1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name L

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
LAFONE, Harold Carlisle, Editor of "The Autocar." B. 22 November 1879, Hatton, Middx. Ed.: Harrow; Trinity College, Cambridge. Car.: called to the Bar 1901; London Editor of " The Autocar," 1915; Editor 193o. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: motoring, motor boating, fishing.
LAING, John Preston, Sales Man. Spurling Motors, London. B. 2 November 1894. Ed.: Wigan Grammar School, Manchester University; Manchester School of Technology. Car.: Officer in charge of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Company during War; own garage in Torquay, Devon; rep. General Motors in Near East. Md.: 2 sons, x daughter. bit.: football, tennis, running. Pr.: A.: 14 Windermere Avenue, Wembley.
LAKEY, John, A.M.I.A.E., Chassis Insp., at G.P.O. B. 9 December 1896, Haverfordwest. Ed.: King Edward VIII School, Sheffield; Bradford Tech. College. Car.: 5 years Despatch Rider, R.E. Signals; 6 years Postal Fleet, Norwich; 5 years present post. Md. Pr. A.: 48 Crosby Road, Westcliff-on-Sea.
LALONDE, Cecil Willoughby, M.I.A.E. of Lalonde Bros. & Parham, Bristol and Weston-super-Mare. B. 20 June 1901, Weston-Super-Mare. Ed.: Merchant Venturers College; University Bristol; apprntcd Wolseley Motors, Birmingham. Car.: with Wolseley Motors; Foden Steam Lorries Sandbach. Md.: 1 son. Int. Rotary, Masonery, motoring, bridge. Pr. A.: 4o Bristol Road, Weston-Super-Mare, Tel.: Weston-Super-Mare 1416.
LAMB, James Charles, B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., M. S.A .E. , Man. Dir. Lamb's Garage, Ltd., Dundee. B. 19 July 1894, Dundee. Ed.: Dundee High School; St. Andrews University; graduated B.Sc. in engineering; awarded Royal Exhibition (1851) scholarship. Car.: with Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Stockport on Diesel Engines; subsequent positions with Austin Motor Co., and Perkins of Peterborough; during latter half of war served as Pilot in R.A.F.; commenced own business in 1920. Md. Int.; Char. Dundee Business Club; Vice-Pres. Dundee and East of Scotland Photographic Society; interested in other local bodies. Pr. A.: Strips of Craigie, Dundee. Tel.: 5502.
LAMB, J. Chas., Man. Dir. Irish Road Transport Co., Ltd., Portadown, N. Ireland; pro. J. C. Lamb, III Donegall Street, Belfast. B. 3 March 1900, Fruitfield Richhill, Co. Armagh. Ed.: Bootham School, York. Car.: 7 years in fruit preserving business; joined Irish Road Trans. Co. and became Man. Dir.; 1928 took over motor cycle and cycle business in Church Street, Belfast of late S. M. Adams and in 1929 transferred to Donegall Street. Md.: 2 sons. Int.; photography, golf, travel. Pr. A.: Melfort, Richhill, Co. Armagh. Tel.: Richhill 22.
LAMBERT, George Ewart, Man. Dir. W. & G. Lambert, Ltd., Thetford. B. 188o Thetford. Car.: formed the firm of W. & G. Lambert, Ltd. Md.: 3 children. Int. golf fishing, shooting Town Councillor. Pr. A.: The Planes Thetford. Tel.: I 7.
LAMBERT, Harold Charles, Pro., Lambert Motor Co., Kingston, Surrey. B. October 1877, Chelsea. Ed.: private school; apprentcd Simpsons, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Car.: entered motor trade in 1900, trading in own business to 1913; 1913 London Man., Crossley Motors, then Sales Man, to Crossley 1919, formed Lambert Motor Co. Md.; 2 children. Int. golf, shooting, antiques. Pr. A.: 87 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. Tel.: Kensington 1621.
LAMPERT, Albert, Chief Engineer, Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. B. 1891 Zurich, Switzerland. Ed.: Zurich; training theoretical and practical in Switzerland engines and general engineering. Car.: research engineering consultant in Switzerland; joined Saurers of Arbon; in charge of international trials for Saurer in India, Africa etc.; pioneered motor transport in African deserts; joined Saurer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., of England in 1921; became Tech. Consultant and Chief Eng. to Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles. Md.: i son. Int.: mathematical research, applied mechanics, golf, tennis, rifle shooting. Pr. A.: io Faber Gardens, Hendon, N.W. Tel.: Hendon 8019.
LANCASTER, Edward Henry, A.M.I.M.E., M.I.A.E., M.S.A.E., U.S.A., F.I.M.T., M.I.Mar.E., Man. Dir, of Harry Lancaster & Co., Ltd., proprietors and manufacturers of " Ecliptic " Double Seal Piston Rings and Consulting Engineers. B. 23 April 1876, Florence. Ed.: Castlebar Court, Ealing Private School; apprntcd. with Willan & Robinson, of Rugby, high speed steam engine mfrs. Car.: with Panhard Levassor, France, and Clement Co., France; 1900 was Consulting Engineer to the R.A.C.; Man. Dir. of the Clement Motor Co., London, and Gladiator Car Co., as well; Man. Dir. of Enfield Motor Co., Redditch; practised for several years after the War as Public Consulting Eng., then put on the market the Albert Car, with Gwynnes, Ltd., and for the last five years been present company. Md.: 4 daughters. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Finchley Road, N.W.3. Tel.: Business Mansion House 0470. (Late addition)
LANCHESTER, Frank, A.M.I.A.E., London Dir. Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd., now associated with Daimler Motor Co., Coventry. B. July 187o, Brighton, Sussex. Ed.: private school Brighton. Car.: early business life served with one of leading London Banks; 1892 joined brothers in gas engine industry in Birmingham; 1899 started with F. W. & G. H. Lanchester, Lanchester Motor Co., Birmingham; founder, Hon. Member and first Sec. of Midland Automobile Club, Birmingham, 1901; Hon. Tres. Motor Legislation Committee; British Delegate (and twice Pres.) 1912/34 to the Bureau Permanent Des Constructeurs D'Automobiles, Paris; Member since 1900 of R.A.C. and on Committee since 192o; Pres. S.M.M. & T. 1919/2o; Pres. Motor Trade Association 1931/34. Md.: 2 daughters. int.: golf. Pr. A.: Kenilworth Hall Hotel, Kenilworth, Warwicks.
LANCHESTER, George H, Tech. Advisor The Daimler Motor Co., & Lanchester Motor Co. B. 1874, Hove, Sussex. Ed.: privately; Clapham High School; The Midland Institute of Birmingham; apprntcd. Forward Gas Engine Co., Birmingham. Car.: Designer and Chief Draughtsman and subsequently Works Man. to Forward Gas Engine Co.; 1896 joined Dr. F. W. Lanchester as Assist. in experimental work developing Lanchester cars; Chief Engineer to Lanchester Motor Co., also Tech. Dir. Md.: son i daughter. Pr. A. Fulbrook Edge, Sherbourne Hill, nr. Warwick. Tel.: Barford 57.
LANDER, Charles, M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Motor and Transport Dept. Army and Navy Stores, Victoria Street, S.W. B. 10 January 1886, Newport, Mon. Ed.: Ludlow Commercial and Grammar Schools; Birmingham and Lincoln Technical Insts.; training with various engineering firms. Car.: 1906/16 with motor car and motor bus manfg. and maintenance firms. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: motoring, small yacht sailing. Pr. A.: " Belmont;" Chester Avenue, King's Road, Richmond, Surrey. Tel.: Victoria 8500.
LANDSTAD, Hans. Production Man. and Dir. Morris Motors, Cowley, Oxford. B. 20 May i88o, Haa, Jaeren, Norway. Ed.: Hamar, Norway; Kristiania Technical College, Oslo, Norway; Hortens Tech. College; Horten, Norway; Treider Commercial College, Oslo. Car.: worked at Akers Shipbuilding yard, Oslo; Nylands Shipbuilding Yard, Oslo; Thames Iron Works, London; and British Westinghouse, Trafford Park; Draughtsman with British Linotype, Broadheath 19o3/5 with White &. Poppe, Coventry 1905/14 with Continental Motor Mnfg. Co., Detroit 1914/15; Works Man. Morris Motors, Cowley 1915/26; Gen. Works Man. and Dir. 1916/33; Production Man. and Dir. 1933. Md.; z daughters. Int. winter sports, sailing, owner of 20 ton cutter, Jaerbuen II. Pr. A.: Eidsvoll, Boars Hill, Oxford. Tel.: Boars Hill II.
LATHAM, Charles, F.I.S.A., F.L.A.A., F.I.M.T., Dir. and Acct., Automobile Trades Guardian Association, Ltd., London. B. 26 December 1888. Norwich. Ed.: Norwich. Car.: as professional accountant; Fellow of The London Association of Certified Accountants and of the Incorporated Secretaries Association; short period in the Accounts Dept. of Railway Company; accountant with the Continental Tyre and Rubber Company; Man, to 0. Sunderland & Co., and later Part. and now sole Part. of G. Latham and Co., Md.: i son, 3 daughters. Int.: golf, walking, public work; Councillor of the L.C.C. and Alderman of the Hendon Borough Council; Justice of the Peace for the County of London; Chr. Finance Committee L.C.C. Pr. A.: 3o Sunney Gardens, Hendon, N.W.4. Tel.: Hendon 1289.
LAURENCE, William, M.I.M.T., Dir. and Sec. Chas. Baker & Co., of Tonbridge, Ltd., Tonbridge, Kent. B. 18 November 1886, Maidstone, Kent. Ed.: Elstow School, Bedford; Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering; apprntcd. to Peterborough Autocar Co., Car.: with W. & G. Du Cros Ltd.; Man. T. Goodhew, Ltd., Sittingboume; served with R.A.S.C. during war; Man. Faversham Motor and Engineering Works. Md. Int. wireless, model engineering, motoring, foreign travel. Pr. A.: Tobermory, Tonbridge, Kent. Tel.: Tonbridge 379.
LAWSON, Herbert, Sales Man. Trinity Garage Co., Ltd., Halifax. B. 17 May 1900 York. Ed.: York; Bradford; Leicester; training with solicitors and Wm. Asquith Ltd., Halifax. Car.: in garage business with present firm since 1916. Md.: daughter. Int.: motoring, gardening, local sec. M.A.A. Pr. A.: 18 Prospect Avenue, Halifax. Tel.: Halifax 3701.
LAWSON, John Plenderleith, M.I.M.T. Man. Bruce Limdsay Bros, Ltd., Leith, Scotland. B. 20 October 1891, Edinburgh. Ed.: George Watsons College, Edinburgh; Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh. Car.: Motor Eng. Medallist, First Prizeman metal working; 4 years in R.A.F. Widower: daughter. Int.: motoring, flying, motor-boating, golf. Pr. A.: 28 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh. Tel.: 41649.
LAWTON, Thomas, Governing Dir. J. A. Lawton & Co., Ltd., 4o Hope Street, Liverpool. B. 19 May 1859, Liverpool. Ed.: Liverpool; trained coachbuilder. Car.: 62 years with J . A. Lawton & Co., Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, golf. Pr. A. 14 Mannering Road, Liverpool. Tel.: Royal 1250.
LAWTON-GOODMAN, Joseph Alfred, Dir. Lawton-Goodman, Ltd., London. B. 17 November 1891, Liverpool. Ed.: Bradfield; apprntcd. to Labourdette (famous French coachbuilder of 183, Rue de la Pompe, Paris) 1907-1913. Car.: Dir. of Lawton-Goodman, Ltd.; British member jury Coachwork Competition Holland 193o. Int.: travel. Pr. A.: Slade House, Cricklewood, N.W.2. Tel.: Gladstone 2226.
LEA, Edward, F.I.M.T., Man., Manchester Depot, Daimler Co. B. 189o, Tamworth, Staffs. Ed.: pri-vately; Tamworth Grammar School; apprntcd. 3 years, H. Chambers & Co., Car.: with Components, Ltd., Birmingham; Thompson and Southwick, Ltd.; Daimler Co., Assist. Depot Man., 1911 to 1914; war service 1914 to 1919; Daimler Depot Man., 1919 to date. Md.: 1 daughter. Int. golf, gardening, motoring. Pr. A.: Tintagel, Thorley Lane, Timperley, Cheshire. Tel.: Althincham 2048.
LEA, Samuel Thomas, Pro. Commercial Motors Disposal Co., London. B. 21 September 1872, Saltley, Birmingham. Ed.: St. Pauls School, Birmingham. Car.: in 1886 with Wm. Cook, Porchester Works, Birmingham; 1889 Davies Bros. & Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton; 1891/2 at sea in sailing ship; 1892/3 L. & N.W. Ry. clerk; 1893/8 traveller for various firms, including E.I.C. Plugs & Electric & Ordnance Accessories Co.; bought first car 6 h.p. De Dion in 1903/4 1907 traveller N. of England for Argyll Motors; 1908/12 Clement Talbot, Sales Man.; 1912/19 Man. Bayard Cars, Ltd., Gt. Portland Street; 1919 Gen. Man. Vulcan Car Agency, Ltd.; 1920/21 Gen. Man. and Dir. C. B. Wardman & Co., Ltd.; 1922 Man. Dir. C. B. Wardman & Co., Ltd.; 1922/26 Joint Man. Dir. Lea & Francis, Ltd.; 1926/29 S. T. Lea, iv New Bond Street, W. Md. Int.: golf, snooker. Pr. A.: 342 Dollis Hill Lane, N.W. Tel.: Gladstone 2468.
LEAK, V. Beresford, M.I.M.T. Gen. Man. Tankard & Smith, Ltd., Tottenham, N. B. 1896, Folkstone. Ed.: Brighton Grammar School. Car. training A. Lambourne, Old Mill Works, Brighton.
LEE, William, Tech. Dir. Silvertown Lubricants Ltd. B. 1873, Sunderland. Ed.: Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Chemical and Physical training; Medallist, South Kensington. Car.: 1898/1902 Chief Chemist, Mineral Oils Corpn., Silvertown; 1902/1907, Works Man. and Dir. J. M. Beckett & Son, Manchester; 1907 Chemist and Dir. at present firm. Md.: 2 sons. Pr. A.: Minoco Wharf House, Silvertown, E. Tel.: Albert Dock 1897.
LEES, Joseph Henry Douglas, Assist. Editor Motor Commerce and Automobile Electricity. B. 14 October 1893, Radcliffe-on-Trent. Ed.: Lindisfarne College, Westcliff; Clarke's College; British School of Telegraphy. Car.: with Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co.; wireless operator R.M.S.P. and P. 0. Lines 1912 to 1914; war service, warrant telegraphist R.N.R. 1914/19. Int.: music, chess, contract bridge. Pr. A.: 48 Gloucester Gardens, W.2.
LEGGE, Francis Augustus, A.M. Inst., C.E., pro. Legge & Co., Shrewsbury. B. 2 January 1880, London. Ed.: Charterhouse; King's College, London. Car.: io years asst. engineer Southwark & Vauxhall Water Co., and Met. Water Board; Since then in motor trade, except during war period 1916/19. Md. 1 son, I daughter. Int.: golf, travelling, boating. Pr. A.: 35 Castle Street, Shrewsbury. Tel.: Shresbury 2044.
LETTS, Donald Norman, Par. Charles Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge Buildings, S.E. B. 4 April 1903, Sutton, Surrey. Ed.: Tonbridge. Md. Int.: motoring, shooting, skat ing, ski-ing, squash. Pr. A.: Pinewood, Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Tel.: Dorking 474.
LETTS, Sir William Malesbury. K.B.E., cr. 1922; C.B.E., 1918; High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 1922 , Director of Carbic, Ltd. B. 26 February 1873. Son of William E. Letts. Md.: 1901, Edith Annie, d. of late William Pearson, Mexborough, Yorks. Was associated with the early 1894 motoring companies, founded the firm of Jarrott & Letts, Ltd., in 1903, and introduced U.S.A. cars to England, 1900; supplied motor transport and aeroplanes to British Govt. during the Great War, and built No. 3 National Aeroplane Factory at Heaton Chapel, nr. Manchester; President S.M.M. & T., 1925-26. Int.: Golf, shooting. Pr. A.: Eryl Fryn, Llandudno, North Wales. Tel.: Penrhynside 3912o. Clubs: R.A C.
LEVY, Louis, A . M. I . B. E . , Man . Dir . , Levy's, (King's Cross) Ltd., York Road, King's Cross, N. B. 21 September 1900, London. Ed.: L.V.C. Schools, apprnctd. King's Cross Motor Supply Stores. Car.: Engine Instructor. R.A.F. Halton 1918/19 Assist. Man., The Mount Pleasant Motor Co., Margaret Street, W.C. Md.: 2 children. Pr. A.: " Sylvalee" 52, Townsend Avenue, Southgate, N. Tel.: Palmers Green 395o.
LEWIS, Herbert Henry, A.M.I.A.E., M.I.M.T., part. Lewis & Foster, Market Street, Watford. B. 6 September 1895, Rothwell, nr. Leeds. Ed.: Leeds Cockburn School; Leeds Central Technical School; Leeds University; apprntcd. Kitson & Co., Leeds. Car.: drawing office Pelapone Engine Co., Leeds, and Kershaw & Son, Leeds; During war served in R.A.S.C. Man Motor Cycle Dept. G. Jones & Sons, Ricksmanworth. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: motor cycling, motoring, flying. Pr. A.: " Roundhay," Watford Road, Croxley Green, Herts. Tel.: Watford 2186.
LEWIS, Sidney William, Dir. Boyce Motor Accessories, Ltd., Man. Dir. S. W. Lewis & Co., Ltd., Dir. Nivex Gauge & Instrument Co., Ltd. B. 24 Nov. 1883 London. Ed.: City of London School; training in ball bearings manufacture in Germany and France. Md.: 1 son. Int.: hunting, cricket, ski-ing in Switzerland, golf. Pr. A.: R.A.C. and 72 West Hill Road, Putney, S.W. Tel.: Putney 4000 and North 2483.
LEWIS, The Hon. Brian Edmund, Man. Dir. Brian Lewis & Co., Ltd., 3o, Conduit Street, W. B. 7 December 1903, London. Ed.: Malvern; Pembroke College, Cambridge; commercial training. Car.: 3 years in shipping, then motor trade; first in England to start a business dealing entirely with sale of aircraft. Int.: golf, motor racing, flying. Pr. A.: II Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. Tel.: Grosvenor 272o.
LEWIS, William Herbert, Joint Man., Dir. Windmill & Lewis, Ltd., Bristol. B. 21 July 1876, Bristol. Ed.: Henbury, Bristol; Merchant Venturers Technical College, Bristol. Car.: through Great Western Railway Shops; started business on own account as cycle builder in 1899; Windmill & Lewis, Ltd., formed in 1912. Md.: 2 sons.: golf. Pr. A.: io Saville Place, Clifton, Bristol. Tel: Bristol 33021.
LIDSEY, Arthur James, A.M.I.A.E., Assist. to Chief Draughtsman, Rolls-Royce, Ltd. B. 24 September 1900. Moreton-in-Marsh. Ed.: Oundle School apprntcd. at L.M.S., Derby, C.M.E. Dept. Car.: with Rolls Royce, Ltd. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: Fairfield, Norwood Avenue, Derby.
LITTLEFORD, Bernard Pembridge, Pro. B. P. Littleford, Darlington Street and Albany Road Garage, Wolverhampton. B. 1892, Acocks Green. Ed.: Cirencester Grammar School, Cirencester. Car.: 15 years with Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Wolverhampton; commenced own business November 1925. Md.: i son. Int.: Wolverhampton Motor Club, golf, swimming, tennis. Pr. A.: 44 Albany Road, Wolverhampton. Tel.: 20467.
LLEWELLYN, Col. Robert G., O.B.E., M.C., J.P., Man. Dir. C. K. Andrews, Ltd., Swansea; Man. Dir. C. K. Andrews (Cardiff), Ltd., Cardiff. B. 1893, Baglan, nr. Briton Ferry, Glamorgan. Ed.: Royal Naval Col leges, Osborne and Dartmouth; general and engineering training. Car.: Royal Navy; part. Turner & Co., Cardiff; war service, Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Command. 53rd Divisional Signals 1920 to 1929; Deputy Chief Signal Officer Western Command 1928 to date; President British Legion (Neath Branch); chr. Conservative Association Neath Division; sec. Incorporated Soldiers & Sailors Help Society; Assist. Commissioner Rover Scouts, South Wales; Man. Dir. Neath & Cardiff Luxury Coaches, Ltd.; Dir. Welsh Motor Factors, Ltd.; Dir. S. Wales Petroleum Co., Ltd. Md.: 2 children. Int.: racing, shooting, fishing, hunting, squash rackets, tennis, business, politics and public work. Pr. A.: Waunleirch House, Neath; Tel.: Neath 145. Clubs: United Services, R.A.C., Swansea and Counties, Royal Motor Yacht.
LOCK, Archibald Charles, M.I.E.E., dynamo engineer, Simms Motor Units, Ltd. B.: 24 Jan. 1884, London. Ed.: Finsbury Tech. College. Car.: British Westinghouse Drawing Office; Asst. Designer, Johnson & Phillips; Demonstrator Finsbury Tech. College; Lecturer at Wimbledon College and at Tottenham Polytechnic; Designer of electrical equipment with Trier & Martin and with Smith & Sons, Ltd., of Cricklewood; joined Simms Motor Units in 1929. Md.: 1 son. Int.: tennis, motoring, research work. Pr. A. 3o Dulwich Common, Dulwich, S.E.
LOCK, Thomas Stephen, Dir. Lock & Stagg, Ltd., Ipswich. B 28 Apri 1884, Instow, N. Devon. Ed.: Ply mouth, Devon; apprntcd. marine engi neering 1900 to 1903. Car.: entered motor engineering with Alldays & Onions, Birmingham, as test and trial driver; test driver with Simms Bosch, at Kilbun. Md.: 3 children. Int.: yachting. Pr. A.: 5o Anglesea Road, Ipswich.. Tel.: Ipswich 2375.
LOFTHOUSE, Herbert J., Dir. at G. W. Moore, Ltd., Scarborough. B. 20 November, 1876, Scarborough. Ed.: Scarborough and York. Car.: tech. & commercial training with G. W. Moore; became cycle salesman and assist., in shop; Man., and appointed Dir., 1910. Md.: 2 sons, i daughter. Int.: motor trade generally; Chr. Scarboro' Section M.T.A. & M.A.A., North Riding Section I.M.T., Member Scarboro' Forty Club; Member of Council of Chamber of Trade, at present Chr. Pr. A.: 34 Elmville Avenue, Scarborough. Tel.: Scarborough 464.
LOMAS, Aubrey, F.I.M.T., Dir. and Sales Man. (Ambulance Section) Herbert Lomas, Ltd., Manchester. B.: 1895, Manchester. Ed.: North Manchester Secondary School; Manchester Technical School. Car.: with Gen. Electric Co., Manchester; Siemens Bros., Woolwich; Royal Engineers. Md.: 1 child. Int.: cricket, golf, St. John Ambulance work. Pr. A.: Vale Cottage, Clarke Lane, Tytherington, nr. Macclesfield. Tel.: City 5672.
LOMAX, Charles Morton, F.S.A.A., Chr. & Man. Dir. Chrysler Motors, Ltd., & Dodge (Britain), Ltd., Kew, Surrey. B. 13 August 1876, Torquay, Devon. Ed.: St. Stephens College, Walthamstow; Salway House, Leyton. Car.: Fellow of the Society of Accountants and Auditors; 16 years with firm of Chartered Accountants; commenced practice in 1908; joined Board of Chrysler Motors as Dir. and Treas., 1919; appt. Man. Dir., Chrysler & Dodge 1928. Md. Int.: golf, miniature rifle shooting. Pr. A. " Theldred," Berwyn Road, Richmond, Surrey. Tel.: Prospect 467o.
LONGMAN, Sydney Ernest. Pro. S. E. Longman & Co., Great Portland Street, W. B. April 1888. Ed.: public school; trained at Polytechnic; apprntcd. D. Napiers & Son 1905. Car.: in business for himself 1914; motor cycle and car racing and trials for a number of years. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Fair Oak, Portsmouth Road, Esher. Tel.: Esher 1082.
LOTTIMER, Alexander Adam, A.M.I.A.E., Works Man. H. Prosser & Sons, 113 St. George's Road, Glas gow. B. 28 September 1881, Pollokshields, Glasgow. Ed.: Collegiate School, Glasgow; apprntcd. 5 years with Dub & Co., Polmadie; 2i- years with Claud Hamilton, Ltd.; Glasgow Technical College. Car.: 411 years with Rennie & Prosser; since then present position. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, gardening, experimental science. Pr. A.: "The Croft," Roddinghead Road, Whitecraigs, Giffnock, Glasgow. Tel.: Giffnock 392.
LOUGHBOROUGH, Thomas Wynn, A.M.I.A.E., Sec. Auto Cycle Union and Sec. General Federation Internationale des Clubs Motocyclistes. B. 24 November 1877, London. Ed.: Marlborough; King's College, London; apprntcd. Maudslay, Sons & Field. Car.: promoted Capt. for services in South African war; with J. I. Thornycroft & Co.; Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd.; and London General Omnibus Co.; various Military, Police and other appointments during War; retired as Hon. Major. Md.: 4 sons, 2 daughters. Int.: motoring, travelling, various handicrafts. Pr. A.: Mill House, Chelsham, Surrey.
LOW, Archibald Montgomery, A.C.G.I., M.I.A.E., F.C.S., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Chic.), F.I.P.I., F.R.A., F.R.G.S., F.G.S. (U.S.A.). B. 1888. Ed.: St. Paul's School; Skerry's College, Glasgow; Central Technical College, S. Kensington. Car.: founded Low Accessories Co.; designed electrical ignition appliances 1910; demonstrated radio signalling, London, 1913; lectured 1914 on Television; during War, O.C. of R.F.C. Experimental Works; Major R.A.F. and Lt.-Comm R.N.V.R.; inventor wireless torpedo control gear, photo and handwriting transmitters by radio, oscillographic manograph electrical extensometer, colloidal mill, acetylene generator, vibrometer, audiometer for sound recording, coal fuel engine; Vice-Pres. & Chr. Tech. Committee Inst. Patentees; Vice-Pres. B.M.C.R.C.; Vice-Pres. A.C.U.; formerly Vice-Pres. Radio Assoc.; Chr. Junior Car Club; Dir. Wireless League; Hon. Asst. Prof. Physics Royal Artillery Coll; Chr. R.A.C. Motor Cycle Committee; author of many publications on motor engineering, photography, wireless, cinematograph, television, scientific and original research. Md.: 1911, 2 sons. Int.: encouragement of original research. Pr. A. The Yews, London, W. Tel.: Chiswick 2162. LOW, Arthur Joseph, M.I.M.T., Pro. Pass & Co., Newbury. B. 24 February 1893, London. Ed.: Russell Hill, Purley; articles as architect and surveyor. Car.: entered motor trade 1913: Army 1914/18, Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine; joined Pass & Co. as Man. 1919; control 1931. Md. Int.: tennis, sailing. Pr. A.: Hatfield House, West Street, Newbury. Tel: Newbury 319.
LOW, James Graham Chabot, B. 27 October 1910, London. Ed.: Wellington College, Berks; Queen's College, Oxford. Car.: with Lanchester Motor Co. 193o to 1931; Royal Tank Corps Schools and R.A.S.C, Training Centre; 2nd Lt. Royal Tank Corps (Supplementary Reserve) 1930; Royal Ulster Rifles 1931; transferred R.A.S.C. 1933. Int.: motor racing, golf, photography. Pr. A.: c/o National Bank of Scotland Ltd., 18/20, Regent Street, W.I.
LOWE, Alexander McLeay, A.M.I.A.E., pro. Lowes Service Garage, Musselburgh, Scotland. B. 6 May 1901, Musselburgh. Ed.: Musselburgh Grammar School. Car.: Assoc. Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh; Diploma in Electric Engineering; with Bruce Peebles & Co., Edinburgh, Dick Kerr & Co., Preston; started own business 1925. Md. Int.: motor boats, home cines, radio. Pr. A.: " Belleville,' Dalrymple Loan, Musselburgh, N.B. Tel.: 225.
LOWTHER, Frank, Man. Dir. Edmunds, Walker & Co., Ltd., Newman Street, London. B. 21 September 1888, Southport, Lancs. Ed.: Southport Grammar School; Christchurch School. Car.: early life in father's garage business; during War with Aeronautical Inspection Department; with Austin Motors, Vulcan Motors, Beardmores, Ltd., National Aircraft Factory, Crossley Motors; joined Edmunds, Walker May 1919. Md. Int.: golf, motoring, cruising. Pr. A.: "Balholm," Raleigh Close, Hendon. Tel.: Hendon 1767.
LUCAS, Frederick, M.I.M.E., I.P.E., O.B.E., Dir. National Car Parks, Ltd., National Amusements, Ltd., National Road Club, Ltd., part. in Woolfe & Lucas. B. Bromley, Kent. Ed.: Tonbridge College. Car. with Merryweathers; Goldsmiths and Silversmiths College; 1914 to 1919 R.N.A.S., demobbed as Lt.-Col.; Chevalier of Order St. Michael and St. Lazarus; 1918 to 1919 Airship adviser to the U.S.A. Government. Int.: motoring, greyhound racing, yachting. Pr. A.: 6 Denman Street, W. Tel.: Gerrard 5000.
LUCAS, George William, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir., Perrin's Motor Garages (Soton), Ltd., Southampton. B. 29 March 1896, London. Ed.: privately; apprentcd. D. Kennedy, Croydon. Car.: with Clement Talbot, W.R.M. Motors, Ltd. (now Morris Motors), Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Mann, Egerton Co., Norwich; War service 1914 to 1918, R.N.A.S.; started present business 1920; ex-Pres. M.A.A. Md.: 2 boys, 2 girls. hit.: Rugby football (played for Navy, United Services and R.A.F.). golf, tennis. Pr. A.: Nashdom, Chilworth Road, Bassett, Southampton. Tel: Bassett 128.
LUCAS, Oliver, M.I.A.E., Joint Man. Dir. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Gt. King Street, Birmingham 19, and its subsidiaries Rotax, Ltd., C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd. Tel.: Northern 5201.
LUFF, Herbert Wilfred, Dir. and Gen. Man. Lookers, Ltd., Hardman Street, Deansgate, Manchester. B. 2 November 1886, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Ed.: Clarence School, Weston-super-Mare; articled C. R. Morris Sons & Peard, Somerset, land agents and valuers; in Government Valuation Dept.; sales Man. with London firm of car distributors; joined Lookers October 1923. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: hunting, shooting, tennis. Pr. A.:" Otterwood," Buxton. Tel: Buxton 661.
See Also
Sources of Information