1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers I

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., NOBEL HOUSE, BUCKINGHAM GATE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Impkemix, Telex, London". T.N., VICtoria 4444. Regional & Area Sales Offices:- Midland Region: Regional Office: LOMBARD HOUSE, GREAT CHARLES STREET, BIRMINGHAM 3. T.N., CENtral 4911. T.A., "Impkem, Birmingham". Area Offices at BIRMINGHAM, CARDIFF, LEICESTER and SHREWSBURY. Northern Region: Regional Office and Manchester Area Office: SHIP CANAL HOUSE, KING STREET, MANCHESTER 2. T.N., DEAnsgate 2424. T.A., "Impkemix, Manchester 2". Area Offices at BRADFORD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE and SHEFFIELD. Southern Region: Regional Office and London Area Office: GLOUCESTER HOUSE, 149 PARK LANE, LONDON, W.1. T.N., GROsvenor 4020. T.A., "Chemind, Telex, London". Area Offices at BRISTOL, and CAMBORNE, CORNWALL. Scotland and Northern Ireland Region: Regional Office and Glasgow Area Office : 4 BLYTHSWOOD SQUARE, GLASGOW, C.2. T.N., DOUglas 7020. T.A., "Impkemix, Glasgow C.2". Area Offices at BELFAST and EDINBURGH.
Dense sodium carbonate 99-100% (heavy soda ash 58% Na20 all grades); light sodium carbonate 98-100% (light soda ash 58% Na2O); sodium sulphate; lime; limestone; sodium nitrate; potassium nitrate; sodium aluminate; sodium silicate; sodium silicofluoride; ammonium chloride; ammonium sulphate; calcium chloride; iron oxide pigments; caustic soda; sodium bicarbonate; soda crystals; alkaline detergents; mineral acids; surface active agents for cleansing, wetting, dispersing, etc.; polishing rouges; cement; paints and lacquers; non-ferrous metals.
IMPERIAL SMELTING CORPORATION (SALES) LTD., 37 DOVER STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.A., " Impsales, Telex, London". T.N., REGent 8161.
High purity zinc and cadmium sulphides; sulphuric acid; hydrofluoric acid.
Sales Office Manager: J. H. Murison .
IMPREGNATED DIAMOND PRODUCTS LTD., TUFFLEY CRESCENT, GLOUCESTER. T.A., "Impreg, Gloucester". T.N., Gloucester 21164. London Office: GROSVENOR GARDENS HOUSE, S.W.1. T.A., " Impreg, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 9182. Established 1940.
"Neven" diamond-impregnated metal bonded tools for cutting, grinding and drilling glass, Vitrolite and other hard materials; manufacturers of special machinery for the optical trade.
Trade Names: Neven; Pacera-Neven.
Managing Director: A. N. Pictor.
Secretary: L. D. Burdit.
INCANDESCENT HEAT CO. LTD., CORNWALL ROAD, SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM. T.A., "Repeat, Birmingham". T.N., SMEthwick 0875 (8 lines). London Office: 16 GROSVENOR PLACE, S.W.1. T.A., "Incandheat, Knights, London". T.N., SLOane 7803 and 9818. Established 1904.
Lehrs for annealing and toughening; fusing furnaces for optical glass; glass decorating furnaces; glass dropping furnaces.
Managing Director: J. Fallon.
Secretary: W. Cook.
INDUSMOND (DIAMOND TOOLS) LTD. Head Office: 4 GREVILLE STREET, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Memfagimal, Smith, London". T.N., CHAncery 7608/9. Works: 22 UNION STREET, BARNET, HERTS. T.N., BARnet 6718.
lndusmond diamond drill for glass; diamond tools for bevelling, countersinking and milling glass.
Trade Name: Indusmond.
See Advertisement, page 38.
INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., 56 KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Sahlin, Westcent 2, London". T.N., HOLborn 1871/2. Established 1915.
Morgan producer gas machines; Isley furnace control.
Trade Name: Morgan.
Directors: S. L. Bengtson (Managing); S. R. Olson; H. C. Sugden.
See Advertisements, pages 28 and 29.
INTERNATIONAL FURNACE EQUIPMENT CO. LTD., ALDRIDGE, STAFFS. T.A., "Combustion, Aldridge". T.N., Aldridge 52245/6. Established 1926.
Gas producer plant for raw and clean gas; glass-melting furnaces and lehrs; refractory recuperator systems.
Trade Name: I.F.E.
Managing Director: S. Stockell.
I. S. & G. MERCHANTS LTD. Head Office: 14 FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C.2. T.A., "Gramercy, Ave, London". T.N., LONdon Wall 6805. Works: KENT HOUSE LANE, BECKENHAM, KENT. T.N., SYDenham 8684. Established 1930.
Wire ties for bagging, bundling and reinforcing.
Trade Names: E.L.B.; Le Bas.
Directors: Lieut.-Gen. M. B. Burrows, C.B., D.S.O., M.C.; H. Holmes, F.C.A.; W. Gray Horton, M.C.
Secretary: R. N . Cannon.
See Also
Sources of Information