Adam Miller (1828-1901)

c.1828 Born in Scotland
1840-47 Apprentice with Messrs Shanks of Abroath, then with James Miller of Edinburgh
1849-63 Chief engineer in steamers
1851 Adam Millar 25, engine fitter, lived in South Leith with Deans Millar 25, Janet Millar 5, Christena Millar 3, Adam Millar 2, Henry Millar 4 Months[1]
1863-70 Engineer superintendent to James and Alexander Allan of Glasgow
1870-76 Superintendent of Messrs Donald Currie and Co of London, superintended the building of their first steamer.
1877 Consulting engineer
1881 Adam Miller 54, consulting engineer, lived in Hendon with Deans Miller 56, Janet Miller 35[2]
1889 Became a Member of the I Mech E[3]
1891 Adam Miller 63, consulting mechanical engineer, lived in Hampstead with Deans Miller 66[4]
1901 Died in London (born 1826)[5]