1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Company V

Note: This is a sub-section of 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
- Vale W. 690 Stratford rd. Birmingham, “ Empire ” Goggles
- Vale of Llangollen Engineering, Bus and Garage Co. Ld. Berwyn st. Llangollen, Denbigh, RAC, AA, Wood Milne
- Valentine Prank D. Motor Depot, City Hall sq. and 87 South st. and King Edward st. Perth, Repairs, MTA, RSAO, AA, Clincher, Dunlop, DA
- “Valiant” Works, Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent, Repairs, MTA, Avon
- Valveless Two-Stroke Engine Co. Ld. 303 Broad st. Birmingham, “ Vitesse ” Motor Cycle Engine Manufacturers
- Valvoline Oil Co. 012 Exchange "bldgs. Liverpool, “ Valvoline” and “ Wilburine” Lubricating Oil
- Van Laar H. 9 Denman pl. Piccadilly cir. London W.l, Motor Car Dealer, MTA
- Van Oppen and Co. Ld. 90-91 Bartholomew close and 22 and 24 Little Britain, London E.O.l, Haulage Contractor. Branches—Belfast: 17 Clarence st. Birmingham : 121-2 Snow hill. Bradford: 68 Leeds rd. Bristol: Oxford chbrs. St. Stephen st. Leeds: 72a, Wellington st. Leicester : 84 High st. Liverpool : 15 South Castle st. Manchester : 61 Bloom st. Sheffield : 55 Norfolk st
- Van Raden and Co. Ld. 567 Folesliill rd. Coventry, Accumulators, Ignition Coils, SMMT
- Vanadium Ld. 64 Victoria st. London S.W.l, Alloys Vanden Plas, England, 1917, Ld. Edgware rd. The Hyde, Hendon, London N.W.9, Coachbuilders, SWT
- Vandervell and Co. Ld. C.A'. Warpie Way, Acton Vale, London W.3, “ O.A.V.” Accessories, Accumulators, Lighting and Starting Sets, SMMT ,MTA—Manchester : 12 Victoria bldgs. St. Mary’s Gate. Birmingham: Stanhope st. Higher Broughton: Knoll st.
- Vandys Ld. 40 Albemarle st. Piccadilly, London W.I, Concessionnaires for "Ohiribiri” and “ S.P.A.” Motor Cars, " S.P.A.” Petrol Lorries, MTA
- Vanguard Cycle and Motor Co. Vanguard Wks. 3 Aubert pk. Highbury, London N.5, Motor Car and Motor Cycle Dealers
- Vanner and Prest, 1-2 Ohiswell st. London B.0.1, Metal Pnliah
- Varley and Gulliver, Chapman rd. Small Heath, Birmingham, “ V.G.” Wheel Discs
- Varty and Sons, N. Mill rd. Royston, Herts, RAC, AA, Dunlop
- Vaughan and Co. Ld. Edgar/Legge st. Birmingham, Oils
- Vectis Motor Works, 126-7 Church st. Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Repairs, Hire, MTA
- Velez and Co. H.-71 Whitworth st. Manchester, Motor Oar Exporters
- Veloce Ld. Victoria rd. Aston, Birmingham, Manufacturers of “ Velocette ” Motor Cycles
- Veloz Rubber Co. Ld. 12 Jackson’s row, Tyres, Clothing
- Venesta Ld. 1 Gt. Tower st. London E.0.3, Plywood, SMMT, SBAO
- Ventham and Sons, E. Bridge st. Leatherhead, MTA, RAO, AA, Goodrich, Spencer Moulton, Stepney
- Venton P. Union st. Melksham, Wilts, Motor Cycle Dealer,
- Venus Side Oar Co. 6-14 Gourley st.’South Tottenham, London N.I5, Side Oar Bodies
- Vernon H. Hasluok Green, Shirley, near Birmingham, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop
- Vernon George H. 39 Orchard st, Weston-super-Mare, Motor Cycle Dealer, MTA, AA
- Vernon and Co. Ld. Davenport, High st. High Wycombe, Benzole, OMUA, AA, Avon, Dunlop, Michelin
- Vernon Wright and Co. 280 High Holborn, London W.O.l, Factors, Pyrene
- Viaduct Motor Co. The, Broadheath, Manchester, Manufacturers of " Ayres Layland ” Motor Cycles
- Vick Brothers Old Ring Garage, Halimote rd. Aidershot, Steam Coal, OMUA, Avon, Dunlop
- Vickers Ld. Aviation Department, Vickers Ho. Broadway S.W.l and Imperial crt. BasU st. London S.W.3, Manufacturers of “Valentia,” "Vicking,” “Vickers Vimy ” and “Vigilant” Aeroplanes and Biplanes, SMMT, SBAO. Also at Naval Construction Wks. Barrow, Lancs—Diesel Engines, Balloons, Airships. Also at River Don Wrks. Sheffield—Drop Forgings, Steel. Associated with Vickers-Petters Ld. and S. E. Saunders Ld.
- Vickers and Sons Ld. Benjamin R. Boar lane, Leeds, Lubricants, Oils
- Vickers-Petters Ld. Ipswich and 117-123 Gt. Portland st. London W.I, Manufacturers of “ Vickers- Petters ” Semi-Diesel Engines
- Vickery G. Herbert, Bantry Motor Garage Co. rear of Vickery’s Hotel, Bantry, Repairs, MTA
- Vickery W. Ropley Motor Garage, Ropley, Hants, Motor Car Dealer, MT^ RAO, Dunlop
- Victor Motors (Eynsford) Ld. Eyrsford, Kent, Repairs Victoria Agency Ld. The, 51 Pall mall, London S.W.l, Aoce^ories
- Victoria Garage »fe Electrical Co. Ld.Queen Victoria rd. Coventry, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, RAC, Dunlop, Michelin
- Victoria Garage (New Brighton) Ld. 44106 Albion st. New Brighton, Cheshire, Repairs, Avon
- Victoria Motor Agency, 8 Canning Pl. mews,'Kensii^- ton gate, London W.8, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Avon, Spencer Moulton, Wood Milne
- Victoria Motor Works, Victoria rd, and Massetts rd. - Belmont rd. Horley; Surrey, Motor Car Dealers,, MTA, RAO, AA-, Avon, Michelin
- Victoria Motor Works (Godahning), Queen st Godahn- ing, Surrey, Motor Oar Dealers, MTA, AA, Dunlop Goodrich, DA
- Vidler and Co. G. 43 Crawford st. London W.I, Motor riciP OQ1 A
- VIGO MOTOR TRADING CORPORATION LD. 4 Vigo st. Regent st. London W.I, Concessionnaires for the American “ Singer ” and " Alsace ” Motor CarL See advertisement
- Villiers Engineering Co. The, Blakenhall, Wolverhampton, Manufacturers of “ Villiers ” Motor Cycle Engines
- Vince T. 42 High st. Shirley and 167 Portswood rd, Southampton, Accessories
- Vince and Co. T. 26 Falcon terr. Battersea, London S.W-ll, Plating and Enamelling
- Vincent W. J. 20 Woking st. Cardiff, MTA, Dunlop, Goodrich, Spencer Moulton, Wood Milne
- Vine and Lee, 23 Station rd. Portslade, Sussex, MTA, RAC, AA, ACU
- Viney and Co. Ld. H. Strand rd. Preston, Repairs, Ci^A—Liverpool: 44 Chapel st. Manchester : 35 Lees st. Ancoats
- Vining Ld. (1919) R.' W. 2a, Loftus rd. Shepherd’s Bush, London W.12, RAC
- Vinolia Co. Ld; 37 Upper Thames st. London E.C.4, - " Sprinko ” Motor Soap
- Vinot Cars Ld. 147-9 Gt. Portland st. W.I and IRedhill st. Albany st. London N.W.l, Concessionnaires for “ Vinot ” Motor Cars, SMMT, MTA
- Vivairte and Son, S. 2 Brazil st. Manchester, Motor Car Exporters
- Vowler W. The Garage, Park st. Torquay, Repairs, MTA, Dunlop, Michelin
- Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Ld. 67 King st. Manchester, Motor Insurance. Branches—London : 78 Queen Victoria st. B.C.4 and 39 Victoria st. Westminster S.W.l. Belfast: 4 Linenhall st. Birmingham: Cathedral chbrs. 10 Temple row.. Blackburn : 2 Law Crt. chbrs. Bradford: 9 Market st. Bristol: Oxford chbrs. St. Stephen’s st. Dublin: 1 Foster pl. College Green. Glasgow : 12 Renfield st. Ipswich : 16 Arcade st. Leeds: 16-7 Westminster. bldgs. Liverpool: 8 " 'bldgs. Lord st. Newcastle-on-Tyne: 54 Grey st. Nottingham: 6 Milton chbrs. Milton st. Sheffield : Town Hall chbrs. 87 Pargate. Stoke-on- Trent : Clarence chbrs. Wolfe st. Swahsea : Harbour bldgs. Adelaide st
- Vulcan Car Agency Ld. The, 166 Gt. Portland st. W.I and 20-2 King st. St. James’s, London S.W.l, Motor- Car Dealers, Avon
- Vulcan Engineering Co. (Whitehaven) Ld. 8-10 Albion st. Whitehaven, Cumb., Repairs, MTA., AA
- Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906) LD.’^ Crossens, Southport, Manufacturers of “ Vulcan” Motor Oars and Petrol Lorries, SMMT, MTA. Associated with Harper Bean Ld. Sales Organization for " Vulcan ” Motors, British Motor Trading Corporation Ld. See advertisement
- Vulcan Motors (Glasgow) Ld. 105 Vincent st. and 144 Buchanan st. Glasgow, Motor Car Dealers, MTA, Pyrene
- Vulcan Oil Co. (Leicester) Ld. Upper Brown st. Leicester, Lubricating Oils
- Vulco Manufacturing Co. 897 Wightman rd. and 2 Clarendon rd. Hornsey N.8 and 11 Victoria Wks. South rd. New Southgate, London N.ll, “Vulco” Accumulators
See Also
Sources of Information