statement of Accounts . . 16
- Votes of Thanks . 21
- Autumn Meeting in Leeds . 22
- Bessemer Gold Medal . 22
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards . 26
- Presidential Address . 31
- "Improvements in electric furnaces and their application in the manufacture of steel." By H. Nathusius . 51
- Discussion on Dr. Nathusius' paper . 87
- Correspondence on Dr. Nathusius' paper . 92
- "Note on the welding up of blowholes and cavities in steel ingots." By J. E. Stead . 104
- Discussion on Dr. Stead's paper . 114
- Correspondence on Dr. Stead's paper 116
- "Notes on a bloom of Roman iron found at Corstopitum (Corbridge)." By Sir Hugh Bell, Bart. 118
- Correspondence on Sir Hugh Bell's paper . 17239
- "Sinhalese iron and steel of ancient origin." By Sir Robert A. Hadfield . 134
- Discussion on Sir Robert Hadfield's paper .
- Correspondence on Sir Robert Hadfield's paper
- "Further notes on the early use of iron in India." By H. G. Graves 118774
- "Notes on some remains of early iron manufacture in Staffordshire." By T. Turner . 203
- Correspondence on Professor Turner's paper . 213
- "The chemical and mechanical relations of iron, vanadium, and carbon." By J. O. Arnold and A. A. Read 215
- Discussion on paper by Professors Arnold and Read . 227
- Correspondence on paper by Professors Arnold and Read . 232
- "Notes on the solubility of cementite in hardenite." By J. O. Arnold and L. Aitchison 235
- Discussion on paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. Aitchison . 240
- Correspondence on paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. Aitchison . 246
- "The corrosion of nickel, chromium, and nickel-chromium steels." By J. N. Friend, J. L. Bentley, and W. West . 249
- "The mechanism of corrosion." By J. N. Friend, J. L. Bentley, and W. West . 259
- Discussion on papers by Messrs. Friend, Bentley, and West . 269
- "The influence of carbon on the corrodibility of iron." By C. Chappell 270
- Discussion on Mr. Chappell's paper . 294
- Correspondence on Mr. Chapell's paper . 294
- "Manufacture and treatment of steel for guns." By L. Cubillo . 297
- Discussion on General Cubillo's paper. . 330
- Correspondence on General Cubillo's paper . 332
- "Steam-engines for driving reversing rolling-mills." By J. W. Hall . 335
- Discussion on Mr. Hall's paper . 351
- Correspondence on Mr. Hall's paper . 355
- "The influence of heat on hardened tool steels." By E. G. Herbert, . 358
- Discussion on Mr. Herbert's paper . 378
- Correspondence on Mr. Herbert's paper . 378
- " Note on the investigation of fractures." By F. Rogers . 337897
- Discussion on Dr. Rogers' paper .
- Correspondence on Dr. Rogers' paper . 387
- Reply by Dr. L. L. Fermor to correspondence on his paper on "The origin of the iron ores of Swedish Lapland." (Journal, 1911, No. II.) . 390
- The Annual Dinner . 395
- Obituary .
- Additions to the Library . 420
- Leeds Meeting . 1
- Welcome to the Institute . 1
- Death of Mr. W. H. Bleckly, Hon. Treasurer . 3
- Election of Members . 4
- Bessemer Medal .
- Votes of Thanks . 9
- "A method of producing sound ingots." By Sir Robert A. Hadfield . 11
- "On a new method of revealing segregation in steel ingots." By Sir Robert A. Hadfield . 40
- Discussion on Sir Robert Hadfield's papers . 48
- Correspondence on Sir Robert Hadfield's papers . 62
- "A new method for the improvement of the soundness of steel ingots by the aid of thermit." By H. Goldschmidt . 78
- Discussion on Dr. Goldschmidt'a paper . 88
- Correspondence on Dr. Goldachmidt'a paper . 89
- "Manufacture of open-hearth steel with reference to improvement in yield." By F. W. Paul . 91
- Discussion on Mr. Paul's paper . 102
- Correspondence on Mr. Paul's paper . 116
- "Steelworks yields." By P. Longmuir and W. H. Robinson . 120
- "Rolling-mill practice in the 'United States." By J. Puppe . 134
- Discussion on Dr. Puppe's paper . 153
- "A new type and method of construction of large gas-engines." By A. E. L. Chorlton . 157
- Discussion on Mr. Chorlton's paper . 176
- Correspondence on Mr. Chorlton's paper . 185
- "Some aspects of wire-drawing." By P. Longmuir . 188
- Discussion on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 206
- Correspondence on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 208
- "Iron and nitrogen." By J. H. Andrew . 210
- Correspondence on Mr. Andrew's paper . 227
- "The gases evolved on heating steel to its melting point in a vacuum." By G. Wesley Austin . 236
- Correspondence on Mr. Wesley Austin's paper . 241
- "On allotropy in general and that of iron in particular." By C. Benedicks . 242
- Correspondence on Dr. Benedicks' paper . 275
- "Does commercial hyper-eutectic white iron free from manganese exist? " By H. M. Howe . 291
- Correspondence on Dr. Howe's paper . 293
- "The thermal-magnetic transformations of 25 per cent. nickel steel." By E. Colver-Glauert and S. Hilpert . 295
- "The magnetic properties of manganese and nickel steels." By S. Hilpert and W. Mathesius . 302
- "The growth of cast irons after repeated heatings." Parts V. and VI. By H. F. Rugan . 311
- "The iron ore resources of Chili, with a note on the Corral iron and steel works." By C. Vattier . 320
- Report on joint Meeting of Learned and Technical Societies in Cornwall . 363
- Report on Sixth Congress of International Association for Testing Materials . 367
- Nomenclature of microscopic constituents . 375
- Visits and Excursions at the Leeds Meeting . 389
- Visits to Works . 398
- Lecture by Frank Rutter at City Act Gallery 428
- Obituary . 432
- Additions to the Library . 437
See Also
Sources of Information