Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users E

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry

Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus.
Partners: A. T. R. Ebdon; W. G. Collier.
See Advertisement, page 26.

ECAM LTD., 219/229 ST. GEORGE'S WAY, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E.15. T.N., RODney 4606. Established 1945; Incorporated 1950.
High vacuum stop cocks and joints; cold cathode lampworking; glass novelty wine containers; all-electric water still.
Managing Director: E. J. Camp.
Secretary: A. S. D. Barrett.

EDWARDS (W.) & CO. (LONDON) LTD., ALLENDALE WORKS, WORSLEY BRIDGE ROAD, LOWER SYDENHAM, LONDON, S.E.26. T.A., "Edcohivac, Souphone, London". T.N., SYDenham 7026 (8 lines). Established 1918; Registered 1940.
Rotary oil-sealed high-vacuum pumps; metal, oil, and metal-and-glass mercury diffusion high-vacuum pumps; combined low-pressure and rough-vacuum pumps; high-vacuum gauges of the McLeod, Vacustat, Pirani, Philips, Ionisation, Knudsen, oil and mercury manometer types; bellows manometers; Bourdon and sealed capsule-type dial gauges; vacuum coating equipment by evaporation and sputtering processes; centrifugal freeze dryers and vacuum sublimation equipment; electron diffraction camera; vacuum accessories of all types.
Trade Names: Speedivac; Vacustat; Flowtrol.
Managing Director: F. D. Edwards.
Secretary: Mrs. D. Wheelhouse.

EKCO-ENSIGN ELECTRIC LTD. Head Office: EKCO WORKS, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ESSEX. T.A., "Ekco, Southend-on-Sea". T.N., Southend 49491. Works: KENT STREET WORKS, PRESTON, LANCS. T.A., "Ensign, Preston". T.N., Preston 4628. London Office: 5 VIGO STREET, W.1. T.A., "Ekcorad, Piccy, London". T.N., REGent 7030. Established 1947.
Fluorescent lighting tubes; incandescent lamps; lamp shades.
Trade Name: Ekco.
Managing Director: J. F. Young.
Secretary: J. Corbishley.

ELDERS, WALKER & CO. LTD., SUNDERLAND ROAD, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE. T.A., "Glassman, Gateshead". T.N., Gateshead 72551.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; fluorescent lighting tubes; neon lighting displays.
Trade Name: Elconeon.
Managing Director: A. E. Beadnell.
Secretary: R. Layfield.

ELECTRIC & MUSICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., HAYES, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Emitron, Telex, London". T.N., SOUthall 2468.
E.M.I. cathode-ray tubes.
Trade Names: Emiscope; Emitron.
Managing Director: Sir Ernest Fisk.

ELECTRO METHODS LTD., 220 THE VALE, LONDON, N.W.11. T.A., "Tromedos, Gold, London" . T.N., GLAdstone 6611/2.
Hygrometers; manometers; adjustable contact thermometers 0-630°C.; fixed contact thermometers; Beckman thermometer-electric contact type; mercury switches; automatic electric stills (water).
Managing Director: G. Mainzer.
Secretary: E. Mainzer.

ELECTROLUMINATION LTD. Head Office and Works: LAYTON'S BUILDINGS, BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON, S.E.1. T.A., "Electrolumination, London". T.N., HOP 1257 and 2605. Works: LAYTON'S BUILDINGS, MIDLAND STREET, ARDWICK, MANCHESTER 12. Established 1928.
Valve envelopes; fluorescent lighting tubes; electric lamp bulbs; spectrum analysis tubes.
Managing Director: J. F. Aldridge.
Secretary: F. E. Metters.
See Advertisement, rage 18.

ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS LTD. Head Office: GOLDEN COURT, RICHMOND, SURREY. T.A., "Electron, Richmond, Surrey". T.N., RIChmond 4917. Works: 17 PARADISE ROAD, RICHMOND, SURREY. Established 1945.
Electronic measuring instruments; pH meter, portable, direct reading; laboratory valve voltmeter.
Managing Director: P. Goudime, M.A.

ELECTRONIC TUBES LTD. Head Office and Works: KINGSMEAD WORKS, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS. T.A., "Electronics, High Wycombe". T.N., High Wycombe 2020.
Radio valves; cathode-ray tubes.
Secretary: L. C. Newman.
Subsidiary company formed in 1946 to take over the radio valve and cathode-ray tube department of A. C. Cossor Ltd.

ELECTROTHERMAL ENGINEERING LTD., 270 NEVILLE ROAD, LONDON, E.7. T.A., "Electrotop, London, E.7". T.N., GRAngewood 0055/6. Established 1940.
Glass heating mantles and tapes; glass wicks; electrothermal laboratory heating equipment.
Managing Director: H. H. Goldstaub, A.M.I.E.E.
Secretary: H. Goldstaub.

ELLAWAY (H. T.). Head Office: 46 CHESHIRE GARDENS, HOOK, SURREY. Works: 8 MOLESHAM WAY, WEST MOLESEY, SURREY. T.N., MOLesey 1485. Established 1945. One annealing, gas-fired furnace.
Lamp blown work done to specification; glass-to-metal seals; glass novelties.
Managing Director: H. T. Ellaway.
Secretary: I. P. Ellaway.

ELLIFF (P.) & SONS LTD., MABGATE GREEN, LEEDS 9. T.N., Leeds 22751. Established as a Limited Company 1936. One gas-fired furnace.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass windows.
Managing Director: A. Elliff.
Secretary: G. Elliff.

ELLIOTT (H. J.) LTD., "E-MIL" WORKS, TREFOREST TRADING ESTATE, NR. PONTYPRIDD, GLAM. T.A., "Glass, Pontypridd". T.N., Taffs Well 278 (3 lines). London Office: 175/179 ST. JOHN STREET, CLERKENWELL, E.C.1. T.A., "Pipette, Smith, London". T.N., CLErkenwell 7276/7. Established 1914.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus; graduated lampblown glassware and thermometers, to customers' specification for industrial and other purposes.
Trade Names: E-Mil; E-Mil Gold Line; E-Mil Green Line; Elliott.
Directors: S. H. Elliott (Managing); H. J. Elliott; Mrs. G. M. Parker (Secretary); G. D. Shepherd, M.B.E., F.C.A.; A. Cochrane, M.I.M.E.
See Advertisement on bookmark.

ELLIOTT OPTICAL CO. LTD., 8/9 SPRING PLACE, HOLMES ROAD, LONDON, N.W.5. T.A., "Ellopticom, Norwest, London". T.N., GULliver 3381/2. Established 1912.
Manufacturing opticians; ophthalmic lenses; dispensers of optical glass prescriptions.
Directors: Guy E. Druiff; Gerald E. Druiff; F. W. S. Druiff.
Secretary: H. D. Anthony.

ELLIS OPTICAL COMPANY, 24 MAYDAY ROAD, THORNTON HEATH, SURREY. T.A., " Elopco, Phone, Croydon". T.N., THOrnton Heath 2293/4. Established 1923.
Optical instruments and equipment; lenses; mirrors.
Trade name: Elopco.
Directors: F. S. B. Ellis; C. E. W. Glasscock; E. H. Maxwell.

ENDEMANO (A.) & CO., 34 ARGYLE STREET, BIRKENHEAD. T.N., Birkenhead 5545. Established 1933.
Neon sign manufacturers; hydrometers (battery testers).
Trade Name: Lab-Test.
Managing Director: A. Endemano.
Secretary: Mrs. M. Endemano.

ENGLISH ELECTRIC VALVE CO. LTD., WATERHOUSE LANE, CHELMSFORD, ESSEX. T.A., "Enelectico, Chelmsford". T.N., Chelmsford 3491. Registered Offices: QUEENS HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. Established 1947.
Radio transmitting valves.
Proprietors: English Electric Co. Ltd., Queens House, Kingsway, London W.C.2.

ENGLISH GLASS CO. LTD., EMPIRE ROAD, LEICESTER. T.A., "Mouldings, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 23481/2. London Office: 74 GAMAGE BUILDING, HOLBORN, E.C.1. T.A., "Jewellens, Smith, London". T.N., CHAncery 6981. Established 1934. Seven furnaces: gas.
Ballotini beads; buttons and imitation jewellery; lenses; mirrors; instrument glasses; optical glass products; silvering; gilding; machinery glassware.
Trade Names: Queen Anne; Englass.
Managing Director: J. Oplatek.
Secretary: E. Cadmore.

ENTERPRISE GLASS CO. LTD., WESTON ROAD, TRADING ESTATE, SLOUGH, BUCKS. T.A., "Slough 21534". T.N., Slough 21534. Registered Office: 62 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.N., MUSeum 0464. Established 1929.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processors of constructional glass products; laminated filters for welding (B.S.I. Standard).
Managing Director: A. E. Wagstaff.
Secretary: D. A. Clarke.

Stained glass windows.

EUREKA SCIENTIFIC CO. LTD. Head Office: 194/198 ILFORD LANE, ILFORD, ESSEX. T.N., ILFord 1705. Works: NATAL ROAD, ILFORD, ESSEX. Established 1925.
Lampworked scientific glassware and apparatus; graduated scientific glassware.
Managing Director: R. G. Conner.
Secretary: E. Jennings, F.C.P.A.

EVANS & CO. (GLAZIERS) Ltd., 128A OLDBURY RoAD, SMETHWICK, STAFFS. T.N., SMEthwick 0352. Established 1868. One gas kiln.
Stained glass windows; leaded lights; patent glazing.
Managing Director and Secretary: K. Underhill.

EVERETT (S. & R. J.) & CO. LTD., 939/45 LONDON ROAD, THORNTON HEATH, SURREY. T.A., "Hypodermic, Croydon". T.N., THOrnton Heath 3252/4 (3 lines). Established 1936.
Hypodermic syringes and surgical needles.
Directors: S. J. Everett; F. C. Everett; R. H. Everett; J. B. Allen; J. L. Orr.

Stained glass windows.

See Also


Sources of Information