1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers K

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
KANAAR (G. J.) & SONS, 28/30 LIME STREET, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Prevalence, London". T.N., MANsion House 2081. Established 1902.
Straw envelopes for any kind of bottle, jar, or glass container; straw mats, all sizes as required and up to 1" thick; straw rope, 3/8" to 1" thick, any length.
Proprietor: C. C. Kanaar.
KEITH, BLACKMAN LTD. Head Office and Works: MILL MEAD ROAD, TOTTENHAM, LONDON, N.17. T.A., " Keithblac, Norphone, London". T.N., TOTtenham 4522 (12 lines). Works: ARBROATH, ANGUS. Established 1883.
High-pressure blowers and boosters; gas and air rotary compressors; mechanical draught fans for boilers and kilns; unit heaters; high and low pressure industrial gas burners; drying equipment.
Managing Director: M . Burningham.
Secretary: A. L. Ayton, F.C.I.S.
KEMBALL, BISHOP & CO. LTD., CROWN CHEMICAL WORKS, THREE MILL LANE, BROMLEY-BY-BOW, LONDON, E.3. T.A., "Kemball, London". T.N., ADVance 1234 (7 lines). Established 1870.
Manufacturers of fine chemicals, including sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle salts) and lithium salts. Managing Director: Col. H. F. Kemball, T.D., D.L.
Secretary: S. F. Souvage.
KENT (GEORGE) LTD., BISCOT ROAD, LUTON, BEDS. T.A., "Kents, Luton". T.N., Luton 2440. London Offices: GEORGE KENT LTD., 199/201 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C.1. Established 1838.
Pyrometers; mechanical water meters; flow meters for all fluids; controllers for flow, pressure, temperature, liquid level, etc.; automatic boiler controls; automatic furnace controls.
Joint Managing Directors: Commander P. W. Kent, R.N. (Retired) and W. G. Ardley.
Sand-drying plant; fume-extraction plant; fluorine pumps; fans; storage vessels and handling plant. Managing Director: B. N. Reavell.
Secretary: W. S. Knight.
KING BROTHERS (STOURBRIDGE) LTD. Offices: 46 PENN STREET, BIRMINGHAM 4. T.N., ASTon Cross 2119. Works: FIRECLAY AND BRICK WORKS, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "King Bros., Stourbridge". T.N., Lye 17. Established 1825 to 1830.
Glasshouse pots; skittle pots; syphons; crucibles for glassworks; pot stoppers, collars and rings; tank blocks; refractories of all classes; sillimanite bricks and sillimanite tank blocks.
Trade Name: King Bros.
Directors: J. Haselden King; W. Sherwood Mockett; S. Morris; J. B. Miller; S. Shakespeare.
KING (GEO. W.) LTD. Head Office and Works: HARTFORD WORKS, HITCHIN, HERTS. T.A., "Konveyas, Hitchin". T.N., Hitchin 960 (10 lines). Works: ARGYLE WORKS, STEVENAGE, HERTS. T.N., Stevenage 440.
Mechanical handling equipment; overhead cranes; overhead conveyors; electric hoists; overhead runways.
Trade Names: Power-Pulled; Power-Pulled Junior; Dual-Duty; Super track; Marvex; Mammoth; MyTeMin; Ropelock.
KING, TAUDEVIN & GREGSON LTD., GRINDLEGATE WORKS, 39 SCOTLAND STREET, SHEFFIELD 3. Works Entrance: SOLLY STREET. T.A., "Pyro, Sheffield 3". T.N., Sheffield 27107/9 (3 lines). Branch Addresses: 67/ 68 CARVER STREET, BIRMINGHAM. T.N., CENtral 2833. VALLEY MILLS , MEANWOOD ROAD, LEEDS 7. T.N., Leeds 41305. 353 CHESTER ROAD, MANCHESTER 16. T.N., TRAfford Park 0221/2. 12 RUE DE MILAN, IX, PARIS, FRANCE. Established 1918.
Glass plant engineers; builders of all types of furnace and lehr for all types of fuel, including electricity; stackers; batch charging and handling equipment, etc.; glassworks designers and consultants; the supply of skilled labour for maintenance and repair work for furnaces, lehrs and other equipment; the supply of conveyors, instrument installations, fuel oil installations, gas plant and raw producer gas mains.
Directors: A. Garstang, A.I.Mech.E., F.S.G.T. (Managing); E. W. Webster; F. S. Webster; L. Jones, A.M.I.Mech.E.; G. A. Rolfe, F.I.A.C.
See Advertisements, back cover and page 11.
KLINGER (RICHARD) LTD., KLINGERIT WORKS, SIDCUP, KENT. T.A., "Klingerit, Sidcup". T.N., Foots Cray 3022/7 (6 lines). Established 1886.
Compressed asbestos; Klingerit sheet jointing and ready-cut gaskets; boiler mountings and fittings; water level and liquid level gauges; valves and cocks (in gunmetal, cast and forged steel).
Trade Names: Klingerit ; Klingerflow.
Managing Director: C. Soukup.
Secretary: H. H. Taylor.
KORK-N-SEAL LTD. Head Office: 8 LEICESTER STREET, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Korkanseal, Lesquare, London". T.N., GERrard 8611 (15 lines). Works: CHARLTON; LONDON; BRIDGE OF ALLAN, STIRLINGSHIRE. Established 1923.
Metal and moulded closures, stoppers and metallic capsules.
Trade Names: Korkin-Seal; Korkalite; Korkathene.
Managing Director: E. A. Blanch.