1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users U

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
UNICAM INSTRUMENTS (CAMBRIDGE) LTD., ARBURY WORKS, CAMBRIDGE. T.A., "Unicam, Cambridge". T.N., Cambridge 55227. Established 1934.
Ultra-violet, visible and infra-red spectrophotometers; colorimeters; crystallographic instruments.
Trade Name: Unicam.
Managing Director: S. W. J. Stubbens.
UNITED KINGDOM OPTICAL CO. LTD., BITTACY HILL, MILL HILL, LONDON, N.W.7. T.A., "Ukoptik, Norphone, London". T.N., FINchley 2660 (P.B.X.). London Office: 154 CLERKENWELL ROAD, E.C.1. T.A., "Ukoptic, Smith, London". T.N., TERminus 2613/4. Established 1919.
Lenses, mirrors, prisms for optical instruments and systems; ophthalmic lenses; bifocal lenses; graticules; magnifiers; blooming (soft).
Trade Names: Wydervis; Univis; Supervis; Bicentic; Perflex; Twofo.
Joint Managing Directors: J. A. Moore; E. C. Sherren.
Secretary: S. Stevenson.
See also Section C.
UNIVERSAL GLASS CO., 13 ARCADIA STREET, GLASGOW, S.E. T.N., BRidgeton 0539. Established 1935.
Manufacturers of constructional glass products; processers of glass; wall panelling.
Partners: H. Gourley; H. C. Gourley; D. Brotchie.
See Also
Sources of Information