1957 British Industries Fair: Companies R
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1957 British Industries Fair
Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- R.G.S. Automobile Components, Ltd. Brookside Garage, Winkfield, Nr. Windsor, Berks. Teleph. S:taVIVIn101311 Row 91.-Type 101 Abrasive Cut Off Machine.
- R. M. Manufacturing and Engineering Co., Ltd. Stand B,511. Lion Works, Stanhope Street, Birmingham, 12. Teleph.: VICtoria 2303. Tel. Add.: " Spinning, Birmingham."-Blow Lamps. Brazing Lamps. Stoves, Oil Heating, Boiling and Cooking. Wickless Stoves.
- Rabone, John and Sons, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 234) Stand B,420. Hockley Abbey Works, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. NORthern 2112. Tel. Add.: " Abbey, Birmingham."-Rules, Measuring Tapes, Spirit Levels, Squares.
- Rainham Timber Engineering Co., Ltd. Stand Outdoor 1305 and 1204. (Tel.: Fair 145). Ferry Lane, Rainham, Essex. Teleph. Rainham Essex 3311. Tel. Add.: " Phoenix, Rainham, Essex."-Bowstring Trusses, Beams and other Components in Glued Laminated Timber Construction. Folding " Rainham " Trusses and other bolted and connectored Components. " Essex " Barn in Glued Laminated Timber Construction.
- Rainsford and Lynes, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 263) Stand B,604 Emily Street, Birmingham, 12. Teleph.: Calthorpe 1162. Tel. Add.: " Lynes, Birmingham."-Examples of Precision Components in Nonferrous Metals for all Branches of the Engineering Trades. Gas Cocks, Water Fittings, Electrical Accessories, complete suites of Fittings for Gas Cooker Manufacturers, and Refrigerators.
- Ransomes Sims and Jefferies, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 53) Stand A,502 Orwell Works, Ipswich, Suffolk. Teleph.: Ipswich 2201. Tel. Add.: " Ransomes 27-2708 Ipswich, Telex."-Hand, Motor and Electric Lawn Mowers and Gang Mowers for Cutting Private Lawns, Bowling Greens, Golf Courses, Parks, Grass Road Verges and Aerodromes, both for Home and Export Markets. See special notice, pages 228 and 229
- Ransomes Sims & Jefferies, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 243) Stand B,723 and 634 Orwell Works, Ipswich, Suffolk. Teleph.: Ipswich 2201. Tel. Add. " Ransomes 27-2708, Ipswich, Telex."-Ransomes Forklift and Platform Industrial Trucks. Ransomes ITW and ITC Tractors for Industrial Use. See special notice, pages 228 and 229
- Rapid Magnetic Machines, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 205) Stand C,421. Lombard Street, Birmingham, 12. Teleph.: Victoria 1137. Tel. Add.: " Magnetism, Birmingham."-Permanent and Electro Magnetic Swarf and Scrap Separators. Drum and Pulley Separators. Chute and Plate Magnets. Overband Extractors. Coolant Separators. Electro Magnetic Lifting and Suspension Magnets. Percolators. Clutches and Brakes.
- Rapid Metal Developments, Limited. (Tel. Fair 611) Stand Outdoor 1324 209, Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, 22b. Teleph.: BlRchfields 6021.-Rapid Metal Formwork. Steel Shuttering for all Concrete Structures, including Straight and Curved Walls, Roofs, Sea Walls, Dams, etc. Adjustable Floor Centres, Props and Trench Struts, Roadforms, Shutter Spacing Ties.
- Rawlplug Company, Ltd., The. (Tel.: Fair 40) Stand C,725 and 626 Rawlplug House, Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. Teleph.: Fremantle 8111. Tel. Add.: " Rawlplug, Southkens, London."--Rawlplug devices to solve every Fixing Problem. Rawlplug Tools for Boring Holes in any material. Rawlplug Products (Durofix, Plastic Wood, Duroglue Tile Cement, Plastic Metal, etc.). For Industrial and Domestic Purposes.
- Raymond Engineering Co., Ltd. Stand A,327 and 226 Agard Street, Derby. Teleph.: Derby 42555.-Narrow Fabric Looms, Allied Machinery and Components. Calenders, Warpers, Sizers, Reelers, Scrapers. Shuttles, Battens, Bobbins, Beams, Quills, Rollers. Tool Handles, Stillages. All types of Woodware and Woodturnery.
- Regal Accessories (Birmingham) Limited. (Tel. Fair 574) Stand A,623 Aston Cross, Birmingham, 6 and Airport Works, Hurn Airport, Christchurch, Hants. Teleph.: Aston Cross 1217 and Christchurch 2400.- Portable Folding Chairs. Heaters-Paraffin burning, Hanging type and Floor model. Tables, portable. Pull Handles. Wheel Trims. Motor Accessories.
- Regent Overall Services, Limited. Stand D,131 350, Bearwood Road, Sinethwick, Birmingham, 41. Teleph. Bearwood 2860.-Examples of Monogram Overall Hire Service.
- Renu Plating Company, Limited. Stand C,613 and 512 One of the DOHM Group of Companies. 27/31, Upper Ground, Blackfriars Bridge, London, S.E.1. Teleph.: WATerloo 4565.-Silk Screen Printing, Stove enamelling by Infra Red and Convection, Anodising and Plating Processes. Largest Surface Treatment Group in South of England. Ministry and Commercial Specifications.
- Richards, Charles and Sons, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 672) Stand D,628 Imperial Bolt and Not Works, Darlaston. Teleph.: James Bridge 3188. Tel. Add.: " Richards, Darlaston."-Black and Bright Bolts and Nuts, Telegraph Ironwork, Railway Fastenings, Rivets, Hitensile Bolts, Staffordshire Knot Brand Carriage Bolts and Nuts, Burston Adjustable Cam Spanners, Bright Drawn Steel, Bright Repetition Work.
- Richards and King (Gt. Britain), Ltd. Stand B,402 35, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, E.15. Teleph.: Maryland 5181. Tel. Add.: " Kingrich, London."-" Leo " Oil Burning Space Heaters. For Room Heating, Keroglow and New Heater of Advanced Design. For Industrial Use, Leostat, Leomatic and Aqualeo. Heaters demonstrated in actual use.
- Richardson, William and John. Stand D,735 Eagle Leather Works, Sinfin Lane, Derby. Teleph.: Derby 43483/4. Tel. Add.: " Hides, Derby."-Manufacturers of Leather Belting for all purposes, including Harness, Saddlery, Hydraulic Hose Bellows, Case Modelling, Flexible Bends, Chrome and Vegetable Tanned Belting, also Ram, Hat and Cup Hydraulic Leathers.
- Rigby, John and Sons, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 344) Stand D,607 and 506 Park House Wire Mill, Low Moor, Bradford, Yorkshire. Teleph.: LOW Moor 161 (5 lines). Tel. Add.: " Wire, Lose Moor."-Wire-Bright, Annealed, Coppered, Tinned, Galvanized-coils or straight lengths. Bright Freecutting up to /" dia. Precision drawn section. Metal sinterings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Copper and Nickel Silver. Self Lubricating Bearings and Bushes.
- Rigby, John and Sons, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 344) Stand D,607 and 506 Rawfolds Wire Mills, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire. Teleph. Cleckheaton 470/1. Tel. Add.: " Rawfolds, Cleckheaton."-Precision Drawn Pinion Rod and Special Sections in Steel, Brass, Nickel-Silver. Precision Ground Bars up to dia. Metal Sinterings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Nickel- Silver. Oil impregnated Bearings and Bushes.
- Ring Springs, Ltd. Stand D,433 Netherton Iron Works, Dudley, Worcs. Teleph.: DUDley 3101-6. Tel. Add.: " Ringspring, Dudley."-Ring Springs Examples being a Column of Rings with Conical Surfaces Sliding together under Load Absorbing Shock with Steady Release. For Shock Absorption the Ring Spring excels. See Working Model.
- Rippingilles, Limited. Stand A,332 38-40, Aston Road North, Birmingham, 6. Teleph.: ASTon Cross 3281-2. Tel. Add.: " Sunrise, Birmingham."-Oil Stoves for Cooking, Boiling and Heating, Greenhouse Stoves, Gas Fires and General Sheet Metal Work.
- Robinson Partners (London), Ltd. Stand C,226 Westfield Works, Charles Street, London, S.W.13. Teleph.: Prospect 1037 and 9404.-Coin Operated Kiddies Rides, a range of reliable rides of practical design and size. Coin Operated Recording Studio for folks to hear their own voice. Special purpose hand Trucks.
- Rocano Sales Company. Stand Outdoor 1305 and 1204 79/85, Davies Street, London, W.1. Teleph.: Mayfair 5564.-Slotted Angles including T-section (patented) in various applications for Industrial and Shopfitting Uses.
- Rollason Wire Company, Limited, The. Stand D,416 Bromford Mills, Erdington, Birmingham, 24. Teleph. East 1345. Tel. Add.: " Rollason, Birmingham."-High Strain Steel Wire in various finishes for the Aircraft, Motor, Cycle and Engineering Industries. Spring Wire, Music Wire, Rope Wire, Bedding and Seating Wire, Saddle Wire, Concrete Re-inforcement Wire.
- Rolls Royce, Limited. Stand A,327 and 226 Nightingale Road, Derby. Teleph.: Derby 42424. Tel. Add. " Roycar, Derby."-Rolls-Royce Dart Propeller Turbine Aero Engine. Two-stage Centrifugal Compressor, Two-stage Turbine, Max. Power 1,600 B.H.P. +370 lb. Thrust. Four Dart Engines power the Vickers Viscount Airliner.
- Rolsan Engineering, Ltd. (Tel.: Fair 471) Stand D,332 82, Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, 29. Teleph.: SELly Oak 2519.-Semi-continuous Casting Machine for all Non-ferrous Metals. Billets, Rolling Slabs, Venetian Car Blinds. New Patented Reflector or Pedal Reflector for Cycles. Pressings and Sheet Metal Assemblies.
- Rotaprint, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 548) Stand C,212 Honeypot Lane, London, N.W.9. Teleph.: COLindale 8822. Tel. Add.: " Rotaprint, Norphone, London."-Small Offset Printing Machines used by Business, Industry and Printers throughout the world. Incorporating Patented Rotafount Damping, all three models are simple to operate and produce finest quality printed matter.
- Rotary Brush Wheels, Ltd. Stand A,426 Archdale Works, St. John's Road, New Malden, Surrey. Teleph. Malden 2242 (3 lines). Tel. Add.: " Milscrubs, New Malden."-Fibre Polishing Wheels, Steel and Brass Wire Rotary Brushes. Platers' and Jewellers' Scratch and Polishing Brushes. Calico Mops, Industrial Wire Brushes of every description.
- Rotherham and Sons, Ltd. Stand D,624 Spon Street, Coventry. Teleph. Coventry 64154. Tel. Add.: " Rotherhams, Coventry."-Taps, Lubricators, Unions, Elbows, Pumps, Tank Gauges, Repetition Parts, Recording Clocks, Domestic and Travelling Clocks. Recorders, Time Delays, Process Timers. Escapements, Pressure Gauge Movements, Thickness Gauges, Gear Trains, Instrument Components.
- Rothschild, N. M. and Sons (Royal Mint Refinery). Stand D,330. (Tel. Fair 527). 19, Royal Mint Street, London, E.1. Teleph.: ROYal 7061. Tel. Add. " Rothschild, London."-Electro Deposited Copper Foil, Copper and Brass Foil, Copper Gilding Metal Strip, Gold Silver and Nickel Plated Wire and Strip. Silver Solders Precious Metal for Industrial purposes. Metal Printing Screens.
- Rozalex, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 3681 Stand D,706 10, Norfolk Street, Manchester, 2. Teleph.: BLAckfriars 1122/4. Tel. Add.: " Blackfriars 1122/4."-Rozalex Limited offer a complete service for combating occupational Skin Diseases and for keeping the hands clean and healthy. Their technical resources are freely at the disposal of all. See special notice, page 370
- Rubber By-Products (Warwickshire), Ltd. Stand Outdoor 1313 and 1212 (Tel.: Fair 118). 86, Holloway Head, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. MIDland 3475.-Axles, Wheels and Tyres for Agricultural Trailers, Implements, Industrial Trailers and Heavy Equipment, Light and Heavy Types. Trailer Screw Jacks, Tipping Gear Screw and Hydraulic. Hand Brake Levers, etc.
- Ruberoid Co., Ltd., The. (Tel. Fair 469) Stand B,423. Commonwealth House, 1-19, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.1. Teleph.: Holborn 9501. Tel. Add. " Ruberoid, Phone, London."-On the Ruberoid Stand can be seen a comprehensive display of products and specifications supporting the claim that all Roofing and Weatherproofing requirements can be successfully met.
- Robert and Co., Ltd. Stand C,413 and 312 Chapel Street, Levenshulme, Manchester, 19. Teleph. RliSholme 4613. Tel. Add.: " Rubegage, Manchester 19 "-Surface Roughness Comparator Standards, sets and single specimens. Feeler Gauges, Lapping Plates, Surface Plates, Engineers' Parallels, Dial Indicator Stands, Vee Blocks, Clamps, Precision Gauges, Squares, Precision Tools, Angle Plates, Vices.
- Rubery Owen and Co. Ltd. Stand D,717 and 616 Darlaston, S. Staffs. Teleph.: James Bridge 3131. Tel. Add.: " Rube, owen, Darlaston."-Steel Pallets for Material Handling. Steel Storage Equipment. Steel Lockers. Bolts and Nuts. Repetition Parts. Presswork, Trailer Axles and Wheels. " Hallsworth " Automatic Moulding Plant, Gas Cylinders. Stud Bolts. Aircraft Accessories, Press Guards.
- Rubery Owen Kepston, Ltd. Stand D,717 and 616 Darlaston, S. Staffs. Teleph.: James Bridge 3131. Tel. Add.: " Rube, owen, Darlaston."-" Rokvee " " V " Belt Pulleys for power transmission. Manufacture in sizes, 1" to 12" with one to six grooves as required.
- Russell Auto. Feed Screwdrivers, Limited. (Tel.: Fair 493) Stand C,215. Studley, Redditch. Teleph.: Redditch 74. Tel. Add.: " Inventors, Redditch.-Auto-Feed Screwdriving Machine, Attachments and appropriate Motorised Bench Stands.
- Russell Newbery and Co., Limited. Stand D,528. Essex Works, Dagenham, Essex. Teleph. Dominion 4545/55. Tel. Add.: "Diesel, Dagenham."- On display is an Engine of "DM" range developing 18/48 B.H.P., suitable for Workboats and Fishing Vessels. Also displayed is the "Husky" Industrial Engine developing 5/8 B.H.P. at 1,060/1,500 R.P.M.
- Russell, R. and Sons. Stand B,228 Triplex Foundry, Upper Church Lane, Tipton, Staffs. Teleph.: Tipton 1293. Tel. Add.: " Triplex, Tipton."-" Dainty Queen " Gas Cooker in Vitreous Enamel finish, for small kitchens and flats and where space is limited. Automatic Heat Regulator to Oven. Available for town or bottled gas.
- Rustless Curtain Rod Co., Ltd., The. (Tel. Fair 33) Stand A,305 New Lane Mills, Cleckheaton. Teleph. Cleckheaton 528. Tel. Add.: "Rustless, Cleckheaton."-Curtain Rods. Pot Scourers in Nylon and Copper. Screw Hooks and Eyes. Springs. Filter Fabric in Nylon or Metal. Plastics Extrusions. Wire Goods.
See Also
Sources of Information