1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name R

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
RADCLIFFE, Frank, B.Sc., A.F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.A.E., Head of Calculations Dept., Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd. B. 8 October 1899, Burnley, Lancs. Ed.: Burnley Grammar School; Victoria University, Manchester; apprntcd. B. & S. Massey, Ltd., Manchester. Car.: on design staff of Blackburn Aero Co., and Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Co., 1921/1924; Gloster Aircraft Co., 1924. Founded and Edited " Gloster House Journal "; contributed tech. articles on aviation. Md. Int.: walking. Pr. A.: " Dinckley," Kingsley Gardens, Cheltenham, Glos.
RADFORD, Harry N., M.I.A.E., Service Man., Austin Motor Co. B. 2 October 1887, London. Ed.: various schools in London; Polytechnic, Regent Street; apprntcd. Ailsa Craig Motor Co., 1903/06. Car.: draughtsman, D. Napier & Sons, 1906/11; Chief Draughtsman Cartercar Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Assist. Chief Draughtsman, Austin Co., 1913 to 1919; Chief Designer, A. Harper, Son & Bean, 1919/2o. Md.: 1 son. hat.: various. Pr. A.: Kings Heath, Birmingham.
RAILTON, Reid Antony, Technical Dir., Thomson & Taylor (Brooklands), Ltd. B. 24 June 1895, Alderley Edge. Ed.: Rugby School; Manchester University. Car.: with Leyland Motors, Ltd.; Asst. to late J. G. Parry Thomas, 1917/1922; Arab Motors, Ltd., 1923/27; Thomson & Taylor, Ltd., 1927/33; responsible for design of Sir Malcolm Campbell's Blue-Bird 1931/33. Md. Int.: golf, ski-ing. Pr. A.: The Hermitage, Brooklands Track, Byfleet. Tel. Byfleet 52o.:
RAMSDEN, Henry, Founder and Man. Dir. Ramsdens (Halifax), Ltd., Halifax. B. 11 August 1893, Ilkley, Yorkshire. Ed.: Manchester; U.S.A. Car.: pre-war studying engineering; war service 1914/18 R.E.; Lieut. Manchester Regt.; with Ministry of National Service; founded present business 1919. Md. Int.: Director of other companies. Pr. A.: Oven. den, Halifax. Tel.: 3717.
RANSLEY, Charles Cecil, A.M.I.A.E., Motor Transport Officer, Engineer-in-Chief's Office, G.P.O. B. 13 November 1877, Chelsea, London. Ed.: Regent Street Polytechnic; King's College, London. Car.: entered Civil Service (open Competition 1896); connected with motor transport since introduction into the Post Office 1907. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: billiards, tennis. Pr. A.: " Athleague," Scarle Road, Wembley, Middlesex.
RATCLIFFE, Claude Henry, F.I.M.T., part. Ratcliffe Bros., Frinton-on-Sea and Gt. Portland Street, London. B. io October 1880. Ed.: Clacton College; apprntcd. General engineering. Car.: owned first car, 1898 (34 h.p. Benz); in the motor trade ever since; during war contractors with Trench Warefare Dept. and for tractors on food production. Md. Int.: riding, hunting, world travel. Pr. A.: Hotel Esplanade, Frinton-on-Sea. Tel: Frinton 5.
RATCLIFFE, John Telford, F.I.M.T., par. Ratcliffe Bros., Frinton-on-Sea and Gt. Portland St., London. B.: 17 March 1878, Clacton. Ed.: Clacton College. Apprntcd. engineering. Car.: owned first car 1898-3+ h.p. Benz; in motor trade ever since; during war contractors with Trench Warfare Dept., also tractors for Food Production Dept. Md. Int.: riding, hunting and world travel. Pr. A.: Hotel Esplanade, Frinton-on-Sea. Tel. Frinton 5.
RATENDONE, Viscount Inigo Brassey Freeman-Thomas, Dir. Humber, Ltd. B. 25 July 1899. Ed.: Eton.. Car.: Capt. Indian Cavalry, now Major Sussex Yeomanry. Int.: aviation. Pr. A.: Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, W.I. Tel.: Grosvenor 3401.
RAWLINSON, Arthur Stanley, Man. Dir. Rawlinson Motors, Ltd., Vauxhall Road, Liverpool. B. 25 January 1890, Bootle. Car.: War Pilot R.F.C. and R.A.F. post war to 1923, with C. F. Rymer, Ltd.; 1923/28 in charge Vulcan Depot, Liverpool; 1928/30 as A. S. Rawlinson & Co., and present company formed 1930. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: golf, Conservative politics. Pr. A.: io Teasville Road, Calderstones, Liverpool. Tel.: Gateacre 176.
RAYMENT, Alan L., Dir. Car Mart, Ltd. B. 15 June 1892, 4, Pont Street, Belgravia. Ed.: Sidcup College, Kent. Car.: with J. A. Wilding & Co.; Studebaker's: active service France during war: joined Car Mart 1919: apptd. to Board 28 January 1927: appt. Man. Dir. 19 March 1934. Md.: 1 son, 2 daughters. Int.: golf, any kind of sport. Pr. A.: Garlands, Amersham, Bucks. Tel.: Amersham 301.
RAYSON, Edward Knowles. B. 1904, London. Ed.: Malvern; Clare College, Cambridge. Car.: engineering. Supermarine Aviation Works, Southampton 1926; Int.: motor racing, flying, hunting. Pr. A.: 142 Piccadilly, W. Tel.: Mayfair 2062.
READE, Herbert C., Pro. Watling Street Garage, Wellington, Salop. B. 24 March 1896, Bloxwich, nr. Walsall. Ed.: Adams Grammar School, Newport, Salop; apprntcd. Horsehay Co., general engineers. Car.: 1914/1919 Pals Batt. K.S.L.I.; Commissioned to R.F.C. 1916; 1917 ground duty Engine Instructor and Transport Officer; 1919 in par. with Capt. G. L. Moss in Leamington as Moss's Agencies; 1923 dissolved par. and took over present business. Md.: son. int.: golf, local affairs; M.T.A. work. Pr. A.: " Tembani," Watling Street, Wellington. Tel.: Wellington 162.
REECE, James Graham, J.P., F.I.M.T., Chr. J. Blake & Co., Ltd., Bold Street, Liverpool, also at Manchester, Chester and Birkenhead. B. 22 February 1873. Ed.: Liverpool Institute. Car.: Commissioner of Land Taxes for Income Tax: started running motor mail vans between Liverpool and Manchester 1906; in July 1906 put on road the first char-a-banc made in Gt. Britain, on a James & Brown Chassis; organised Liverpool Crippled Children's Outing 1920 and now annually takes 1,250 children in 25o cars; Past Pres. West Lancs.; Div. M.T.A.; Vice Pres. M.A.A.; Past Pres. British Carriage Makers' Institute; Member of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers Company; Liverpool City Councillor; First English Dictator Loyal Order of Moose; Chr. of the Motor Trade Section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce; past Pres. Roads Improvement Assoc. Lancashire and Cheshire Branch. Md.: 3 daughters, I son. Int.: golf, billiards, cards. Pr. A.: 12 Croxteth Road, Liverpool, 8. Tel.: Royal 771.
REECE, Stanley Blake, Man. Dir. J. Blake & Co., Ltd., Liverpool. B. o August 1898, Liverpool Ed.: Eton College. Car.: Always connected with the business of J. Blake & Co.; R.F.C. in France; prisoner in Germany; Dir. of Albany Garages, Ltd., Liverpool; Blakes Motors, Ltd., Manchester and Collinge Motors, Ltd., Rochdale. Md.: 1 son. Int.: reading, history, motoring. Pr. A.: " Stanaway," Cressington Park, Liverpool. Tel.: Garston 1085.
REEVE, Edward, consulting engineer, specialising in auto. design and construction . B. 1885, Birmingham Ed.: Aston Technical School; Birmingham Technical College; pupil with Wolseley Motors. Car.: lecturer on auto. engineering and machine design at Birmingham Technical College; Superintendent and Tech. Man. Woleseley Motors, Birmingham, 1918/ 1924. Pr. A.: 41 St. Oswald's Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Tel. Victoria 0588.
RENOLD, Charles Garonne, Deputy Chr. and Man. Dir. Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.; Man. Dir. Brampton Bros., Ltd. B. 29 October 1883, Altrincham, Cheshire. Ed.: Abbotsholme School; Cornell University, U.S.A. (Degree M.E.). Car.: joined Hans Renold 1906; apptd. Dir. in charge of internal routine and organisation; 1915 Works Dir. responsible for all manufactures and design; 1921 Man. Dir. 1928 Chr. and Man. Dir.; 1929, present position on merging of Hans Renold and the Coventry Chain Co. Md.: 3 sons, i daughter. Int.: fishing, gardening, golf. Pr. A.: " Turnfield ," 68 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, Cheshire. Tel.: Gatley 2849.
REYNOLDS, George H., Sales Dir. motor lubricants dept., Sternol, Ltd., London. B.: 1898, London. Pr. A.: 19 Central Way, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey. Tel.: Wallington 3533.
RICE, George Philcox, Joint Man. Dir., Rice & Harper, Ltd., incorporating May & Jacobs, Ltd., Guildford. B. 26 November 1879, East Grinstead, Sussex. Ed.: East Grinstead; and Brighton. Car.: with home firm, Rice Bros., Ltd., East Grinstead and Rice Bros., Horsham; started business in 1904 and took over control of Guildford business in 1906; 1915-1919 producing h.e. shells and aircraft parts in own works: in 1921 business turned into company with Mr. M. 0. Harper as Joint Man. Dir. on the Councils of trade associations for 15 years. Md.: son. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Dormans, Boxgrove Avenue, Guildford. Tel.: Guildford, " One."
RICE, Gilbert, M.I.M.T., A.M.I.C.E. Man. dir. Rice Bros. (Horsham), Ltd., Horsham. B. 28 July 1887, East Grinstead, Sussex. Ed.: York Place, Brighton. Car.: 1900/1905 in cycle trade, in engineering and motor trade 1906/1912; I year in Angus locomotive shops; Montreal, Canada; year fireman and loco. driver on Canadian Northern Railway; 4 years foreman of Grading Outfit, Yellowhead Pass, Rocky Mountains; 1912 to 1914 Works Man., Rice & Bros., Horsham; 1914/1918 Machine Gunner, Gallipoli and Egypt; 1918 to 1932 Dir. Rice Bros. 1932, Man. Dir. Md.: r son. Int.: tennis, Badminton, golf, shooting, yachting, deep sea fishing. Pr. A.: 1 Chichester Terrace, Horsham. Tel.: Horsham 248.
RICHARDSON, Cecil Geo. Herbert, B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., A. M. I.C. E., Works Man. Ransome & Marles Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark. B. 1892, Bexhill-on-Sea. Ed.: Rawlins School, Quorn; Royal College of Science, South Kensington. Car.: with Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Manchester; designer and Chief Engineer up to 1918 Supermarine Aviation Works, Southampton; Asst. Works Man. 1918/29; Works Man. 1929 to date, Ransome & Marles. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: Cromwell House, Balderton, Newark, Tel.: Newark 275.
RICHARDSON, Percy, O.B.E., Chr. and Man Dir. Thomas Try, Ltd., Hanwell; Man. Dir. Burn Silent Gears Ltd., London. B. 1878, Nottingham. Ed.: Nottingham. Car.: entered motor trade at the age of 19, in the year 1897 and until 1923 was engaged in the development and production of cars. Drove in all early motor trials, including the i,000 Mile Trial of 1900, and winning a first prize; in 1901 as London Man. of Daimler Co.; consulted by King Edward VII in regard to cars; 1903/4 directed for first time the complete design of a car, the Brotherhood, later known as the Sheffield-Simplex; 1906/7 directed the works at Sheffield for the production of "Sheffield-Simplex " cars, and Man. Dir. until 1919; received O.B.E. 1918. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: motoring, yachting, golf. Pr. A.: The Crossways, Shiplake, Oxon. Tel.: Wargrave 235.
RICKARDS, Henry Thomas, Dir. and Sec. Charles Rickards, Ltd. London. B.: 4 February 1873, Paddington. Ed.: Willesden High School; Philological Grammar School, Marylebone. Car.: in own business since 16 years of age. Md.: 5 boys. Int.: trade association work. Pr. A.: 12 Spring Street, W .2. Tel. Padd. 1933 and 5686.
RICKETTS, George Dudley, A.M.I.A.E., Assist. to Chief Inspector, Vauxhall Motors. B. 16 May 1901, Clapham Common, London. Ed. Luton Modern School; Luton Tech nical Institution and Work's School. Car.: apprntcd. Vauxhall Motors (1917 to 1922); read papers on " Modern Methods of Production " and " Modern Methods of Engineering Inspection " before the Luton and Derby centres; I.A.E.; present position 1927 to date. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: tennis, Badminton, swimming. Pr. A.: " The Nook," 51 Grange Avenue, Leagrave, Luton, Beds.
RIGBY, Aubrey Ashton. B. 9 Dec. 191r, Withernsea, East Yorks. Ed.: Brighton College , commercial training. Md.: r son. Int.: motor racing, rugby, swimming. Pr. A.: 123 Western Road, Brighton. Tel.: Hove 3507.
RILEY, John, Pro. Dollar Motor & Garage Co., Dollar, Scotland. B. 12 March 1886, Thornliebank, nr. Glasgow. Ed.: Thorliebank "; Allen Glen School, Glasgow; Glasgow Technical College 3 years electrical engineering. Car.: served time with Howdens; with Crossley Motors for 3 years; years in America in different motor works. Md.: i child. Int.: played football for Queens Park—still interested. Pr. A.: Bridge Road, Dollar. Tel.: Dollar 13.
RIMMER, William Gregson, Gen. Man at The Vulcan Motor and Eng. Co. (1906), Ltd., Sec. and Man. at Vulcan Motor Services, Ltd., Sec. at Vulcan Supplies, Ltd. B. 2 May 1888, at Southport. Ed.: Privately and at Southport Modern School. Car.: 1910 joined Vulcan Co., 1919 appointed Chief Cashier, 1923 appointed Sec., 1923 Elected to Board of Management, Southport Infirmary; 1924 appointed Sec., of Vulcan Motors (London), Ltd.; 1924 appointed Sec., of C. B. Wardman & Co., Ltd., 1927 appointed Sec. of Lea & Francis, Ltd., 1933 appointed Gen. Man. of Vulcan Co., 1934 appointed Sec. of Vulcan Supplies, Ltd. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, cricket, football; Justice of the Peace for Southport; Member of the Board of Management, Southport Infirmary; Member of the Southport Unemployment Committee. Pr. A.: "Dinbren," 48 Bibby Road, Southport. Tel.: Southport 8257. (Late addition)
ROBERTS, Coryton Hugh, A.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Princ. of The Automobile Engineering Training College and The College of Aeronautical Engineering, London. B. 15 March, 1889, London. Ed.: Dulwich College; King's College Engineering School; auto. engineering apprent'ship. Int. golf. Pr. A.: 102 Sydney Street, Chelsea, S.W.3. Tel.: Flaxman 8704.
ROBERTS, Ernest Trevor, M.Inst. B.E., Man. Dir. Graham & Roberts, Ltd., Carlisle. B. 15 June 1881, Ulverston. Ed.: Shaw Street College, Liverpool; apprntcd. Vickers, Ltd. Car.: S. African War; active Service with 4th King's Own; trooper South African Light Horse; Sergt. Despatch rider; R.E. 1914/18; founded firm of Graham & Roberts, March 1919. Md.: I son. Int.: golf, Freemasonry. Pr. A.: Hartside, Holme Park, Carlisle. Tel.: Scotby 35.
ROBERTS, Ivor L., Man. Ivor L. Roberts & Co., II de la Beche St., Swansea. B. 22 April 1879, Swansea. Ed.: National Higher Grade, Swansea; tech. College; apprntcd. John S. Brown. Car.: in business on own account from 1905/33. Md.: I son, 2 daughters. Int.: rifle shooting, bowls. Past Chr. of West Wales Div. M.A. A. Pr. A.: I 1 de la Beche Street, Swansea.
ROBERTS, John, Pro. John Roberts, Bridgwater Viaduct, Knott Mill, Manchester; par. John Roberts (Stock port), Ltd.; Dir. Edro Industrial Finance Co., Ltd., Manchester. B. 26 August 1884, Manchester. Ed.: Manchester College of Technology; Manchester University; Dip. Electrical Engineering, Manchester College of Technology; Exhibitioner in Mech. and Civil Engineering, Manchester University. Car.: electrical engineer. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 5 Sandileigh Avenue, Withington, Manchester. Tel.: Didsbury 3332.
ROBERTSON, Andrew, Gen. Man. Sunbeam Motor Co., Ltd., Clement Talbot, Ltd. and Darracq Motor Engineering Co. B. 22 September 1887, Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire. Ed.: Lennoxtown Public School; Technical College, Glasgow; apprntcd. Engineer with Calico Printers Assoc., Ltd. Car.: Works Man. for several engineering firms in Scotland; Officer in charge of Motor Transport Work shop in France; Gen. Man. of S.T.D. Motors, Ltd. Md.: 3 daughters, I son. hit.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: 36 Rosemont Road, Acton, London. Tel.: Acorn 4314.
ROBERTSON, William, Sole par. trading as Robertson & Porter, Dingwall, Scotland. B. 7 October 1872, Chapelton of Redcastle, Ross shire. Ed.: Killearnan Public School; apprntcd. as country blacksmith; apprntcd. General Engineer, Rose Street Eng. Co., Inverness. Car.: II years with Vickers in Barrow-in-Furness, in eng. shop, tool room and charge of Beam Micrometer; motor mechanic in Ambleside; and mechanic with McRae & Dicks, Inverness till April 1908; then started present business. Md.: 2 sons, 2 daughters. Int.: motor boating, fishing. Pr. A.: Rhumore, Dingwall. Tel.: Dingwall 12.
ROBINSON, Edgar Helston, F.I.M.T., Man Dir. J. Robinson & Son (Scarborough), Ltd.; also Robinsons Motors, Ltd., Scarborough. B. 1882, Scarborough. Ed.: St. Martin's Grammar School, Scarborough. Car.: founder of above companies; also of Scarborough and District Motor Services and Bridlington and District Motor Services. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, angling, farming. Pr. A.: Weaponness Lawn, Scarborough. Tel.: Scarborough 329.
ROBINSON, Herbert, Man. Dir. Herbert Robinson, Ltd., Cambridge. B. 9 December 1875, Kennington, London. Ed.: Kennington Oval Boys' School. Car.: clerk, then commercial traveller; afterwards prop. of present business. Widower: 9 children. Int.: reading. Pr. A.: 12 Hills Avenue, Cambridge.
ROBINSON, Robert, Gov. Dir. Robt. Robinson (W. Hartlepool), Ltd., Avenue Road, West Hartlepool B. 8 March 1884, West Hartlepool Ed.: Wesleyan Higher School; West Hartlepool Technical College (engineering, mechanics, chemistry and book-keeping). Car.: business established 1883 and taken over by his father 1892; continuously engaged in motor trade; 1898 sold first car, a 3i h.p. Benz. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: all sports; Past Chr. Teeside Branch M.T.A.; Del. to Motor Cycle Committee M.T.A. Pr. A.: 151 York Road, West Hartlepool Tel.: 2669.
ROBSON, Charles W., Pro. Robson's Garages, Malton, Yorks. B. London 186o. Ed.: Malton. Car.: in cycle trade and in cycle racing from 1875; in Malton from 190o.: business; motoring. Pr. A.: Wensheen, Welham Road, Norton, Malton.
ROCK, George, M.I.A.E., Gen. Man. and Engineer Lincoln Corporation Transport Department. Car.: responsible engineering positions in the construction and operating of commercial and Public Service vehicles during the last 26 years; constructed first omnibus in this country to have " forward controls," or with driver by the side of the engine, allowing extra passengers; served Scottish Motor Traction Co., Edinburgh; J. I Thornycroft and Co., Basingstoke, Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield; " Lacre " Motor Works, Letchworth; Pulsometer Engineering Co., Reading; war service, Capt. in M.T. Md.: i son, daughter. Int.: golf, gardening. Pr. A.: 8 Macaulay Drive, Lincoln. Tel.: Lincoln 436.
RODWAY, George Henry, Sales Executive, Automotive Products Co., Ltd., London, and associated companies; pro. G. H. Rodway, Birmingham. B. 188o, Birmingham. Ed.: Handsworth College; Birmingham Technical School; technical and commercial training. Car.: Chief executive and chief engineer British Timken Co., 1918/24; consultant to Wolseley Motors 1919/24; Executive of Electric and Ordnance Accessories, etc. 1901/18; Automotive Pi °ducts 1929 to date. Ml.: 3 sons. Pr. A.: " Walmley," Cokes Lane, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. Tel.: Little Chalfont 238.
RODWAY, Stanley, Joint Man. Dir. P. J. Evans, Ltd., John Bright Street, Birmingham. B. 25 January 1890, Birmingham. Ed.: King Edward's School, Birmingham. Car.: in father's business of refreshment contractor; sold this in 1918 and joined the late P. J. Evans in Birmingham; in August 1921, joined with N. E. Steeley as Rodway & Steeley, Ltd., acquiring the above business after the death of P. J. Evans, 1922. Md.: 3 daughters. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Southbourne, Augustus Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Tel.: Edgbaston 3217.
ROESCH, Georges Henry, Chief Engineer and Designer at Clement Talbot, Ltd. B.: 15 April 1891, Geneva, Switzerland. Ed.: College de Saint Antoine, Geneva. Car.: trained in father's motor repair works; started in drawing office in France in 1909 in the Automobiles Gregoire Works; 2 years with Delaunay Belleville; 3 years designer Renault factory; in May 1914 left Renault to join the Daimler Co.; in 1916 left to join Clement Talbot. Int.: open air life, every aspect of i.c. engine, and motor vehicle construction. Pr. A. 53 Woodlands, N.W.II.
ROGERSON, Edward William, F.I.S.A., Sec. Humber, Ltd., The Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., Commer Cars, Ltd. B. 7 December 189o, Kingston-upon-Hull. Ed.: Hull: Technical College. Car.: pre-war Local Government Office; 1914-19 war service, commissioned infantry; 1919/24 Personal Sec. to Man. Dir. Humber, Ltd.; 1924 appt. Sec. and later to associated companies; Member of Council, Coventry Chamber of Commerce. Md.: 3 children. Pr. A.: 36 Warwick Avenue, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 4984.
ROOTES, Reginald Claud, Deputy Chr. Rootes Securities, Ltd., Devonshire House, Piccadilly, Man. Dir. Humber, Ltd., Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., Commer Cars, Ltd.; Dir. Thrupp & Maberly, Ltd., George Heath, Ltd., Tom Garner, Ltd., Warwick Wright, Ltd., Pres. Rootes (Argentina), S.A.; Dir. Transport Acceptances, Ltd.; Dir. Medway Trust, Ltd. B. 20 October 1896, Goudhurst, Kent. Ed.: Cranbrook School, Kent; Civil Service and Admiralty training. Car.: business on own account. Md.: 1 son. Int.: hunting, shooting, golf. Pr. A. Rumwood Court, Langley, nr. Maidstone, Kent. Tel.: Otham 8411o.
ROOTES, William E., Chr. Rootes, Ltd., Devonshire House, Piccadilly, W.'; Deputy Chr. Humber, Ltd., Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., Commer Cars, Ltd.; Chr. Thrupp & Maberley, Ltd., Warwick Wright, Ltd., Transport Acceptances, Ltd., Medway Trust, Ltd.; Dir. George Heath, Ltd., and Tom Garner, Ltd. B. 17 August 1894, Goudhurst, Kent. Ed.: Cranbrook School, Kent; engineering pupil, Singer Motor Car Co. Car.: business on own account. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: riding, shooting, ski-ing. Pr. A.: Basted, Borough Green, Kent. Tel.: Borough Green 3.
ROPER, Frank Brittain, life Man. Dir. Frank B. Roper, Ltd., London Road, etc., Sheffield. B. 8 June 1885, Sheffield. Ed.: Sharrow and Abbeydale Council Schools; apprntcd. to pawnbroking. Car.: opened in motor trade at present address February 1911; now 5 branches in the City. Md. Int.: golf, trade politics, M.T.A. and M.A.U. Pr. A.. " Green ways," Abbey Crescent, Beauchief, Nr. Sheffield. Tel.: 71018.
ROSE, John Russell, J.P., M. I nst.B.E., Chr. and Man. Dir. Central Garage, Ltd., Bradford, and Central Buildings, Leeds. B. 19 September 1874, Halifax. Ed.: " Pot ters "; Bradford Technical College; apprntcd. Hopkinson Rose & Walsh. Car.: commenced cycle manufacturing in 1896 and started in motor trade 1899; founded Central Garage in 1908 and has held present positions since; Directorship on six other companies; City Magistrate and on the City Council. Md.: 5 in family. Int.: amateur athletics, Judge and Time keeper, British rep. at Olympic Games and Empire Championships. PY. A.: " Carlyle House," Frizinghall, Brad ford. Tel.: 5689.
ROSE, Raymond Hugh, M. I.. \ . E. , designer Riley Coventry, Ltd., Coventry. B. 1886, Southampton. Ed.: Taunton School, Taunton; pupil at Humbers, Coventry. Car.: chief draughtsman at Sunbeam Motor Co.; chief designer at Belsize, Manchester; chief designer at Crossley Motors, Manchester; chief designer at Cal thorpe Motors, Birmingham; tech. adviser Bean Cars, Dudley; chief engineer Guy Motors, Wolverhampton; chief designer at Sunbeam Motor Co. Md.: 3 children. hit.: motoring, tennis. Pr. A.: "Red Roof," Penn, Wolverhampton. Tel.: Penn 36721.
ROSS, Norman Douglas, Man. Dir. Ross Bros (Ben Rhydding), Ltd., Ben Rhydding, Yorkshire. B. 22 June 1896, Bradford. Ed.: Carlton Street School; Bradford Technical College; 7 years apprncd. Central Garage, Ltd., Bradford. Car.: foreman Willys Knight Hospital, Willys Overland, U.S.A.; Man. T. W. Pickard & Co., piston ring experts, Toledo, U.S.A.; Man. Dir. Rothrock & Ross, Toledo, U.S.A.; 4 years war service. Md.: i son. Pr. A. Holmcroft, Tranmere Park, Guiseley. Tel.: Guiseley 301.
ROSS, Robert Harold, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Challands, Ross & Co., Ltd., Nottingham. B. 1883, Newport, Mon. Ed.: Snow Hill and St. Paul's, Newport; apprntcd. Alexander Docks & Rly. Co., Newport, Mon. Car.: draughtsman Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness; Man. Dir. Empire Garage, Nottingham, and Ross, Browne & Co., Nottingham; designer at Vickers, London, 1916/19. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, Divisional Chr. East Midland M.A.A. & I.M.T. Pr. A.: Braemar, Adams Hill, Derby Road, Nottingham. Tel.: 76495.
ROUPELL, Norman Spencer, M.I.M.T., Portsea Garage, Portsea Mews, W. B. 1894, Queenstown, Co. Cork. Ed.: Brighton College. Car.: commissioned R.F.C. 1912; invalided out 1918; in retail motor trade 1920 to present date. Md. Pr. A.: 15 Portsea Mews, London, W. Tel.: Ambassador 1337.
RUCK, Edward Naunton, F.I.M.T., Lord Wakefield Silver Medallist. Man. Dir. The Sherwood Garage, Ltd., Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham. B. 14 April 1895, Betley, Staffs. Ed.: Nottingham High School; Crewe Technical College; apprntcd. L. & N. W. Rly. at Crewe Works; war service Royal Fusiliers 1914/19; 2 years in France; awarded Meritorious Service Medal; entered motor trade 1919 as dir. of present firm. Nottingham Delegate to M.A.A. & P.R.A. Councils since 1930; Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: photography. Pr.A.: The Mount, Private Road, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 64422.
RUCK, John Davis, Pro. Viaduct Motors, Farringdon Street, E.C. B. 26 October i906, Ealing, London. Ed.: St. Paul's, West Kensington; apprntcd. G.W.R. Works, Swindon, and Low Engineering Co., in works and drawing office. Car.: 3 years with Cook & Palmer, Ltd.; Depot Man. of Holborn Branch; took over this branch on own account 1930. Int.: tennis, fishing, shooting, badminton, amateur theatricals. Pr. A.: 24 Lammas Park Road, Ealing, W.; Tel.: Ealing 0459.
RUDSTON-FELL, Lt.-Col. Louis Frederick, Chief Engineer Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd. (aircraft engines). B. 13 January 1892, E. Ayton, Yorkshire. Ed.: St. George's Windsor Castle, Tonbridge; apprntcd. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln; G.N. Rly. (England); 1907 to 1913 G.N.R., Running Dept. and Loco Inspector 1913/14; with R.F.C. 1914/19; Chief Engr. E.R.S., B.E.F.; awarded D.S.O., O.B.E., 4 mentions.; 1919/27, with Air Ministry; Chief Aero Eng. Des. and Res., Rolls Royce 1928/34. Md.: son. Int.: any form of manual labour; organs.
RUGG, Cecil John, A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Ruggs, Ltd., Lewes. B. 8 September 1900, Lewes. Ed. Roborough School, Eastbourne; apprntcd. Loco. Dept. of Southern Rly; technical training Brighton Municipal College. Car.: joined R.A.F. July 1918; joined father's firm 1921. Md. Int.: tennis, photography, campanology. Pr. A.: Five Ways, St. Johns, Lewes. Tel.: Lewes 147.
RUGGINS, William Gordon, Man. Dir., British Weaver Manufacturing Co., Ltd. B. 1893, Essex. Ed.: Regent Street Polytechnic; School of Civil Engineering, Regent Street; also University of Chicago, Illinois. Car.: 1912/15, served practical workshop time with various automobile and electrical manufacturers in America; 1915/19, R.A.F. Pilot; 1919/22 represented a number of American manufacturers on worldwide selling and agency placing tour; 1922/124, Man. Dir. MacKenzie Motor Cycle Co.; 1924/28, Sales and Service Man. Harvey Frost & Co.; 1928/31, factory representative of Weaver Manufacturing Co., Springfield, Illinois; 1931 present appointment. Md.: daughter. Int.. sailing, flying. Pr. A.: 111 Monkhams Lane, Woodford Green, Essex. Tel.: Buchhurst 1819.
RUNDBASEN, John Maurice, Dir. and Gen. Man., Tom Garner, Ltd., 12 Peter Street, Manchester. .8.: August 16 1880. Ed.: Manchester College of Technology, 1895/97. Car.: with Clayton Foundry electrical and general engineering from 1897/99; the Allegemeine Electrieitats Geselschaft, 1899 /1900; Comp. Francaise de Carbon pour l'Electricite 1901/02; then with Tom Garner, Ltd., 1904 to present date. Md.: 3 daughters. Pr. A.: Ashley, Hastings Avenue, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Tel.: Chorlton-cum-Hardy 1006.
RUSSELL, Charles Frederick, I.S.M.A., Sales Man. Specialloid, Ltd., London. B. 24 January 1905, Clapham, London. Ed.: Nayland, Colchester. Car.: 1920 /26 general engineering training with Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd.; 1927 Thomas Tilling, Ltd., body building section; 1928 Hoyle Body Corporation, special coach building section; 1929 Sales Dept. Specialloid; 1930 Sales Man. Int.: cricket, fishing. Pr. A.: 182 Hampton Road, Twickenham. Tel.: Moseley 1925.
RUSSELL, George Percy, Man. and Sec. Worswicks, Ltd., Croydon. B. 28 May 1876, Gravesend, Kent. Ed.: St. John's College, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Car.: 27 years in motor trade and previously at Lloyds (Insurances); played Association football for Surrey, season 1898 /9; now in second year as Chr. of Croydon Branch of the M.T.A. Md. Int.: golf, fly fishing. Pr. A.: 40 Croham Road, South Croydon. Tel.: Croydon 2380.
RUSSELL, Harold Acton, Par. and Man. Russell Bros., Pwllheli. B. 3 August 1893, Llanbedrog, nr. Pwllheli. Ed .: Llanbedrog and Pwllheli.; apprntcd. motor trade from 14 years of age; served in all branches; war service R.N.A,S, 13-14-F, 3 years. Md.: 2 children. Int.: reading, fishing. Pr. A.: 12 New Street, Pwllheli. Tel.: 33 Pwllheli.
RYAN, Alfred, M.Sc., F. I. R. I., A.F.R.Ae.S., Man. Dir. loco Rubber & Waterproofing Co., Ltd. B. 1884, London. Ed.: Owen's College, Victoria University, Manchester; M.Sc. degree, Whitworth Exhibitioner. Car.: early experience in textile and engineering works; 3 years Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnboro'; Ntith Vickers, Ltd. (Airships) present position since 1923. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, Institution of the Rubber Industry. Pr. A.: 39 Kersland Street, Glasgow, W.2. Tel.: Western 1387.
RYDER, Harold Alfred, Gen. Man. Radiator branch Morris Motors, Ltd., Oxford. B. 23 August 1888, Birmingham. Ed.; Birmingham. Car.: Gen. Man. Doherty Motor Components, Ltd., Coventry, 1914/19; Man. Dir. Osberton Radiators, Ltd., Oxford, 1919/26. Md. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 368, Woodstock Road, Oxford. Tel.: Summertown, Oxford 5338.
RYLEY, Philip Haynes, Pro. J. A. Ryley, Birmingham. B. 24 September 1889, Dunoon, Argyllshire. Ed .: Kings Middle School, Warwick; Camp Hill Grammar School, Birmingham. Car.: 1906/10 B.S.A. Car Works, all shops and drawing offices; 1911/12 Durkopp car works, Germany; 1912/14 travelling Great Britain and Ireland for J. A. Ryley; 1914/18 Army Commission M.T.; 1919 to date man. and subsequently pro. of J. A. Ryley on death father (J. A. Ryley) 1931. Md.: I son, I daughter. Int.: golf (won Dunlop Cup 1929), bridge. Pr. A.: Peverell, St. Bernards Road, Olton, nr. Birmingham. Tel.: Acocks Green 0432.
See Also
Sources of Information