Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name T

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade

TAGGART, Samuel, Dir. Saml. Taggart, Ltd., Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry. B. Co. Armagh. Ed.: Londonderry Technical School. Car.: 6 years jewellery and watchmaking business; sec. to motor company; opened cycle and motor-cycle business; sold first Morris in district, 1913. Md.: r son, i daughter. Int.: gymnastics, rowing, boxing, hockey, fishing, collector of Eastern brasses, foreign weapons, old guns. Pr. A. 43 Clarendon Street, Londonderry. Tel.: 49 r .

TAILBY, Edward Mantle, Man. Dir. Tailby Motors, Ltd., Birmingham, pro. De Laval Igniter Co., Birmingham. B. 1869, Birmingham. Ed.: Private schools; Malvern College. Car.: 1914 associated with the timber trade and engineering; war service 1914/19; transport, officer for Warwickshire and Worcestershire under the A.D.M.S.; 1919 to present date motor and electrical trades; dir. of several public companies. Md. Int.: motoring, fishing, poultry, controller for V.A.D. work in Birmingham; County Dir. British Red Cross Society. Pr. A. The Cedars, Longdon Green, Rugeley, Staffs. Tel.: Armitage 41.

TALBOT, Ernest, M.I.A.E., A.M.I.M.E., Dir. Zephyr Pistons, Ltd. B. 28 April 1879, Norton Woodseats, nr. Sheffield. Ed.: Wesley College; Sheffield University. Car.: with Pollock Eng. Co., Ashton-u-Lyne, 1902; Autocar Construction Co., Openshaw, Manchester, 1903; Man. Mansfield Engineering Co., Mansfield; chief designer Adams Mfg. Co., Bedford, 1905 /09; consulting engineer, New York City, U.S.A., 1910; joint Man. Dir. James, Talbot & Davison, Ltd., Lowestoft, 1911/22; founded Zephyr Pistons, Ltd., 1922. Md. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: Zephyr Lodge, Lowestoft.

TANKARD, Harry, A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. and prin. shareholder Tankard Motors, Ltd., London. B. 10 January 1884, Finsbury, London. Ed.: Central Foundation Schools, Finsbury, London; training in science, maths., mechanics. Car.: apprntcd. general and motor engineering; chief engineer of Inter-Transport Co., Ltd., of London, Liverpool, etc.; Asst. Man. Witchell & Co., Brockley; Works Man. Munitions Inventions Dept. Experimental Grounds, Imber Court, Thames Ditton. Man. Dir. Tankard & Smith, Ltd., until 1924. Md.: I son. int.: electrical and mechanical experiments. Pr. A.: 44 Chester Road, Tottenham, N. Tel.: Tottenham 1679.

TANNER, Herbert Gabriel, A.M.I.A.E., Tanner Bros., Walham Green, S.W. B. II April 1899, Leamington Spa. Ed.: Upper Latymer School; City and Guilds (Finsbury) Technical Institute. Md.: I daughter. Pr .A.: 3o Liverpool Road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Tel.: Kingston 2157.

TARLETON, Robert Alexander, M.I.A.E., Dep. Loco. Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Jodhpur Railway, India. B. zo October 1893, Edinburgh. Ed.: Dundee Technical College; Herriot Watt College, Edinburgh; 5 years apprntcd. Lilybank Engineering Co., Dundee. Car.: 2 years with North British Railway Co.; Assist. Loco. Superintendent, 1921; Dep. Loco. Superintendent, 1925; and Acting Superintendent, 1928; 5 years commission R.G.A. and R.A.F.; qualified as observer and pilot; founder and prin. Jodhpur Technical College; contributor articles to engineering journals. Md.: daughter. Int.: motoring, flying. Pr. A.: Jodhpur, Rajputana, India.

TATE, Thomas, K.S.G., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Tate of Leeds, Ltd., Leeds. founder Central Garage (Wakefield). Car.: Knighthood of St. Gregory in the Civil Order, conferred Feb. 1934. Int.: golf, billiards, bridge.

TAYLOR, Herbert, Man. Dir., H. Taylor & Co., Ltd. B. 1868, London. Ed.: St. Katherines; apprntcd. 7 years with Elliott Bros., scientific instrument makers. Car.: business in 1895 in connection with cycle sales, joining motor side in 1902; trading on own account in 1910 in motor cycles and spares; formed present company in 1912. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, work. Pr. A.: Belsize, Golden Manor, Hanwell, Middx. Tel.: Ealing 2667.

TAYLOR, H. Cecil, Advtg. Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. Evesham. Ed.: King Edward's; early training in mech. engineering. Car.: war service; asst. to Advtg. Man. Austin Motor Co.; Advtg. and Sal. Man. to three motor accessory mnfrs.; Dir. of Publicity to a large Midland group of companies; founded advertising consulting agency business, which still bears his name; Advtg. Man. General Motors, Ltd.; Vauxhall Motors Ltd. , an Incorporated Advertisement Consultant; founder member of Council of the Audit Bureau of Circulations; Chr. Incorporated Society of British Advertisers; contributor to Press on business subjects; a public speaker on advertising and sales subjects. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: " Oakford," Hillside Dri 'e, Edgware, Middx. Tel.: Edgware 0432.

TAYLOR, John, Man. Dir., John Taylor & Dodds (The City Motor Co., Ltd.), Edinburgh. B. 1898, Edinburgh. Ed.: Viewpark School, Edinburgh; Herriot Watt College, Edinburgh. Car.: 1917/22 with Middleton & Townsend, Edinburgh; 1922/25 with Forrest & Dodds, Edinburgh; 1925 became Man. Dir. of the City Motor Co. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 8 Cluny Avenue, Edinburgh. Tel.: Edinburgh 52128.

TAYLOR, John Alfred, Dir. Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., London. B. 1896, London. Ed.: Greshams School, Holt, Norfolk; apprntcd. Clements, Ltd. Car.: sales Rep. Clements, Ltd., up to war; served in France from 14 August 1914 to 1919; joined Carrosserie Latymer, Ltd., in May, 1919; became Dir. of Carrimore Six-Wheelers in 1923. Md.: 1 child. Int.: tennis, swimming, dog breeding, contract bridge. Pr. A.: 15 Park Crescent, Finchley, N.3.

TEAGUE, Wilfred, Man. Dir. Southport Engineering Co., Ltd., Southport. B. 1886, Southport. Ed.: Ackworth House School, Southport; Southport Modern School; Liverpool School of Technology. Car.: past Chr. West Lancs Division M.A.A. Md. Int.: tennis, billiards, bowls. Pr. A.: 18 Pilkington Road, Southport. Tel.: Southport 4006.

TERRY, Ernest, Dir. Lex Garages, Ltd. B. Leeds. Ed.: St. Peter's School; Leeds University; Middle Temple. Car.: called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1913; gazetted to West Yorkshire Regiment November 1914; Army 1914 /18; Dir. several industrial companies. Int.: gardening. Pr. A.: Park Hill, 4 The Drive, Roundhay, Leeds. Tel.: 61229.

THOMAS, Cecil Benton, Man. Dir., Hudson Essex Motors, Ltd., London, B. 12 October 1894, Fredericktown. Ohio. Ed.: Ohio State; Columbus, Ohio; training general and internal combustion engineer. Car.: 20 years in motor industry; world travelled; came to London and Europe in January 1933. Md. hit.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, W.

THOMAS, Edward John, M.I.M.T., M.I.B.E., Man. Dir. Royal Berks Motor Co., Thorn Street, Reading. B. 26 January i89o, Henley-onThames. Ed.: National School, Tilehurst. Car.: Apprntcd. to cycle trade, developing into motor trade; founded present business in 1910 Md.: 2 children. Int.: motorcycling, Veteran Car Club, wireless, fishing. Pr. A.: 20 Kent Road, Reading. Tel.: Reading 1562.

THOMAS, Capt. H. C. Vivian, M.I.A.E. Rouettes Brayes Motor Repair Depot. Ville Au Roi, Guernsey C.I. B. 2 May 1897, Guernsey. Ed.: Elizabeth College, Guernsey; London Telegraph Training College; Loughborough Engineering College. Car.: telegraph service pre-war; Army 1914-1919; entered motor business 1920. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: yachting, golf. Pr. A.: La Villiaze, S. Andrews, Guernsey.

THOMAS, Hubert Horace, M.I.M.T., Pro. London Auto Sales Co., London. B. 1902, Water Orton, Birmingham. Ed.: Coleshill Grammar School; Birmingham University; apprntcd. tool making trade. Car.: experience in electrical engineering, then general garage work; joined Daimler Co. in 1922; for Daimler in London until starting London Auto Sales Co., in 1925. Founder Pres. Rotary Club of Mill Hill in 1931; Chr. Hendon Chamber of Commerce in 1932. Md. hit.: cricket tennis, golf, swimming. Pr. A.: 22 The Broadway, Mill Hill, N.W. Tel: Mill Hill 155o.

THOMAS, Hugh Kerr., M.I.Mech.E. Auto. Gear Dept. David Brown & Sons (Hudd), Ltd. Ed.: privately; apprntcd J. E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford; Dartford. Technical School. Car.: engineer auto. dept., J. & E. Hall, Ltd.; factory Man. Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., U.S.A.; factory Man. A.E.C. Ltd., London; Gen. Man. Bean Cars Ltd., Tipton.; Starley Premium 1929, I.Mech.E.; Member of Council and Past Pres. I.A.E. Md. Pr. A.: 1 Queen's Road, Coventry.

THOMAS, William Miles Webster, D.F.C., F.I.M.T., Gen. Sales Man. and Dir. Morris Motors Ltd.; Man. Dir. Morris-Oxford Press Ltd. B. 2 March 1897, Ruabon. Ed.: Bromsgrove School; premium pupil, Bellis & Morcom Ltd., Birmingham. Car.: war service, joined L.A.M. Battery and served in German East Africa; commissioned to R.F.C. in Egypt; aerial fighting and stunt flying instructor, A.F.S. Cairo 1917; flying service in Mesopotamia, Persia, Southern Russia; awarded D.F.C. 1918; in 1919, joined the " Motor " and in 1923 Editor of " Light Car " inaugurated aerial reports and photos Continental races; 1924 joined Morris Motors, as Publicity Adviser; 1926 appt. Man. Dir. of Morris-Oxford Press; 1928 Dir. and Sales Promotion Man.; 193o Dir. and Gen. Sales Man; Pres. M.T.A. 1934. Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, motor boating, golf, shooting, gardening, literature.

THOMAS, W. Parker, M.I.A.E., Pro. Parker Thomas & Co., Southsea. B. 3o August 1877, Newtown, Montgomeryshire. Ed.: Hooton College, Cheshire; Technical College, Coventry; pupil at the Cambrian Railway Cos. locomotive works, Oswestry. Car.: joined Motor Manufacturing Co., Coventry, then Daimler Company; commenced business in Cardiff 1901 as the South Wales Motor Co.; rejoined Daimler 1910-1914; during War responsible for manufacture of Daimler Commercial Chassis; charge of Daimler Hire and purchased Princes Skating Rink, Knightsbridge for Daimler Hire Depot; joined Studebaker Ltd., as Gen. Man. and Dir. and in March 1925, purchased business of G. H. Cox & Co., now carried on under the title of Parker Thomas & Co. Md.: no family. Int.: motor driving (drove in International T.T. Race 1905 and 1906), shooting, sport gener ally, trade politics. Pr. A.: The Red Lodge, St. Edwards Road, Southsea, Hants. Tel.: Portsmouth 5613.

THOMPSON, Edward Charles, D.L.C., A.M.I.A.E., Purchasing Agent Frigidaire Ltd., The Hyde, N.W. B. 29 January 1897 Bedford. Ed.: Harpur Trust Schools, Bedford. Car.: three years residence at Loughborough College; diploma in Auto Engineering; joined Vauxhall Motors Ltd., in 1923 as draughtsman; jig and tool designer and planning engineer, and finally tech. buyer; joined Frigidaire Ltd., in 1932. Md.: 2 children. Int.: music, amateur operatics. Pr. A.: " Littlecote," 37 Clarendon Gardens, Wembley Park, Middx. Tel.: Wembley 4945.

THOMPSON, Henry Bell, Man. Dir., Sternol, Ltd., London. B. Chard, Somerset. Ed.: Chard Grammar School; Merchant Taylors. Car.: over 4o years experience in the oil trade.

THOMPSON, William, Dir. & Sec., Drake Motors Ltd. and W. Mumford Ltd., Plymouth. B. Ireland, 1880. Ed.: Methodist College; Queens University, Belfast. Car.: Branch Man. at Plymouth for Gresham Life Assurance Society and Gresham. Fire and Accident Insurance Society,; when W. Mumford Ltd. was formed in 1922; joined as permanent Dir.; various private business interests. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: Erinville, Pomphlett, nr. Plymouth. Tel.: Plymstock 85.

THOMSON, James Albert, J.P. Chr. and Man. Dir. Brown Brothers Ltd., and Dir. Thomson & Brown Brothers Ltd.; of Joseph Lucas, Ltd. B. 3o September 1879, Edinburgh. Ed.: George Watson College, Edinburgh. Car.: Pres. of Scottish Motor Trade Association 1916/17, 192o/21 and 1921/22; Pres. of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce 1921 /23; Vice Pres. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders 1931/32; Pres. of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund 1932. Int.: business, golf. Pr. A.: " The Old Lodge," Parkside, Wimbledon Common, S.W.

THOMSON, Robert, Dir. and Manchester Man. Albion Motors Ltd., B. 6 February 1884, Glasgow. Ed.: Dollar Academy; Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Car.: apprntcd. Arrol Johnston; with All British Cars Ltd., (A.B.C.) and Albion Motor Car Co. Md.: 3 children. Int.: work and now-and-again golf. Pr. A.: " Galabank," Urmston, Manchester. Tel.: Urmston 219o.

THOMSON, Robert St. Clair, A.M.I.A.E., in charge of Marine Dept. Morris Motors Ltd., Coventry. B. 23 May 1888, Blackheath, Kent. Ed.: Christs College, Blackheath, Kent; Northampton Polytechnic, London. Car.: apprntcd. loco shipyard and general engineering; later took up automobile work, foreman in repair shop; France in 1915, R.N. 1915-1918; Engine Room branch; Engineer to 'Bus Company; Morris Motors Experimental Dept. and finally present position. Md. Int.: motoring, sailing, ships and nautical affairs. Pr. A.: The Laurels, London Road, Stretton-in-Dunsmore, Nr. Rugby, Warwickshire.

THOMSON, William Johnston, L.L.D., J.P., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., F.I.M.T., Chr. and Man. Dir. Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd.; Chr. W. Alexander & Sons Ltd., Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Lanarkshire Traction Co., Rothesay Tramways Co., Ltd., Greenock Motor Services Co., Pitlochry Motor Co., Ltd., Simpsons & Forresters Ltd., Wemyss & District Tramways Co., Ltd., Bydand Motor Transport Co., Ltd. B. 1881, Glasgow. Ed.: Glasgow. Car.: trained as Eng. with Pollock, McNab and Highgate, Glasgow, then with Arroll Johnston Ltd., Paisley; In 1905 assisted to form the Scottish Motor Traction Co.; appt. Man., then Gen. Man., Dir., and now Chr. and Man. Dir.; Elected to Edinburgh Town Council in July 1921, elected a Magistrate November 1926, elected Lord Provost of the City and Lord Lieutenant of the City and County of Edinburgh November 1932. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golfing, shooting, fishing, curling. Pr. A.: " Ormelie " Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, 12. Tel.: Edinburgh 63192.

THORNE, William Crockatt, O.B.E. Dir. India Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd. and Park Ward & Co., Ltd. B. 188o, Greenock. Ed.: Uppingham; Birmingham University; training in bacteriology and analytical research. Car.: associated with public industrial companies; war service 1914-1919, R.E. Md.: 3 children. Int.: various. Pr. A.: St. Katharines House, Liberton, Edinburgh. Tel.: Edinburgh 79146.

THORNE, William T., Chr. & Man. Dir. Thorne's (Worcester) Ltd., Worcester. B. 5 August 1889, Worcester. Ed.: Worcester Royal Grammar School; Worcester Technical Institute. Car.: apprntcd. Nevile Engineering Co., Worcester;; started own business in 1909 and developed present concern which he owns. Md.: daughter. Int.: trying to improve the motor trade. Pr. A.: " Worcester Gate," Hallow, Worcestershire. Tel.: Hallow 38.

THORNTON, Thomas, Pro. Thornton's Garage, Becket Street, Derby. B. 1 January 'goo, Darlington. Ed.: Queen Elizabeth Grammar School; Darlington; studied internal combustion engineering, Nottingham University. Car.: apprntcd. Rolls Royce Ltd.; Dir. Midland Garage Ltd., Derby & Sheffield, prior to commencing business on own account February, 1931. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: Golf. Pr. A.: The Sheiling, Lime Avenue, Duffield, Derbyshire. Tel.: Duffield 147.

THORNYCROFT, Lieut. Commdr. John W., R.N., Sales Dir. J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd. B. 14 October 1899. Ed.: R.N. Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth and Keyham; Trinity College, Cambridge. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: 65 Tufton Street, S.W. Tel.: Victoria 3458.

THORNYCROFT, Sir John Edward, K.B.E., in 1918. Son of the late Sir John I. Thornycroft, Kent. Man. Dir. of J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., Dir. Southern Rly., Co., Member of Council Inst. C.E., Vice-Pres. Inst. Naval Architects. B. 5 September 1872. M.: 1896 Isabel. d. of A.B. Ward, J.P., Blyth, 2 sons, 2 daughters. Pr. A.: The Clock House, Chelsea Embankmant, S.W.9. Tel.: Flaxman 7874. Steyne Wood Battery, Bembridge, I. of W. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Bembridge Sailing.

THORNYCROFT, Roger, Sales Staff John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd. B. London, 1902. Ed.: Eton; Balliol; Oxford. Car.: served time at Ransoms & Rapier, Ipswich and with Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, U.S.A. represented Thornycroft's Colonies, Central Africa, Argentine, Chile, Brazil, Near East. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: yachting, shooting. Pr. A.: 4 Petyt Place, Chelsea, S.W. Tel.: Flaxman 7232.

THORPE, Thomas Homan, B. 16 July 1891, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Ed.: St. Paul's House, St. Leonardson-Sea; Skinner's School, Tunbridge Wells; private tutor; 5 years apprntcd Austin Motor Co; Birmingham Technical Institute. Car.: 2 years with Kent and Essex Ford Depot; 3 years salesman with Rock, Thorpe & Watson, Tunbridge Wells; war service, R.E. and 3 years in 5th Royal Sussex (Cinque Ports) Bat. Lieut. with service in Belgium, France and Italy; transferred to R.A.F. in 1918; men tioned in despatches; now motor claims assessor. Int.: golf, cycling, tennis, motoring, walking. Pr. A.: 28 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Tel.: Tunbridge Wells 742.

TICEHURST John William, Branch Manager, Pass & Joyce Ltd. B. 8 May 1884, Battle, Sussex. Ed.: Winchester House. Car.: with L. B. & S. C. Rly., Wolseley Co., Gen. Motor Cab Co., Vanguard Motor Bus Co., Caledon Lorries Ltd., and 10 years Pass & Joyce; 1914-1919, R.E. and permanent rank major. Md.: 1 son. Int.: cricket, ornamental turning, Scottish Terrier breeding. Pr. A.: 108 Clifton Hill, St. John Wood, N.W. Tel.: Maida Vale 2756.

TILDESLEY, Reginald, Pro. R. Tildesley Lichfield St., Walsall and Garage, Willenhall. B. Willenhall, Staffs, 31 December 1886. Ed.: Rydal School, Colwyn Bay; Birmingham Technical School. Car.: in own business as building contractor 1904-1912; motor dealer since 1912; war service, A.S.C. (M.T.) in France 1915-1919, A.S.M. Md.: 2 girls. Int.: boating, tennis, photography, Rotary. Pr. A.: " The Cottage," New Road, Willenhall, Staffs. Tel.: i3i and 336 Willenhall, 327o Walsall.

TILT, Alfred, A.M.I.A.E., Dir. & Joint Pro., New Avon Body Co., Ltd., Warwick. B. 1894, Coventry. Ed.: King Henry VIII Grammar School; Coventry Technical Institute. Car.: joined the Daimler Co., Coventry in 1911; finished as Assis. Works Engineer 1919 to 1922; then the New Avon Body Co., as Dir. Md.: 1 son. Int.: model locomotives, golf. Pr. A.: The Oak House, Bridge End. Warwick. Tel.: 287.

TIMBERLAKE, Herbert H., A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. H. H. Timberlake Ltd., Wigan. B. 1870, Maidenhead. Ed.: Maidenhead High School; Cheltenham School; full engineering course at father's works, Maidenhead. Car.: firm of H. H. Timberlake founded in 1891, cycle trade, then motor; late Dir. of Vulcan, Southport; late Dir. of Lea & Francis, Coventry; now Chr. & Dir. of Vulcan Motor Services, Cricklewood, London. Md.: 1 son. Int.: photography. Pr. A.: " Parkdale," Wigan. Tel.: Wigan 2773.

TIMSON, Albert Ernest, Sales Man. Timson Bros., Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle. B. 31 May 1909, Birmingham. Ed.: Harborne Hall, Birmingham; St. Aidans, Westgate-on-Sea. Car.: Commercial and technical training; in Timson Bros. business on leaving school; every depart. of Birmingham and Liverpool branch; travelled on behalf of the firm for 5 years; then charge of garage equipment depart. and subsequently control of all Sales. hit.: golf, motoring, cricket. Pr. A.:" The Hayes " Solihull. Tel.: Mid. 6301.

TIMSON, Harry Elson, F.I.M.T., Pro., Timson Bros., Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle. B.: 21 October 1875, Birmingham. Ed.: Moseley, Birmingham. Car.: commercial, after one year with W. & F. Cuthbert, stockbrokers, Birmingham; all commercial life in cycle and motor trades; started business with Walter J. Timson in 1890; travelled the whole of Great Britain and for 15 years abroad, including 12 European countries U.S.A. and Canada; past Chr. and member of several committees of S.M.M. & T.; Hon. Treasurer and Member of M.F.A. Management Committee of British Cycle and NI/Cycle Mfrs. & Traders Union; past Pres. Midland Cycle and Athletic Club; past Pres. Midland Motor Trades Golfing Society; founder member of Forest of Arden Lodge No. 3826. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: golf, shooting, motoring. Pr. A.: The Hayes," Solihull. Tel.: Midland 6301.

TIMSON, Howard H., Man. Timson Bros. Liverpool depot. B. 7 December 1897, Birmingham. Ed.: Solihull Grammar School; King William's College, I.O.M. Car.: war service, February 1915, commissioned 2 /5 South Lancs. (T.F.), served in France and Flanders; joined present firm 1919, Depot Man. 1922. Md. Int.: golf, motoring, sporting events. Pr. A.: 7 Sedburgh Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. Tel.: Wallasey 1013.

TIMSON, Vernon Stuart, Publicity, Man. Timson Bros., Birmingham. B. i May 1910, Birmingham. Ed.: Harborne Hall, Birmingham; Lale ham College, Cliftonville and Oundle. Car.: started with Timson Bros., going through every depart., concen trating on costs and publicity. Int.: golf, cricket, motoring. Pr. A.: The Hayes, Solihull, nr. Birmingham. Tel.: Midland 6301.

TOBIN, Edward Joseph, F.I.M.T., Gen. Man. Morris Garages, Ltd., Oxford. B. 11 September 1883, Ban galore, India. Ed.: Military Schools, R.C. Schools, Reading and Maiden head. Car.: associated with Lord Nuffield since 1906; in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. during war; av% arded M.S.M. Md. Int.: football, cricket, tennis, golf, shooting. Pr. A.: " Bangalore," Iffley Road, Oxford.

TODD, John C., Pr. J. C. Todd, 14 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh. B. 3o July 190o, Kilbarchan, Renfrew shire. Ed.: Edinburgh Academy; Glasgow University (B.Sc. Eng. Glasgow), apprentcd. Halleys Industrial Motors, Ltd. (1920/21) and Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co., Ltd. (1921 /4). Car.: part. Ross & Todd, Edinburgh 1924/6); then prop. present firm; Lecturer I.M.T. Classes Ramsay Tech nical Institute, Sessions 1931 to 1933. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: trout fishing, golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 55 St. Albans Road, Edinburgh. Tel.: 43272.

TOLLEY, Reginald Graham, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E.: NI.I.A.E., Certifying Officer, Ministry of Transport. B. 17 July 1884, Blackheath. Ed.: Mill Hill School; pupil with Johnson & Phillips and Vickers, Ltd. Md.: daughter. Pr. A.: 61 Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E. Tel.: Lee Green 1229.

TOOKEY, William Alfred, M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., 39 Victoria Street, London, S.W. B. 1871, Greenwich. Ed.: Roan School, Greenwich; Birkbeck College, London, Car.: with Appleby Bros., Greenwich, Tangyes, Ltd., London and Birmingham; Past Pres. I.A.E. now Hon. Treasurer; chr. Finance Committee of Research Standardisation I.A.E.: con suiting engineer since 1905, specialising i.c.e. and arbitrations. Pr. A.: 7 Lan caster Gate, Hyde Park, W. Tel.: Paddington 4768.

TOWLER, Clifford Owen, aero engine designer. Wolseley Motors (1927) , Ltd. B. 17 October 1896, Preston. Ed.: Preston Grammar School; Harris Institute, Preston; apprntcd. Dick, Kerr, & Co., Ltd. Preston. Car.: draughtsman Paravane Dept., Portsmouth Dockyard; draughtsman Vickers, Ltd., aero engines; chief draughtsman Clarkson Steam Motors, Chelmsford; draughtsman Armstrong Siddeley Motors, aero engines. Md.: 2 children. Pr. A.: Rosslyn, Bertie Road, Kenilworth.

TRANGMAR, Clarence Martin, Man. Dir. Wilmslow Motor Co., Ltd.; Dir. Lion Motor Co., Blackley. B. 3o March 1896, Pendleton. Ed.: Salford. Car.: with Empress Motors, Horsfall and Bickham, Royal Ruby Motor Cycles, Blake's Motors; Chief Instructor in Motor Engineering, Disabled Ex-Service Man's Scheme, Ministry of Labour; Traffic Man., T. Seymour Meads, Ltd., Manchester. Md.: 1 son. Int.: Rugby football, golf. Pr. A.: " Kered," Stobart Avenue, Sedgley Park, Prestwick, Lancs. Tel.: Broughton 1681.

TRANTER, Frank Ewart, Chr. and Man. Dir. F. E. Tranter & Co., Ltd., Norwood Road, London, S.E. B. 1895, Kidderminster. Ed.: privately. Car.: with B.E.F. 1914/18; Dir. and Gen. Man. of English Motor Agencies, Ltd., Southsea 1919/24; present business since. Aid.: 1 daughter. Int.: shooting golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Bessemer Grange, Denmark Hill, S.E. Tels.: Brixton 3253 and Streatham 7510.

TRISTRAM, Wallace Edward, Man. Dir. Albert & Tristram, Ltd., City Road, Chester. B. 29 April 1886, Hereford. Ed.: Hereford; Law and Accountancy at Hereford and Cheltenham. Car.: 1905/22 with Daimler Co., Coventry; from 1922 to date with Albert & Tristram. Md.: I son. Int.: golf, bowls, Chester Operatic Soc., Vice-Pres, Chester Football Club. Pr. A.: Elm Trees, Mollington, nr. Chester. Tel.: Mollington 18.

TURNER, Charles Henry, F.I.M.T., Pro. C. H. Turner, The Service House, Wellington Road, Stockport. B. 17 July 188o, Manchester. Ed.: Manchester Higher Grade Board School; privately. Car.: with Lookers. Ltd., Manchester; Crossley Motors, Ltd., Manchester; then business on own account since 1918. Md. Int.: motoring, gardening. Pr. A.: Chestnut Cottage, Reddish Road, Stockport. Tel.: Stockport 4724.

TURNER, Charles Joseph, stores Man. George Fitt Motors, Ltd., Whitstable, Kent. B. 24 July 1902, East Grinstead, Sussex. Ed.: Charterhouse; trained at Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Ltd.; and. G. Fitt & Sons, Tankerton. Car.: Studied Engineering 1919/21, King's College, London, during 1921; laid up with illness 1922; Harley-Davidson Motor Co., 1923/24; studying engineering, 1925; 1926 joined Fitt & Sons as Manager; firm now turned into company, G. Fitt Motors, Ltd. Md.: no family. Int.: motor-car and motor-boat racing. Pr. A.: Moor Cottage, Fitzroy Road, Tankerton, Kent. Tel.: Whitstable 496.

TURNER, Ernest W., Dir. Turners' Transport, Ltd., Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon. B. 11 April 1888, London. Ed.: St. Olaves, London; Regent Street Polytechnic. Car.: in 1907 with the Brompton Motor Co.; 1910 Jermyn Street Motor Works; 1914 Sheffield Simplex Motor Co.; war service 1914/19 R.A.S.C. (M.T.); in 1920 commenced business on own account. Md.: 2 sons. hit.: all outdoor sports. Pr. A.: 27 Outram Road, Croydon. Tel.: Addiscombe 3131.

TURNER, Raymond George, A.M.I.A.E., S.A.E., layout and development engineer, Wilmot Breeden, Ltd., Birmingham. B. Birmingham. Ed.: King Edwards VI. Grammar School, Birmingham; Technical School, Birmingham. Car.: with the Rover Co., 1917/28; Technical Dept. of Desmo, Ltd., 1929/1930; Wilmot Breeden, Ltd., 1931 to date. int.: m ountaineering, photography. Pr. A. Queenswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

TURNER, Robert Joseph, Export Man. C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. (London). B. 1898, London. Car.: with C. C. Wakefield & Co., since early 1915; charge of export oil sales since 1922. Int.: Vice-ch. 1933 British Export Society. P. A.: 35, Rafford Way, Bromley, Kent. Tel.: Ravensbourne 1826.

TURTLE, Charles, Internal Sales Man., Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd. B. 29 July 1893. Ed.: Rossall; Manchester School of Technology. Car.: apprentd. L. Gardner & Sons, Ltd., Patricroft; in 1914 with Hans Renold, Ltd., now merged into the Renold & Coventry Chain Co. Pr. A.: " Tanfield," Bollin Hill, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Tel.: Wilmslow 412.

TURVEY, Frederick, Junr., F. I .M. T. , Dir., Turvey & Co., Ltd., Holmside, Sunderland. B. 9 June 1891, Sunderland. Ed.: Argyle House School; Sunderland Technical College; apprentcd. Automobiles Clement-Gladiateur; Pro-St.-Gervais, Paris. Car.: interested in own workshops in charge of repair work; raced 1910/13 T.T. Motor Cycle Races I.O.M.; rode for B.S.A., Humber, Triumph, Enfield and Velocette in the most important 6 days and International 6 day trials; in charge of B.S.A. racing experimental dept. in 1913; past-chr. North Eastern Division of M.A.A. & M.T.A.; war service, French Army January to May 1915; R.F.C. until commissioned in May 1916 as a workshop officer in R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Md.: 1 son, 2 daughters. Int.: motoring, motoring competitions. golf. Pr. A.: 10 Ashbrooke Mount, Sunderland. Tel.: Sunderland 6337.

TYLER, John Lowndes Dacre, A.M.I.A.E., Pro. J. Tyler, MacLeod & Victoria Road, Karachi, India. B. 26 February 1888, Quebec House, Norse Road, Surbiton. Ed.: Hadleigh House School, Littlehampton; Lancing College, Sussex. Car.: with Goldsmiths Institute, Ediswan, Ltd., Clarksons, Ltd., Perry, Thornton & Shreiber, Long Acre; in India, automobile engineer Alwar State and Bikanir State; Gen. Man. Baroda Tramway Co.; war service 1915/1920. Int.: tennis, motoring, general science. Pr. A.: Caxton House, Kutcherry Road, Karachi. Tel.: 344 and 1014.

See Also


Sources of Information