1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name N

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
NASH, Edward, Man. Dir. E. Nash & Co., Ltd., Harrogate. B. 13 July 1883, Terrington, Yorks. Ed.: Terrington; apprntcd. electrical and general engineering with George Harrison & Co., Ripon. Car.: 1905 with Johnson's Motor Works, Harrogate, as mechanic, subsequently foreman and Gen. Man.; designed and equipped factories at Harrogate and Middlesbrough for Munition work during the war; First Pres. Harrogate Motor Trade Association. Md.: 2 sons, daughter. Int.: shooting, golf. Pr. A.: Garage House, Springfield Avenue, Harrogate. Tel.: Harrogate 3056.
NAYLOR, George Royce, Dir. Naylor & Root, Ltd., Clapham Junction, S.W. B. 4 December 1889, Longham, Norfolk. Ed.: Bedford School; commercial training. Car.: with Northcliffe Press 1907/12; branch Man. 1912/15; war service M. Transport 1915/20; founder of present business 1920. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: tennis, motoring. Pr. A.: " Romakina," Hilicroft Avenue, Purley. Tel.: Purley 2707 and Battersea 5272.
NAYLOR, John T., A.M.I.A.E., Designer and Drawing Office Superintendent Leyland Motors, Ltd., Kingston-on-Thames. B. 10 January 1891, Bradford. Ed.: Hanson Memorial School, Bradford; City of Bradford Technical College. Car.: 1909/12 with Bradford Gas Engine Co.; Central Garage Co., Bradford; Scott Engineering Co., Bradford, 1912/30; and then Leyland Motors to date. Md. Int.: art, music. Pr. A.: II Fernhill Gardens, Kingston-onThames, Surrey.
NEALE, Arthur, Man. Dir. International Harvester Co. of Gt. Britain, Ltd., London. B. 1877, Reading. Ed.: Reading. Car.: from Junior Clerk to Managing Director. Md. Int.: golf, social. Pr. A.: " Sundridge," Woodfield Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey. Tel.: Downland 499.
NEWBIGGING, James Smith. Pro. Hawick Motor Repair Works, Hawick. B. 1885, Carstairs, Lanarkshire. Ed.: Carstairs. Car.: apprntcd. to steam and in various garages and five years Albion Motor Works. Md.: 1 son, I daughter. Int.: all sport. Pr. A.: Heatherlea, Hawick. Tel.: Hawick 135.
NEWCOMBE, Harold Kenzie, Dir. S.T.D. Motors and subsidiaries. B. 31 August 1884, Manitoba, Canada. Ed.: Westbourne, Manitoba, Canada. Car.: banking from 1902 to 1914; seconded from Canadian Forces 1917 to Dunster force operating in North Persia and Russia till August 1918; then to February 1919 Financial Adviser to the North Persia Forces; February 1919 to early 1921 British Treasury representative in the Trans Caucasus. Int.: finance and company reconstruction work. Pr. A.: 63b, South Audley Street, W.' and Capel House, New Broad Street, E.C:2.
NEWMAN, Charles Percy, Dir. S. Smith & Sons (M.A.), Ltd., Cricklewood, London. Pr. A.: The Knoll, Amberley, Glos.
NEWMAN, George, Pro. George Newman & Co., Euston Road, N.W. B. 21 September 1888, London. Ed.: Westminster City School; Askes Haberdashers' School. Car.: with H. L. Stephens, Kings Cross; Napiers, Acton; Government Balloon Factory, Aldershot; Government Aircraft Factory, Aldershot; J. Keel & Co., Bond Street, W.; Sir Charles Friswells, Ltd., Albany Street; The Car Mart, Ltd.; established George Newman & Co., 1914. Md. Int.: motor racing, golf, polo, hunting, motor boat racing, yachting, swimming. Pr. A.: 22 Mount Row, Carloss Place, Grosvenor Square. Tel.: Mayfair 3280.
NEWNHAM, Maurice Ashdown, Man. Par. Newnham Motor Co.; Man. Dir. Newnhams, Ltd. and Newnhams Hire Purchase, Ltd. B. 31 August 1897, Kensington. Ed.: Latymer School, Hammersmith. Car.: enlisted in R.F.C. 1915; subsequently took pilots certificate and commission; served three years in France and Belgium with R.F.C. and R.A.F.; awarded Distinguished Flying Cross and Croix de Guerre with Palms—rank of Captain and Flight Commander; rejoined his father's firm, the Newnham Motor Co.; joined R.A.F. Reserve of Officers 1921 and served until 193o; Loriner and Freeman of City of London; elected F.I.M.T. 1932; Chr. Car Distributors Section M.T.A.; past Chr. Metropolitan Division, M.A.A.; member M.A.A. Management and Finance; member M.T.A. Management and Finance; Benevolent Fund Executive Committee. Md. Int.: travelling, golf, gardening, sea fishing, writing, studying. Pr. A.: " Oakdene," Christchurch Road, East Sheen, London, S.W. Tel.: Prospect 4634.
NEWTON, John Chr. Newton & Bennett, Ltd., Manchester & London. B. 20 Nov. 1869, Eccles, Manchester. Ed.: Eccles, Manchester. Car.: commenced business on own account 1893, in the cycle trade in Manchester; 1898 entered motor trade and was the first motor trader in Manchester; first to take out a private car registration in Manchester, N. 1, which is still in use on own car; also to take out the first 1 o trade plates issued in Manchester; Past Chr. Manchester Centre, S.M.M. & T., 1912; holder of No. r membership card in the Benevolent Fund and Past Pres. Manchester Centre (1920) in 1905; joined with Ceirano, and founded the S.C.A.T. Co. in Turin, placing the S.C.A.T. and Nazarro chassis on British market; in 1911 bought factory in Turin and produced the 12 h.p. Newton car, placing it on British and European markets; established the English Saturday afternoon holiday for employees in Italian auto. workshops; owing to breakdown in health during the war was prevented from continuing manufacture of the Newton car. Widower: 2 sons, 1 daughter. Int.: Cricket, golf, shooting, racing. Pr. A.: Villa Rosa, Marine Drive, Rhos-on-Sea, North Wales. Tel.: Colwyn Bay 4315.
NEWTON, Noel Banner, Dir. Newton & Bennett, Ltd., Manchester & London. B. 22 February 1902, Sale, Cheshire. Ed.: The Craig, Windermere and Oundle; Manchester College of Technology. Car.: with Metropolitan Vickers and Fabbrica Ceirano Automobile Tornio, of Italy; inventor and patentee of the Newton shock absorber, Newton centrifugal clutch, independent suspension, etc. Int.: golf, cricket, shooting. Pr. A.: 42 Agnes Road, Acton, W. Tel.: Shepherd's Bush 2372.
NICHOLS, Charles William, Dir. S. Smith & Son (M.A.), Ltd.; Dir. K.L.G. Plugs, Ltd. B. 1884, Ipswich. Ed.: St. Matthews. Car.: joined Smith & Son in 1901 before speedometer days, as stock-keeper; elected to the board in 1914 when the firm became a public company. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: racing; Clubs— Sandown, Kempton, Hurst Park, Newbury, Lngfield Park, Windsor, Gatwick, Alexander Park, Coventry and County, and R.A.C. Pr. A.: 48 Marryat Road, Wimbledon Common, London. Tel.: Wimbledon 4955.
NICHOLLS, William Ernest, Chr. Nichols & Sons, Ltd., St. Mary's Square, Bedford. B. 26 December 1888, Bedford. Ed.: Bedford Modern School; Bedford Technical Institute; apprntcd. as coachbuilder, wheelwright and engineer for 9 years; in partnership in 1911 and commenced retailing motors as agent for Briton Motor Co.; rep. Siddeley and Daimler cars and Thornycroft commercial vehicles for several years. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: motors and motoring, occasionally shooting and bowls. Pr. A.: St. Mary's Square, Bedford. Tel.: Bedford 2019.
NICHOLSON, Henry Ernest, Man. Dir. H. E. Nicholson & Co., Ltd., Conisborough Yorkshire. B. February 1879, Doncaster. Ed.: Doncaster Grammar School; Doncaster Art School; apprntcd. Great Northern Plant Works, Doncaster. Car.: shipbuilding at Glasgow: as fitter in garage; managed garage for 20 years. Md. Int.: golf.
NICHOLSON, Thomas M., A.M.I.A.E., of T. M. Nicholson, Campbell Street, Hull. B. 20 July 1883, Hull. Ed.: School Board; Hull Technical College. Car.: 1 o years' marine engineering (B.O.T. Certificate); 25 years in business on own account (excepting 3 years' war service); A.M.I.A.E. in 192o. Md.: 4 sons, 1 daughter. Pr. A.: 4o Arlington Street, Hull. Tel.: 33866.
NOBLE, Alfred, F.I.M.T., chief engineer, Colmore Depot, Bordersley Green, Birmingham 9. 1. 5 March 1882, Coventry. Ed.: Bablake School, Coventry; apprntcd. toolmaker, Alfred Herberts, Ltd., Coventry Car.: 1909, to 1923 Works Man., Sales Man., General Man. A.C. Cars, Ltd., Thames Ditton. Widower: 2 sons. Int.: motor racing rock gardening. Pr. A.: Holmoor Croft, Yardley, Birmingham. Tel.: Stechford 2765.
NOBLE, Dudley Henry, Publicity Adviser, Humber, Hillman, Commer Companies and Rootes, Ltd. B. 31 October 1892, London. Ed.: Bruges, Belgium; City of London School. Car.: joined Rover Co., Coventry 1911 on motor cycle side; 1914, enlisted in R.A.S C. and served in France; 1919 rejoined Rover Co.; 192o, with Temple Press, Ltd.; 1923 rejoined Rover Co.; 1930, joined Humber Co., Ltd. Widower: 1 son. /rt. motoring photography.
NOBLE, Major Frank, M.C., Sec. Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd.; Sec. and Dir. Citex Oil Wharves, Ltd. B. 8 October 1892, London. Ed.: Surrey College. Car.: sec. of public companies since 1920; General Man. and Sec. Service Station Co. 1929 to 1932; war service 1914 to 192o; mentioned in despatches; awarded Military Cross in 1918. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: cricket, all forms of sport; member of Surrey County C.C.; Serving Territorial Officer, 2nd in Command Finsbury Rifles. Pr. A.: " Queensmeade ", Bassett Gardens, Osterley Park, Middlesex. Tel.: Hounslow 2097.
NOBLE, G. P. Harvey, Dir. of Hampton Chrome Plating Works, Brighton and other businesses. B. 25 Nov. 191o, Warboys, Huntingdonshire. Ed.: The School, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire; Technical College, Brighton. Car.: Pro. of Hampton Chrome Plating Works; Sales Man. Alec Baker & Co., Hove; pro. " Lightning " speedboats, Sandown and Littlehampton. _int.: motor racing, horse riding. Pr. A.: 41 Pembroke Crescent, Hove, Sussex. Tel.: Hove 4817.
NOBLETT, Frank Thomas, Asst. Sales Man. Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., Kew. B. 15 November 1888, Highgate, London. Ed.: Alexandra Orphanage. Car.: 22 years in motor business; joined Commer Cars, Luton in 1911; 1916, 1919 on staff of R.A.S.C. (M.T.): 192o to 1926, Maxwell Motors, Ltd.; 1927 to 1928, Studebaker-Erskine Co., Asst. Sales Man.; 1929, Chrysler Motors (De Soto division). Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: gardening. Pr. A.: 88 Herbert Gardens, London, N.W. Tel.: Willesden 2017.
NORMAN, Douglas Campbell, Man. Dir. Woodcote Motor Co., Ltd., Epsom and Ashtead, and Farm Garage, Ltd., Epsom. B. May 1887, Epsom. Ed.: Epsom. Car.: 1912 to 1914 junior part. in Harris, Cassio & Co., Ltd., afterwards Cassio & Norman; in Buenos Ayres importing Sunbeam cars for the Argentine and Uruguay; 1914 to 1918 War Service; still on the reserve, holding rank of Captain. Md.: 1 child. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: " Reeth, Kingsdown Road, Epsom. Tel.: Epsom 804.
de NORMANVILLE, Edgar Joseph, Auto. journalist and engineer. B. 13 October 1882, Leamington Spa. Ed.: Ampleforth Abbey, Yorkshire. Car.: training with Crowden Motor Works and Duryea Motor Co., etc.; 1899 engaged in motor trade in Coventry; 1908 joined The Motor; served in R.E. during the War; Post-war Motoring Editor Daily Express and Daily Chronicle. Md.: 3 children. Int.: sports; technical research work. Pr. A.: Haydon House, Kingsbury, N.W. Tel.: Colindale 6284.
NORRIS, John Octavius Harold, M.I.A.E., Joint Man. Dir. Joseph Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., Manchester. B. 188o, Manchester. Ed.: Manchester Grammar School; the Polytechnic, London; Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Car.: business career mainly with J. Cockshoot & Co., with short periods in Bristol and Liverpool; Joint Man. Dir. since 1924; member of the I.A.E. and Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers. Md.: 2 sons, 2 daughters. Int.: trade technical and benevolent institutions, gardening. Pr. A.: 31 Wellington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, 6. Tel.: Moss Side 1795.
NORRIS, Sydney, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. J. Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., coachbuilders and motor engineers, Manchester. B. 1865, Manchester. Ed.: Privately, Honours Cambridge Senior Local; Manchester Technical School; Honours City and Guild of London. Car.: 5o years with Cockshoot's; interested in all associations connected with carriage building and motor industry; Fellow and 3 times Pres. of the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers; first Chr. of the Whitley Council for the Vehicle Trades; first Chr. of the Joint Industrial Council for the Training of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors; Master of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers of London 1931 to 1932; Dir. Cockshoot's since 1895. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: trade politics; driving, stamps. Pr. A .: Oakleigh, The Avenue, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. Tel.: Sale 3971.
NORTHEY, Percy, M.I.M.E., Chief of Technical Dept. of Sales Rolls-Royce, Ltd. 1908 to 1934. B. 1872, Chichester. Ed.: Somerset College, Bath; articled civil and electrical engineer. Cal.: asst. engineer on construction of Bath electricity works and Preston (Lanes) Electricity Works 1890-92; Chief Engineer constructing and running Richmond (Surrey) Electric Light and Power Co., for 3 years until 1896; Engineer to Grand Canary Coaling Co., when he drew up schemes for the lighting of Las Palmas; Man. Dir. Electric Motor Power Co., and Epstein Accumulator Co., 1889 to 1896; highest awards for design of electric cars at the first A.C. Motor Show at Richmond, June 1899 finished second in first Motor Tourist Trophy Race, I.O.M.; connected with Rolls-Royce since 1905; one of R.A.C. members selected for special service at the Front October 1914; 1916 Chief of Tech. Staff of Dilution of Labour Dept. at Ministry of Munitions; appt. 1917 Chief Engineer to Royal Commission to deal with the labour conditions on the Clyde; 1918 attached to the Mech. Warfare Dept. as Dir. of Tank Construction. Md. Int.: photography, promoted one man exhibition in 1927, ornamental turning. Pr. A.: 113 Ladbroke Road, WI'.
NORTON, Tom, Man. Dir. The Automobile Palace, Ltd., Llandrindod Wells, Wales. B. 6 Sept. 1870, Brynhyfryd, Newtown, N. Wales. Car.: present business established in 1899; first drove a car in 1899; member " Circle of the 19th Century Motorists"; J.P. for County of Radnor; on Income Tax Commission; Member of Wye Board of Conservators; Drs. of several companies. Md.: 2 sons, 2 daughters. Int.: angling, golf, flying. Pr. A.: Bryn Morfa, Llandrindod Wells. Tel.: Llandrindod Wells 105.
NUFFIELD OF OXFORD, Lord, 1st Baron, Sir William Richard Morris, 1st Bart., son of Frederick Morris of Oxford, creation 1929, barony 1934. Ch. Morris Industries, Ltd., Morris Motors, Ltd., Wolseley Motors (1927), Ltd., Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., The M.G. Car Co., Ltd., Morris Industries Exports, Ltd., and associated undertakings overseas, The Morris Garages, Ltd., The S.U. Co., Morris Oxford Press, Ltd. B. 10 October 1877, Worcester. Ed.: Cowley; practical experience. Car.: started in cycle trade; deplored the hold U.S.A. motor products were obtaining in Gt. Britain in low-priced vehicles, so began designing the Morris Oxford car in 1910 and produced first models in 1912; after war period 1914/18 was the first British motor manufacturer to develop quantity production of light cars and placed the British motor industry on a firm base for its home market. Md.: Elizabeth Maud, d. of William Jones Anstey of Oxford, no issue. Int.: golf and hospitals. Pr. A.: Nuffield Place, Henley-on-Thames.
NUTTALL, Walter Harold, F.I.C., Tech., Man. Ioco Rubber & Waterproofing Co., Anniesland, Glasgow. B. r January, 1881. Mansfield, Notts. Ed. Mansfield Grammar School; University College, Nottingham; Berne University, Switzerland. Car.: Assist. to Public Analyst, Notts; Head Chemist, Cooper Research Laboratory, Watford, Herts.; present position. Md. Int.: music, motoring, reading. Pr. A.: 26 Borden Road, Jordanhill, Glasgow.
See Also
Sources of Information