1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users E

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus.
Partners: A. T. R. Ebdon; W. G. Collier.
See Advertisement, page 26.
ECAM LTD., 219/229 ST. GEORGE'S WAY, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E.15. T.N., RODney 4606. Established 1945; Incorporated 1950.
High vacuum stop cocks and joints; cold cathode lampworking; glass novelty wine containers; all-electric water still.
Managing Director: E. J. Camp.
Secretary: A. S. D. Barrett.
EDWARDS (W.) & CO. (LONDON) LTD., ALLENDALE WORKS, WORSLEY BRIDGE ROAD, LOWER SYDENHAM, LONDON, S.E.26. T.A., "Edcohivac, Souphone, London". T.N., SYDenham 7026 (8 lines). Established 1918; Registered 1940.
Rotary oil-sealed high-vacuum pumps; metal, oil, and metal-and-glass mercury diffusion high-vacuum pumps; combined low-pressure and rough-vacuum pumps; high-vacuum gauges of the McLeod, Vacustat, Pirani, Philips, Ionisation, Knudsen, oil and mercury manometer types; bellows manometers; Bourdon and sealed capsule-type dial gauges; vacuum coating equipment by evaporation and sputtering processes; centrifugal freeze dryers and vacuum sublimation equipment; electron diffraction camera; vacuum accessories of all types.
Trade Names: Speedivac; Vacustat; Flowtrol.
Managing Director: F. D. Edwards.
Secretary: Mrs. D. Wheelhouse.
EKCO-ENSIGN ELECTRIC LTD. Head Office: EKCO WORKS, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ESSEX. T.A., "Ekco, Southend-on-Sea". T.N., Southend 49491. Works: KENT STREET WORKS, PRESTON, LANCS. T.A., "Ensign, Preston". T.N., Preston 4628. London Office: 5 VIGO STREET, W.1. T.A., "Ekcorad, Piccy, London". T.N., REGent 7030. Established 1947.
Fluorescent lighting tubes; incandescent lamps; lamp shades.
Trade Name: Ekco.
Managing Director: J. F. Young.
Secretary: J. Corbishley.
ELDERS, WALKER & CO. LTD., SUNDERLAND ROAD, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE. T.A., "Glassman, Gateshead". T.N., Gateshead 72551.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; fluorescent lighting tubes; neon lighting displays.
Trade Name: Elconeon.
Managing Director: A. E. Beadnell.
Secretary: R. Layfield.
ELECTRIC & MUSICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., HAYES, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Emitron, Telex, London". T.N., SOUthall 2468.
E.M.I. cathode-ray tubes.
Trade Names: Emiscope; Emitron.
Managing Director: Sir Ernest Fisk.
ELECTRO METHODS LTD., 220 THE VALE, LONDON, N.W.11. T.A., "Tromedos, Gold, London" . T.N., GLAdstone 6611/2.
Hygrometers; manometers; adjustable contact thermometers 0-630°C.; fixed contact thermometers; Beckman thermometer-electric contact type; mercury switches; automatic electric stills (water).
Managing Director: G. Mainzer.
Secretary: E. Mainzer.
ELECTROLUMINATION LTD. Head Office and Works: LAYTON'S BUILDINGS, BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON, S.E.1. T.A., "Electrolumination, London". T.N., HOP 1257 and 2605. Works: LAYTON'S BUILDINGS, MIDLAND STREET, ARDWICK, MANCHESTER 12. Established 1928.
Valve envelopes; fluorescent lighting tubes; electric lamp bulbs; spectrum analysis tubes.
Managing Director: J. F. Aldridge.
Secretary: F. E. Metters.
See Advertisement, rage 18.
ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS LTD. Head Office: GOLDEN COURT, RICHMOND, SURREY. T.A., "Electron, Richmond, Surrey". T.N., RIChmond 4917. Works: 17 PARADISE ROAD, RICHMOND, SURREY. Established 1945.
Electronic measuring instruments; pH meter, portable, direct reading; laboratory valve voltmeter.
Managing Director: P. Goudime, M.A.
ELECTRONIC TUBES LTD. Head Office and Works: KINGSMEAD WORKS, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS. T.A., "Electronics, High Wycombe". T.N., High Wycombe 2020.
Radio valves; cathode-ray tubes.
Secretary: L. C. Newman.
Subsidiary company formed in 1946 to take over the radio valve and cathode-ray tube department of A. C. Cossor Ltd.
ELECTROTHERMAL ENGINEERING LTD., 270 NEVILLE ROAD, LONDON, E.7. T.A., "Electrotop, London, E.7". T.N., GRAngewood 0055/6. Established 1940.
Glass heating mantles and tapes; glass wicks; electrothermal laboratory heating equipment.
Managing Director: H. H. Goldstaub, A.M.I.E.E.
Secretary: H. Goldstaub.
ELLAWAY (H. T.). Head Office: 46 CHESHIRE GARDENS, HOOK, SURREY. Works: 8 MOLESHAM WAY, WEST MOLESEY, SURREY. T.N., MOLesey 1485. Established 1945. One annealing, gas-fired furnace.
Lamp blown work done to specification; glass-to-metal seals; glass novelties.
Managing Director: H. T. Ellaway.
Secretary: I. P. Ellaway.
ELLIFF (P.) & SONS LTD., MABGATE GREEN, LEEDS 9. T.N., Leeds 22751. Established as a Limited Company 1936. One gas-fired furnace.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass windows.
Managing Director: A. Elliff.
Secretary: G. Elliff.
ELLIOTT (H. J.) LTD., "E-MIL" WORKS, TREFOREST TRADING ESTATE, NR. PONTYPRIDD, GLAM. T.A., "Glass, Pontypridd". T.N., Taffs Well 278 (3 lines). London Office: 175/179 ST. JOHN STREET, CLERKENWELL, E.C.1. T.A., "Pipette, Smith, London". T.N., CLErkenwell 7276/7. Established 1914.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus; graduated lampblown glassware and thermometers, to customers' specification for industrial and other purposes.
Trade Names: E-Mil; E-Mil Gold Line; E-Mil Green Line; Elliott.
Directors: S. H. Elliott (Managing); H. J. Elliott; Mrs. G. M. Parker (Secretary); G. D. Shepherd, M.B.E., F.C.A.; A. Cochrane, M.I.M.E.
See Advertisement on bookmark.
ELLIOTT OPTICAL CO. LTD., 8/9 SPRING PLACE, HOLMES ROAD, LONDON, N.W.5. T.A., "Ellopticom, Norwest, London". T.N., GULliver 3381/2. Established 1912.
Manufacturing opticians; ophthalmic lenses; dispensers of optical glass prescriptions.
Directors: Guy E. Druiff; Gerald E. Druiff; F. W. S. Druiff.
Secretary: H. D. Anthony.
ELLIS OPTICAL COMPANY, 24 MAYDAY ROAD, THORNTON HEATH, SURREY. T.A., " Elopco, Phone, Croydon". T.N., THOrnton Heath 2293/4. Established 1923.
Optical instruments and equipment; lenses; mirrors.
Trade name: Elopco.
Directors: F. S. B. Ellis; C. E. W. Glasscock; E. H. Maxwell.
ENDEMANO (A.) & CO., 34 ARGYLE STREET, BIRKENHEAD. T.N., Birkenhead 5545. Established 1933.
Neon sign manufacturers; hydrometers (battery testers).
Trade Name: Lab-Test.
Managing Director: A. Endemano.
Secretary: Mrs. M. Endemano.
ENGLISH ELECTRIC VALVE CO. LTD., WATERHOUSE LANE, CHELMSFORD, ESSEX. T.A., "Enelectico, Chelmsford". T.N., Chelmsford 3491. Registered Offices: QUEENS HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. Established 1947.
Radio transmitting valves.
Proprietors: English Electric Co. Ltd., Queens House, Kingsway, London W.C.2.
ENGLISH GLASS CO. LTD., EMPIRE ROAD, LEICESTER. T.A., "Mouldings, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 23481/2. London Office: 74 GAMAGE BUILDING, HOLBORN, E.C.1. T.A., "Jewellens, Smith, London". T.N., CHAncery 6981. Established 1934. Seven furnaces: gas.
Ballotini beads; buttons and imitation jewellery; lenses; mirrors; instrument glasses; optical glass products; silvering; gilding; machinery glassware.
Trade Names: Queen Anne; Englass.
Managing Director: J. Oplatek.
Secretary: E. Cadmore.
ENTERPRISE GLASS CO. LTD., WESTON ROAD, TRADING ESTATE, SLOUGH, BUCKS. T.A., "Slough 21534". T.N., Slough 21534. Registered Office: 62 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.N., MUSeum 0464. Established 1929.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processors of constructional glass products; laminated filters for welding (B.S.I. Standard).
Managing Director: A. E. Wagstaff.
Secretary: D. A. Clarke.
Stained glass windows.
EUREKA SCIENTIFIC CO. LTD. Head Office: 194/198 ILFORD LANE, ILFORD, ESSEX. T.N., ILFord 1705. Works: NATAL ROAD, ILFORD, ESSEX. Established 1925.
Lampworked scientific glassware and apparatus; graduated scientific glassware.
Managing Director: R. G. Conner.
Secretary: E. Jennings, F.C.P.A.
EVANS & CO. (GLAZIERS) Ltd., 128A OLDBURY RoAD, SMETHWICK, STAFFS. T.N., SMEthwick 0352. Established 1868. One gas kiln.
Stained glass windows; leaded lights; patent glazing.
Managing Director and Secretary: K. Underhill.
EVERETT (S. & R. J.) & CO. LTD., 939/45 LONDON ROAD, THORNTON HEATH, SURREY. T.A., "Hypodermic, Croydon". T.N., THOrnton Heath 3252/4 (3 lines). Established 1936.
Hypodermic syringes and surgical needles.
Directors: S. J. Everett; F. C. Everett; R. H. Everett; J. B. Allen; J. L. Orr.
Stained glass windows.
See Also
Sources of Information