Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,666 pages of information and 247,074 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Company J

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book

- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

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  • J.D.W. Transport Co. Ld. 108 Princes st. Ipswich, Haulage Contractors, MTA
  • Jack Daniel, Jun. 87-9 Cowgate st. KirldntiUoch, Glasgow, Repairs
  • Jackett Brothers Wassail sq. Swansea, ^TA, STM, Dunlop, Stepney, Wood Milne
  • Jackett Simpson, J. H., T. and T. Motor Wks. and Garage, • Coinage Hall st. Helston, Cornwall, Motor Car Dealer, MTA
  • Jackson A. Sunny Bank, Altrincham rd. Wilmslow, near Manchester, Agricultural Implement Dealer, Haulage Contractor, MTA
  • Jackson A. J. 26-8 Regent st. Kingswood, near Bristol, Repairs, MTA, Clincher, Dunlop
  • Jackson C. Compton Heath, Guildford, Repairs
  • Jackson Edwin H. “Cassio Cars,” 79 St, Albans rd. Watford, Hire
  • Jackson Henry, New rd. Kendal, ACTJ
  • Jackson J. Central Garage, 13 North' Silver st. Aberdeen, AA, Clincher, Spencer Moulton
  • Jackson J. E. 97-100 High st. Guildford, MTA, Avon, Beldam, Dunlop, Goodrich, DAO
  • Jackson J. T. Stalham, Norfolk, Motor Car Dealer and Agricultural Tractor Dealer, MTA, Dunlop
  • Jackson Joseph, High st. Eelton, Northumberland, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop
  • Jackson John Stewart, 93 Tabernacle st. London E.0.2 Accessories
  • Jackson P. T. 31-3 Victoria rd. Dundee, Factor, Avon, Dunlop
  • Jackson R. Reynold, Austinwood Common, Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks, Manufacturers of “Jackson” Motor Cycles
  • Jackson S. J. Ingatestone, Essex, Motor Agent, MTA Jackson W. Bast ptd.' Bradford, Repairs, Dunlop, Goodrich, DA
  • Jackson Brothers 65-7 London rd. Horsham, MTA, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Goodyear, Michelin
  • Jackson Brothers Milton, Staffs, Aluminium
  • Jackson Brothers (Blackpool) Ld. 40-2 Abingdon st. Station rd.. South Shore, Cocker st. and Exchange st. Blackpool, Motor Char-i-banc Service, MTA, RAC, AA, Dunlop, Firestone, Goodrich, Spencer Moulton, Wood Milne, STM, Pyrene
  • Jackson and Co. James, Major Wks. Major rd. Jamaica rd. London S.E.16, Aero and Woodwork Polishes
  • Jackson Li J. Daydawn Wks. Bramley, Surrey, Brass and Iron Founders
  • Jackson Ld. Sid, 139 Kirkstall rd. Leeds, Repairs
  • Jackson and Son Ld. E. W. Cheswold Wks. 51 French gate, Doncaster, Manufacturers of the ” Cheswold Motor Cars, SMMT,MTA, RAC, AA, CMUA, Dunlop
  • Jackson and Sons, J. 8 Grand Hotel bldgs. Trafalgar sq.
  • London W.C.2, Motor Tours, Hire
  • Jackson and Edwards R. New Eagle Motor Wks. Manchester rd. Broadheath, Altrincham, Cheshire,. Motor Car Dealers, MTA, RAO, Dunlop
  • Jackson and Reed, Bridge End Wks. Morpeth and Hill Top, Shiremoor, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Motor Car Dealers, Hire, MTA, Spencer Moulton, Pyrene
  • Jackson Car Manufacturing Co. The, Winslow, Fulmer Way, Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks, Manufacturers of ” Jackson ” Motor Cars, SMMT
  • Jackson Motor and Transport Co. Ld. 190 Chippinghouse rd. Sheffield, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Dunlop
  • Jacob A. E. High st. Bletchley, Bucks, Motor Agent, MTA, RAC
  • Jacobs and Malpass, Walham Green Garage, 462 Fulham rd. London S.W.6, Repairs, Tyre Stockists, MTA
  • Jacquemin Brce. Ld. J. B. 65 Hatton gdn. London E.C.l, Goggles
  • Jaeger’s Sanitary Woollens System Co. Ld. 95 Milton st. and 85-86 Cheapside, London E.C.2, Clothing. Branches: 30 Sloane st. and 115 Victoria st. S.W.l; 126 Regent st. W.l; 102 Kensington High st. W.8 and 456 Strand, London W.C.2
  • James Thomas, Northgate, Darlington and Depot rd. Middlesbrough, Oils
  • James W. G. Crypto Car and Cycle Co. 14 Mortimer st. Regent st. London W.l, Concessionnaires for “ Vermorel ” Motor Cars, ” Crypto ” Valves, SMMT
  • James and Co. (Sheffield) Ld. 263 Bccleshall rd. Sheffield, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, ACU, Spencer Moulton
  • James and Sons, J. Central Garage, College st. Amman. ' ford, Carmarthen, Repairs, MTA
  • James and Sons, William, Gwalia Garage, Cardigan, Motor Car’ Dealers, MTA, AA, Dunlop
  • James and Copeland Ld. 6 Lloyd’s ave. London E.C.3, Accessories
  • James Cycle Co. Ld. The, James Wks. Greet, Birmingham and 22 Holborn viaduct, London E.C.l, Manufacturers of “ James ” Motor Cycles
  • James’ Garages Ld. The, Church Stretton, Salop, Repairs, AA
  • James Motor Engineering Co. Ld. Bowling Green Rd. Stourbridge, Worcester, Repairs
  • James North Hardy and Sons Ld. 3 Fitchett’s crt.Noble . st. London B.C.'2, Webs and Tapes. Branches— Belfast: 29 Franklin st. Glasgow ; 76 Virginia st. Manchester : 54 Portland st
  • James, Talbot and Davison (1916) Ld. Waveney Wks. ; Freemantle rd. Lowestoft and 68 Basinghall st. ‘ London B.C.2, Manufacturers of “ Zephyr ” Motor Cars, Pistons, MTA
  • Jamieson Ld. 105 Clyde st. Anderston, Glasgow, Oils Jamieson and Johns, Parrog, Goodwick, Pembroke, Repairs, Dunlop, STM
  • Janes and Co. J. W. 144 Asylum rd. Peckham, London S.E.15, Electro Plating and Enamelling
  • Jarrott Ld. 6 Upper Martin lane and 18 Grafton st. New Bond st. London W.C.2, Concessionn^iies for” Foy ”, Steel, “Haynes” Motor Cars, “Gray” Marine ?' Motors, SMMT ?
  • Jarrott and Letts Ld. Charles, 50 Page st. London S.W.l, Concessionnaires for “Bugatti,” “Nash” “ Turcat Mery ” Motor Cars, SMMT, MTA j
  • Jarvis Joseph, Watermoor, Cirencester, Glos,, Motor j Cycle Dealer, MTA
  • Jarvis Brothers Ld. Depot rd. Middlesbrough, Yorks, “Poliao” Graphite and “Woolf” Graphite Lubricators
  • Jarvis Mag Motor Co. l-l-22a, Lewis gve. and 251 High st. Lewisham, London S.E.13, Motor Car Dealers, Dunlop Jasmine Motors, 28^ Earlsfleld rd. Wandsworth, London S.W.18, Windshields, Sidecar Bodies
  • Jeatt William Rule, Puckeridge Garage, Puckeridge, Herts, Motor Car Dealer, RAO, AA, AOU
  • Jecock E. H. Southolme, Gainsborough, Lincs, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, RAO, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Wood Milne
  • Jeffs H. G. Lion Gargle, Barmouth, Merioneth, Repairs, Avon
  • Jempson and Hobson, Station St. Garage, Eastbourne, Repairs, Avon
  • Jenkin-A E. 24 East st. Newquay, Cornwall, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, Avon
  • Jenkins George, 40 Peach st. Wokingham, Berks, Motor Cycle Dealer
  • Jenkins and Co. Moorgate Hall, Finsbury pvt. London E.C.2, Agricultural Implement Exporters
  • Jenkins and Son, D. Meurig Aeron Garage, Alban sq. and Meurig Cycle Wks. 45 Water st. Aberayron, Cardigan, Repairs, MTA, Avon,
  • Jenkins and Sons, D. 6-8 Richard st? Deansgate, Manchester, Enamelling
  • Jenkins and Sons, W. Commercial st. Maesteg, Glam., Motor Car and Motor Cycle Dealers, MTA, Avon, Dunlop
  • Jenks Thomas, Central Garage, 68 Load st. Bewdley, Worcester, MTA, RAO, AOU, Dunlop
  • Jenks Brothers Ld. Cleveland rd. Wolverhampton, Factors, SMMT
  • Jenks Ld. H. 54 Bbury st. London S.W.l, Accessories, SMMT, MTA, Dunlop, AL, Pyrene
  • Jenner W. A. 38-58 High st. Battle, Sussex, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Wood Milne
  • Jenner Alfred and Charles, Clarendon Wks. Upper Green, Common Side east, Mitcham, Surrey, Motor Car Dealers, MTA
  • Jennings and Son Ld. John H. Crewe rd. Sandbach, Cheshire, Commercial Motor Bodies
  • Jenson and Nicholson Ld. Goswell Wks. Stratford, Lon- ’ don E.15, “ Robbialac ” Varnish and Paints
  • Jepson Ld. R. L. 19 Mincing lane, Blackburn and 63 Penny st. Lancaster, Accessories
  • Jepson and Co. Ld. 20 Wellington st.' Sheffield,. Aluminium Motor Car Plates, Embossed or Cast (trade onlyl
  • Jersey Automobile Club (R. R. Lempriero), Bosel Manor, St. Martin’s, Jersey, Channel Islands
  • Jessons Garage, 1 BuU st. West Bromwich, Staffs, Repairs, Duulop
  • Jessop and Co. Ld. 42 Gresham ho. Old Broad st. London E.0.2, Motor Car Exporters to India
  • Jessop and Sons Ld. William, Brightside Wks. Sheffield, 3 Victoria st. London S.W 1, Steel, SMMT, SBAQ
  • Jigs Ld. 3 Berners st. London W.l, Machine Tools
  • Jobling James A. 72 Grey st Newcastle-on-Tyne and South Benwell, Northumberland, Oils
  • John and Sons, James, Spring gds. Narberth, Pembroke, Motor Cycle Dealers
  • Johnson H. W. The Gables, Hollywood, Birmingham, Repairs -
  • Johnson J. E. Grove Motor and Cycle Wks. Grove st. Wilmslow, Cheshire, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, RAO, AA
  • Johnson James, Rixton, near Warrington,^ Lancs, Accessories, MTA, Dunlop
  • Johnson Robert T County Motor Garage, 65 St. Helens st. Ipswich, Motor Cycle Dealer
  • Johnson T. 180-2 Newcastle st. Burslem, Staffs, Motor Cycle Stands, Clincher, Dunlop
  • Johnson W. H. Market pl. Hornsea, Yorks, MTA, AA, Dunlop
  • Johnson W. H. 14 Panton st. London, S.W.l, Lighting Sets, MTA
  • Johnson and Co. J. E. 61 Church gate, Leicester, Enamelling and Plating
  • Johnson and Co. W. P. 113 Clerkenw^ rd. London E.C.l, “Palmetto” Packing
  • Jones O. and J. Edgar st. Hereford, Motor Bodies
  • Jones Brothers Henbias Garage, Bala, Merionethshire, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Pyrene
  • Jones Brothers Lonsdale rd. Bayswater, London W.2, • Motor Bodies, MTA
  • Jones Brothers 71 High st. Bangor, Carnarvon, MTA, RAC, Dunlop, Michelin, Wood Milne, DA
  • Jones Brothers Ferry HiW Station and Ferryhill Village and West Cornforth, Ferryhill, Co. Durham, Repairs
  • Jones Brothers and Co. Ld. Wolverhampton, Pressed Metal Work, Welding'
  • Jones Brothers and Tapley, St. David’s road north, St. Anne*s-on^ea, Lancs, Motor Cycle Repairs
  • Jones and Co. 12-4 Avenue chbrs. Southampton row, London W.C.2, Dustproof Floors
  • Jones and Co, 24 Beckway st. Old Kent rd. London S.E.15, Motor Bodies
  • Jones and Co. P. H. 28 Lichfield st. Wolverhampton, Motor Cycle Dealers
  • Jones Ld. A. E. 52 High st. New Oxford st. London W.0.2, Aero Propellers, Accessories
  • Jones Ld. R. E. 103 New Bond st. London W.l ; Park st. and City rd. Cardiff and Dillwyn st. Swansea, MotCHT Car Dealers. Associated with Standfield and White Ld. and J. Thomas and Co. (Cardiff) Ld
  • Jones and 'Son, B. 26 Bangor st. .Carnarvon, MTA, AA, Dunlop, Goodrich, Michelin
  • Jones and Attwood Ld. Titan Wks. Stourbridge, Worcester, Heating Apparatus, MTA, Dunlop
  • Jones and Evans, 1 Church st. Kington, Hereford, Tyre Stockists, MTA, Pyrene
  • Jones and Shipman Ld. New Century Wks. Leicester, Machine Tools
  • Jones and Wight, Central Garage,' Llanrwst, Denbigh, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop, Michelin
  • JONES, BURTON and CO. LD. 19 Castle st. Liverpool. Selling Agents for “ Atlantic ” Marine Motors, “ Robey ” Oil Engines, “ Imperial ” Lighting Sets, “ Bamford ” Duplex Propellers. See advertisement
  • Jones, Marshall and Co. Ld. Wembley Hill, Middlesex, Repairs
  • Jones Garage (Lichfield) Ld. Bird st. and Bore st. Lichfield, Staffs, MTA, RAC, AA, AOTI, Dunlop, Michelin, Benzole, DA
  • Jones Motor House, 108 Lothian rd. Edinburgh, Motor Car Dealers
  • Jones Motor Wks. and Garage Ld. R. I. Rhuddlan rd. Abergele, Denbigh, Motor Agents, MTA, RAO, Tyre Stockists
  • Jordan H. F. W. 11 Ockford rd. Godalming, Surrey, Motor Car Dealer, MTA •
  • “Journal of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers,” see Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers
  • “Journal of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers,” see Corporation of Insurance Brokers
  • Jowett Cars Ld. Bradford rd. Idle, Bradford, Yorks, Manufacturers of “ Jowett ” Motor Cars, MTA
  • Joy and Collis Ld. David, Quayside Engineering Wks. Bitterne Manor, Southampton, Manufacturers of “ A.B.O.” Marine Motors and Semi-Diesel Engines
  • JOY and SONS LD. EDWARD, Junction st. Hunslet lane, Leeds, ” Filtrate ” Lubricants. See advertisement
  • Joyce Brothers Ld. London rd. Farnborough, Hants, Motor Car Dealers, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Wood Milne, DA
  • Joyce and Co. H. Anderton Mills, Small Heath, Birmingham, Tubes
  • Joyce and Son, M. Newport, Co. Mayo, Motor Bodies,MTA Joynson and Rodocanachl; Dunchurch, near Rugby, Warwick, Dunlop
  • Jubilee Light Deliveries Ld. Leamington rd. Gravelly hill, Birmingham, Repairs
  • Judge and Co. Ld. H. High st. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, RAO, Tyre Stockists
  • Judge Brand Co. Ld. Mirk lane, Gateshead, Polishes
  • Judson, Jackson Co. Ld. 50 Marsham st. Westminster, London S.W.l, Machine Tools
  • Julian H. 84 Broad st. Reading, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, ACU, Avon
  • Julyan George L. 48 Cowgate, Peterborough, Northampton, Motor Cycle Agent
  • Junior Car Club (A. P. Bradley), 34 Elm Bank mans. Barnes, London S.W.13

See Also


Sources of Information