1943 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of 1943 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Vol. 149. January-June 1943
- Portrait of the President, Professor F. C. Lea, O.B.E., D.Sc., Wh.Sc., M.I.Mech.E.
- Frontispiece
- List of Council and Officers vii
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups viii
- List of Committees of the Local Branch. ix
- List of Past-Presidents and Past-Vice-Presidents . xi
- Minutes of Proceedings of the meetings held on 8th and 22nd January . 1
- Proceedings at the Presentation of the James Watt International Medal, on 22nd January . 3
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting held on 19th February . 6
- Annual Report of the Council for 1942 . 11
- Tests on Transport Producer Gas Units, by Harold Heywood, Ph.D., M.Sc. (Eng.), Wh.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. 34
- Memoirs . 48
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture: Recent Developments in Refrigeration, by Lord Dudley Gordon, D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) . 49
- Caustic Embrittlement, by E. W. Colbeck, M.A., S. H. Smith, B.Sc., and L. Powell, B.Sc 63
- Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, by T. Henry Turner, M.Sc. 74
- The Soot Blower, with Special Reference to the Present Position of Power and Automatic Operation of Mechanical Blowers, by R. J. Glinn, M.I.Mech.E. 89
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting held on 19th March . 99
- Addendum to Second Report of the Research Committee on High-Duty Cast Irons for General Engineering Purposes: Phosphoric High-Duty Irons (Part II) . 101
- Third Report of the Research Committee on High-Duty Cast Irons for General Engineering Purposes 103
- Summarized impersonal account of the Informal Discussion on "Fuel, Power, and Transport - A National Programme", introduced by W. Wakefield Adam, M.I Mech E 113
- Discussion on A Review of Recent Progress in Heat Transfer (by C. H. Lander) 117
- Communications . 126
- Memoirs . 132
- The Design Office Problem in the Estimation of the Torsional Resonance Characteristics of Small Marine Diesel Propulsion Units, by R. W. Stuart Mitchell, G.I.Mech.E.. 133
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held in April, May, and June . 142
- Communications on Fans - their Types, Characteristics, and Application (by C. G. Ferguson) . 142
- Summarized reports of meetings held by the North Western Branch in conjunction with the Manufacture Group during 1942 160
- Memoirs . 164
- Elections and Transferences of Members . 169
- Engineering Education and Training:—
- Development of Engineering Education and Technical Training, by Wing Commr. T. R. Cave-Browne-Cave, C.B.E., RA.F., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) 174
- The Training of Engineers in Technical Schools and Colleges, by W. E. Fisher, O.B.E., D.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. . 176
- A Commentary on Engineering Education, by W. H. Evans, Ph.D., B.Sc. Tech., A.M.I.Mech.E., B. W. Pendred, A.M.I.Mech.E., and John F. Sutton, M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. (Members of Council) 178
- Some Suggestions for the Improvement of the Training of Engineers, by Kenneth R. Evans, M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. 179
- Summary of verbal discussion on the foregoing four Educational Papers, prepared by D. S. Anderson, Ph.D., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E.. 182
- Summary of written communications on the same four Educational Papers, prepared by R. D. Peggs, MA., A.M.I.Mech.E. . 185
- Memorandum on the White Paper on "Educational Reconstruction" and its Impact on Training for Mechanical Engineering ..... 186
- Memoirs ......... 193
- Index ........ 198
Vol. 150. July—December 1943
- List of Council and Officers ... vii
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups . viii
- List of Committees of the Local Branches ..ix
- List of Past-Presidents and Past-Vice-Presidents . xi
- The First Gas Turbine Locomotive, by Adolf Meyer, E.D. 1
- A New Rotary Compressor, by A. J. R. Lysholm, M.I.Mech.E. 11
- Discussion on the Measurement 'of Torsional Vibrations (by R. Stanfield) 17
- Memoirs 29
- Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture: Some Types of Propelling Machinery Available to Shipowners, by C. C. Pounder, M.I.Mech.E. 37
- Communications on Distribution of Boiler Load (by P. G. Kaufmann) . 68
- Memoirs . 74
- Lecture on the Life and Work of Sir William Chandler Roberts-Austen, K.C.B., D.C.L.,D.Sc., F.R.S., by Dr. S. W. Smith, C.B.E. 77
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held in October and November. 84
- Elections and Transferences of Members . 85
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held on 3rd and 10th December . 88
- Discussion in London on Caustic Embrittlement (by E. W. Colbeck, S. H. Smith, and L. Powell), and Corrosion of Boiler Tubes (by T. Henry Turner) . 88
- Communications on Caustic Embrittlement (by E. W. Colbeck, S. H. Smith, and L. Powell), and Corrosion of Boiler Tubes (by T. Henry Turner) . 99
- Memoirs 117
- A Survey of Modem Centrifugal Pump Practice for Oilfield and Oil Refinery Services, by N. Tetlow, B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. 121
- Piston Crown Temperatures in a Compression-ignition Engine with "Comet" Head, by W. L. Bride, M.Sc.Tech., B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E 134
- The Calculation of Roll Pressure in Hot and Cold Flat Rolling, by E. Orowan, Dr. Ing 140
- Memoirs 168
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting held on 17th December . 169
- Elections and Transferences of Members 169
- The Production of High-speed Helical Gears, with Special Reference to the Elimination of Transmission Noises, by S. A. Cowling, A.M.I.Mech.E. 172
- Discussion in London 178
- Discussion in Manchester . 185
- Communications . 189
- Some Textile Finishing Machines, by K. S. Laurie, M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. 195
- Discussion in London .. 209
- Communications . 212
- Index 217
See Also
Sources of Information