1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Company J

Note: This is a sub-section of 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
- J.D.W. Transport Co. Ld. 108 Princes st. Ipswich, Haulage Contractors, MTA
- Jack Daniel, Jun. 87-9 Cowgate st. KirldntiUoch, Glasgow, Repairs
- Jackett Brothers Wassail sq. Swansea, ^TA, STM, Dunlop, Stepney, Wood Milne
- Jackett Simpson, J. H., T. and T. Motor Wks. and Garage, • Coinage Hall st. Helston, Cornwall, Motor Car Dealer, MTA
- Jackson A. Sunny Bank, Altrincham rd. Wilmslow, near Manchester, Agricultural Implement Dealer, Haulage Contractor, MTA
- Jackson A. J. 26-8 Regent st. Kingswood, near Bristol, Repairs, MTA, Clincher, Dunlop
- Jackson C. Compton Heath, Guildford, Repairs
- Jackson Edwin H. “Cassio Cars,” 79 St, Albans rd. Watford, Hire
- Jackson Henry, New rd. Kendal, ACTJ
- Jackson J. Central Garage, 13 North' Silver st. Aberdeen, AA, Clincher, Spencer Moulton
- Jackson J. E. 97-100 High st. Guildford, MTA, Avon, Beldam, Dunlop, Goodrich, DAO
- Jackson J. T. Stalham, Norfolk, Motor Car Dealer and Agricultural Tractor Dealer, MTA, Dunlop
- Jackson Joseph, High st. Eelton, Northumberland, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop
- Jackson John Stewart, 93 Tabernacle st. London E.0.2 Accessories
- Jackson P. T. 31-3 Victoria rd. Dundee, Factor, Avon, Dunlop
- Jackson R. Reynold, Austinwood Common, Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks, Manufacturers of “Jackson” Motor Cycles
- Jackson S. J. Ingatestone, Essex, Motor Agent, MTA Jackson W. Bast ptd.' Bradford, Repairs, Dunlop, Goodrich, DA
- Jackson Brothers 65-7 London rd. Horsham, MTA, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Goodyear, Michelin
- Jackson Brothers Milton, Staffs, Aluminium
- Jackson Brothers (Blackpool) Ld. 40-2 Abingdon st. Station rd.. South Shore, Cocker st. and Exchange st. Blackpool, Motor Char-i-banc Service, MTA, RAC, AA, Dunlop, Firestone, Goodrich, Spencer Moulton, Wood Milne, STM, Pyrene
- Jackson and Co. James, Major Wks. Major rd. Jamaica rd. London S.E.16, Aero and Woodwork Polishes
- Jackson Li J. Daydawn Wks. Bramley, Surrey, Brass and Iron Founders
- Jackson Ld. Sid, 139 Kirkstall rd. Leeds, Repairs
- Jackson and Son Ld. E. W. Cheswold Wks. 51 French gate, Doncaster, Manufacturers of the ” Cheswold Motor Cars, SMMT,MTA, RAC, AA, CMUA, Dunlop
- Jackson and Sons, J. 8 Grand Hotel bldgs. Trafalgar sq.
- London W.C.2, Motor Tours, Hire
- Jackson and Edwards R. New Eagle Motor Wks. Manchester rd. Broadheath, Altrincham, Cheshire,. Motor Car Dealers, MTA, RAO, Dunlop
- Jackson and Reed, Bridge End Wks. Morpeth and Hill Top, Shiremoor, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Motor Car Dealers, Hire, MTA, Spencer Moulton, Pyrene
- Jackson Car Manufacturing Co. The, Winslow, Fulmer Way, Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks, Manufacturers of ” Jackson ” Motor Cars, SMMT
- Jackson Motor and Transport Co. Ld. 190 Chippinghouse rd. Sheffield, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Dunlop
- Jacob A. E. High st. Bletchley, Bucks, Motor Agent, MTA, RAC
- Jacobs and Malpass, Walham Green Garage, 462 Fulham rd. London S.W.6, Repairs, Tyre Stockists, MTA
- Jacquemin Brce. Ld. J. B. 65 Hatton gdn. London E.C.l, Goggles
- Jaeger’s Sanitary Woollens System Co. Ld. 95 Milton st. and 85-86 Cheapside, London E.C.2, Clothing. Branches: 30 Sloane st. and 115 Victoria st. S.W.l; 126 Regent st. W.l; 102 Kensington High st. W.8 and 456 Strand, London W.C.2
- James Thomas, Northgate, Darlington and Depot rd. Middlesbrough, Oils
- James W. G. Crypto Car and Cycle Co. 14 Mortimer st. Regent st. London W.l, Concessionnaires for “ Vermorel ” Motor Cars, ” Crypto ” Valves, SMMT
- James and Co. (Sheffield) Ld. 263 Bccleshall rd. Sheffield, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, ACU, Spencer Moulton
- James and Sons, J. Central Garage, College st. Amman. ' ford, Carmarthen, Repairs, MTA
- James and Sons, William, Gwalia Garage, Cardigan, Motor Car’ Dealers, MTA, AA, Dunlop
- James and Copeland Ld. 6 Lloyd’s ave. London E.C.3, Accessories
- James Cycle Co. Ld. The, James Wks. Greet, Birmingham and 22 Holborn viaduct, London E.C.l, Manufacturers of “ James ” Motor Cycles
- James’ Garages Ld. The, Church Stretton, Salop, Repairs, AA
- James Motor Engineering Co. Ld. Bowling Green Rd. Stourbridge, Worcester, Repairs
- James North Hardy and Sons Ld. 3 Fitchett’s crt.Noble . st. London B.C.'2, Webs and Tapes. Branches— Belfast: 29 Franklin st. Glasgow ; 76 Virginia st. Manchester : 54 Portland st
- James, Talbot and Davison (1916) Ld. Waveney Wks. ; Freemantle rd. Lowestoft and 68 Basinghall st. ‘ London B.C.2, Manufacturers of “ Zephyr ” Motor Cars, Pistons, MTA
- Jamieson Ld. 105 Clyde st. Anderston, Glasgow, Oils Jamieson and Johns, Parrog, Goodwick, Pembroke, Repairs, Dunlop, STM
- Janes and Co. J. W. 144 Asylum rd. Peckham, London S.E.15, Electro Plating and Enamelling
- Jarrott Ld. 6 Upper Martin lane and 18 Grafton st. New Bond st. London W.C.2, Concessionn^iies for” Foy ”, Steel, “Haynes” Motor Cars, “Gray” Marine ?' Motors, SMMT ?
- Jarrott and Letts Ld. Charles, 50 Page st. London S.W.l, Concessionnaires for “Bugatti,” “Nash” “ Turcat Mery ” Motor Cars, SMMT, MTA j
- Jarvis Joseph, Watermoor, Cirencester, Glos,, Motor j Cycle Dealer, MTA
- Jarvis Brothers Ld. Depot rd. Middlesbrough, Yorks, “Poliao” Graphite and “Woolf” Graphite Lubricators
- Jarvis Mag Motor Co. l-l-22a, Lewis gve. and 251 High st. Lewisham, London S.E.13, Motor Car Dealers, Dunlop Jasmine Motors, 28^ Earlsfleld rd. Wandsworth, London S.W.18, Windshields, Sidecar Bodies
- Jeatt William Rule, Puckeridge Garage, Puckeridge, Herts, Motor Car Dealer, RAO, AA, AOU
- Jecock E. H. Southolme, Gainsborough, Lincs, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, RAO, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Wood Milne
- Jeffs H. G. Lion Gargle, Barmouth, Merioneth, Repairs, Avon
- Jempson and Hobson, Station St. Garage, Eastbourne, Repairs, Avon
- Jenkin-A E. 24 East st. Newquay, Cornwall, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, Avon
- Jenkins George, 40 Peach st. Wokingham, Berks, Motor Cycle Dealer
- Jenkins and Co. Moorgate Hall, Finsbury pvt. London E.C.2, Agricultural Implement Exporters
- Jenkins and Son, D. Meurig Aeron Garage, Alban sq. and Meurig Cycle Wks. 45 Water st. Aberayron, Cardigan, Repairs, MTA, Avon,
- Jenkins and Sons, D. 6-8 Richard st? Deansgate, Manchester, Enamelling
- Jenkins and Sons, W. Commercial st. Maesteg, Glam., Motor Car and Motor Cycle Dealers, MTA, Avon, Dunlop
- Jenks Thomas, Central Garage, 68 Load st. Bewdley, Worcester, MTA, RAO, AOU, Dunlop
- Jenks Brothers Ld. Cleveland rd. Wolverhampton, Factors, SMMT
- Jenks Ld. H. 54 Bbury st. London S.W.l, Accessories, SMMT, MTA, Dunlop, AL, Pyrene
- Jenner W. A. 38-58 High st. Battle, Sussex, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Goodrich, Wood Milne
- Jenner Alfred and Charles, Clarendon Wks. Upper Green, Common Side east, Mitcham, Surrey, Motor Car Dealers, MTA
- Jennings and Son Ld. John H. Crewe rd. Sandbach, Cheshire, Commercial Motor Bodies
- Jenson and Nicholson Ld. Goswell Wks. Stratford, Lon- ’ don E.15, “ Robbialac ” Varnish and Paints
- Jepson Ld. R. L. 19 Mincing lane, Blackburn and 63 Penny st. Lancaster, Accessories
- Jepson and Co. Ld. 20 Wellington st.' Sheffield,. Aluminium Motor Car Plates, Embossed or Cast (trade onlyl
- Jersey Automobile Club (R. R. Lempriero), Bosel Manor, St. Martin’s, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Jessons Garage, 1 BuU st. West Bromwich, Staffs, Repairs, Duulop
- Jessop and Co. Ld. 42 Gresham ho. Old Broad st. London E.0.2, Motor Car Exporters to India
- Jessop and Sons Ld. William, Brightside Wks. Sheffield, 3 Victoria st. London S.W 1, Steel, SMMT, SBAQ
- Jigs Ld. 3 Berners st. London W.l, Machine Tools
- Jobling James A. 72 Grey st Newcastle-on-Tyne and South Benwell, Northumberland, Oils
- John and Sons, James, Spring gds. Narberth, Pembroke, Motor Cycle Dealers
- Johnson H. W. The Gables, Hollywood, Birmingham, Repairs -
- Johnson J. E. Grove Motor and Cycle Wks. Grove st. Wilmslow, Cheshire, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, RAO, AA
- Johnson James, Rixton, near Warrington,^ Lancs, Accessories, MTA, Dunlop
- Johnson Robert T County Motor Garage, 65 St. Helens st. Ipswich, Motor Cycle Dealer
- Johnson T. 180-2 Newcastle st. Burslem, Staffs, Motor Cycle Stands, Clincher, Dunlop
- Johnson W. H. Market pl. Hornsea, Yorks, MTA, AA, Dunlop
- Johnson W. H. 14 Panton st. London, S.W.l, Lighting Sets, MTA
- Johnson and Co. J. E. 61 Church gate, Leicester, Enamelling and Plating
- Johnson and Co. W. P. 113 Clerkenw^ rd. London E.C.l, “Palmetto” Packing
- Jones O. and J. Edgar st. Hereford, Motor Bodies
- Jones Brothers Henbias Garage, Bala, Merionethshire, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Pyrene
- Jones Brothers Lonsdale rd. Bayswater, London W.2, • Motor Bodies, MTA
- Jones Brothers 71 High st. Bangor, Carnarvon, MTA, RAC, Dunlop, Michelin, Wood Milne, DA
- Jones Brothers Ferry HiW Station and Ferryhill Village and West Cornforth, Ferryhill, Co. Durham, Repairs
- Jones Brothers and Co. Ld. Wolverhampton, Pressed Metal Work, Welding'
- Jones Brothers and Tapley, St. David’s road north, St. Anne*s-on^ea, Lancs, Motor Cycle Repairs
- Jones and Co. 12-4 Avenue chbrs. Southampton row, London W.C.2, Dustproof Floors
- Jones and Co, 24 Beckway st. Old Kent rd. London S.E.15, Motor Bodies
- Jones and Co. P. H. 28 Lichfield st. Wolverhampton, Motor Cycle Dealers
- Jones Ld. A. E. 52 High st. New Oxford st. London W.0.2, Aero Propellers, Accessories
- Jones Ld. R. E. 103 New Bond st. London W.l ; Park st. and City rd. Cardiff and Dillwyn st. Swansea, MotCHT Car Dealers. Associated with Standfield and White Ld. and J. Thomas and Co. (Cardiff) Ld
- Jones and 'Son, B. 26 Bangor st. .Carnarvon, MTA, AA, Dunlop, Goodrich, Michelin
- Jones and Attwood Ld. Titan Wks. Stourbridge, Worcester, Heating Apparatus, MTA, Dunlop
- Jones and Evans, 1 Church st. Kington, Hereford, Tyre Stockists, MTA, Pyrene
- Jones and Shipman Ld. New Century Wks. Leicester, Machine Tools
- Jones and Wight, Central Garage,' Llanrwst, Denbigh, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop, Michelin
- JONES, BURTON and CO. LD. 19 Castle st. Liverpool. Selling Agents for “ Atlantic ” Marine Motors, “ Robey ” Oil Engines, “ Imperial ” Lighting Sets, “ Bamford ” Duplex Propellers. See advertisement
- Jones, Marshall and Co. Ld. Wembley Hill, Middlesex, Repairs
- Jones Garage (Lichfield) Ld. Bird st. and Bore st. Lichfield, Staffs, MTA, RAC, AA, AOTI, Dunlop, Michelin, Benzole, DA
- Jones Motor House, 108 Lothian rd. Edinburgh, Motor Car Dealers
- Jones Motor Wks. and Garage Ld. R. I. Rhuddlan rd. Abergele, Denbigh, Motor Agents, MTA, RAO, Tyre Stockists
- Jordan H. F. W. 11 Ockford rd. Godalming, Surrey, Motor Car Dealer, MTA •
- “Journal of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers,” see Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers
- “Journal of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers,” see Corporation of Insurance Brokers
- Jowett Cars Ld. Bradford rd. Idle, Bradford, Yorks, Manufacturers of “ Jowett ” Motor Cars, MTA
- Joy and Collis Ld. David, Quayside Engineering Wks. Bitterne Manor, Southampton, Manufacturers of “ A.B.O.” Marine Motors and Semi-Diesel Engines
- JOY and SONS LD. EDWARD, Junction st. Hunslet lane, Leeds, ” Filtrate ” Lubricants. See advertisement
- Joyce Brothers Ld. London rd. Farnborough, Hants, Motor Car Dealers, RAO, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Wood Milne, DA
- Joyce and Co. H. Anderton Mills, Small Heath, Birmingham, Tubes
- Joyce and Son, M. Newport, Co. Mayo, Motor Bodies,MTA Joynson and Rodocanachl; Dunchurch, near Rugby, Warwick, Dunlop
- Jubilee Light Deliveries Ld. Leamington rd. Gravelly hill, Birmingham, Repairs
- Judge and Co. Ld. H. High st. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, RAO, Tyre Stockists
- Judge Brand Co. Ld. Mirk lane, Gateshead, Polishes
- Judson, Jackson Co. Ld. 50 Marsham st. Westminster, London S.W.l, Machine Tools
- Julian H. 84 Broad st. Reading, Motor Car Dealer, MTA, ACU, Avon
- Julyan George L. 48 Cowgate, Peterborough, Northampton, Motor Cycle Agent
- Junior Car Club (A. P. Bradley), 34 Elm Bank mans. Barnes, London S.W.13
See Also
Sources of Information