1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name T

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
TAGGART, Samuel, Dir. Saml. Taggart, Ltd., Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry. B. Co. Armagh. Ed.: Londonderry Technical School. Car.: 6 years jewellery and watchmaking business; sec. to motor company; opened cycle and motor-cycle business; sold first Morris in district, 1913. Md.: r son, i daughter. Int.: gymnastics, rowing, boxing, hockey, fishing, collector of Eastern brasses, foreign weapons, old guns. Pr. A. 43 Clarendon Street, Londonderry. Tel.: 49 r .
TAILBY, Edward Mantle, Man. Dir. Tailby Motors, Ltd., Birmingham, pro. De Laval Igniter Co., Birmingham. B. 1869, Birmingham. Ed.: Private schools; Malvern College. Car.: 1914 associated with the timber trade and engineering; war service 1914/19; transport, officer for Warwickshire and Worcestershire under the A.D.M.S.; 1919 to present date motor and electrical trades; dir. of several public companies. Md. Int.: motoring, fishing, poultry, controller for V.A.D. work in Birmingham; County Dir. British Red Cross Society. Pr. A. The Cedars, Longdon Green, Rugeley, Staffs. Tel.: Armitage 41.
TALBOT, Ernest, M.I.A.E., A.M.I.M.E., Dir. Zephyr Pistons, Ltd. B. 28 April 1879, Norton Woodseats, nr. Sheffield. Ed.: Wesley College; Sheffield University. Car.: with Pollock Eng. Co., Ashton-u-Lyne, 1902; Autocar Construction Co., Openshaw, Manchester, 1903; Man. Mansfield Engineering Co., Mansfield; chief designer Adams Mfg. Co., Bedford, 1905 /09; consulting engineer, New York City, U.S.A., 1910; joint Man. Dir. James, Talbot & Davison, Ltd., Lowestoft, 1911/22; founded Zephyr Pistons, Ltd., 1922. Md. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: Zephyr Lodge, Lowestoft.
TANKARD, Harry, A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. and prin. shareholder Tankard Motors, Ltd., London. B. 10 January 1884, Finsbury, London. Ed.: Central Foundation Schools, Finsbury, London; training in science, maths., mechanics. Car.: apprntcd. general and motor engineering; chief engineer of Inter-Transport Co., Ltd., of London, Liverpool, etc.; Asst. Man. Witchell & Co., Brockley; Works Man. Munitions Inventions Dept. Experimental Grounds, Imber Court, Thames Ditton. Man. Dir. Tankard & Smith, Ltd., until 1924. Md.: I son. int.: electrical and mechanical experiments. Pr. A.: 44 Chester Road, Tottenham, N. Tel.: Tottenham 1679.
TANNER, Herbert Gabriel, A.M.I.A.E., Tanner Bros., Walham Green, S.W. B. II April 1899, Leamington Spa. Ed.: Upper Latymer School; City and Guilds (Finsbury) Technical Institute. Md.: I daughter. Pr .A.: 3o Liverpool Road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Tel.: Kingston 2157.
TARLETON, Robert Alexander, M.I.A.E., Dep. Loco. Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Jodhpur Railway, India. B. zo October 1893, Edinburgh. Ed.: Dundee Technical College; Herriot Watt College, Edinburgh; 5 years apprntcd. Lilybank Engineering Co., Dundee. Car.: 2 years with North British Railway Co.; Assist. Loco. Superintendent, 1921; Dep. Loco. Superintendent, 1925; and Acting Superintendent, 1928; 5 years commission R.G.A. and R.A.F.; qualified as observer and pilot; founder and prin. Jodhpur Technical College; contributor articles to engineering journals. Md.: daughter. Int.: motoring, flying. Pr. A.: Jodhpur, Rajputana, India.
TATE, Thomas, K.S.G., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Tate of Leeds, Ltd., Leeds. founder Central Garage (Wakefield). Car.: Knighthood of St. Gregory in the Civil Order, conferred Feb. 1934. Int.: golf, billiards, bridge.
TAYLOR, Herbert, Man. Dir., H. Taylor & Co., Ltd. B. 1868, London. Ed.: St. Katherines; apprntcd. 7 years with Elliott Bros., scientific instrument makers. Car.: business in 1895 in connection with cycle sales, joining motor side in 1902; trading on own account in 1910 in motor cycles and spares; formed present company in 1912. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, work. Pr. A.: Belsize, Golden Manor, Hanwell, Middx. Tel.: Ealing 2667.
TAYLOR, H. Cecil, Advtg. Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. Evesham. Ed.: King Edward's; early training in mech. engineering. Car.: war service; asst. to Advtg. Man. Austin Motor Co.; Advtg. and Sal. Man. to three motor accessory mnfrs.; Dir. of Publicity to a large Midland group of companies; founded advertising consulting agency business, which still bears his name; Advtg. Man. General Motors, Ltd.; Vauxhall Motors Ltd. , an Incorporated Advertisement Consultant; founder member of Council of the Audit Bureau of Circulations; Chr. Incorporated Society of British Advertisers; contributor to Press on business subjects; a public speaker on advertising and sales subjects. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: " Oakford," Hillside Dri 'e, Edgware, Middx. Tel.: Edgware 0432.
TAYLOR, John, Man. Dir., John Taylor & Dodds (The City Motor Co., Ltd.), Edinburgh. B. 1898, Edinburgh. Ed.: Viewpark School, Edinburgh; Herriot Watt College, Edinburgh. Car.: 1917/22 with Middleton & Townsend, Edinburgh; 1922/25 with Forrest & Dodds, Edinburgh; 1925 became Man. Dir. of the City Motor Co. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 8 Cluny Avenue, Edinburgh. Tel.: Edinburgh 52128.
TAYLOR, John Alfred, Dir. Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., London. B. 1896, London. Ed.: Greshams School, Holt, Norfolk; apprntcd. Clements, Ltd. Car.: sales Rep. Clements, Ltd., up to war; served in France from 14 August 1914 to 1919; joined Carrosserie Latymer, Ltd., in May, 1919; became Dir. of Carrimore Six-Wheelers in 1923. Md.: 1 child. Int.: tennis, swimming, dog breeding, contract bridge. Pr. A.: 15 Park Crescent, Finchley, N.3.
TEAGUE, Wilfred, Man. Dir. Southport Engineering Co., Ltd., Southport. B. 1886, Southport. Ed.: Ackworth House School, Southport; Southport Modern School; Liverpool School of Technology. Car.: past Chr. West Lancs Division M.A.A. Md. Int.: tennis, billiards, bowls. Pr. A.: 18 Pilkington Road, Southport. Tel.: Southport 4006.
TERRY, Ernest, Dir. Lex Garages, Ltd. B. Leeds. Ed.: St. Peter's School; Leeds University; Middle Temple. Car.: called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1913; gazetted to West Yorkshire Regiment November 1914; Army 1914 /18; Dir. several industrial companies. Int.: gardening. Pr. A.: Park Hill, 4 The Drive, Roundhay, Leeds. Tel.: 61229.
THOMAS, Cecil Benton, Man. Dir., Hudson Essex Motors, Ltd., London, B. 12 October 1894, Fredericktown. Ohio. Ed.: Ohio State; Columbus, Ohio; training general and internal combustion engineer. Car.: 20 years in motor industry; world travelled; came to London and Europe in January 1933. Md. hit.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, W.
THOMAS, Edward John, M.I.M.T., M.I.B.E., Man. Dir. Royal Berks Motor Co., Thorn Street, Reading. B. 26 January i89o, Henley-onThames. Ed.: National School, Tilehurst. Car.: Apprntcd. to cycle trade, developing into motor trade; founded present business in 1910 Md.: 2 children. Int.: motorcycling, Veteran Car Club, wireless, fishing. Pr. A.: 20 Kent Road, Reading. Tel.: Reading 1562.
THOMAS, Capt. H. C. Vivian, M.I.A.E. Rouettes Brayes Motor Repair Depot. Ville Au Roi, Guernsey C.I. B. 2 May 1897, Guernsey. Ed.: Elizabeth College, Guernsey; London Telegraph Training College; Loughborough Engineering College. Car.: telegraph service pre-war; Army 1914-1919; entered motor business 1920. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: yachting, golf. Pr. A.: La Villiaze, S. Andrews, Guernsey.
THOMAS, Hubert Horace, M.I.M.T., Pro. London Auto Sales Co., London. B. 1902, Water Orton, Birmingham. Ed.: Coleshill Grammar School; Birmingham University; apprntcd. tool making trade. Car.: experience in electrical engineering, then general garage work; joined Daimler Co. in 1922; for Daimler in London until starting London Auto Sales Co., in 1925. Founder Pres. Rotary Club of Mill Hill in 1931; Chr. Hendon Chamber of Commerce in 1932. Md. hit.: cricket tennis, golf, swimming. Pr. A.: 22 The Broadway, Mill Hill, N.W. Tel: Mill Hill 155o.
THOMAS, Hugh Kerr., M.I.Mech.E. Auto. Gear Dept. David Brown & Sons (Hudd), Ltd. Ed.: privately; apprntcd J. E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford; Dartford. Technical School. Car.: engineer auto. dept., J. & E. Hall, Ltd.; factory Man. Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., U.S.A.; factory Man. A.E.C. Ltd., London; Gen. Man. Bean Cars Ltd., Tipton.; Starley Premium 1929, I.Mech.E.; Member of Council and Past Pres. I.A.E. Md. Pr. A.: 1 Queen's Road, Coventry.
THOMAS, William Miles Webster, D.F.C., F.I.M.T., Gen. Sales Man. and Dir. Morris Motors Ltd.; Man. Dir. Morris-Oxford Press Ltd. B. 2 March 1897, Ruabon. Ed.: Bromsgrove School; premium pupil, Bellis & Morcom Ltd., Birmingham. Car.: war service, joined L.A.M. Battery and served in German East Africa; commissioned to R.F.C. in Egypt; aerial fighting and stunt flying instructor, A.F.S. Cairo 1917; flying service in Mesopotamia, Persia, Southern Russia; awarded D.F.C. 1918; in 1919, joined the " Motor " and in 1923 Editor of " Light Car " inaugurated aerial reports and photos Continental races; 1924 joined Morris Motors, as Publicity Adviser; 1926 appt. Man. Dir. of Morris-Oxford Press; 1928 Dir. and Sales Promotion Man.; 193o Dir. and Gen. Sales Man; Pres. M.T.A. 1934. Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, motor boating, golf, shooting, gardening, literature.
THOMAS, W. Parker, M.I.A.E., Pro. Parker Thomas & Co., Southsea. B. 3o August 1877, Newtown, Montgomeryshire. Ed.: Hooton College, Cheshire; Technical College, Coventry; pupil at the Cambrian Railway Cos. locomotive works, Oswestry. Car.: joined Motor Manufacturing Co., Coventry, then Daimler Company; commenced business in Cardiff 1901 as the South Wales Motor Co.; rejoined Daimler 1910-1914; during War responsible for manufacture of Daimler Commercial Chassis; charge of Daimler Hire and purchased Princes Skating Rink, Knightsbridge for Daimler Hire Depot; joined Studebaker Ltd., as Gen. Man. and Dir. and in March 1925, purchased business of G. H. Cox & Co., now carried on under the title of Parker Thomas & Co. Md.: no family. Int.: motor driving (drove in International T.T. Race 1905 and 1906), shooting, sport gener ally, trade politics. Pr. A.: The Red Lodge, St. Edwards Road, Southsea, Hants. Tel.: Portsmouth 5613.
THOMPSON, Edward Charles, D.L.C., A.M.I.A.E., Purchasing Agent Frigidaire Ltd., The Hyde, N.W. B. 29 January 1897 Bedford. Ed.: Harpur Trust Schools, Bedford. Car.: three years residence at Loughborough College; diploma in Auto Engineering; joined Vauxhall Motors Ltd., in 1923 as draughtsman; jig and tool designer and planning engineer, and finally tech. buyer; joined Frigidaire Ltd., in 1932. Md.: 2 children. Int.: music, amateur operatics. Pr. A.: " Littlecote," 37 Clarendon Gardens, Wembley Park, Middx. Tel.: Wembley 4945.
THOMPSON, Henry Bell, Man. Dir., Sternol, Ltd., London. B. Chard, Somerset. Ed.: Chard Grammar School; Merchant Taylors. Car.: over 4o years experience in the oil trade.
THOMPSON, William, Dir. & Sec., Drake Motors Ltd. and W. Mumford Ltd., Plymouth. B. Ireland, 1880. Ed.: Methodist College; Queens University, Belfast. Car.: Branch Man. at Plymouth for Gresham Life Assurance Society and Gresham. Fire and Accident Insurance Society,; when W. Mumford Ltd. was formed in 1922; joined as permanent Dir.; various private business interests. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: Erinville, Pomphlett, nr. Plymouth. Tel.: Plymstock 85.
THOMSON, James Albert, J.P. Chr. and Man. Dir. Brown Brothers Ltd., and Dir. Thomson & Brown Brothers Ltd.; of Joseph Lucas, Ltd. B. 3o September 1879, Edinburgh. Ed.: George Watson College, Edinburgh. Car.: Pres. of Scottish Motor Trade Association 1916/17, 192o/21 and 1921/22; Pres. of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce 1921 /23; Vice Pres. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders 1931/32; Pres. of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund 1932. Int.: business, golf. Pr. A.: " The Old Lodge," Parkside, Wimbledon Common, S.W.
THOMSON, Robert, Dir. and Manchester Man. Albion Motors Ltd., B. 6 February 1884, Glasgow. Ed.: Dollar Academy; Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Car.: apprntcd. Arrol Johnston; with All British Cars Ltd., (A.B.C.) and Albion Motor Car Co. Md.: 3 children. Int.: work and now-and-again golf. Pr. A.: " Galabank," Urmston, Manchester. Tel.: Urmston 219o.
THOMSON, Robert St. Clair, A.M.I.A.E., in charge of Marine Dept. Morris Motors Ltd., Coventry. B. 23 May 1888, Blackheath, Kent. Ed.: Christs College, Blackheath, Kent; Northampton Polytechnic, London. Car.: apprntcd. loco shipyard and general engineering; later took up automobile work, foreman in repair shop; France in 1915, R.N. 1915-1918; Engine Room branch; Engineer to 'Bus Company; Morris Motors Experimental Dept. and finally present position. Md. Int.: motoring, sailing, ships and nautical affairs. Pr. A.: The Laurels, London Road, Stretton-in-Dunsmore, Nr. Rugby, Warwickshire.
THOMSON, William Johnston, L.L.D., J.P., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., F.I.M.T., Chr. and Man. Dir. Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd.; Chr. W. Alexander & Sons Ltd., Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Lanarkshire Traction Co., Rothesay Tramways Co., Ltd., Greenock Motor Services Co., Pitlochry Motor Co., Ltd., Simpsons & Forresters Ltd., Wemyss & District Tramways Co., Ltd., Bydand Motor Transport Co., Ltd. B. 1881, Glasgow. Ed.: Glasgow. Car.: trained as Eng. with Pollock, McNab and Highgate, Glasgow, then with Arroll Johnston Ltd., Paisley; In 1905 assisted to form the Scottish Motor Traction Co.; appt. Man., then Gen. Man., Dir., and now Chr. and Man. Dir.; Elected to Edinburgh Town Council in July 1921, elected a Magistrate November 1926, elected Lord Provost of the City and Lord Lieutenant of the City and County of Edinburgh November 1932. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golfing, shooting, fishing, curling. Pr. A.: " Ormelie " Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, 12. Tel.: Edinburgh 63192.
THORNE, William Crockatt, O.B.E. Dir. India Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd. and Park Ward & Co., Ltd. B. 188o, Greenock. Ed.: Uppingham; Birmingham University; training in bacteriology and analytical research. Car.: associated with public industrial companies; war service 1914-1919, R.E. Md.: 3 children. Int.: various. Pr. A.: St. Katharines House, Liberton, Edinburgh. Tel.: Edinburgh 79146.
THORNE, William T., Chr. & Man. Dir. Thorne's (Worcester) Ltd., Worcester. B. 5 August 1889, Worcester. Ed.: Worcester Royal Grammar School; Worcester Technical Institute. Car.: apprntcd. Nevile Engineering Co., Worcester;; started own business in 1909 and developed present concern which he owns. Md.: daughter. Int.: trying to improve the motor trade. Pr. A.: " Worcester Gate," Hallow, Worcestershire. Tel.: Hallow 38.
THORNTON, Thomas, Pro. Thornton's Garage, Becket Street, Derby. B. 1 January 'goo, Darlington. Ed.: Queen Elizabeth Grammar School; Darlington; studied internal combustion engineering, Nottingham University. Car.: apprntcd. Rolls Royce Ltd.; Dir. Midland Garage Ltd., Derby & Sheffield, prior to commencing business on own account February, 1931. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: Golf. Pr. A.: The Sheiling, Lime Avenue, Duffield, Derbyshire. Tel.: Duffield 147.
THORNYCROFT, Lieut. Commdr. John W., R.N., Sales Dir. J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd. B. 14 October 1899. Ed.: R.N. Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth and Keyham; Trinity College, Cambridge. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: 65 Tufton Street, S.W. Tel.: Victoria 3458.
THORNYCROFT, Sir John Edward, K.B.E., in 1918. Son of the late Sir John I. Thornycroft, Kent. Man. Dir. of J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., Dir. Southern Rly., Co., Member of Council Inst. C.E., Vice-Pres. Inst. Naval Architects. B. 5 September 1872. M.: 1896 Isabel. d. of A.B. Ward, J.P., Blyth, 2 sons, 2 daughters. Pr. A.: The Clock House, Chelsea Embankmant, S.W.9. Tel.: Flaxman 7874. Steyne Wood Battery, Bembridge, I. of W. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Bembridge Sailing.
THORNYCROFT, Roger, Sales Staff John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd. B. London, 1902. Ed.: Eton; Balliol; Oxford. Car.: served time at Ransoms & Rapier, Ipswich and with Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, U.S.A. represented Thornycroft's Colonies, Central Africa, Argentine, Chile, Brazil, Near East. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: yachting, shooting. Pr. A.: 4 Petyt Place, Chelsea, S.W. Tel.: Flaxman 7232.
THORPE, Thomas Homan, B. 16 July 1891, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Ed.: St. Paul's House, St. Leonardson-Sea; Skinner's School, Tunbridge Wells; private tutor; 5 years apprntcd Austin Motor Co; Birmingham Technical Institute. Car.: 2 years with Kent and Essex Ford Depot; 3 years salesman with Rock, Thorpe & Watson, Tunbridge Wells; war service, R.E. and 3 years in 5th Royal Sussex (Cinque Ports) Bat. Lieut. with service in Belgium, France and Italy; transferred to R.A.F. in 1918; men tioned in despatches; now motor claims assessor. Int.: golf, cycling, tennis, motoring, walking. Pr. A.: 28 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Tel.: Tunbridge Wells 742.
TICEHURST John William, Branch Manager, Pass & Joyce Ltd. B. 8 May 1884, Battle, Sussex. Ed.: Winchester House. Car.: with L. B. & S. C. Rly., Wolseley Co., Gen. Motor Cab Co., Vanguard Motor Bus Co., Caledon Lorries Ltd., and 10 years Pass & Joyce; 1914-1919, R.E. and permanent rank major. Md.: 1 son. Int.: cricket, ornamental turning, Scottish Terrier breeding. Pr. A.: 108 Clifton Hill, St. John Wood, N.W. Tel.: Maida Vale 2756.
TILDESLEY, Reginald, Pro. R. Tildesley Lichfield St., Walsall and Garage, Willenhall. B. Willenhall, Staffs, 31 December 1886. Ed.: Rydal School, Colwyn Bay; Birmingham Technical School. Car.: in own business as building contractor 1904-1912; motor dealer since 1912; war service, A.S.C. (M.T.) in France 1915-1919, A.S.M. Md.: 2 girls. Int.: boating, tennis, photography, Rotary. Pr. A.: " The Cottage," New Road, Willenhall, Staffs. Tel.: i3i and 336 Willenhall, 327o Walsall.
TILT, Alfred, A.M.I.A.E., Dir. & Joint Pro., New Avon Body Co., Ltd., Warwick. B. 1894, Coventry. Ed.: King Henry VIII Grammar School; Coventry Technical Institute. Car.: joined the Daimler Co., Coventry in 1911; finished as Assis. Works Engineer 1919 to 1922; then the New Avon Body Co., as Dir. Md.: 1 son. Int.: model locomotives, golf. Pr. A.: The Oak House, Bridge End. Warwick. Tel.: 287.
TIMBERLAKE, Herbert H., A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. H. H. Timberlake Ltd., Wigan. B. 1870, Maidenhead. Ed.: Maidenhead High School; Cheltenham School; full engineering course at father's works, Maidenhead. Car.: firm of H. H. Timberlake founded in 1891, cycle trade, then motor; late Dir. of Vulcan, Southport; late Dir. of Lea & Francis, Coventry; now Chr. & Dir. of Vulcan Motor Services, Cricklewood, London. Md.: 1 son. Int.: photography. Pr. A.: " Parkdale," Wigan. Tel.: Wigan 2773.
TIMSON, Albert Ernest, Sales Man. Timson Bros., Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle. B. 31 May 1909, Birmingham. Ed.: Harborne Hall, Birmingham; St. Aidans, Westgate-on-Sea. Car.: Commercial and technical training; in Timson Bros. business on leaving school; every depart. of Birmingham and Liverpool branch; travelled on behalf of the firm for 5 years; then charge of garage equipment depart. and subsequently control of all Sales. hit.: golf, motoring, cricket. Pr. A.:" The Hayes " Solihull. Tel.: Mid. 6301.
TIMSON, Harry Elson, F.I.M.T., Pro., Timson Bros., Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle. B.: 21 October 1875, Birmingham. Ed.: Moseley, Birmingham. Car.: commercial, after one year with W. & F. Cuthbert, stockbrokers, Birmingham; all commercial life in cycle and motor trades; started business with Walter J. Timson in 1890; travelled the whole of Great Britain and for 15 years abroad, including 12 European countries U.S.A. and Canada; past Chr. and member of several committees of S.M.M. & T.; Hon. Treasurer and Member of M.F.A. Management Committee of British Cycle and NI/Cycle Mfrs. & Traders Union; past Pres. Midland Cycle and Athletic Club; past Pres. Midland Motor Trades Golfing Society; founder member of Forest of Arden Lodge No. 3826. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: golf, shooting, motoring. Pr. A.: The Hayes," Solihull. Tel.: Midland 6301.
TIMSON, Howard H., Man. Timson Bros. Liverpool depot. B. 7 December 1897, Birmingham. Ed.: Solihull Grammar School; King William's College, I.O.M. Car.: war service, February 1915, commissioned 2 /5 South Lancs. (T.F.), served in France and Flanders; joined present firm 1919, Depot Man. 1922. Md. Int.: golf, motoring, sporting events. Pr. A.: 7 Sedburgh Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. Tel.: Wallasey 1013.
TIMSON, Vernon Stuart, Publicity, Man. Timson Bros., Birmingham. B. i May 1910, Birmingham. Ed.: Harborne Hall, Birmingham; Lale ham College, Cliftonville and Oundle. Car.: started with Timson Bros., going through every depart., concen trating on costs and publicity. Int.: golf, cricket, motoring. Pr. A.: The Hayes, Solihull, nr. Birmingham. Tel.: Midland 6301.
TOBIN, Edward Joseph, F.I.M.T., Gen. Man. Morris Garages, Ltd., Oxford. B. 11 September 1883, Ban galore, India. Ed.: Military Schools, R.C. Schools, Reading and Maiden head. Car.: associated with Lord Nuffield since 1906; in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. during war; av% arded M.S.M. Md. Int.: football, cricket, tennis, golf, shooting. Pr. A.: " Bangalore," Iffley Road, Oxford.
TODD, John C., Pr. J. C. Todd, 14 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh. B. 3o July 190o, Kilbarchan, Renfrew shire. Ed.: Edinburgh Academy; Glasgow University (B.Sc. Eng. Glasgow), apprentcd. Halleys Industrial Motors, Ltd. (1920/21) and Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co., Ltd. (1921 /4). Car.: part. Ross & Todd, Edinburgh 1924/6); then prop. present firm; Lecturer I.M.T. Classes Ramsay Tech nical Institute, Sessions 1931 to 1933. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: trout fishing, golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 55 St. Albans Road, Edinburgh. Tel.: 43272.
TOLLEY, Reginald Graham, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E.: NI.I.A.E., Certifying Officer, Ministry of Transport. B. 17 July 1884, Blackheath. Ed.: Mill Hill School; pupil with Johnson & Phillips and Vickers, Ltd. Md.: daughter. Pr. A.: 61 Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E. Tel.: Lee Green 1229.
TOOKEY, William Alfred, M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., 39 Victoria Street, London, S.W. B. 1871, Greenwich. Ed.: Roan School, Greenwich; Birkbeck College, London, Car.: with Appleby Bros., Greenwich, Tangyes, Ltd., London and Birmingham; Past Pres. I.A.E. now Hon. Treasurer; chr. Finance Committee of Research Standardisation I.A.E.: con suiting engineer since 1905, specialising i.c.e. and arbitrations. Pr. A.: 7 Lan caster Gate, Hyde Park, W. Tel.: Paddington 4768.
TOWLER, Clifford Owen, aero engine designer. Wolseley Motors (1927) , Ltd. B. 17 October 1896, Preston. Ed.: Preston Grammar School; Harris Institute, Preston; apprntcd. Dick, Kerr, & Co., Ltd. Preston. Car.: draughtsman Paravane Dept., Portsmouth Dockyard; draughtsman Vickers, Ltd., aero engines; chief draughtsman Clarkson Steam Motors, Chelmsford; draughtsman Armstrong Siddeley Motors, aero engines. Md.: 2 children. Pr. A.: Rosslyn, Bertie Road, Kenilworth.
TRANGMAR, Clarence Martin, Man. Dir. Wilmslow Motor Co., Ltd.; Dir. Lion Motor Co., Blackley. B. 3o March 1896, Pendleton. Ed.: Salford. Car.: with Empress Motors, Horsfall and Bickham, Royal Ruby Motor Cycles, Blake's Motors; Chief Instructor in Motor Engineering, Disabled Ex-Service Man's Scheme, Ministry of Labour; Traffic Man., T. Seymour Meads, Ltd., Manchester. Md.: 1 son. Int.: Rugby football, golf. Pr. A.: " Kered," Stobart Avenue, Sedgley Park, Prestwick, Lancs. Tel.: Broughton 1681.
TRANTER, Frank Ewart, Chr. and Man. Dir. F. E. Tranter & Co., Ltd., Norwood Road, London, S.E. B. 1895, Kidderminster. Ed.: privately. Car.: with B.E.F. 1914/18; Dir. and Gen. Man. of English Motor Agencies, Ltd., Southsea 1919/24; present business since. Aid.: 1 daughter. Int.: shooting golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Bessemer Grange, Denmark Hill, S.E. Tels.: Brixton 3253 and Streatham 7510.
TRISTRAM, Wallace Edward, Man. Dir. Albert & Tristram, Ltd., City Road, Chester. B. 29 April 1886, Hereford. Ed.: Hereford; Law and Accountancy at Hereford and Cheltenham. Car.: 1905/22 with Daimler Co., Coventry; from 1922 to date with Albert & Tristram. Md.: I son. Int.: golf, bowls, Chester Operatic Soc., Vice-Pres, Chester Football Club. Pr. A.: Elm Trees, Mollington, nr. Chester. Tel.: Mollington 18.
TURNER, Charles Henry, F.I.M.T., Pro. C. H. Turner, The Service House, Wellington Road, Stockport. B. 17 July 188o, Manchester. Ed.: Manchester Higher Grade Board School; privately. Car.: with Lookers. Ltd., Manchester; Crossley Motors, Ltd., Manchester; then business on own account since 1918. Md. Int.: motoring, gardening. Pr. A.: Chestnut Cottage, Reddish Road, Stockport. Tel.: Stockport 4724.
TURNER, Charles Joseph, stores Man. George Fitt Motors, Ltd., Whitstable, Kent. B. 24 July 1902, East Grinstead, Sussex. Ed.: Charterhouse; trained at Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Ltd.; and. G. Fitt & Sons, Tankerton. Car.: Studied Engineering 1919/21, King's College, London, during 1921; laid up with illness 1922; Harley-Davidson Motor Co., 1923/24; studying engineering, 1925; 1926 joined Fitt & Sons as Manager; firm now turned into company, G. Fitt Motors, Ltd. Md.: no family. Int.: motor-car and motor-boat racing. Pr. A.: Moor Cottage, Fitzroy Road, Tankerton, Kent. Tel.: Whitstable 496.
TURNER, Ernest W., Dir. Turners' Transport, Ltd., Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon. B. 11 April 1888, London. Ed.: St. Olaves, London; Regent Street Polytechnic. Car.: in 1907 with the Brompton Motor Co.; 1910 Jermyn Street Motor Works; 1914 Sheffield Simplex Motor Co.; war service 1914/19 R.A.S.C. (M.T.); in 1920 commenced business on own account. Md.: 2 sons. hit.: all outdoor sports. Pr. A.: 27 Outram Road, Croydon. Tel.: Addiscombe 3131.
TURNER, Raymond George, A.M.I.A.E., S.A.E., layout and development engineer, Wilmot Breeden, Ltd., Birmingham. B. Birmingham. Ed.: King Edwards VI. Grammar School, Birmingham; Technical School, Birmingham. Car.: with the Rover Co., 1917/28; Technical Dept. of Desmo, Ltd., 1929/1930; Wilmot Breeden, Ltd., 1931 to date. int.: m ountaineering, photography. Pr. A. Queenswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham.
TURNER, Robert Joseph, Export Man. C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. (London). B. 1898, London. Car.: with C. C. Wakefield & Co., since early 1915; charge of export oil sales since 1922. Int.: Vice-ch. 1933 British Export Society. P. A.: 35, Rafford Way, Bromley, Kent. Tel.: Ravensbourne 1826.
TURTLE, Charles, Internal Sales Man., Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd. B. 29 July 1893. Ed.: Rossall; Manchester School of Technology. Car.: apprentd. L. Gardner & Sons, Ltd., Patricroft; in 1914 with Hans Renold, Ltd., now merged into the Renold & Coventry Chain Co. Pr. A.: " Tanfield," Bollin Hill, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Tel.: Wilmslow 412.
TURVEY, Frederick, Junr., F. I .M. T. , Dir., Turvey & Co., Ltd., Holmside, Sunderland. B. 9 June 1891, Sunderland. Ed.: Argyle House School; Sunderland Technical College; apprentcd. Automobiles Clement-Gladiateur; Pro-St.-Gervais, Paris. Car.: interested in own workshops in charge of repair work; raced 1910/13 T.T. Motor Cycle Races I.O.M.; rode for B.S.A., Humber, Triumph, Enfield and Velocette in the most important 6 days and International 6 day trials; in charge of B.S.A. racing experimental dept. in 1913; past-chr. North Eastern Division of M.A.A. & M.T.A.; war service, French Army January to May 1915; R.F.C. until commissioned in May 1916 as a workshop officer in R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Md.: 1 son, 2 daughters. Int.: motoring, motoring competitions. golf. Pr. A.: 10 Ashbrooke Mount, Sunderland. Tel.: Sunderland 6337.
TYLER, John Lowndes Dacre, A.M.I.A.E., Pro. J. Tyler, MacLeod & Victoria Road, Karachi, India. B. 26 February 1888, Quebec House, Norse Road, Surbiton. Ed.: Hadleigh House School, Littlehampton; Lancing College, Sussex. Car.: with Goldsmiths Institute, Ediswan, Ltd., Clarksons, Ltd., Perry, Thornton & Shreiber, Long Acre; in India, automobile engineer Alwar State and Bikanir State; Gen. Man. Baroda Tramway Co.; war service 1915/1920. Int.: tennis, motoring, general science. Pr. A.: Caxton House, Kutcherry Road, Karachi. Tel.: 344 and 1014.
See Also
Sources of Information