1957 British Industries Fair: Companies I
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1957 British Industries Fair
Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- I.G.E. (Automation Division), Ltd. Stand D,403 42, Court Road, Birmingham, 12. Teleph.: Calthorpe 2931.- " Masterotor " Patent Control Systems. Magnetic Clutches and Brakes. " Saffail " Patent Pneumatic Valve. Electronic Protection for Press Tools. Quick Stopping Device for A.C. Motors. Electrical Control Circuits and Panels.
- I.T.D., Ltd. Stand D,641 and 540 95/99, Ladbroke Grove, London, W.11. Teleph.: Park 8070. Tel. Add. . " Indusdev, Nattarch, London."-" Stacatruc " Battery Electric Fork Lift Truck and " Portapal " Pallet Transporter-part of the Stacatruc range of Mobile Materials Handling Equipment.
- "Ice Cream Industry, The." Stand A,427 Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. Fleet Street 3212. Tel. Add.: " Hardwaria, Fleet, London."-(Benn Brothers, Ltd., Publishers).-The leading Trade Journal and only independent one devoted to the interests of the Ice Cream Manufacturer and Trader. Established 1926. Free Technical advice is available to subscribers through a Service Bureau. Published monthly. Annual subscription Home 12s. 6d. and Overseas 20s., including Year Book.
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited, Metals Division. Stand D,413 and 312 (Tel.: Fair 81 and 82) Kynoch Works, \Vitton, Birmingham, 6. Teleph.: Birchtiekls 4848. Tel. Add.: " Icimetal, Telex, Birmingham."-Copper, Brass, Aluminium, Titanium Sheet, Strip, Extrusions, Tube, Plate, Wire. " Kunifer " and " Alumbro " Condenser Tubes. " Kuterlon " Copper Tubing and I.C.I. Tube Fittings, including " Instantor," " Kuterlite " and " Intex P.T.". " Kvnal " Profiled Sheet, " Kynal " Roll-Welded Heat Transfer Sheet. Products for General Engineering, Building, Transport, Electrical, Petroleum and Sugar Industries and Nuclear Power Plant. See special notice, page 343.
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited, Plastics Division. Stand D,512 (Tel.: Fair 29 and 707.) Black Fan Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Teleph. Welwyn Garden 3400. Tel. Add.: " Iciplast, Telex, Welwyn Garden."-" Butakon " and " Melinex " will be featured on the I.C.I. Plastics Division Stand. Displays of Articles made from " Fluon ", " Corvic ", " Darvic ", " Maranyl ", " Diakon ", " Mouldrite " Powders, " Perspex " and " Alkathene " will also be included.
- Impregnated Diamond Products, Ltd. Stand C,413 and 312 Tuff-ley Crescent, Gloucester. Teleph. Gloucester 21164. Tel. Add.: " Impreg, Gloucester."-A wide range of Metal Bonded Diamond Impregnated Tools for Cutting, Grinding and Drilling Tungsten Carbide, Glass, Stone, Ceramics and similar hard materials, also Carbon, Tetra Boride. Long Life Shot Blast Nozzles.
- "Indent Gazette." Stand A,427 Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph.: Fleet Street 3212. Tel. Add. " Benbrolish, Fleet, London."-(Benn Brothers Limited, Publishers).-Since 1895 The Indent Gazette has placed before Manufacturers each week, details of Export Enquiries and orders for goods received from Merchant Buyers. A first-class medium for advertising to Buyers in the Merchant field. Subscription including the Indent Gazette Key Book, Home and Overseas, 3 3s. Od.
- "Industria Britanica." Stand A,427 Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph.: Fleet Street 3212. Tel. Add.: " Benbrolish, Fleet, London."-(Benn Brothers, Ltd., Publishers.)-Founded with the support of the Federation of British Industries, " Industria Britanica " is published monthly in Spanish with a separate Portugese Edition, published quarterly, circulating extensively in Central and South America, Spain, Portugal and the Portuguese Colonies. Annual subscription for Spanish Edition 25/-, for Portuguese Edition 8'-.
- Industrial Gifts, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 72) Stand D,108 74.s, Regent Street, London, W.1. Teleph.: REGent 4708.-Manufacturers and Distributors of Personal and Business Advertising Gifts. Novelties and Hand-outs. Catalogue Covers, Loose Leaf Binders and Display Stands.
- Industrial Guarding Equipment, Ltd. Stand D,302 42, Court Road, Birmingham, 12. Teleph. Calthorpe 2931.-Superlock Guard for Power Presses. " Pneumaster " Electro Pneumatic Guard for Press Brakes. " Controlock " Guard for Air and Hydraulic Presses. Pneumatic Press Tripping Units. Industrial Accident Prevention and Production Equipment.
- Ionic Plating Company, Limited. Stand B,629 and 526 Ionic Works, Grove Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. SMEthwick 1876. Tel. Add. " Ionic, Birmingham."-Ionex Zinc, Bright-zinc, Cadmium, Bright-cadmium, Bright-nickel, Phosphate, Bright Nickel and Chrome, Dull-nickel, Tin, Barrel Chrome, Electro-forming, Silver, Gold, Rhodium, Indium, Copper, Heavy Nickel, Hard Chronic.
- IPCO Instruments. Stand C,734 66, Gooch Street, Birmingham, 5. Telepli.: Midland 3511. Tel. Add. " Ipcometer."-Pyrometers and Associated Equipment including Indicating, Recording and Controlling Types. Thermocouples and Compensating Cables of various types. Pressure Switches, Water Column Gauges, Low Pressure Air and Gas Valves. Industrial Thermometers.
- Ireland, John (Wolverhampton), Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 557) Stand B,229a Bilston Street, Wolverhampton. Teleph.: Wolverhampton 22134.- Pressure Die Castings in Zinc Base and Alum Alloys. Special emphasis on Pressure Castings for Colour Anodizing.
- "Ironmonger, The." Stand A,616 28, Essex Street, London, W.C.2. Teleph.: Central 6565. Tel. Add. " Ironmonger, Estrand, London."-For over 90 years the trade newspaper of the hardware and allied industries. Published weekly, 2 Os. Od. a year, including (annually) " The Ironmonger " Diary and Hardware Buyers' Guide, and " The Ironmonger " Directory of Branded Hardware.
- Izons and Co., Limited. Stand A,520 Albion Works, West Bromwich. Teleph.: West Bromwich 0143. Tel. Add.: " Izons, West Bromwich."-Cast Iron Holloware, Tinned, Barffed and Enamelled. Stamped Steel Holloware. Grates and Fronts. Grave Vases. Glue Pots. Lead Melting Pots. Grey Iron Castings for the Electrical and General Engineering Trades.
See Also
Sources of Information