1930 Industrial Britain: Tide Water Oil Co

Note: This is a sub-section of 1930 Industrial Britain
See also Tide Water Oil Co
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The last fifty years have seen the growth of the Tide Water Oil Company to its present huge dimensions, . . . . . . .
During these fifty years of production and manufacture, the Tide Water Oil Company has continually acquired additional plant, equipment and oil wells, which assure a constant supply of various "crudes" which by research and experiment have been established as best suited to specific purposes.
To-day, Tide Water manufactures some 330 different brands and grades of petroleum products, many of which are distributed in the major commercial centres in every section of the earth, and are solving the lubrication problems encountered in automotive, aviation, industrial and marine enterprises.
The Tide Water oil wells, over 6,800 in number, are located in some of the finest United States oilfields, and include extensive holdings in the Pennsylvania field, the acknowledged source of the world's finest lubricating oils. The Company owns and operates 1,200 miles of pipe lines, including one which runs for a distance of 833 miles from the Pennsylvania field to the Tide Water Refinery at Bayonne, one of the largest and most modern in the world. This region of giant Sills, filters, storage tanks, steam plants, power plants, chemical laboratories and physical laboratories covers an area of 162 acres, and is capable of topping and fully refining any type of crude to the extent of 70,000 barrels daily, and there are immense workshops manufacturing the hundreds of thousands of containers in which the many products are shipped.
Tide Water quality is maintained not only by selected base materials, but also by precision processing. From every operation and process of the Refinery a Steady stream of samples are tested by the main laboratories. By his system of constant supervision, together with the aid of the Research and Development Department, the operating departments run their equipment with absolute uniformity from the time the crude oil reaches the refinery until the 350 finished products are shipped.
"Veedol" Motor Oil, designed particularly for automotive and airplane lubrication, is one of the principal products manufa6tured by the Tide Water Oil Company. It is refined 100 per cent. from Pennsylvania and other paraffin base crudes. For several years, under all possible conditions, this oil has demonstrated its abilities to resift heat and friction, and always to provide a safeguarding "Film of Protection." To millions of motorists "Veedol" denotes the "Hall Mark' of lubrication.
From the motorist’s, engineer's and aviator's point of view, the organisation behind Tide Water's products is of the utmost importance. Having acquired the sources of the finest crudes available, and determined the treatment required to obtain from them products best suited to specific purposes, a continuous and uniform supply of those products is assured.
See Also
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