1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers J

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
JENKINS (ROBERT) & CO. LTD., ROTHERHAM. T.A., "Jenkins, Rotherham". T.N., Rotherham 4201/6 (6 lines). Established 1856.
Storage tanks, ducting, etc., in mild or stainless steel.
JEPSON (E. G.) & CO., 5 CROWN POINT ROAD, LEEDS 10. (Agents for Borax Consolidated Ltd. and John & James White Ltd. Rutherglen.) T.A., "Jepson, Leeds 10" . T.N., Leeds 20827/8. Established 1806.
Borax; bichromates; chromates; chromium oxide.
Partners: H . Gilliat and A. R. Gilliat.
J. L. S. ENGINEERING CO. LTD., BIRMINGHAM FACTORY CENTRE, KINGS NORTON, BIRMINGHAM 30. T.A., "Cir-System, Birmingham". T.N., KINgs Norton 1824. Established 1938.
Gas-fired or electric air-circulating, heat treatment ovens and furnaces; heat-treatment apparatus; unit air heaters.
Directors and Proprietors: J. L. Smith; L. W. Newman.
See Advertisement, page 388.
JOHNSON, MATTHEY & CO. LTD. Head Office: HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Matthey, Smith, London" T.N., HOLborn 6989. Works: CHURCH STREET, BURSLEM, STAFFS. T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 87822 and 87709. Established 1820.
Matthey transfers for the glass industry; liquid precious metal products for the decoration of glass; sodium selenite; silver nitrate; tin protochloride; cobalt oxide and salts; Rochelle salts; putty powder; caustic soda; cadmium pigments; platinum and rhodium-platinum crucibles and dandies; furnace linings; furnaces for fibre-making; laboratory furnaces; die linings; platinum and rhodium-platinum thermocouples, and thermocouple sheaths.
JOHNSON, RADLEY & SONS LTD., NEW CHESNEY WORKS, HILLIDGE ROAD, HUNSLET, LEEDS 10. T .A., "Moulds, Leeds 10". T.N., Leeds 75354. Established 1919.
Mould equipment for Lynch, I.S., Mitchell, O'Neill, Miller and Monish automatic machines; moulds for pressed glassware, lighting ware and semi-automatic forming machines; semi-automatic glass machinery designated as suck and blow machines; press and blow machines; glass presses; mechanical boys; fire-finishing machines; cracking-off machines, etc.; bottle designs; wood models; glassworks patterns; castings (moulds and general); foundry machinery; dies for light alloy and general engineering.
Trade Name: Cristelle.
Managing Director: C. W. Johnson.
Secretary: Miss C. A. Holmes.
See Advertisement, page 37.
JOHNSON & STARLEY LTD. WHITEGATE DRIVE, BLACKPOOL. T.A., "Fording, Blackpool". T.N., Marton 534. Established 1922.
Oil-burning equipment: central heating, annealing furnaces, furnaces, steam raising.
Trade Names: Spray Heat; Heat on Tap.
Managing Director and Secretary: D. J. Johnson.
JOHNSONS OF HENDON LTD., HENDON WAY, LONDON, N.W.4. T.A., "Caustic, Norphone, London". T.N., HENdon 8051/6 (6 lines). Established 1743.
Silver nitrate; ammonia; tin protochloride; bevellers' rouge; glucose monohydrate.
Managing Director: E. B. Cook.
Secretary: H. G. Muddiman.
JONAS & COLVER (NOVO) LTD., NOVO STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD 9. T.A., "Novo, Sheffield 9". T.N., Sheffield 41245. London Office: DRAYTON HOUSE, GORDON STREET, W.C.1. T.A., "Novojono, Westcent, London". T.N., EUSton 2248/9. Established 1870.
Steel and tool manufacturers; tungsten carbide tips and tools.
Trade Names: Novo; lovite.
JONES & ATTWOOD LTD., TITAN WORKS, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Heat, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 5106/7.
Cast-iron glass moulds.
Directors: W. Stringer-Jones; W. E. Hand; G. W. Stanbury; H. L. Folkes; T. A. H. Baynes.
JONZEN (B.) & CO. LTD. GAMAGE BUILDING, 118/122 HOLBORN, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Unanimanda, Smith, London". T.N., HOLborn 1245/6. Established 1899; Limited 1914.
Corks and screw caps; capsules; straw envelopes.
Directors: B. Jonzen; G. F. Day.